File psl-1983/help/objects.hlp artifact c991a39bb1 part of check-in d4a81580b4

                       The OBJECTS Module
                           Cris Perdue
                           Alan Snyder


The OBJECTS module provides simple support for object-oriented
programming in PSL.  It is based on the "flavors" facility of the
LISP machine, which is the source of its terminology.  The LISP
Machine Manual contains a much longer introduction to the idea of
object oriented programming, generic operations, and the flavors
facility in particular.  This discussion goes over the basics of
using flavored objects once briefly to give you an idea of what
is involved, then goes into details.

A datatype is known as a flavor (don't ask).  The definition of a
flavor can be thought of in two parts: the DEFFLAVOR form
("flavor definition"), plus a set of DEFMETHOD forms ("method
definitions") for operating on objects of that flavor.

With the objects package the programmer completely controls what
operations are to be done on objects of each flavor, so this is a
true object-oriented programming facility.  Also, all operations
on flavored objects are automatically "generic" operations.  This
means that any programs you write that USE flavored objects have
an extra degree of built-in generality.

What does it mean to say that operations on flavored objects are
generic?  This means that the operations can be done on an object
of any flavor, just so long as the operations are defined for
that flavor of object.  The same operation can be defined for
many flavors, and whenever the operation is invoked, what is
actually done will depend on the flavor of the object it is being
done to.

We may wish to write a scanner that reads a sequence of
characters out of some object and processes them.  It does not
need to assume that the characters are coming from a file, or
even from an I/O channel.

Suppose the scanner gets a character by invoking the
GET-CHARACTER operation.  In this case any object of a flavor
with a GET-CHARACTER operation can be passed to the scanner, and
the GET-CHARACTER operation defined for that object's flavor will
be done to fetch the character.  This means that the scanner can
get characters from a string, or from a text editor's buffer, or
from any object at all that provides a GET-CHARACTER operation.
The scanner is automatically general.


A flavor definition looks like:

(defflavor flavor-name (var1 var2 ...) () option1 option2 ...)


(defflavor complex-number
   (imaginary-part 0.0))

A flavor definition specifies the fields, components, or in our
terminology, the "instance variables" that each object of that
flavor is to have.  The mention of the instance variable
imaginary-part indicated that by default the imaginary part of a
complex number will be initialized to 0.0. There is no default
initialization for the real-part.

Instance variables may be strictly part of the implementation of
a flavor, totally invisible to users.  Typically though, some of
the instance variables are directly visible in some way to the
user of the object.  The flavor definition may specify
"initable-instance-variables", "gettable-instance-variables", and
"settable-instance-variables".  None, some of, or all of the
instance variables may be specified in each option.


The function MAKE-INSTANCE provides a convenient way to create
objects of any flavor.  The flavor of the object to be created
and the initializations to be done are given as parameters in a
way that is fully independent of the internal representation of
the object.


The function "=>", whose name is intended to suggest the sending
of a message to an object, is usually used to invoke a method.


(=> my-object zap)
(=> thing1 set-location 2.0 3.4)

The first "argument" to => is the object being operated on:
my-object and thing1 in the examples.  The second "argument" is
the name of the method to be invoked: zap and set-location.  The
method name IS NOT EVALUATED.  Any further arguments become
arguments to the method.  (There is a function SEND which is just
like => except that the method name argument is evaluated just
like everything else.)

Once an object is created, all operations on it are performed by
"methods" defined for objects of its flavor.  The flavor
definition itself also defines some methods.  For each "gettable"
instance variable, a method of the same name is defined which
returns the current value of that instance variable.  For
"settable" instance variables a method named "set-<variable
name>" is defined.  Given a new value for the instance variable,
the method sets the instance variable to have that value.


Most LISPs and PSL in particular leave open the possibility for
the user to perform illicit operations on LISP objects.  Objects
defined by the objects package are represented as ordinary LISP
objects (vectors at present), so in a sense it is quite easy to
do illicit operations on them: just operate directly on its
representation (do vector operations).

On the other hand, there are major practical pitfalls in doing
this.  The representation of a flavor of objects is generated
automatically, and there is no guarantee that a particular flavor
definition will result in a particular representation of the
objects.  There is also no guarantee that the representation of a
flavor will remain the same over time.  It is likely that at some
point vectors will no longer even be used as the representation.

In addition, using the objects package is quite convenient, so
the temptation to operate on the underlying representation is
reduced.  For debugging, one can even define a couple of extra
methods "on the fly" if need be.
                      REFERENCE INFORMATION


recommended way of doing this is to put the expression:
(BothTimes (load objects)) at the beginning of your source file.
This will cause the package to be loaded at both compile and load

DEFFLAVOR - Define a new flavor of Object
The form is:

(defflavor <name> <instance-variables> <mixin-flavors> <options>)


(defflavor complex-number (real-part imaginary-part) ()

(defflavor complex-number ((real-part 0.0)
			   (imaginary-part 0.0)
   (settable-instance-variables real-part)

The <instance-variables> form a list.  Each member of the list is
either a symbol (id) or a list of 2 elements.  The 2-element list
form consists of a symbol and a default initialization form.

Note: Do not use names like "IF" or "WHILE" for instance
variables: they are translated freely within method bodies (see
DEFMETHOD).  The translation process is not very smart about
which occurrences of the symbol for an instance variable are
actually uses of the variable, though it does understand the
nature of QUOTE.

The <mixin-flavors> list must be empty.  In the LISP machine
flavors facility, this may be a list of names of other flavors.

Recognized options are:


 GETTABLE-INSTANCE-VARIABLES  [make all instance variables GETTABLE]
 SETTABLE-INSTANCE-VARIABLES  [make all instance variables SETTABLE]
 INITABLE-INSTANCE-VARIABLES  [make all instance variables INITABLE]

An empty list of variables is taken as meaning all variables
rather than none, so (GETTABLE-INSTANCE-VARIABLES) is equivalent

For each gettable instance variable a method of the same name is
generated to access the instance variable.  If instance variable
LOCATION is gettable, one can invoke (=> <object> LOCATION).

For each settable instance variable a method with the name
SET-<name> is generated.  If instance variable LOCATION is
settable, one can invoke (=> <object> SET-LOCATION <expression>).
Settable instance variables are always also gettable and initable
by implication.  If this feature is not desired, define a method
such as SET-LOCATION directly rather than declaring the instance
variable to be settable.

Initable instance variables may be initialized via options to

DEFMETHOD - Define a method on an existing flavor.
The form is:

(defmethod (<flavor-name> <method-name>) (<arg> <arg> . . . )
  . . .

The <flavor-name>, the <method-name>, and each <arg> are all
identifiers.  There may be zero or more <arg>s.


(defmethod (complex-number real-part) ()

(defmethod (complex-number set-real-part) (new-real-part)
  (setf real-part new-real-part))

The body of a method can refer to any instance variable of the
flavor by using the name just like an ordinary variable.  They
can set them using SETF.  All occurrences of instance variables
(except within vectors or quoted lists) are translated to an
invocation of the form (IGETV SELF n).

The body of a method can also freely use SELF much as though it
were another instance variable.  SELF is bound to the object that
the method applies to.  SELF may not be setq'ed or setf'ed.

Example using SELF:

(defmethod (toaster plug-into) (socket)
  (setf plugged-into socket)
  (=> socket assert-as-plugged-in self))

MAKE-INSTANCE - Create a new instance of a flavor.

(make-instance 'complex-number)
(make-instance 'complex-number 'real-part 0.0 'imaginary-part 1.0)

MAKE-INSTANCE takes as arguments a flavor name and an optional
sequence of initializations, consisting of alternating pairs of
instance variable names and corresponding initial values.  Note
that all the arguments are evaluated.

Initialization of a newly made object happens as follows:

Each instance variable with initialization specified in the call
to make-instance is initialized to the value given.  Any instance
variables not initialized in this way, but having default
initializations specified in the flavor definition are
initialized by the default initialization specified there.  All
other instance variables are initialized to the symbol *UNBOUND*.

If a method named INIT is defined for this flavor of object, that
method is invoked automatically after the initializations just
discussed.  The INIT method is passed as its one argument a list
of alternating variable names and initial values.  This list is
the result of evaluating the initializations given to
MAKE-INSTANCE.  For example, if we call:

(make-instance 'complex-number 'real-part (sin 30)
				'imaginary-part (cos 30))

then the argument to the INIT method (if any) would be

(real-part .5 imaginary-part .866).

The INIT method may do anything desired to set up the desired
initial state of the object.

At present, this value passed to the INIT method is of virtually
no use to the INIT method since the values have been stored into
the instance variables already.  In the future, though, the
objects package may be extended to permit keywords other than
names of instance variables to be in the initialization part of
calls to make-instance.  If this is done, INIT methods will be
able to use the information by scanning the argument.

This is the same as MAKE-INSTANCE, except that the initialization
list is provided as a single (required) argument.


(instantiate-flavor 'complex-number
		    (list 'real-part (sin 30) 'imaginary-part (cos 30)))
                      OPERATING ON OBJECTS

Operations on an object are done by the methods of the flavor of
the object.  We say that a method is invoked, or we may say that
a message is sent to the object.  The notation suggests the
sending of messages.  In this metaphor, the name of the method to
use is part of the message sent to the object, and the arguments
of the method are the rest of the message.  There are several
approaches to invoking a method:

=> - Convenient form for sending a message

(=> r real-part)

(=> r set-real-part 1.0)

The message name is not quoted.  Arguments to the method are
supplied as arguments to =>.  In these examples, r is the object,
real-part and set-real-part are the methods, and 1.0 is the
argument to the set-real-part method.

SEND - Send a Message (Evaluated Message Name)

(send r 'real-part)

(send r 'set-real-part 1.0)

The meanings of these two examples are the same as the meanings
of the previous two.  Only the syntax is different: the message
name is quoted.


SEND-IF-HANDLES - Conditionally Send a Message (Evaluated Message Name)

(send-if-handles r 'real-part)

(send-if-handles r 'set-real-part 1.0)

SEND-IF-HANDLES is like SEND, except that if the object defines no method
to handle the message, no error is reported and NIL is returned.

LEXPR-SEND - Send a Message (Explicit "Rest" Argument List)

(lexpr-send foo 'bar a b c list)

The last argument to LEXPR-SEND is a list of the remaining arguments.

This is the same as LEXPR-SEND, except that no error is reported
if the object fails to handle the message.

LEXPR-SEND-1 - Send a Message (Explicit Argument List)

(lexpr-send-1 r 'real-part nil)

(lexpr-send-1 r 'set-real-part (list 1.0))

Note that the message name is quoted and that the argument list
is passed as a single argument to LEXPR-SEND-1.

This is the same as LEXPR-SEND-1, except that no error is reported
if the object fails to handle the message.
                  USEFUL FUNCTION(s) ON OBJECTS


The OBJECT-TYPE function returns the type (an ID) of the
specified object, or NIL, if the argument is not an object.  At
present this function cannot be guaranteed to distinguish between
objects created by the OBJECTS package and other LISP entities,
but the only possible confusion is with vectors.
                      DEBUGGING INFORMATION

Any object may be displayed symbolically by invoking the method
DESCRIBE, e.g. (=> x describe).  This method prints the name of
each instance variable and its value, using the ordinary LISP
printing routines.  Flavored objects are liable to be complex and
nested deeply or even circular.  This makes it often a good idea
to set PRINLEVEL to a small integer before printing structures
containing objects to control the amount of output.

When printed by the standard LISP printing routines, "flavored
objects" appear as vectors whose zeroth element is the name of
the flavor.

For each method defined, there is a corresponding LISP function
named <flavor-name>$<method-name>.  Such function names show up
in backtrace printouts.

It is permissible to define new methods on the fly for debugging
                      DECLARE and UNDECLARE

*** Read these warnings carefully! ***

This facility can reduce the overhead of invoking methods on
particular variables, but it should be used sparingly.  It is not
well integrated with the rest of the language.  At some point a
proper declaration facility is expected and then it will be
possible to make declarations about objects, integers, vectors,
etc., all in a uniform and clean way.

The DECLARE macro allows you to declare that a specific symbol is
bound to an object of a specific flavor.  This allows the flavors
implementation to eliminate the run-time method lookup normally
associated with sending a message to that variable, which can
result in an appreciable improvement in execution speed.  This
feature is motivated solely by efficiency considerations and
should be used ONLY where the performance improvement is

Details: if you declare the variable X to be bound to an object
below), expressions of the form (=> X GORP ...)  or (SEND X 'GORP
...)  will be replaced by function invocations of the form
(FOO$GORP X ...).  Note that there is no check made that the
flavor FOO actually contains a method GORP.  If it does not, then
a run-time error "Invocation of undefined function FOO$GORP" will
be reported.

WARNING: The DECLARE feature is not presently well integrated
with the compiler.  Currently, the DECLARE macro may be used only
as a top-level form, like the PSL FLUID declaration.  It takes
effect for all code evaluated or compiled henceforth.  Thus, if
you should later compile a different file in the same compiler,
the declaration will still be in effect!  THIS IS A DANGEROUS
CROCK, SO BE CAREFUL!  To avoid problems, I recommend that
DECLARE be used only for uniquely-named variables.  The effect of
a DECLARE can be undone by an UNDECLARE, which also may be used
only as a top-level form.  Therefore, it is good practice to
bracket your code in the source file with a DECLARE and a
corresponding UNDECLARE.

Here are the syntactic details:


*** Did you read the above warnings??? ***

(You don't need to know any of this to use this stuff.)

A flavor-name is an ID.  It has the following properties:

VARIABLE-NAMES	A list of the instance variables of the flavor, in
			order of their location in the instance vector.
			This property exists at compile time, dskin time, and
			load time.

INITABLE-VARIABLES	A list of the instance variables that have been
			declared to be INITABLE.  This property exists at
			dskin time and at load time.

METHOD-TABLE		An association list mapping each method name (ID)
			defined for the flavor to the corresponding function
			name (ID) that implements the method.  This property
			exists at dskin time and at load time.

INSTANCE-VECTOR-SIZE	An integer that specifies the number of elements
			in the vector that represents an instance of this
			flavor.  This property exists at dskin time and at
			load time.  It is used by MAKE-INSTANCE.

The function that implements a method has a name of the form
FLAVOR$METHOD.  Each such function ID has the following properties:

SOURCE-CODE		A list of the form (LAMBDA (SELF ...) ...) which is
			the untransformed source code for the method.
			This property exists at compile time and dskin time.

Implementation Note:

A tricky aspect of the code that implements the objects package
is making sure that the right things happen at the right time.
When a source file is read and evaluated (using DSKIN), then
everything must happen at once.  However, when a source file is
compiled to produce a FASL file, then some actions must be
performed at compile-time, whereas other actions are supposed to
occur when the FASL file is loaded.  Actions to occur at compile
time are performed by macros; actions to occur at load time are
performed by the forms returned by macros.

Another goal of the implementation is to avoid consing whenever
possible during method invocation.  The current scheme prefers to
compile into (APPLY HANDLER (LIST args...)), for which the PSL
compiler will produce code that performs no consing.

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