% FAST-BINDER.RED - Fast binding and unbinding routines in LAP for Dec-20 PSL
% Author: Eric Benson
% Symbolic Computation Group
% Computer Science Dept.
% University of Utah
% Date: 12 July 1981
% Copyright (c) 1981 University of Utah
% 25-May-1983 Mark R. Swanson
% Changed FastBind to zero out left half of a symbol table index (for extended
% addressing 20).
on SysLisp;
external WVar BndStkPtr, % The binding stack pointer
BndStkLowerBound, % Bottom of the binding stack
BndStkUpperBound; % Top of the binding stack
% TAG( FastBind )
lap '((!*Entry FastBind expr 0) % Bind IDs to values in registers
% FastBind is called with JSP T5, followed by
% regnum,,idnum
% ...
(!*MOVE (WVar BndStkPtr) (reg t2)) % load binding stack pointer
(!*MOVE (Indexed (reg t5) (WConst 0)) (reg t1)) % get next entry
(tlnn (reg t1) 8#777000) % if it's not an instruction
(!*JUMP (Label MoreLeft)) % keep binding
(!*MOVE (reg t2) (WVar BndStkPtr)) % Otherwise store bind stack pointer
(!*JUMP (MEMORY (reg t5) (WConst 0))) % and return
(!*WPLUS2 (reg t2) (WConst 2)) % add 2 to binding stack pointer
(caml (reg t2) (WVar BndStkUpperBound)) % if overflow occured
(!*JCALL BStackOverflow) % then error
(hlrz (reg t3) (reg t1)) % stick register number in t3
(caile (reg t3) (WConst MaxRealRegs)) % is it a real register?
(!*WPLUS2 (reg t3) % no, move to arg block
(WConst (difference (WArray ArgumentBlock)
(plus (WConst MaxRealRegs) 1))))
(hrrzm (reg t1) (Indexed (reg t2) (WConst -1)))
% store ID number in BndStk
(hrrz (reg t1) (reg t1)) % zero out left half of reg t1 for
% extended memory
(!*MOVE (MEMORY (reg t1) (WConst SymVal)) (reg t4))
% get old value for ID in t4
(!*MOVE (reg t4) (MEMORY (reg t2) (WConst 0))) % store value in BndStk
(!*MOVE (MEMORY (reg t3) (WConst 0)) (reg t3)) % get reg value in t3
(!*MOVE (reg t3) (MEMORY (reg t1) (WConst SymVal)))
% store in ID value cell
(aoja (reg t5) Loop) % try again
% TAG( FastUnBind )
lap '((!*Entry FastUnBind expr 0) % Unbind last N entries in bind stack
% FastUnBind is called with JSP T5, followed by word containing count to
% unbind.
(!*MOVE (WVar BndStkPtr) (reg t1)) % get binding stack pointer in t1
(!*MOVE (MEMORY (reg t5) (WConst 0)) (reg t2)) % count in t2
(!*JUMPWGREATERP (Label MoreLeft) (reg t2) (WConst 0))
% continue if count is > zero
(!*MOVE (reg t1) (WVar BndStkPtr)) % otherwise store bind stack pointer
(!*JUMP (MEMORY (reg t5) (WConst 1))) % and return
(camge (reg t1) (WVar BndStkLowerBound)) % check for underflow
(!*JCALL BStackUnderflow)
(dmove (reg t3) (Indexed (reg t1) -1)) % get ID # in t3, value in t4
(!*MOVE (reg t4) (MEMORY (reg t3) (WConst SymVal)))
% restore to value cell
(!*WDIFFERENCE (reg t1) (WConst 2)) % adjust binding stack pointer -2
(soja (reg t2) Loop) % and count down by 1, then try again
off SysLisp;