module edspatch;
% Various patches for other parts of Reduce.
% Author: David Hartley
fluid '(!*edsverbose !*edsdebug !*arbvars !*varopt !*groebopt
!*solveinconsistent depl!*);
%%% General changes
% Extend MAP/SELECT to other structures than list/matrix
symbolic procedure map!-eval1(o,q,fcn1,fcn2);
% o structure to be mapped.
% q map expression (univariate function).
% fcn1 function for evaluating members of o.
% fcn2 function computing results (e.g. aeval).
symbolic procedure map!-function(q,fcn1,fcn2);
begin scalar v,w;
v := '!&!&x;
if idp q
and (get(q,'simpfn) or get(q,'number!-of!-args)=1)
then <<w:=v; q:={q,v}>>
else if eqcar(q,'replaceby) then
<<w:=cadr q; q:=caddr q>>
if null w then rederr "map/select: no free variable found" else
if cdr w then rederr "map/select: free variable ambiguous";
w := car w;
if eqcar(w,'!~) then w:=cadr w;
q := sublis({w.v,{'!~,w}.v},q);
return {'lambda,{'w},
{'map!-eval2,'w,mkquote v,mkquote q,mkquote fcn1,mkquote fcn2}};
symbolic procedure map!-apply(f,o);
if atom o then apply1(f,o)
else (if m then apply2(m,f,o)
else car o . for each w in cdr o collect apply1(f,w))
where m = get(car o,'mapfn);
symbolic procedure mapmat(f,o);
'mat . for each row in cdr o collect
for each w in row collect
%%% EXCALC modifications
global '(indxl!*);
fluid '(kord!*);
% Remove covariant flag from indexed 0-forms.
% Add a subfunc to indexed forms.
if not getd 'excalcputform then copyd('excalcputform,'putform);
symbolic procedure putform(u,v);
if not atom u then
<< put(car u,'subfunc,'(lambda (a b) b));
remflag({car u},'covariant) >>;
% Have to update ndepends to REDUCE3.6 depends.
symbolic procedure ndepends(u,v);
if null u or numberp u or numberp v then nil
else if u=v then u
else if atom u and u memq frlis!* then t
%to allow the most general pattern matching to occur;
else if (lambda x; x and lndepends(cdr x,v)) assoc(u,depl!*)
then t
else if not atom u and idp car u and get(car u,'dname) then
(if depends!-fn then apply2(depends!-fn,u,v) else nil)
where (depends!-fn = get(car u,'domain!-depends!-fn))
else if not atomf u
and (lndepends(cdr u,v) or ndepends(car u,v)) then t
else if atomf v or idp car v and get(car v,'dname) then nil
% else ndependsl(u,cdr v);
else nil;
%%% Make depends from ALG into ndepends from EXCALC (identical except
%%% for atomf test which treats indexed variables as atoms).
symbolic procedure lndepends(u,v);
% Need to allow the possibility that U is an atom because the int
% package calls depends with sq instead of prefix.
if null u then nil
else if atom u then ndepends(u,v)
else ndepends(car u,v) or lndepends(cdr u,v);
% changed first u -> v (error otherwise)
symbolic procedure ndependsl(u,v);
v and (ndepends(u,car v) or ndependsl(u,cdr v));
fluid '(!*edsverbose !*edsdebug !*arbvars !*varopt !*groebopt
!*solveinconsistent depl!*);
%%% SOLVE changes
% Changed depl!* line to work for non-atom kernels as well.
fluid '(!*expandexpt); % from
fluid '( system!* % system to be solved
osystem!* % original system on input
uv!* % user supplied variables
iv!* % internal variables
fv!* % restricted variables
kl!* % kernels to be investigated
sub!* % global substitutions
inv!* % global inverse substitutions
depl!* % REDUCE dependency list
!*solvealgp % true if using this module
solvealgdb!* % collecting some data
last!-vars!* % collection of innermost aux variables
const!-vars!* % variables representing constants
root!-vars!* % variables representing root expressions
!*expli % local switch: explicit solution
groebroots!* % predefined roots from input surds
!*test_solvealg % debugging support
fluid '(!*trnonlnr);
% If set on, the modified system and the Groebner result
% or the reason for the failure are printed.
global '(loaded!-packages!* !!arbint);
symbolic procedure solvenonlnrsys2();
% Main driver. We need non-local exits here
% because of possibly hidden non algebraic variable
% dependencies.
if null !*solvealgp then system!*:='(FAILED) else % against recursion.
(begin scalar iv!*,kl!*,inv!*,fv!*,r,w,!*solvealgp,solvealgdb!*,sub!*;
scalar last!-vars!*,groebroots!*,const!-vars!*,root!-vars!*;
% preserving the variable sequence if *varopt is off
% if not !*varopt then depl!* :=
% append(pair(uv!*,append(cdr uv!*,{gensym()})),depl!*);
if not !*varopt then depl!* :=
append(foreach l on uv!* collect l,depl!*);
% hiding dmode because exponentials need integers.
for each f in system!* do solvealgk0
(if dmode!* then numr subf(f,nil) where dmode!*=nil else f);
if !*trnonlnr then print list("original system:",system!*);
if !*trnonlnr then print list("original kernels:",kl!*);
if null cdr system!* then
if (smemq('sin,system!*)or smemq('cos,system!*)) and
(r:=solvenonlnrtansub(prepf(w:=car system!*),car uv!*))
and car r
then return solvenonlnrtansolve(r,car uv!*,w)
else if (smemq('sinh,system!*)or smemq('cosh,system!*)) and
(r:=solvenonlnrtanhsub(prepf(w:=car system!*),car uv!*))
and car r
then return solvenonlnrtanhsolve(r,car uv!*,w);
if atom (errorset('(solvealgk1),!*trnonlnr,nil))
where dmode!*=nil
then return (system!*:='(FAILED));
system!*:='LIST.for each p in system!* collect prepf p;
if not('groebner memq loaded!-packages!*)
then load!-package 'groebner;
for each x in iv!* do if not member(x,last!-vars!*) then
for each y in last!-vars!* do depend1(x,y,t);
iv!* := sort(iv!*,function (lambda(a,b);depends(a,b)));
if !*trnonlnr then
<< prin2t "Entering Groebner for system";
writepri(mkquote system!*,'only);
writepri(mkquote('LIST.iv!*), 'only);
r := list(system!*,'LIST.iv!*);
r := groesolveeval r;
if !*trnonlnr then
<< prin2t "leaving Groebner with intermediate result";
writepri(mkquote r,'only);
terpri(); terpri();
if 'sin memq solvealgdb!* then r:=solvealgtrig2 r;
if 'sinh memq solvealgdb!* then r:=solvealghyp2 r;
r:= if r='(LIST) then '(INCONSISTENT) else solvealginv r;
system!* := r; % set value aside
return r;
end) where depl!*=depl!* ;
% Make variable dependency override reordering.
fluid '(!*trsparse);
symbolic procedure solvesparsecheck(sys,vl);
% sys: list of sf, vl: list of kernel
% -> solvesparsecheck: nil or {list of sf,list of kernel}
% This program checks for a sparse linear system. If the
% system is sparse enough, it returns (exlis.varlis) reordered
% such that a maximum triangular upper diagonal form is
% established. Otherwise the result is NIL.
begin scalar vl1,xl,sys1,q,x,y;
integer sp;
% First collect a list vl1 where each variable is followed
% by the number of equations where it occurs, and then
% by the number of other variables which occur in these
% equations (connectivity). At the same time, collect a measure
% of the sparsity.
vl1:= for each x in vl collect x . 0 . nil;
foreach q in sys do
foreach x in (xl := intersection(topkerns q,vl)) do
<<y := assoc(x,vl1);
cdr y := (cadr y + 1) . union(xl,cddr y);
sp := sp + 1>>;
foreach p in vl1 do
cddr p := length cddr p - 1; % could drop the -1
% Drop out if density > 80%
if sp > length sys * length vl * 0.8 then
<<if !*trsparse then prin2t "System is not very sparse";
return nil>>;
% If varopt is on, sort variables first by least occurrences and then
% least connectivity, but allow dependency to override.
% Reset kernel order and reorder equations.
if !*trsparse then
solvesparseprint("Original sparse system",sys,vl);
if !*varopt then
<< vl1 := sort(vl1,function solvevarordp);
vl1 := foreach x in vl1 collect car x;
% if !*trsparse then lpriw("Optimal variable order:",vl1);
% foreach k in reverse vl1 do updkorder k;
% vl1 := sort(vl1,function solvevarordp1);
vl1 := solvevaradjust vl1;
% if !*trsparse then lpriw("Adjusted variable order:",vl1);
foreach k in reverse vl1 do updkorder k;
sys := for each q in sys collect reorder q >>
else vl1 := foreach x in vl1 collect car x;
% Next sort equations in ascending order of their first variable
% and then descending order of the next variable.
sys1:= (nil . nil) . foreach x in vl1 collect x . nil;
foreach q in sys do
<<if domainp q or not member(mvar q,vl1) then y := assoc(nil,sys1)
else y := assoc(mvar q,sys1);
cdr y := q . cdr y>>;
foreach p in cdr sys1 do
if cdr p then cdr p := sort(cdr p, function solvesparsesort);
% Finally split off a leading diagonal system and push the remaining
% equations down.
sys := nconc(foreach p in sys1 join if cdr p then {cadr p},
reversip foreach p in sys1 join if cdr p then cddr p);
if !*trsparse then
solvesparseprint("Variables and/or equations rearranged",sys,vl1);
return sys.vl1;
symbolic procedure solvevarordp(x,y);
cadr x < cadr y or
cadr x = cadr y and cddr x < cddr y;
symbolic procedure solvevarordp1(x,y);
% This is incomplete, since it is not transitive
depends(x,y) or
not depends(y,x) and ordop(x,y);
symbolic procedure solvevaradjust u;
begin scalar v,y;
if null u then return nil;
v := foreach x in u join
<< y := assoc(x,depl!*);
if null y or null xnp(cdr y,u) then {x} >>;
return nconc(solvevaradjust setdiff(u,v),v);
% Usually solve goes to the Cramer method since the expressions
% contain exponentials. The Bareiss code should work, so disable this.
symbolic procedure exptexpflistp u;