* $Id: gpr.trm,v 3.26 92/03/24 22:35:00 woo Exp Locker: woo $
/* GNUPLOT - gpr.trm */
* Copyright (C) 1990, 1991, 1992
* Permission to use, copy, and distribute this software and its
* documentation for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted,
* provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
* that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
* in supporting documentation.
* Permission to modify the software is granted, but not the right to
* distribute the modified code. Modifications are to be distributed
* as patches to released version.
* This software is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
* This file is included by ../term.c.
* This terminal driver supports:
* APOLLO's GPR windowing system
* Michael Aramini
* Roque D Oliveira , oliveria@caen.engin.umich.edu
* send your comments or suggestions to (info-gnuplot@ames.arc.nasa.gov).
#include <apollo/base.h>
#include <apollo/error.h>
#include <apollo/gpr.h>
#include <apollo/pad.h>
/* landscape window */
#define GPR_XMAX 720
#define GPR_YMAX 450
/* portrait window */
#define GPR_XMAX 585
#define GPR_YMAX 735
#define GPR_XLAST (GPR_XMAX - 1)
#define GPR_YLAST (GPR_YMAX - 1)
#define GPR_VCHAR 19
#define GPR_HCHAR 10
#define GPR_VTIC (GPR_YMAX/80)
#define GPR_HTIC (GPR_XMAX/80)
gpr_$direction_t gpr_path=gpr_$right;
int gpr_ang=0; /* text angle, 0=horizontal, 1=vertical */
enum JUSTIFY gpr_justify=LEFT; /* text is flush left */
static status_$t status;
unsigned int DEBUG = 0; /* set it to 1 when debugging program */
static void check(messagex)
char *messagex;
if (status.all = status_$ok)
printf("Error occurred while %s.\n", messagex);
/* return whether stdout is a DM pad . Called by term.c */
pad_$isa(1, &status);
return (status.all == status_$ok);
gpr_$offset_t dm_bitmap_size;
gpr_$bitmap_desc_t dm_bitmap_desc;
pad_$window_desc_t window;
short font_id;
stream_$id_t stream_id;
static gpr_$rgb_plane_t hi_plane;
static gpr_$disp_char_t display_characteristics;
static float screen_size_r_width,screen_size_r_height ;
static short int disp_len = sizeof(gpr_$disp_char_t);
static short int disp_len_returned;
/* open a pad to do graphics in */
window.top = 0;
window.left = 0;
window.width = GPR_XMAX + 10; /* 10 accounts for width of window border */
window.height = GPR_YMAX + 35; /* 35 accounts for height of window border */
/* pad_$set_full_window(stream_id,(short) 1,&window, &status); */
/* pad_$set_border (stream_id,(short) 1, true, &status); */
pad_$set_scale (stream_id,(short) 1,(short) 1, &status);
pad_$set_auto_close(stream_id, (short) 1, true, &status );
check("in gpr_$inq_display_characteristics");
screen_size_r_width = (float) display_characteristics.x_window_size; /*x_window_size in pixels */
screen_size_r_height = (float) display_characteristics.y_window_size; /*y_window_size in pixels */
hi_plane = display_characteristics.n_planes - 1;
if(DEBUG) printf("width=%f height=%f \n",screen_size_r_width,screen_size_r_height);
dm_bitmap_size.x_size = 1280;
dm_bitmap_size.y_size = 1024;
check("in gpr_$init");
gpr_$set_obscured_opt(gpr_$pop_if_obs, &status);
check("in gpr_$set_obscured_opt");
gpr_$set_auto_refresh(true, &status);
check("in gpr_$set_auto_refresh");
/* load a font and make it current */
gpr_$load_font_file("f7x13", 5, &font_id, &status);
check("in gpr_$load_font_file");
gpr_$set_text_font(font_id, &status);
check("in gpr_$set_text_font");
/* set up color values */
gpr_$set_draw_value((gpr_$pixel_value_t)7, &status); /* white */
check("in gpr_set_draw_value");
gpr_$set_text_background_value((gpr_$pixel_value_t)(-1), &status); /* trans */
check("in gpr_$set_text_background_value");
gpr_$set_text_value((gpr_$pixel_value_t)7, &status); /* white */
check("in gpr_$set_text_value");
gpr_$coordinate_t locx,locy,marker_size;
(void) gpr_$acquire_display(&status);
check("in gpr_$acquire display");
gpr_$clear((gpr_$pixel_value_t)0, &status); /* black */
check("in gpr_$clear");
marker_size = (short) 10;
locx = (short) 5;
locy = (short) 5;
gpr_$set_draw_value((gpr_$pixel_value_t)2, &status); /* white */
gpr_$move( (locx - marker_size/2) ,locy,&status);
gpr_$line( (locx + marker_size/2) ,locy,&status);
gpr_$move( locx, (locy + marker_size/2),&status);
gpr_$line( locx, (locy - marker_size/2),&status);
locx = (short) (GPR_XMAX -1 - 5);
locy = (short) 5;
gpr_$set_draw_value((gpr_$pixel_value_t)3, &status); /* white */
gpr_$move( (locx - marker_size/2) ,locy,&status);
gpr_$line( (locx + marker_size/2) ,locy,&status);
gpr_$move( locx, (locy + marker_size/2),&status);
gpr_$line( locx, (locy - marker_size/2),&status);
locx = (short) 5;
locy = (short) (GPR_YMAX -1 - 5);
gpr_$set_draw_value((gpr_$pixel_value_t)4, &status); /* white */
gpr_$move( (locx - marker_size/2) ,locy,&status);
gpr_$line( (locx + marker_size/2) ,locy,&status);
gpr_$move( locx, (locy + marker_size/2),&status);
gpr_$line( locx, (locy - marker_size/2),&status);
locx = (short) (GPR_XMAX -1 - 5);
locy = (short) (GPR_YMAX -1 - 5);
gpr_$set_draw_value((gpr_$pixel_value_t)5, &status); /* white */
gpr_$move( (locx - marker_size/2) ,locy,&status);
gpr_$line( (locx + marker_size/2) ,locy,&status);
gpr_$move( locx, (locy + marker_size/2),&status);
gpr_$line( locx, (locy - marker_size/2),&status);
gpr_$set_draw_value((gpr_$pixel_value_t)7, &status); /* white */
check("in gpr_$set_draw_value");
} /* end if(DEBUG) */
int linetype;
static gpr_$line_pattern_t patterns[2+5] = {
{ 0xFFFF }, /* solid 1111111111111111 */
{ 0x3FFF }, /* very long dashed 0011111111111111 */
{ 0xFFFF }, /* solid 1111111111111111 */
{ 0x5555 }, /* dotted 0101010101010101 */
{ 0x3333 }, /* short dashed 0011001100110011 */
{ 0xB5AD }, /* dot short-dashed 1011010110101101 */
{ 0x3FFF } /* very long dashed 0011111111111111 */
if (linetype >= 5) linetype %= 5;
gpr_$set_line_pattern((short)1, patterns[linetype+2], (short)16, &status);
check("in gpr_$set_line_pattern");
int linetype;
static gpr_$line_pattern_t patterns[2+7] = {
{ 0xFFFF }, /* solid 1111111111111111 */
{ 0x1111 }, /* long-spaced dotted 0001000100010001 */
{ 0xFFFF }, /* solid 1111111111111111 */
{ 0x5555 }, /* dotted 0101010101010101 */
{ 0x3333 }, /* short dashed 0011001100110011 */
{ 0x7777 }, /* medium dashed 0111011101110111 */
{ 0x3F3F }, /* long dashed 0011111100111111 */
{ 0x0F0F }, /* long-spaced dashed 0000111100001111 */
{ 0x5F5F } /* dot dashed 0101111101011111 */
if (linetype >= 7) linetype %= 7;
gpr_$set_line_pattern((short)1, patterns[linetype+2], (short)16, &status);
check("in gpr_$set_line_pattern");
gpr_$set_draw_value((gpr_$pixel_value_t)(linetype + 1), &status);
check("in gpr_$set_draw_value");
GPR_move(x, y)
unsigned int x, y;
gpr_$move((short)x, (short)(GPR_YMAX -1 - y), &status);
check("in gpr_$move");
GPR_vector(x, y)
unsigned int x, y;
gpr_$line((short)x, (short)(GPR_YMAX -1 - y), &status);
check("in gpr_$line");
unsigned int x,y; /* reference point of string */
char str[]; /* the text */
gpr_$coordinate_t xgpr,ygpr;
gpr_$offset_t str_size_in_pixels;
short int str_len;
gpr_$coordinate_t locx,locy,marker_size;
locx = (short) x;
locy = (short) (GPR_YMAX -1 - y);
marker_size = (short) 20;
gpr_$set_draw_value((gpr_$pixel_value_t)1, &status); /* white */
gpr_$move( (locx - marker_size/2) ,locy,&status);
gpr_$line( (locx + marker_size/2) ,locy,&status);
gpr_$move( locx, (locy + marker_size/2),&status);
gpr_$line( locx, (locy - marker_size/2),&status);
gpr_$set_draw_value((gpr_$pixel_value_t)7, &status); /* white */
xgpr = (short) x;
ygpr = (short) (GPR_YMAX -1 - y);
gpr_$set_text_path(gpr_path, &status);
str_len = (short) strlen(str);
gpr_$inq_text_extent(str,str_len,&str_size_in_pixels,&status); /* Calculate how much space (in pixels) the string requires */
check("in gpr_$inq_text_extent");
switch (gpr_justify)
case LEFT :
switch (gpr_path)
case gpr_$up : /* vertical */
if(DEBUG) printf("LEFT and up , str=%s\n",str);
case gpr_$right : /* horizontal */
ygpr = ygpr + str_size_in_pixels.y_size/2;
if(DEBUG) printf("LEFT and right, str=%s \n",str);
case CENTRE :
switch (gpr_path)
case gpr_$up : /* vertical */
xgpr = xgpr + str_size_in_pixels.x_size/2;
ygpr = ygpr + str_size_in_pixels.y_size/2;
if(DEBUG) printf("CENTRE and up, str=%s \n",str);
case gpr_$right : /* horizontal */
xgpr = xgpr - str_size_in_pixels.x_size/2;
ygpr = ygpr + str_size_in_pixels.y_size/2;
if(DEBUG) printf("CENTRE and right, str=%s \n",str);
case RIGHT :
switch (gpr_path)
case gpr_$up : /* vertical */
ygpr = ygpr + str_size_in_pixels.y_size;
if(DEBUG) printf("RIGHT and up, str=%s \n",str);
case gpr_$right : /* horizontal */
xgpr = xgpr - str_size_in_pixels.x_size;
ygpr = ygpr + str_size_in_pixels.y_size/2;
if(DEBUG) printf("RIGHT and right, str=%s \n",str);
check("in gpr_$move");
gpr_$text(str, str_len, &status);
check("in gpr_$text");
int GPR_text_angle(ang)
int ang;
if (gpr_ang != ang)
gpr_ang = ang;
gpr_path = (gpr_ang == 1 ? gpr_$up : gpr_$right);
return (TRUE);
int GPR_justify_text(mode)
enum JUSTIFY mode;
gpr_justify = mode;
return (TRUE);
gpr_$terminate(false, &status);
check("in gpr_$terminate");