module trialdiv; % Trial division routines.
% Authors: Mary Ann Moore and Arthur C. Norman.
fluid '(!*trint intvar loglist tanlist);
exports countz,findsqrts,findtrialdivs,trialdiv,simp,mksp;
imports !*multf,printsf,quotf;
symbolic procedure countz dl;
% DL is a list of S.F.s;
begin scalar s,n,rl;
loop2: if null dl then return arrangelistz rl;
loop1: n:=n+1;
s:=car dl;
dl:=cdr dl;
if not null dl and (s eq car dl) then
go to loop1
else rl:=(s.n).rl;
go to loop2
symbolic procedure arrangelistz d;
begin scalar n,s,rl,r;
if null d then return rl;
loopd: if (cdar d)=n then s:=(caar d).s
else r:=(car d).r;
d:=cdr d;
if not null d then go to loopd;
if not null d then go to loopd;
return reversip rl
symbolic procedure findtrialdivs zl;
% zl is list of kernels found in integrand. result is a list
% giving things to be treated specially in the integration
% namely, exps and tans.
% Result is list of form ((a . b) ...)
% with a a kernel and car a=expt or tan
% and b a standard form for either expt or (1+tan**2).
begin scalar dlists1,args1;
for each z in zl do
if exportan z
then <<if car z eq 'tan
then <<args1 := (mksp(z,2) .* 1) .+ 1;
tanlist := (args1 ./ 1) . tanlist>>
else args1 := !*kk2f z; % z is not unique here.
dlists1 := (z . args1) . dlists1>>;
return dlists1
symbolic procedure exportan dl;
if atom dl then nil
else begin
% extract exp or tan fns from the z-list.
if eq(car dl,'tan) then return t;
nxt: if not eq(car dl,'expt) then return nil;
dl:=cadr dl;
% if atom dl then return t;
% if atom dl or constant_exprp dl then return t;
if atom dl or not smember(intvar,dl) then return t;
% Make sure we find nested exponentials?
go to nxt
symbolic procedure findsqrts z;
begin scalar r;
while not null z do <<
if eqcar(car z,'sqrt) then r:=(car z) . r;
z:=cdr z >>;
return r
symbolic procedure trialdiv(x,dl);
begin scalar qlist,q;
while not null dl do
if not null(q:=quotf(x,cdar dl)) then <<
if (caaar dl='tan) and not eqcar(qlist,cdar dl) then
loglist:=('iden . simp cadr caar dl) . loglist;
%tan fiddle!
qlist:=(cdar dl).qlist;
x:=q >>
else dl:=cdr dl;
return qlist.x