module sub; % Functions for substituting in standard forms.
% Author: Anthony C. Hearn.
% Copyright (c) 1991 RAND. All rights reserved.
fluid '(!*nosqrts asymplis!* dmode!* ncmp!* wtl!*);
% Evaluation interface.
symbolic procedure subeval u;
% This is the general evaluator for SUB forms. All but the last
% argument are assumed to be substitutions. These can either be
% an explicit rule with a lhs and rhs separated by an equal sign,
% a list of such rules, or something that evaluates to this.
begin scalar x,y,z,ns;
% Separate assignments from expression.
if null(u and cdr u)
then rederr "SUB requires at least 2 arguments"; % F.J. Wright.
(while cdr u do
<<x := reval car u;
if getrtype x eq 'list then u := append(cdr x,cdr u)
else <<if not eqexpr x then errpri2(car u,t);
y := cadr x;
if null getrtype y then y := !*a2kwoweight y;
if getrtype caddr x then ns := (y . caddr x) . ns
else z := (y . caddr x) . z;
u := cdr u>>>>) where !*evallhseqp=nil;
x := aeval car u;
% Next line only makes sense if an nssubfn existed (which it
% currently doesn't. However, subeval2 suffers from the problem
% that its evaluation is sequential.
% if ns then x := subeval2(ns,x);
return subeval1(append(ns,z),x)
symbolic procedure subeval1(u,v);
begin scalar y,z;
if y := getrtype v
then if z := get(y,'subfn) then return apply2(z,u,v)
else rerror(alg,23,
list("No substitution defined for type",y));
u := subsq(simp v,u);
u := subs2 u where !*sub2 = t; % Make sure powers are reduced.
return mk!*sq u
% symbolic procedure subeval2(u,v);
% This function handles sub rules that have a non *sq rhs.
% The corresponding substitution functions are keyed by the
% rtype in an alist stored as a property nssubfn on the rtype
% of the expression in which the substitutions are to be carried out.
% Substitutions are made sequentially.
% begin scalar x,y,z;
% for each s in u do
% <<if null(x := getrtype v) then x := '!*sq;
% y := getrtype cdr s;
% if (z := get(x,'nssubfn)) and (z := atsoc(y,z))
% then v := apply2(cdr z,s,v)
% else v := subeval1(list s,v)>>;
%% else rerror(alg,23,
%% {"No substitution defined for type",y," into type ",x})>>;
% return v
% end;
% Explicit substitution code for scalar expressions.
symbolic procedure subsq(u,v);
% We need to use subs2!* to avoid say (I^4-2I^2-1)/(I^2-1) => I^2-1
% instead of a 0/0 error.
begin scalar x;
x := subf(numr u,v);
u := subf(denr u,v);
if null numr subs2!* u
then if null numr subs2!* x then rederr "0/0 formed"
else rederr "Zero divisor";
return quotsq(x,u)
symbolic procedure subs2!* u;
(subs2 u) where !*sub2=!*sub2;
symbolic procedure subf(u,l);
% In REDUCE 3.4, this procedure used to rebind *nosqrts to T.
% However, this can introduce two representations of a sqrt in the
% same calculation. For now then, this rebinding is removed.
begin scalar alglist!*,x;
% Domain may have changed, so next line uses simpatom.
if domainp u then return !*d2q u
else if ncmp!* and noncomexpf u then return subf1(u,l);
x := reverse intersection(for each y in l collect car y,
x := setkorder x;
u := subf1(reorder u,l);
% if powlis1!* then u := subs2q u;
setkorder x;
return reorder numr u ./ reorder denr u
symbolic procedure noncomexpf u;
not domainp u
and (noncomp mvar u or noncomexpf lc u or noncomexpf red u);
%%% SUBF1 changed so that domain elements are resimplified during a call
%%% to RESIMP even if their tags are the same as dmode*.
%%% This happens only if the domain is flagged
symbolic procedure subf1(u,l);
% U is a standard form,
% L an association list of substitutions of the form
% (<kernel> . <substitution>).
% Value is the standard quotient for substituted expression.
% Algorithm used is essentially the straight method.
% Procedure depends on explicit data structure for standard form.
if null u then nil ./ 1
else if domainp u
then if atom u then if null dmode!* then u ./ 1 else simpatom u
% else if dmode!* eq car u then !*d2q u
else if dmode!* eq car u and
not flagp(dmode!*, 'resimplify) then !*d2q u
else simp prepf u
else begin integer n; scalar kern,m,varstack!*,v,w,x,xexp,y,y1,z;
% Leaving varstack!* unchanged can make the simplifier think
% there is a loop.
z := nil ./ 1;
a0: kern := mvar u;
v := nil;
if assoc(kern,l) and (v := assoc(kern,wtl!*)) then v := cdr v;
if m := assoc(kern,asymplis!*) then m := cdr m;
a: if null u or (n := degr(u,kern))=0 then go to b
else if null m or n<m then y := wtchk(lt u,v) . y;
u := red u;
go to a;
b: if not atom kern and not atom car kern then kern := prepf kern;
if null l then xexp := if kern eq 'k!* then 1 else kern
else if (xexp := subsublis(l,kern)) = kern
and not assoc(kern,asymplis!*)
then go to f;
c: w := 1 ./ 1;
n := 0;
% Make sure exponent is not a variable at this point.
if y and minusp cdaar y then go to h;
if (x := getrtype xexp) eq 'yetunknowntype
then x:= getrtype(xexp:= eval!-yetunknowntypeexpr(xexp,nil));
if x and not(x eq 'list)
then typerr(list(x,xexp),"substituted expression");
% At this point we are simplifying the expression that is
% substituted. Ideally, this should be done in the order
% environment that existed when entering SUB. However, to avoid
% the many code changes that would imply, we make sure
% substituted expression is evaluated in a standard order.
% Note also that SIMP!* here causes problem with HE package --
% We also can't use powlis1!* here, since then match x=0,x^2=1;
% will match all powers of x to zero!
v := setkorder nil;
x := simp xexp;
setkorder v;
x := reordsq x;
% Needed in case substitution variable is in XEXP.
if null l and kernp x and mvar numr x eq kern then go to f
else if null numr x then go to e; %Substitution of 0;
for each j in y do
<<m := cdar j;
w := multsq(subs2 exptsq(x,m-n),w);
n := m;
z := addsq(multsq(w,subf1(cdr j,l)),z)>>;
e: y := nil;
if null u then return z
else if domainp u then return addsq(subf1(u,l),z);
go to a0;
f: sub2chk kern;
for each j in y do z := addsq(multpq(car j,subf1(cdr j,l)),z);
go to e;
h: % Substitution for negative powers.
x := simprecip list xexp;
j: y1 := car y . y1;
y := cdr y;
if y and cdaar y<0 then go to j;
k: m := -cdaar y1;
w := multsq(subs2 exptsq(x,m-n),w);
n := m;
z := addsq(multsq(w,subf1(cdar y1,l)),z);
y1 := cdr y1;
if y1 then go to k else if y then go to c else go to e
symbolic procedure wtchk(u,wt);
% If a weighted variable is substituted for, we need to remove the
% weight of that variable in an expression.
if null wt then u
else (if null x then errach list("weight confusion",u,wt)
else lt x)
where x=quotf(u .+ nil ,!*p2f('k!* .**(wt*tdeg u)));
symbolic procedure subsublis(u,v);
% NOTE: This definition assumes that with the exception of *SQ and
% domain elements, expressions do not contain dotted pairs.
begin scalar x;
return if x := assoc(v,u) then cdr x
% allow for case of sub(sqrt 2=s2,atan sqrt 2).
else if eqcar(v,'sqrt)
and (x := assoc(list('expt,cadr v,'(quotient 1 2)),u))
then cdr x
else if atom v then v
else if not idp car v
then for each j in v collect subsublis(u,j)
else if x := get(car v,'subfunc) then apply2(x,u,v)
else if get(car v,'dname) then v
else if car v eq '!*sq then subsublis(u,prepsq cadr v)
else for each j in v collect subsublis(u,j)
symbolic procedure subsubf(l,expn);
% Sets up a formal SUB expression when necessary.
begin scalar x,y;
for each j in cddr expn do
if (x := assoc(j,l)) then <<y := x . y; l := delete(x,l)>>;
expn := sublis(l,car expn)
. for each j in cdr expn collect subsublis(l,j);
%to ensure only opr and individual args are transformed;
if null y then return expn;
expn := aconc!*(for each j in reversip!* y
collect list('equal,car j,aeval cdr j),expn);
return if l then subeval expn
else mk!*sq !*p2q mksp('sub . expn,1)
% Explicit substitution code for lists.
symbolic procedure listsub(u,v);
makelist for each x in cdr v collect subeval1(u,x);