% BIND-MACROS.SL - convenient macros for binding variables
% Author: Don Morrison
% Symbolic Computation Group
% Computer Science Dept.
% University of Utah
% Date: Wednesday, 12 May 1982
% Copyright (c) 1981 University of Utah
% <PSL.UTIL>BIND-MACROS.SL.2, 18-Oct-82 14:31:17, Edit by BENSON
% Reversed vars and vals after collecting them in LET, so that the order
% of things in the LAMBDA is the same as the LET. Not necessary,
% but it makes it easier to follow macroexpanded things.
(defmacro prog1 (first . body)
(if (null body)
`((lambda (***PROG1-VAR***) ,@body ***PROG1-VAR***) ,first)))
(defmacro let (specs . body)
(if (null specs)
((null body) nil)
((and (pairp body) (null (cdr body))) (car body))
(t `(progn ,@body)))
(prog (vars vals)
(foreach U in specs do
(cond ((atom U)
(setq vars (cons U vars))
(setq vals (cons nil vals)))
(setq vars (cons (car U) vars))
(setq vals (cons (and (cdr U) (cadr U)) vals)))))
(return `((lambda ,(reversip vars) ,@body ) ,@(reversip vals))))))
(defmacro let* (specs . body)
(if (null specs)
((null body) nil)
((and (pairp body) (null (cdr body))) (car body))
(t `(progn ,@body)))
(let*1 specs body)))
(de let*1 (specs body)
(let ((s (car specs))(specs (cdr specs)))
`((lambda (,(if (atom s) s (car s)))
,@(if specs (list (let*1 specs body)) body))
,(if (and (pairp s) (cdr s)) (cadr s) nil))))