<b><a href=r37_idx.html>INDEX</a></b><p><p>
<B>RETRY</B> _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ <B>command</B><P>
The <em>retry</em> command allows you to retry the latest statement that resulte
in an error message.
<P> <H3>
examples: </H3>
matrix a;
det a;
***** Matrix A not set
a := mat((1,2),(3,4));
A(1,1) := 1
A(1,2) := 2
A(2,1) := 3
A(2,2) := 4
</TT></PRE><P><em>retry</em>remembers only the most recent statement that result
ed in an
error message. It allows you to stop and fix something obvious, then
continue on your way without retyping the original command.