module rungeku; % Numeric solution of ODE's with Runge-Kutta.
% Version 2: supporting ODE systems
% Author: H. Melenk, ZIB, Berlin
% Copyright (c): ZIB Berlin 1993, all rights resrved
fluid '(!*noequiv accuracy!*);
global '(iterations!* !*trnumeric);
put ('num_odesolve,'psopfn,'rungekuttaeval);
symbolic procedure rungekuttaeval u;
% interface function;
begin scalar e,f,x,y,sx,sy,en,d,v,w,q;
u := for each x in u collect reval x;
u := accuracycontrol(u,20,6);
% equations
e :=car u; u :=cdr u;
e := if eqcar(e,'list) then cdr e else {e};
% dependent variable
q :=car u; u :=cdr u;
q := if eqcar(q,'list) then cdr q else {q};
for each yy in q do
<<if not eqcar(yy,'equal) or not idp cadr yy
then typerr(yy,"expression `dep. variable=starting value'");
sy:=caddr; y := cadr yy.y;
sy:=reversip sy; y:=reversip y;
if length sy neq length e then
rederr "number of equations and variables don't correspond";
% independent variable
x :=car u; u :=cdr u;
if not eqcar(x,'equal) or not idp cadr x
or null (w:=revalnuminterval(caddr x,t))
then typerr(x,"expression `indep. variable=interval'");
sx:=car w; en:=cadr w; x := cadr x;
% convert expressions to explicit ODE system.
q := for each yy in y collect {'df,yy,x};
v:=cdr solveeval list('list. e, 'list . q);
if cdr v then
ruksyserr(nil,"cannot convert to explicit ODE system");
f := for each d in q collect rukufindrhs(d,v);
return rungekutta1(f,x,y,sx,en,sy);
symbolic procedure rukufindrhs(d,e);
% Find the righthand side for d in list e.
if atom e then
ruksyserr(d," cannot be moved to lhs of system") else
if eqcar(car e,'equal) and cadr car e = d then
reval caddr car e else
if pairp e and eqcar(car e,'list) then rukufindrhs(d,cdar e)
else rukufindrhs(d,cdr e);
symbolic procedure ruksyserr(u,m);
<<if u then writepri(mkquote u,'first);
writepri(mkquote m,'last);
rederr "Runge-Kutta failed";
symbolic procedure rungekutta1(f,x,y,sx,ex,sy);
%preparations for rungekutta iteration.
(begin scalar acc,r,oldmode,!*noequiv;
integer prec;
if not memq(dmode!*,'(!:rd!: !:cr))then
<<oldmode:=t; setdmode('rounded,t)>>;
!*noequiv:=t; prec:=precision 0;
sx := force!-to!-dm numr simp sx;
ex := force!-to!-dm numr simp ex;
sy := for each z in sy collect force!-to!-dm numr simp z;
acc := !:!:quotient(1,expt(10,accuracy!*));
if !*trnumeric then prin2t "starting rungekutta iteration";
r := rungekutta2(f,x,y,sx,ex,sy,acc);
if oldmode then setdmode('rounded,nil);
precision prec;
if null r then rederr "no solution found";
return 'list.r;
end) where !*roundbf=!*roundbf;
symbolic procedure rungekutta2(f,xx,yy,xs,xe,ys,acc);
% Algorithm for numeric ODE solution
% f(xx,yy): rhs;
% x: independent variable;
% y: dependent variable;
% s: starting point;
% e: endpoint;
% acc: required accuracy
% f,yy,ys are vectors (lists).
begin scalar h,h2,h4,x,y,r,w1,w2,vars,dir;
integer count,st;
vars := xx.yy;
x:=xs; y:=ys;
h:=(xe - xs)/iterations!*;
dir := h>0; st:= iterations!*;
% compute initial stepsize
h2:=h/2; h4:=h/4;
% full stepsize.
% same with half stepsize.
% abs(w2 - w1)
if normlist list!-list(w2,w1) > acc then
<<h:=h2; st:=st+st; goto adapt>>;
if !*trnumeric and not(st=iterations!*) then
"*** RungeKutta increased number of steps to ";
prin2t st>>;
if (dir and x>xe) or (not dir and x<xe) then goto finis;
r:=('list.x.y) . r;
count:=add1 count;
y:= rungekuttastep(f,vars,x,y,h,h2);
% Advance solution.
goto loop;
r:= ('list.xx.yy).('list.xs.ys). rungekuttares(reversip r,st);
return r;
symbolic procedure rungekuttares(l,st);
% eliminate intermediate points.
if st=iterations!* then l else
<< for i:=1:iterations!* collect
<<for j:=1:m do l:= cdr l; car l>>
>> where m=st/iterations!*;
symbolic procedure rungekuttastep(f,vars,x,y,h,h2);
begin scalar d1,d2,d3,d4;
% f(x,y)
d1:= list!-evaluate(f,vars,x.y);
% f(x+h2,y+h2*d1)
d2:= list!-evaluate(f,vars,
(x+h2). list!+list(y,scal!*list(h2,d1)));
% f(x+h2,y+h2*d2)
d3:= list!-evaluate(f,vars,
(x+h2). list!+list(y,scal!*list(h2,d2)));
% f(x+h,y+h*d3)
d4:= list!-evaluate(f,vars,
% find y(x+h) = y+h*(d1 + 2*d2 + 2*d3 + d4)/6.
return y;