module hdiff;
%% Harmonic differentiation and Integration.
symbolic procedure hdiff(x, u);
if null x then nil
else fs!:plus(hdiff(fs!:next x,u), hdiffterm(x,u));
symbolic procedure hdiffterm(x, u);
begin scalar n;
n := getv!.unsafe(fs!:angle x, u);
if n = 0 then return nil;
n := multsq( n . 1, fs!:coeff x);
if fs!:fn x = 'cos then return make!-term('sin, fs!:angle x, negsq n)
else return make!-term('cos, fs!:angle x, n)
symbolic procedure hdiff1(x, u);
if null x then nil
else begin scalar ans, aaa;
ans := diffsq(fs!:coeff x, u);
if ans then <<
aaa := mkvect 3;
fs!:set!-coeff(aaa, ans);
fs!:set!-fn(aaa, fs!:fn x);
fs!:set!-angle(aaa,fs!:angle x);
fs!:set!-next(aaa, hdiff1(fs!:next x, u));
return aaa >>
else return hdiff1(fs!:next x, u)
symbolic procedure simphdiff uu;
begin scalar x, u;
if not (length uu = 2) then
rerror(fourier, 10, "Improper number of arguments to HDIFF");
x := car uu; uu := cdr uu;
u := car uu;
x := simp x;
if not eqcar(car x, '!:fs!:) then x := !*sq2fourier x ./ 1;
if not harmonicp u then
return (get('fourier, 'tag) . hdiff1(cdar x, u)) ./ 1;
x := hdiff(cdar x,get(u,'fourier!-angle));
if null x then return nil ./ 1;
return (get('fourier, 'tag) . x) ./ 1
put('hdiff, 'simpfn, 'simphdiff);
symbolic procedure hint(x, u);
if null x then nil
%% Bind fs!:zero!-generated ??
else fs!:plus(hint(fs!:next x,u), hintterm(x,u));
symbolic procedure hintterm(x, u);
begin scalar n;
n := getv!.unsafe(fs!:angle x, u);
if n = 0 then return make!-term(fs!:fn x, fs!:angle x, fs!:coeff x);
n := multsq( 1 ./ n, fs!:coeff x);
if fs!:fn x = 'cos then return make!-term('sin, fs!:angle x, n)
else return make!-term('cos, fs!:angle x, negsq n)
symbolic procedure hint1(x , u);
if null x then nil
else begin scalar aaa;
aaa := mkvect 3;
fs!:set!-coeff(aaa, simpint list(prepsq fs!:coeff x, u));
fs!:set!-fn(aaa, fs!:fn x);
fs!:set!-angle(aaa,fs!:angle x);
fs!:set!-next(aaa, hint1(fs!:next x, u));
return aaa
symbolic procedure simphint uu;
begin scalar x, u;
if not (length uu = 2) then
rerror(fourier, 11, "Improper number of arguments to HINT");
x := car uu; uu := cdr uu;
u := car uu;
x := simp x;
if not eqcar(car x, '!:fs!:) then x := !*sq2fourier x ./ 1;
if not harmonicp u then
return (get('fourier, 'tag) . hint1(cdar x, u)) ./ 1;
x := hint(cdar x,get(u,'fourier!-angle));
if null x then return nil ./ 1;
return (get('fourier, 'tag) . x) ./ 1
put('hint, 'simpfn, 'simphint);
initdmode 'fourier;