# $Id: Makefile.ami,v 3.26 1992/03/25 04:53:29 woo Exp woo $
# Makefile for GNUPLOT documentation (Aztec C v5.xx Version)
# Note that the top-level file for documentation is gnuplot.doc.
# To print manual:
# make gnuplot.dvi (for latex)
# (print or view gnuplot.dvi)
# OR
# make gnuplot.nroff (for nroff)
# (print or view gnuplot.nroff)
# or
# make "TROFF=itroff" troff (for troff; use your troff for itroff here)
# $Id: Makefile.ami,v 3.26 1992/03/25 04:53:29 woo Exp woo $
# usually overridden by ../Makefile
HELPDEST = /usr/local/lib/
# substitute your troff command (and any flags) for this one
# substitute cp if you do not have the install program
# Compiler flags
# -DSYSV if att sys V
# -traditional -g -O if gcc (set 'CC = gcc')
# no extra flags for BSD
CC = cc
LN =ln
LFLAGS = -lm -lc
# default is what is needed for interactive gnuplot
default: gnuplot.hlp gnuplot.gih
### [tn]roff documentation
troff: gnuplot.ms titlepage.ms
tbl gnuplot.ms | eqn | $(TROFF) -ms
# for screen viewing, or printers with backspace/overstrike, remove the -Tlpr
nroff gnuplot.nroff: gnuplot.ms titlepage.ms
tbl gnuplot.ms | neqn | nroff -ms -Tlpr > gnuplot.nroff
ms gnuplot.ms: doc2ms gnuplot.doc
doc2ms < gnuplot.doc > gnuplot.ms
doc2ms: doc2ms.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o doc2ms.o doc2ms.c
$(LN) -o doc2ms doc2ms.o $(LFLAGS)
### LaTeX documentation
tex gnuplot.tex: doc2tex gnuplot.doc
doc2tex < gnuplot.doc > gnuplot.tex
dvi gnuplot.dvi: gnuplot.tex titlepage.tex
latex gnuplot.tex
latex gnuplot.tex
doc2tex: doc2tex.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o doc2tex.o doc2tex.c
$(LN) -o doc2tex doc2tex.o $(LFLAGS)
# this is how to make gnuplot.hlp
hlp gnuplot.hlp: doc2hlp gnuplot.doc
doc2hlp < gnuplot.doc > gnuplot.hlp
doc2hlp: doc2hlp.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o doc2hlp.o doc2hlp.c
$(LN) -o doc2hlp doc2hlp.o $(LFLAGS)
# this is how to make gnuplot.gih
gih gnuplot.gih: doc2gih gnuplot.doc
doc2gih < gnuplot.doc > gnuplot.gih
doc2gih: doc2gih.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o doc2gih.o doc2gih.c
$(LN) -o doc2gih doc2gih.o $(LFLAGS)
# this is how to check the gnuplot.doc file
check: checkdoc gnuplot.doc
checkdoc < gnuplot.doc
checkdoc: checkdoc.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o checkdoc.o checkdoc.c
$(LN) -o checkdoc checkdoc.o $(LFLAGS)
# For Unix and MSDOS only
install-unix: gnuplot.gih
$(INSTALL) gnuplot.gih $(HELPDEST)
# for VMS only
install-vms: gnuplot.hlp
$(INSTALL) gnuplot.hlp $(HELPDEST)
# remove all derived files
rm -f doc2ms gnuplot.nroff gnuplot.ms
rm -f doc2tex gnuplot.tex gnuplot.dvi gnuplot.aux gnuplot.log gnuplot.toc
rm -f doc2hlp gnuplot.hlp
rm -f doc2gih gnuplot.gih
rm -f checkdoc *~ *.o core a.out