<b><a href=r37_idx.html>INDEX</a></b><p><p>
<B>APPEND</B> _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ <B>operator</B><P>
The <em>append</em> operator constructs a new
<A HREF=r37_0053.html>list</A>
from the elements of its two arguments (which must be lists).
<P> <H3>
syntax: </H3>
<list> must be a list, though it may be the empty list (<em>{}</em>).
Any arguments beyond the first two are ignored.
<P> <H3>
examples: </H3>
alist := {1,2,{a,b}};
ALIST := {1,2,{A,B}}
blist := {3,4,5,sin(y)};
BLIST := {3,4,5,SIN(Y)}
append(list z,blist);
</TT></PRE><P>The new list consists of the elements of the second list appended
to the
elements of the first list. You can <em>append</em> new elements to the
beginning or end of an existing list by putting the new element in a
list (use curly braces or the operator <em>list</em>). This is
particularly helpful in an iterative loop.