module autopatch; % Fetch and update patches fasl file.
% Author: Arthur C. Norman.
% Modifications by: Anthony C. Hearn.
fluid '(!*home);
global '(patch!-url!-list!* personal!-dir!*);
symbolic procedure add!_patch!_url u;
patch!-url!-list!* := u . patch!-url!-list!*;
add!_patch!_url "";
symbolic procedure get!-checksum file;
begin scalar file1; integer c,checksum;
if not filep file then return nil;
file1 := binopen(file,'input);
for i := 1:16 do <<if (c := readb file1) = !$eof!$ then c := 0;
checksum := 256*checksum + c>>;
return checksum
symbolic procedure
begin scalar p,w; integer c;
% Read rest of remote file.
while (c := readb remote!-file) neq !$eof!$ do p := c . p;
close remote!-file;
% Transcribe remote file data into a string.
w := make!-simple!-string length p;
c := -1;
for each x in reversip p do putv!-char(w,c := c + 1,x);
% Check checksum of data as fetched.
if md5 w neq remote!-checksum
then rederr "Checksum on fetched patches is incorrect";
% Write out updated file.
p := concat(dir,"/patches.fsl");
if filep p then rename!-file(p,concat(dir,"/patches.old"));
binary_open_output p;
for each x in reversip checksum do binary_prinbyte x;
for i := 0:upbv w do binary_prinbyte scharn(w,i);
symbolic procedure rename!-home!-patch!-file;
(filep x and rename!-file(x,concat(personal!-dir!*,"/patches.old")))
where x = concat(personal!-dir!*,"/patches.fsl");
symbolic procedure update!_reduce;
begin scalar c,lisp!-d,p,remote,w; integer remote!-checksum;
if memq('demo, lispsystem!*) then
rederr "Update service not available in demo version";
lisp!-d := get!-lisp!-directory();
% Find a site with the updates.
w := patch!-url!-list!*;
while null remote and w do <<remote:= open!-url car w; w:= cdr w>>;
if null remote
then <<terpri();
printc "*** Unable to access any of the remote patches files:";
for each s in patch!-url!-list!* do <<ttab 4; printc s>>;
return nil>>;
% Fetch 16 bytes of checksum from the start of update file.
for i := 1:16 do <<if (c := readb remote) = !$eof!$ then c := 0;
p := c . p;
remote!-checksum := 256*remote!-checksum + c>>;
% Install updated file if needed.
if !*home
then <<if remote!-checksum =
(c := get!-checksum concat(lisp!-d,"/patches.fsl"))
or (remote!-checksum =
get!-checksum concat(personal!-dir!*,"/patches.fsl"))
then <<terpri();
printc "*** System is already up-to-date";
close remote;
if remote!-checksum = c
then rename!-home!-patch!-file();
return nil>>;
else if remote!-checksum =
get!-checksum concat(lisp!-d,"/patches.fsl")
then <<terpri();
printc "*** System is up-to-date already";
close remote;
return nil>>
else if not file!-writeablep lisp!-d
then rederr list("Cannot write to",lisp!-d)
else <<write!-patch!-file(lisp!-d,p,remote,remote!-checksum);
% Load new patch file;