module compactf; % Algorithms for compacting algebraic expressions.
% Author: Anthony C. Hearn.
% Copyright (c) 1991 The RAND Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
fluid '(frlis!* mv!-vars!*);
global '(!*trcompact);
switch trcompact;
% Interface to REDUCE simplifier.
symbolic procedure simpcompact u;
begin scalar bool;
if null u or null cdr u
then rerror(compact,1,
list("Wrong number of arguments to compact"));
if null !*exp then <<rmsubs(); bool := !*exp := t>>;
u := errorset!*(list('simpcompact1,mkquote u),nil);
if bool then !*exp := nil;
if errorp u then rerror(compact,2,"Compact error");
return car u
symbolic procedure simpcompact1 u;
begin scalar v,x,y,w;
v := simp!* car u;
u := cadr u;
if idp u
then if eqcar(x := get(u,'avalue),'list)
then u := cadr x
else typerr(u,"list")
else if getrtype u eq 'list then u := cdr u
else typerr(u,"list");
u := for each j in u collect
<< w:=t;
if eqcar(j,'equal) or eqcar(j,'replaceby) then
<< if eqcar(y:=caddr j,'when) then
<<w:=compactbool formbool(caddr y,nil,'algebraic);
y:=cadr y>>;
j:= {'difference,cadr j,y}>>;
% propagate free variables.
if(y:=compactfmatch2 j) then
<<j:=sublis(for each x in y collect x.cadr x,j);
j:=sublis(for each x in y collect cadr x.x,j)>>;
for each j in u do v := compactsq(v,simp!* car j,cdr j);
return v
symbolic procedure compactbool w;
% Reform condtion w for later evaluation and substitution.
% Without this reform (list (quote ~)(quote x)) would not
% be substituted by subst('(((~ x).y)..)... .
if atom w then w else
if eqcar(w,'list) and cdr w and cadr w='(quote !~) then
{'quote,{'!~,cadr caddr w}} else
compactbool car w . compactbool cdr w;
% True beginning of compacting routines.
symbolic procedure compactsq(u,v,c);
% U is a standard quotient, v a standard quotient for equation v=0.
% Result is a standard quotient for u reduced wrt v=0.
if denr v neq 1
then msgpri("Relation denominator",prepf denr v,"discarded",
v := numr v;
return multsq(compactf(numr u,v,c) ./ 1,
1 ./ compactf(denr u,v,c))
symbolic procedure compactf(u,v,c);
% U is a standard form, v a standard form for an equation v=0.
% C is a condition for applying v.
% Result is a standard form for u reduced wrt v=0.
begin scalar x; integer n;
if !*trcompact
then <<prin2t "*** Arguments on entering compactf:";
mathprint mk!*sq !*f2q u;
mathprint mk!*sq !*f2q v>>;
while x neq u do <<x := u; u := compactf0(u,v,c); n := n+1>>;
if !*trcompact and n>2
then <<prin2 " *** Compactf looped ";prin2 n; prin2t " times">>;
return u
symbolic procedure compactf0(u,v,c);
begin scalar x,y,w;
x := kernels u;
y := kernels v;
if not smemq('!~,v) then return compactf1(u,v,x,y);
for each p in compactfmatch(x,y) do
if p and not smemq('!~,w:=sublis(p,c)) and eval w and
not smemq('!~,w:=numr subf(v,p)) then
u:=compactf1(u,w,x,kernels w);
return u;
symbolic procedure compactfmatch(x,y);
% Finds all possible matches between free variables in
% kernels of list x and pattern list y, including incomplete,
% inconsistent and the empty match.
if null x or null y then '(nil) else
begin scalar y1,z,r;
z:=compactfmatch(x,cdr y);
if not smemq('!~,car y) then return z;
y1:=car y; y:= cdr y;
r:=for each x1 in x join
for each w in compactfmatch1(x1,y1) join
for each q in compactfmatch(delete(x1,x),sublis(w,y)) collect
return union(r,z);
symbolic procedure compactfmatch1(x,y);
if car y = '!~ then {{y.x}} else
if pairp x and car x=car y then
mcharg(cdr x,cdr y,car y)
where frlis!* =nconc(compactfmatch2 y,frlis!*);
symbolic procedure compactfmatch2 y;
if atom y then nil else
if car y = '!~ then {y} else
append(compactfmatch2(car y),compactfmatch2(cdr y));
symbolic procedure compactf1(u,v,x,y);
begin scalar z;
% x := kernels u;
% y := kernels v;
z := intersection(x,y); % find common vars.
if null z then return u;
% Unfortunately, it's too expensive in space to generate all perms.
% as in this example:
% l:={-c31*c21+c32*c22+c33*c23+c34*c24=t1};
% x:= -c31*c21+c32*c22+c33*c23+c34*c24;
% compact(x,l); % out of heap space
% for each j in permutations z do u := compactf11(u,v,x,y,j);
return compactf11(u,v,x,y,z)
% return u
symbolic procedure compactf11(u,v,x,y,z);
begin scalar w;
if domainp u then return u;
y := append(z,setdiff(y,z)); % vars in eqn.
x := append(setdiff(x,z),y); % all vars.
x := setkorder x;
u := reorder u; % reorder expressions.
v := reorder v;
z := comfac!-to!-poly comfac u;
u := quotf(u,z);
u := remchkf(u,v,y);
w := compactf2(u,mv!-reduced!-coeffs sf2mv(v,y),y);
if termsf w < termsf u then u := w;
% Now reduce z (required, e.g. for compact(u1*(h0+h1),{h0+h1=z1}))
if not kernlp z
then <<z := remchkf(z,v,y);
w := compactf2(z,mv!-reduced!-coeffs sf2mv(v,y),y);
if termsf w < termsf z then z := w>>;
u := multf(z,u);
setkorder x;
u := reorder u;
if !*trcompact
then <<prin2t "*** Value on leaving compactf11:";
mathprint mk!*sq !*f2q u>>;
return u
symbolic procedure remchkf(u,v,vars);
% This procedure returns u after checking if a smaller remainder
% results after division by v. It is potentially inefficient, since
% we check all the way down the list, term by term. However, the
% process terminates when we no longer have any relevant kernels.
(if domainp x or null intersection(kernels u,vars) then x
else lt x .+ remchkf(red x,v,vars))
where x=remchkf1(u,v);
symbolic procedure remchkf1(u,v);
begin integer n;
n := termsf u;
v := xremf(u,v,n);
if null v or termsf(v := car v)>=n then return u
else if !*trcompact then prin2t "*** Remainder smaller";
return v
symbolic procedure xremf(u,v,m);
% Returns the quotient and remainder of U divided by V, or NIL if
% the number of terms in the remainder exceeds M.
% The goal is to keep terms u+terms z<=m.
% There is some slop in the count, so one must check sizes on
% leaving.
begin integer m1,m2,n; scalar x,y,z;
if domainp v then return list cdr qremd(u,v);
m2 := termsf u;
a: if m<= 0 then return nil
else if domainp u then return list addf(z,u)
else if mvar u eq mvar v
then if (n := ldeg u-ldeg v)<0 then return list addf(z,u)
else <<x := qremf(lc u,lc v);
y := multpf(lpow u,cdr x);
m := m+m1;
z := addf(z,y);
m1 := termsf z;
m := m-m1+m2;
u := if null car x then red u
else addf(addf(u,multf(if n=0 then v
else multpf(mvar u .** n,v),
negf car x)), negf y);
m2 := termsf u;
m := m-m2;
go to a>>
else if not ordop(mvar u,mvar v) then return list addf(z,u);
m := m+m1;
x := xremf(lc u,v,m);
if null x then return nil;
z := addf(z,multpf(lpow u,car x));
m1 := termsf z;
m := m-m1;
u := red u;
go to a
symbolic procedure compactf2(u,v,vars);
% U is standard form for expression, v for equation. W is ordered
% list of variables in v. Result is a compacted form for u.
if domainp u then u
else if mvar u memq vars then compactf3(u,v,vars)
else lpow u .* compactf2(lc u,v,vars) .+ compactf2(red u,v,vars);
symbolic procedure compactf3(u,v,vars);
begin scalar mv!-vars!*;
mv!-vars!* := vars;
return mv2sf(mv!-compact(sf2mv(u,vars),v,nil),vars)