% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% $Id: pasfqe.red,v 1.57 2004/02/22 21:08:15 lasaruk Exp $
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Copyright (c) 2001 A. Dolzmann, A. Seidl, and T. Sturm
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% $Log: pasfqe.red,v $
% Revision 1.57 2004/02/22 21:08:15 lasaruk
% Added switch rlsusisubst for substitution of equalities. Substitution
% results in smaller formulas or formulas with less free variables.
% Up to 80% length reduction. Switch rlsusitr should not be used yet.
% Revision 1.56 2003/12/16 07:45:34 lasaruk
% Redlog normal form in the simplifier.
% Revision 1.55 2003/12/11 10:51:19 lasaruk
% Smart simplification improoved.
% Revision 1.54 2003/12/02 15:27:13 sturm
% Introduced ioto_nterpri to avoid ugly linebreaks in verbosity output.
% Revision 1.53 2003/12/02 15:00:57 sturm
% Removed a call to cl_simpl in pasf_qeex (superfluous checking for truth
% values).
% Do a more general check on variable not occurring.
% Revision 1.52 2003/12/02 14:37:07 sturm
% Rewritten pasf_qeexblock and added canonical verbose output.
% Revision 1.51 2003/11/05 13:27:14 lasaruk
% Some major redlog programming rules applied to the code.
% Formulas are made positive acc. to the current kernel order.
% Revision 1.50 2003/10/28 10:02:03 dolzmann
% Added correct content of fluids pasf_siat_rcsid!* and
% pasf_siat_copyright!*.
% Revision 1.49 2003/10/16 16:17:38 lasaruk
% Compiler error messages partially removed. All others are due
% to the noncompleteness of packet.
% Revision 1.48 2003/10/12 15:18:11 sturm
% pasf_qe requires second (theo, dummy for now) argument. This became visible
% under CSL.
% Revision 1.47 2003/08/28 15:30:40 lasaruk
% Simplification verbose output done better. QE-Bug with truth values
% corrected (will be done more effitient). Some fancy examples added.
% Revision 1.46 2003/07/16 12:58:50 lasaruk
% Error in QE removed.
% Revision 1.45 2003/07/16 12:51:35 lasaruk
% Tipp error.
% Revision 1.44 2003/07/16 12:48:33 lasaruk
% See message below.
% Revision 1.43 2003/07/15 12:40:41 seidl
% Renamed pasf_iv2qff to pasf_ivl2qff and pasf_qff2iv to pasf_qff2ivl.
% Provided algebraic mode access to simplb, ivl2qff, qdd2ivl. Changed
% pasf_mkrng so intervals with same upper and lower bound result in an
% equation. Fixed serious bug in pasf_prepat. Added cvs header to
% pasf.tst. Todo Lasaruk: pasf_ivl2qff crashes with empty interval as
% argument, see testfile.
% Revision 1.42 2003/06/04 12:33:40 lasaruk
% Some smaller modifications.
% Revision 1.41 2003/05/28 20:37:51 lasaruk
% Expansion done better.
% Revision 1.40 2003/05/26 20:50:57 lasaruk
% Range expansion with congruences
% Revision 1.39 2003/05/22 22:00:58 lasaruk
% DNF added.
% Revision 1.38 2003/05/17 17:04:16 lasaruk
% bugs removed
% Revision 1.37 2003/05/17 16:27:56 lasaruk
% Pasf simplification added. Some errors corrected.
% Revision 1.36 2003/05/15 23:34:47 lasaruk
% Interval expansion added
% Revision 1.35 2003/04/20 12:04:04 lasaruk
% Completely removed any reference to range predicates (in input
% also). PNF made shorter.
% Revision 1.34 2003/04/14 10:11:39 lasaruk
% Changes to work with bounded quantifieres added . Simplification bug
% (content) removed. Range predicates removed.
% Revision 1.33 2003/03/26 11:19:23 lasaruk
% Formula runthrough rewritten as cl_atnum. True/false in rlexpabnd bug
% removed. Some services added.
% Revision 1.32 2003/03/04 09:33:23 lasaruk
% Advanced simplification. PNF code attached but not used yet. Some code
% migration. Documentation debugged.
% Revision 1.31 2003/02/24 19:50:19 lasaruk
% Congruences without x removed.
% Revision 1.30 2003/02/18 12:45:03 lasaruk
% Better code for some methods.
% Revision 1.29 2003/02/17 14:44:55 lasaruk
% Debug messages removed.
% Revision 1.28 2003/02/17 10:55:40 lasaruk
% Stable full featured version
% Revision 1.27 2003/02/03 13:41:04 lasaruk
% Experimental version with full functionality. A bit buggy.
% Revision 1.26 2003/02/02 17:33:44 lasaruk
% Internal representation of data is converted completely into SF's
% except the representation of moduli.
% Revision 1.25 2003/02/01 08:42:50 lasaruk
% Stack container implemented.
% Revision 1.24 2003/02/01 07:38:33 lasaruk
% Recursive range expansion.
% Revision 1.23 2003/01/31 14:25:06 lasaruk
% Bug fixed.
% Revision 1.22 2003/01/31 14:18:48 lasaruk
% Found better method for impoding.
% Revision 1.21 2003/01/31 14:09:58 lasaruk
% New variable method added. K is no loger fixed, but a new variable.
% Revision 1.20 2003/01/29 16:07:46 lasaruk
% Better limits.
% Revision 1.19 2003/01/29 15:24:47 sturm
% Added service rlexpand for context pasf. Had to split pasf_exprng for this.
% Revision 1.18 2003/01/27 17:40:02 lasaruk
% Switches renamed. Bugs in docu fixed.
% Revision 1.17 2003/01/26 18:31:49 lasaruk
% Simplification position altered.
% Revision 1.16 2003/01/26 17:49:37 lasaruk
% Null congruence error added. Terms without quant. varl. stay
% untouched. Bugs fixed.
% Revision 1.15 2003/01/21 17:39:14 lasaruk
% Switch rlsiatadv turned off. Bugs fixed.
% Revision 1.14 2003/01/21 10:44:14 lasaruk
% Congruence substitution added. Bugs fixed.
% Revision 1.13 2003/01/20 10:36:51 lasaruk
% First trial to work with congruences. Bugs fixed.
% Revision 1.12 2003/01/06 18:20:32 lasaruk
% Bugs fixed
% Revision 1.11 2003/01/06 17:33:27 lasaruk
% Some simplifier bugs fixed. Alternating quantifier elimination attached.
% Revision 1.10 2003/01/05 15:55:05 lasaruk
% Simplification improoved. Expansion of range predicates added.
% Revision 1.9 2002/12/31 13:57:49 lasaruk
% Simplifier bugs fixed.
% Revision 1.8 2002/12/31 13:33:34 lasaruk
% Standard simplifier attached. Standard simplification of expressions
% attached.
% Revision 1.7 2002/12/23 07:41:19 lasaruk
% Simplifier turned off temporary
% Revision 1.6 2002/12/23 07:07:05 lasaruk
% Elimination code completely rewritten
% Revision 1.5 2002/12/10 08:49:41 lasaruk
% Correct elimination of an exist. quantifier call added.
% Procedures debugged.
% Revision 1.3 2002/12/02 12:53:37 lasaruk
% Elimination of one variable in front of an ex quantifier. Not really
% worth looking at.
% Revision 1.2 2002/11/15 12:00:48 seidl
% Head added.
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
lisp <<
fluid '(pasf_qe_rcsid!* pasf_qe_copyright!*);
pasf_qe_rcsid!* :=
pasf_qe_copyright!* :=
"Copyright (c) 2003 A. Dolzmann, A. Seidl, and T. Sturm"
module pasfqe;
% Presburger arithmetic standard form quantifier
% elimination. Submodule of [pasf].
procedure elimdata_new(repr,n,m,min_si,max_si,ats);
% Elimination data constructor. [repr] is a list of canonical
% representants, [n] is the lcm of all leading coeficients of the
% left hand side of the elimination normal form, [m] is the lcm of
% all moduli, [min_si] and [max_si] are the minimal constant values
% among all atomic formulas and [ats] is the list of (atf_j,min_sj,
% max_sj) where [atf] is an atomic formula containing the
% quantified variable and [min_si] and [max_si] are the minimal and
% maximal constant value of atf's right hand side. Returns the
% elimination data in the elimdata datastructure format.
procedure elimdata_repr(elimdata);
% Elimination data canonical representants accessor. [elimdata] is
% the elimination data. Returns the canonical representants.
car elimdata;
procedure elimdata_n(elimdata);
% Elimination data n accessor. [elimdata] is the elimination
% data. Returns n.
cadr elimdata;
procedure elimdata_m(elimdata);
% Elimination data m accessor. [elimdata] is the elimination
% data. Returns m.
caddr elimdata;
procedure elimdata_min_si(elimdata);
% Elimination data min_si accessor. [elimdata] is the elimination
% data. Returns min_si.
cadddr elimdata;
procedure elimdata_max_si(elimdata);
% Elimination data max_si accessor. [elimdata] is the elimination
% data. Returns max_si.
car cddddr elimdata;
procedure elimdata_ats(elimdata);
% Elimination data atomic formula list accessor. [elimdata] is the
% elimination data. Returns the atomic formula list.
cadr cddddr elimdata;
procedure elimdata_join(elimdatalst);
% Elimination data join a list of elimination data information.
% [elimdatalst] is a list of elimdata. Returns the common
% elimination information of all list elements.
begin scalar rep,n,m,min_si,max_si;
rep :={};
n := 1;
m := 1;
min_si := nil;
max_si := nil;
if elimdatalst then <<
max_si := elimdata_max_si car elimdatalst;
min_si := elimdata_min_si car elimdatalst;
for each elimdata in elimdatalst do <<
% Just joning the list of canonic representants
rep := append(rep,elimdata_repr elimdata);
% LCM of all n,m
n := *lcm(n,elimdata_n elimdata);
m := *lcm(m,elimdata_m elimdata);
% max_si and min_si computation
if minusf addf(max_si,negf elimdata_max_si elimdata) then
max_si := elimdata_min_si elimdata;
if minusf addf(min_si,negf elimdata_min_si elimdata) then
min_si := elimdata_max_si elimdata
return elimdata_new(rep,n,m,min_si,max_si,nil)
procedure pasf_qe(phi,theo);
% Presburger arithmetic standard form compute a quantifier free
% formula equivalent to psi. [psi] is a formula. Returns a
% quantifier free formula equivalent to $\psi()$.
begin scalar split,rslt,phi_prime;
if !*rlverbose then
ioto_tprin2 "++++ Entering pasf_qe";
phi_prime := rl_pnf phi;
split := cl_splt phi_prime;
% Performing DNF on the matrix
rslt := rl_dnf cadr split;
for each block in car split do
rslt := pasf_qeblock(car block,cdr block,rslt);
return if !*rlpasfsimplify then
procedure pasf_qeblock(omega,varl,psi);
% Presburger erithmetic standrd form eliminate a block of
% quantifiers. [omega] if the quantifier type, varl is a list of
% the block bounded variables and [psi] is the matrix of the
% formula.
begin integer dpth,vlv;
if !*rlverbose then <<
ioto_tprin2 {"---- ",omega . reverse varl};
dpth := length varl;
if !*rlqedfs then << % should not happen by now
vlv := dpth / 4;
ioto_prin2t {" [DFS: depth ",dpth,", watching ",dpth - vlv,"]"}
>> else
ioto_prin2t {" [BFS: depth ",dpth,"]"}
if omega eq 'ex then
return pasf_qeexblock(varl,psi,dpth,vlv);
% [op eq 'all]
return cl_nnfnot pasf_qeexblock(varl,cl_nnfnot psi,dpth,vlv)
procedure pasf_qeexblock(varl,psi,dpth,vlv);
% Presburger erithmetic standrd form eliminate a block of
% existential quantifiers. [varl] are the bounded variables, [psi]
% is the matrix of the formula. Returns a quantifier free formula
% equivalent to $\exists varl \psi()$.
begin scalar co,cvl,w,coe,f,newj,v; integer c,delc,oldcol,count;
cvl := varl;
if rl_op psi eq 'or then
for each x in rl_argn psi do
co := cl_save(co,{cl_mkcoel(cvl,x,nil,nil)})
co := cl_save(co,{cl_mkcoel(cvl,psi,nil,nil)});
while co do <<
w := cl_get co;
co := cdr w;
coe := car w;
cvl := cl_covl coe;
f := cl_cof coe;
count := count + 1;
if !*rlverbose then
if !*rlqedfs then <<
if vlv = length cvl then
ioto_tprin2t {"-- crossing: ",dpth - vlv};
ioto_prin2 {"[",dpth - length cvl}
>> else <<
if c=0 then <<
ioto_tprin2t {"-- left: ",length cvl};
c := cl_colength co + 1
ioto_nterpri(length explode c + 4);
ioto_prin2 {"[",c};
c := c - 1
v := car cvl;
cvl := cdr cvl;
f := pasf_qeex(f,v);
if !*rlpasfsimplify then
f := cl_simpl(f,nil,-1);
if f eq 'true then <<
co := nil;
newj := '(true)
>> else if null cvl then
newj := adjoin(f,newj)
if rl_op f eq 'or then <<
if !*rlverbose then oldcol := cl_colength co;
for each x in rl_argn f do
co := cl_save(co,{cl_mkcoel(cvl,x,nil,nil)});
if !*rlverbose then
delc := delc + oldcol + length rl_argn f - cl_colength co
>> else <<
if !*rlverbose then oldcol := cl_colength(co);
co := cl_save(co,{cl_mkcoel(cvl,f,nil,nil)});
if !*rlverbose then
delc := delc + oldcol + 1 - cl_colength(co)
if !*rlverbose then <<
ioto_prin2 "] ";
if !*rlqedfs and null cvl then ioto_prin2 ". "
if !*rlverbose then ioto_prin2{"[DEL:",delc,"/",count,"]"};
return rl_smkn('or,newj)
procedure pasf_qeex(psi,x);
% Presburger arithmetic standard form eliminate an existential
% quantifier in front of a quantifier free formula. [psi] is a
% formula, [x] is the quantified variable. Returns a quantifier
% free formula equivalent to $\exists x \psi()$.
begin scalar simpl,normpsi,elimdata;
% Debug output
if pasf_verbosep() then <<
prin2 "Eliminating subformula: ";
print psi;
prin2 "Elimination variable: ";
print x
% Trivial case check
% /TODO bad solution
if not (x memq cl_fvarl1 psi) then <<
if !*rlverbose then ioto_prin2 "*";
return psi
if !*rlverbose then ioto_prin2 "e";
% Computing the elimination normal form
normpsi := pasf_elimnf(psi,x);
% Getting the elimination data of psi
elimdata := pasf_canrep normpsi;
% Computing the quantifier free equivalent
simpl := pasf_rednf if null elimdata_repr elimdata then
return simpl
procedure pasf_canrep(f);
% Presburger arithmetic standard form search for canonical
% representants. [f] a formula in elimination normal form with only
% range predicates. Returns the elimindation data structure
% elimdata.
elimdata_join pasf_canrep1(f,nil);
procedure pasf_canrep1(f,bvar);
% Presburger arithmetic standard form search for canonical
% representants subroutine. [f] a formula in elimination normal
% form with only range predicates, [bvar] is the list of bounded
% variables. Returns the elimindation data structure elimdata.
if rl_quap rl_op f then
% Formula should be pnf'ed first
rederr{"pasf_canrep : Quantifier inside a formula matrix"}
if rl_bquap rl_op f then
% Removing bounded quantifiers and adding new bounded
% variable to the variable list.
pasf_canrep1(rl_mat f,(rl_var f) . bvar)
if rl_boolp rl_op f then
for each subf in rl_argn f join
% We are now sure to have no nested range predicates
procedure pasf_compeld(atf,bvar);
% Presburger arithmetic standard form compute elimination
% data. [atf] is an atomic formula, [bvar] is the list of bounded
% variables by range predicates. Returns the elimination data.
begin scalar op,n,m,max_s,min_s,repr,a_i;
% Avoiding formulas with no quantified variable inside
if null pasf_leadc atf then
return elimdata_new(nil,1,1,nil,nil,nil);
% Getting the operator
op := pasf_opn atf;
n := 1;
m := 1;
max_s := nil;
min_s := nil;
repr := nil;
if op memq '(cong ncong) then
m := lcm(m,pasf_m atf)
else if op memq '(equal neq leq geq lessp greaterp) then <<
n := lcm(n,pasf_leadc atf);
a_i := pasf_arg2r atf;
% Substituting k's into a_i
for each var in bvar do
a_i := numr subf(a_i,{(var . nil)});
% Debug output
if pasf_verbosep() then <<
prin2 "s_i = ";
print pasf_const a_i
max_s := pasf_const a_i;
min_s := pasf_const a_i;
repr := {pasf_mk2(pasf_op atf,pasf_arg2l atf,a_i)}
% Debug output
if pasf_verbosep() then <<
prin2 "lcm(n_i) = ";
print n;
prin2 "lcm(m_i) = ";
print m;
prin2 "max_s = ";
print max_s;
prin2 "min_s = ";
print min_s
return elimdata_new(repr,n,m,max_s,min_s,nil)
procedure pasf_consteln(atf);
% Presburger arithmetic standard form constant part of an atomic
% formula in elimination normal form. [atf] is an atomic formula in
% elimination normal form. Returns the constant part of [atf].
pasf_const pasf_arg2r atf;
procedure pasf_substfc(psi,elimdata);
% Presburger arithmetic standard form subsitute formula with only
% congruences. [psi] is the formula in elimination normal form,
% [elimdata] is the elimiation data. Returns a quantifier free
% formula equivalent to $ex(x,psi)$.
begin scalar m;
m := addf(elimdata_m elimdata,negf 1);
% Debug output
if pasf_verbosep() then <<
prin2 "m = ";
print m
return pasf_exprng pasf_substfc1(m,psi)
procedure pasf_substfc1(m,psi);
% Presburger arithmetic standard form subsitute formula with only
% congruences subprocedure. [m] is the upper range for the range
% predicate (SF), [psi] is the formula in elimination normal
% form. Returns a range predicate bounded formula.
begin scalar subs,rng,k;
k := pasf_newvar psi;
% Debug output
if pasf_verbosep() then <<
prin2 "Creating new variable ";
print k;
prin2 "m = ";
print m
subs := cl_apply2ats1(psi,'pasf_substf2,{k,1,nil});
rng := pasf_mkrng(k,0,if m then m else 0);
if m then
return rl_mkbq('bex,k,rng,rl_mkn('and,{subs}))
return subs
procedure pasf_substf(psi,elimdata);
% Presburger arithmetic standard form subsitute formula. [psi] is
% the formula in elimination normal form and [elimdata] is the
% elimination data. Returns a quantifier free formula equivalent to
% $ex(x,psi)$.
begin scalar n_prime,s,m;
s := pasf_ceil(addf(elimdata_min_si elimdata,
negf elimdata_min_si elimdata),2);
% Debug output
if pasf_verbosep() then <<
prin2 "s = ";
print s
n_prime := elimdata_n elimdata;
% Debug output
if pasf_verbosep() then <<
prin2 "n' = ";
print n_prime
m := elimdata_m elimdata;
% Debug output
if pasf_verbosep() then <<
prin2 "m = ";
print m
% For each canonical representant in psi
return pasf_rednf rl_mkn('or,
for each atf in elimdata_repr elimdata collect
if null pasf_arg2l atf then
pasf_substf1(multf(pasf_leadc atf,
procedure pasf_substf1(t_j,psi,atf);
% Presburger arithmetic standard form subsitute formula
% subprocedure. [t_j] is the range for the range predicate, [psi]
% is the formula in elimination normal form and [atf] is of one of
% the canonical representants of [psi]. Returns a bounded formula.
begin scalar cong,subs,rng,leadc,k;
k := pasf_newvar psi;
% Debug output
if pasf_verbosep() then <<
prin2 "Creating new variable ";
print k
% Debug output
if pasf_verbosep() then <<
prin2 "t_j = ";
print t_j
leadc := pasf_leadc atf;
cong := pasf_mk2(pasf_mkop('cong,leadc),
addf(pasf_arg2r atf,numr simp k),nil);
subs := cl_apply2ats1(psi,'pasf_substf2,
{k,leadc,pasf_arg2r atf});
if null t_j then
rederr{"pasf_substf1 : t_j is 0"}
rng := pasf_mkrng(k,-t_j,t_j);
return rl_mkbq('bex,k,rng,rl_mkn('and,subs . {cong}))
procedure pasf_substf2(atf,k,n_j,a_j);
% Presburger arithmetic standard form subsitute formula
% subprocedure. [psi] is an atomic formula in elimination normal
% form, [k] is the range variable, [n_j] and [a_j] are the
% substitution parameters. Returns the substituted atomic formula.
begin scalar n_i,a_i;
n_i := pasf_leadc atf;
% Returning unchanged formula if no quantified variable in the
% formula.
if null n_i then return atf;
a_i := pasf_arg2r atf;
return if pasf_opn(atf) memq '(cong ncong) then
pasf_mk2(pasf_mkop(pasf_opn atf,multf(pasf_m atf,n_j)),
addf(multf(n_i,a_j),multf(n_i,numr simp k)),
pasf_mk2(pasf_mkop(pasf_opn atf,0),
addf(multf(n_i,a_j),multf(n_i,numr simp k)),
procedure pasf_leadc(atf);
% Presburger arithmetic standard form leading coeficient of a
% elimination normal form. [atf] is an atomic formula in
% elimination normal form. Returns the leading coeficient.
if domainp pasf_arg2l atf then
% /FIXME Warning, could be a trap, because only nil possible
pasf_arg2l atf
lc pasf_arg2l atf;
procedure pasf_expand(f);
% Presburger arithmetic standard form expand a formula with range
% predicates. [f] is a formula with range predicates. Returns an
% equivalent formula without range predicates.
cl_simpl(pasf_exprng1 f,nil,-1);
procedure pasf_exprng(f);
% Presburger arithmetic standard form expand range predicate. [f]
% is a formula bounded by a range quantifier. Returns an equivalent
% quantifier free formula.
if !*rlpasfrangeexpand then
% Redlog normal form needed here because this function is called
% inside the QE process, where the formulas are not neccesary in
% redlog normal form.
pasf_expand pasf_rednf f
procedure pasf_exprng1(f);
% Presburger arithmetic standard form expand bounded
% quantifier. [f] is a formula bounded only by bounded
% quantifiers. Returns an equivalent quantifier free formula.
if rl_bquap rl_op f then
pasf_exprng2 rl_mkbq(rl_op f,rl_var f,rl_b f,
cl_simpl(pasf_exprng1 rl_mat f,nil,-1))
if rl_boolp rl_op f then
rl_mkn(rl_op f,for each subf in rl_argn f collect
cl_simpl(pasf_exprng1 subf,nil,-1))
procedure pasf_exprng2(f);
% Presburger arithmetic standard form expand bounded
% quantifier. [f] is a formula bounded only by one bounded
% quantifier. Returns an equivalent quantifier free formula.
begin scalar evaltype,terml;
% Long or or long and check
if rl_op f eq 'bex then
evaltype := 'or
else if rl_op f eq 'ball then
evaltype := 'and
% Unknown operator
rederr{"pasf_expand : unknown or illegal quantifier",rl_op f};
% Building the interval to substitute into
terml := pasf_b2terml(rl_b f,rl_var f);
return rl_mkn(evaltype,
for each j in terml collect
pasf_subfof(rl_var f,j,rl_mat f));
procedure pasf_subfof(var,ex,f);
% Presburger arithmetic standard form substitute into a formula.
% [var] is the variable to substitute, [ex] is the expression to
% substitute and [f] is the formula. Returns the formula where
% every occurence of [var] is substituted by [ex].
procedure pasf_subfof1(atf,var,ex);
% Presburger arithmetic standard form substitute into a formula
% subroutinue. [atf] is an atomic formula, [var] is the variable to
% substitute and [ex] is the expression to substitute. Returns an
% atomic formula where every occurence of [var] is substituted by
% [ex].
pasf_mk2(pasf_op atf,
numr subf(pasf_arg2l atf,{(var . ex)}),
numr subf(pasf_arg2r atf,{(var . ex)}));
procedure pasf_newvar(f);
% Presburger arithmetic standard form new variable generation. [f]
% is a formula. Returns a new variable which is not present in [f].
intern gensym();
procedure pasf_newvar1(f);
% Presburger arithmetic standard form new variable generation. [f]
% is a formula. Returns a new variable which is not present in [f].
begin scalar varl,varv,expld,l;
varl := cl_varl pasf_rednf f;
varv := 0;
% Checking only the whole varlist
for each var in append(car varl,cdr varl) do <<
expld := explode var;
% Looking for k variables
if car expld eq 'k then <<
l := implode cdr expld;
if l >= varv then
varv := l+1
return implode('k . explode(varv))