File psl-1983/3-1/kernel/20/ artifact dcbcebdde6 part of check-in c70d02b470

% GC.RED - Copying 2-space garbage collector for PSL
% Author:      Eric Benson
%              Computer Science Dept.
%              University of Utah
% Date:        30 November 1981
% Copyright (c) 1981 Eric Benson
% Edit by Mark Swanson, 3 April 1983 0949-MST
% Made COPYITEM1 tail-recursive so that long lists can be copied without
% stack overflow -- both COPYITEM and COPYITEM1 are now called exclusively
% for their side effects--return values should be ignored.
% Edit by Cris Perdue, 25 Mar 1983 1711-PST                             
% Occurrence of heap-warn-level in initialization no longer flagged     
% with "LispVar".  Didn't work.                                         
%  <PSL.KERNEL>COPYING-GC.RED.2, 23-Mar-83 11:35:37, Edit by KESSLER    
%  Add HeadTrapBound Guys, so we can update the heap trap bound upon switch
% Edit by Cris Perdue, 15 Mar 1983 0937-PST                             
% Added missing comma as noted by Kessler.                              
% Edit by Cris Perdue, 16 Feb 1983 1409-PST                             
% Removed external declaration of HeapPreviousLast (the only occurrence)
% Now using "known-free-space" function and heap-warn-level             
% Sets HeapTrapped to NIL now.                                          
% Added check of Heap!-Warn!-Level after %Reclaim.                      
%  <PSL.KERNEL>COPYING-GC.RED.6,  4-Oct-82 17:56:49, Edit by BENSON     
%  Added GCTime!*                                                       
fluid '(!*GC GCKnt!* GCTime!* Heap!-Warn!-Level);                       
<<  GCKnt!* := 0;                                                       
    GCTime!* := 0;                                                      
    !*GC := T;                                                          
    Heap!-Warn!-Level := 1000                                           

on SysLisp;

CompileTime <<
syslsp smacro procedure PointerTagP X;
    X > PosInt and X < Code;

syslsp smacro procedure WithinOldHeapPointer X;
    X >= !%chipmunk!-kludge OldHeapLowerBound
	and X <= !%chipmunk!-kludge OldHeapLast;

syslsp smacro procedure Mark X;
    MkItem(Forward, X);

syslsp smacro procedure Marked X;
    Tag X eq Forward;

syslsp smacro procedure MarkID X;
    Field(SymNam X, TagStartingBit, TagBitLength) := Forward;

syslsp smacro procedure MarkedID X;
    Tag SymNam X eq Forward;

syslsp smacro procedure ClearIDMark X;
    Field(SymNam X, TagStartingBit, TagBitLength) := STR;

flag('(CopyFromAllBases CopyFromRange CopyFromBase CopyItem CopyItem1
       MarkAndCopyFromID MakeIDFreeList GCStats),

external WVar ST, StackLowerBound,
	      BndStkLowerBound, BndStkPtr,
	      HeapLast, HeapLowerBound, HeapUpperBound,                 
	      OldHeapLast, OldHeapLowerBound, OldHeapUpperBound,        
	      HeapTrapBound, OldHeapTrapBound, HeapTrapped;             

internal WVar StackLast, OldTime, OldSize;

syslsp procedure Reclaim();

syslsp procedure !%Reclaim();
begin scalar Tmp1, Tmp2;
    if LispVar !*GC then ErrorPrintF "*** Garbage collection starting";
    StackLast := MakeAddressFromStackPointer AdjustStackPointer(ST,
    OldTime := TimC();
    OldSize := HeapLast - HeapLowerBound;
    LispVar GCKnt!* := LispVar GCKnt!* + 1;
    OldHeapLast := HeapLast;
    HeapLast := OldHeapLowerBound;
    Tmp1 := HeapLowerBound;
    Tmp2 := HeapUpperBound;
    HeapLowerBound := OldHeapLowerBound;
    HeapUpperBound := OldHeapUpperBound;
    OldHeapLowerBound := Tmp1;
    OldHeapUpperBound := Tmp2;
    Tmp1 := HeapTrapBound;                                              
    HeapTrapBound := OldHeapTrapBound;                                  
    OldHeapTrapBound := Tmp1;                                           
    OldTime := TimC() - OldTime;
    LispVar GCTime!* := Plus2(LispVar GCTime!*, OldTime);
    if LispVar !*GC then GCStats();                                     
    HeapTrapped := NIL;                                                 
    if IntInf Known!-Free!-Space() < IntInf (LispVar Heap!-Warn!-Level) then
	ContinuableError(99, "Heap space low", NIL)                     

syslsp procedure MarkAndCopyFromID X;
% SymNam has to be copied before marking, since the mark destroys the tag
% No problem since it's only a string, can't reference itself.
<<  CopyFromBase &SymNam X;
    MarkID X;
    CopyFromBase &SymPrp X;
    CopyFromBase &SymVal X >>;

syslsp procedure CopyFromAllBases();
begin scalar LastSymbol, B;
    MarkAndCopyFromID 128;		% Mark NIL first
    for I := 0 step 1 until 127 do
	if not MarkedID I then MarkAndCopyFromID I;
    for I := 0 step 1 until MaxObArray do                               
    <<  B := ObArray I;                                                 
	if B > 0 and not MarkedID B then MarkAndCopyFromID B >>;        
    B := BndStkLowerBound;
    while << B := AdjustBndStkPtr(B, 1);
	     B <= BndStkPtr >> do
	CopyFromBase B;
    for I := StackLowerBound step StackDirection*AddressingUnitsPerItem
			     until StackLast do
	CopyFromBase I;

syslsp procedure CopyFromRange(Lo, Hi);
begin scalar X, I;
    X := Lo;
    I := 0;
    while X <= Hi do
    <<  CopyFromBase X;
	I := I + 1;
	X := &Lo[I] >>;

syslsp procedure CopyFromBase P;
  % P is an "address"
  CopyItem P;                                                  
syslsp procedure CopyItem P;                                            

% COPYITEM is executed for SIDE-EFFECT--its return value is not likely to
% be meaningful and should be ignored!

begin scalar Typ, Info, Hdr, X;                                            
    X := @P;								       
    Typ := Tag X;                                                       
    if not PointerTagP Typ then return @P :=                                  
    <<  if Typ = ID and not null X then	% don't follow NIL, for speed
	<<  Info := IDInf X;
	    if not MarkedID Info then MarkAndCopyFromID Info >>;
	X >>;
    % else it is a PointerType
    Info := Inf X;                                                      
    if not WithinOldHeapPointer Info then return X;                     
    Hdr := @Info;                                                       
    if Marked Hdr then
        return @P := MkItem(Typ, Inf Hdr);                     
    return CopyItem1 P;                                                 
syslsp procedure CopyItem1 P;		% Copier for GC                 

% COPYITEM1 is executed for SIDE-EFFECT--its return value is not likely to
% be meaningful and should be ignored!

begin scalar NewS, Len, Ptr, StripS, S;                                    
    S := @P;
    return case Tag S of                                                
        <<  Ptr := car S;               % Save car which is about to be
					% replaced by MARK and new address 
	    Rplaca(S, Mark(NewS := GtHeap PairPack()));                 
            @P := MkPAIR NewS;
	    NewS[0] := Ptr;
	    NewS[1] := cdr S;
	    CopyItem &NewS[0];
	    return CopyItem &NewS[1] >>;
	<<  @StrInf S := Mark(NewS := CopyString S);                    
	    return @P := NewS >>;
	<<  StripS := VecInf S;
	    Len := VecLen StripS;
	    @StripS := Mark(Ptr := GtVECT Len);
	    for I := 0 step 1 until Len do <<
	        VecItm(Ptr, I) := VecItm(StripS, I);
		CopyItem &VecItm(Ptr, I) >>;
	    return @P := MkVEC Ptr >>;
	<<  StripS := VecInf S;
	    Len := VecLen StripS;
	    @StripS := Mark(Ptr := GtVECT Len);
	    for I := 0 step 1 until Len do <<
		VecItm(Ptr, I) := VecItm(StripS, I);
		CopyItem &VecItm(Ptr, I) >>;
	    return @P := MkItem(EVECT, Ptr) >>;
      WRDS, FIXN, FLTN, BIGN:                                           
	<<  Ptr := Tag S;                                               
	    @Inf S := Mark(NewS := CopyWRDS S);                         
	    return @P := MkItem(Ptr, NewS) >>;
	BldMsg("Unexpected tag %w found at %w during garbage collection",
	       MkInt Tag S,MkInt Inf S);

syslsp procedure MakeIDFreeList();
begin scalar Previous;
    for I := 0 step 1 until 128 do
	ClearIDMark I;
    Previous := 129;
    while MarkedID Previous and Previous <= MaxSymbols do
    <<  ClearIDMark Previous;
	Previous := Previous + 1 >>;
    if Previous >= MaxSymbols then
	NextSymbol := 0
	NextSymbol := Previous;		% free list starts here
    for I := Previous + 1 step 1 until MaxSymbols do
	if MarkedID I then ClearIDMark I
	<<  SymNam Previous := I;
	    Previous := I >>;
    SymNam Previous := 0;		% end of free list

syslsp procedure GCStats();
<<  ErrorPrintF("*** GC %w: time %d ms, %d recovered, %d free",
	LispVar GCKnt!*,   OldTime,
		(OldSize - (HeapLast - HeapLowerBound))/AddressingUnitsPerItem,
			Known!-Free!-Space() ) >>;                      

off SysLisp;


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