module simplifications$
% Routines for simplifications, contradiction testing
% and substitution of functions
% Author: Andreas Brand 1991 1993 1994
% Thomas Wolf since 1996
symbolic procedure signchange(g)$
% ensure, that the first term is positive
if pairp g then
if (car g='MINUS) then cadr g
else if (car g='PLUS) and (pairp cadr g) and (caadr g='MINUS)
then reval list('MINUS,g)
else g
else g$
symbolic procedure simplifyterm(p,ftem)$
% simplify a single factor p of g=p*q*r*...=0
if (ftem:=smemberl(ftem,p)) then
if pairp p and member(car p,'(MINUS SQRT QUOTIENT))
then simplifyterm(cadr p,ftem)
else if pairp p and (car p='EXPT) then
if smemberl(ftem,cadr p) then simplifyterm(cadr p,ftem)
else 1
else if member((p:=signchange p),ineq_) then 1
else p
else if not p or zerop p then 0
else 1$
symbolic procedure simp_ineq(p)$
<<p:=reval p$
while pairp p and member(car p,'(MINUS SQRT QUOTIENT EXPT)) do p:=cadr p$
symbolic procedure may_vanish(p)$
if null p then t else
begin scalar h,hh$
p:=factored_form simp_ineq(p)$
if (pairp p) and (car p = 'TIMES) then h:=for each hh in cdr p collect simp_ineq(hh)
else h:=list p$
while h and (freeoflist(car h,ftem_) or
member(car h,ineq_) or
((pairp car h) and
(caar h = 'PLUS) and
member(reval {'MINUS,car h},ineq_))
) do h:=cdr h;
return if h then t
else nil
symbolic procedure drop_triv_ineq(ineq)$
begin scalar newineq;
while ineq do <<
if not numberp car ineq then newineq:=cons(car ineq,newineq);
ineq:=cdr ineq
return newineq
symbolic procedure contradictioncheck(s,pdes)$
% --> drops factors s in all pdes without asking!!
begin scalar v,p$
if s then
while pdes do
<<p:=car pdes$pdes:=cdr pdes$
if pairp v and (car v='TIMES) then
(if member(s,cdr v) then
<<v:=delete(s,cdr v)$
update(p,if length v=1 then car v else cons('TIMES,v),
for each a in allflags_ do flag1(p,a)$
else if s=v then
return contradiction_$
symbolic procedure raise_contradiction(g,text)$
if print_ then
<<terpri()$if text then write text
else write "contradiction : "$
deprint list g>> >>$
symbolic procedure doedel3 (x)$
begin scalar xx,kerne,coef,co,fact, xy,summ;
xx := car x;
summ := simp 0;
xy := cadr aeval xx;
kerne := kernels !*q2f xy;
for each kk in kerne do
if smemberl(ftem_,kk) then <<
co := coef := nth(coeffeval list(xx,kk),3);
co := if atom co then simp co else cadr co;
if atom coef then fact := simp coef else <<
coef := fctrf numr cadr coef;
fact := simp car coef;
coef := foreach fa in rest coef do fact := multsq(!*p2q fa ,fact);
xy := addsq(xy,multsq(simp (-1),multsq(co,simp kk)));
coef := multsq(fact,simp kk);
summ := addsq(coef,summ) >>;
summ := addsq(xy,summ);
return prepsq summ;
% return list('!*sq,summ,t); % this is faster but standard quot. form
symbolic procedure simplifypde(g,ftem,tofactor,en)$
% simplify g=0, en is the name of the equation
begin scalar h,l,ruli,enhi$
if en and record_hist then enhi:=get(en,'histry_)$
% if rulelist_ then g:=reval evalwhereexp list(rulelist_,g)$
g:=reval aeval g$
% g:=doedel3 g$
if g and not zerop g and not (ftem:=smemberl(ftem,g)) then
else if pairp g then
if member(car g,'(EXPT QUOTIENT MINUS SQRT)) then <<
if enhi then
if car g='EXPT then
put(en,'histry_,reval {'EXPT,enhi,{'QUOTIENT,1,caddr g}}) else
if car g='QUOTIENT then
put(en,'histry_,reval {'TIMES,enhi,caddr g}) else
if car g='MINUS then put(en,'histry_,reval {'MINUS,enhi}) else
if car g='SQRT then put(en,'histry_,reval {'EXPT,enhi,2})$
g:=simplifypde(cadr g,ftem,tofactor,en) >>
else if member(car g,'(LOG LN LOGB LOG10)) then <<
if enhi then
if (car g='LOG) or
(car g='LN) then
put(en,'histry_,reval {'PLUS,{'EXPT,'E,enhi},-1}) else
if car g='LOGB then
put(en,'histry_,reval {'PLUS,{'EXPT, 2,enhi},-1}) else
if car g='LOG10 then
put(en,'histry_,reval {'PLUS,{'EXPT,10,enhi},-1})$
g:=simplifypde(reval {'PLUS,cadr g,-1},ftem,tofactor,en) >>
else if tofactor then
<<if car g='TIMES
then l:=for each a in cdr g join
if numberp a then {a}
else cdr err_catch_fac(a)
else l:=cdr err_catch_fac(g)$
while l do
<<if not member(car l,cdr l) then
h:=union(list simplifyterm(car l,ftem),h)$
l:=cdr l>>$
if null h then
else <<
if enhi then l:=g;
if pairp cdr h then g:=cons('TIMES,reverse h)
else g:=car h$
if enhi and (l neq g) then
put(en,'histry_,reval {'TIMES,{'QUOTIENT,g,l},enhi})$
return g$
symbolic procedure fcteval(p,less_vars)$
% looks for a function which can be eliminated
% if one is found, it is stored in p as (coeff_of_f.f)
% if less_vars neq nil then the expr. to be substituted
% must have only fcts. of less vars
% 'to_eval neq nil iff not checked yet for substitution
% or if subst. possible
% i.e. 'to_eval=nil if checked and not possible
% 'fcteval_lin includes subst. with coefficients that do not
% include ftem functions/constants
% 'fcteval_nca includes subst. with non-vanishing coefficients
% and therefore no case distinctions (linearity)
% 'fcteval_nli includes subst. with possibly vanishing coefficients
% and therefore case distinctions (non-linearity)
begin scalar ft,a,b,fl,li,nc,nl,f,cpf,fv,fc$
if flagp(p,'to_eval) then <<
b:=get(p,'not_to_eval)$ % functions that replace a derivative
if (not get(p,'fcteval_lin)) and
(not get(p,'fcteval_nca)) and
(not get(p,'fcteval_nli)) then <<
if flin_ and (fl:=intersection(ft,flin_)) then <<ft:=fl; fl:=nil>>$
if null ft then <<
% drop all functions f from ft for which there is another
% function which is a function of all variables of f + at
% least one extra variable
for each f in ft do <<
fv:=fctargs f$
while cpf and
(not_included(fv,fc:=fctargs car cpf) or
(length fv >= length fc) ) do
cpf:=cdr cpf;
if null cpf then fl:=cons(f,cpf)
if ft then <<
if (not less_vars) or
(not cdr ft) or
(zerop get(p,'nvars)) then <<
% either all functions allowed or only one fnc of all vars
for each f in ft do
if (not member(f,b)) and linear_fct(p,f) then <<
% only linear algebr. fcts
a:=factored_form reval coeffn(get(p,'val),f,1)$
if fl:=smemberl(delete(f,get(p,'fcts)),a) then
if freeofzero(a,fl,get(p,'vars),get(p,'nonrational))
then nc:=cons(cons(a,f),nc)
else nl:=cons(cons(a,f),nl) else
if li then put(p,'fcteval_lin,reverse li); % else
if nc then put(p,'fcteval_nca,reverse nc); % else
if nl then put(p,'fcteval_nli,reverse nl);
if not (li or nc or nl) then remflag1(p,'to_eval)
return (get(p,'fcteval_lin) or
get(p,'fcteval_nca) or
get(p,'fcteval_nli) )
symbolic procedure freeofzero(p,ft,vl,nrat)$
% gets p (factorized), if p does not vanish identically
% nrat is the set of potentially non-rationally occuring functions.
% If unknown, then to be set = ft
if null ft or numberp p then p
begin scalar a,b,h,fr,pri,nonrat$
for each s in cdr err_catch_fac(p) do
a:=union(list simplifyterm(s,ft),a)$
if length a>1 then p:=cons('TIMES,a)$
while a do
if null smemberl(ft,car a) or member(signchange(car a),ineq_) then a:=cdr a
else if pairp cdr
(b:=union(for each s in
separ(car a,ft,vl,
for each h in ft do
if not rationalp(car a,h) then
) collect cdr s,nil)) then
while b do if freeofzero(car b,ft,vl,nrat) then <<b:=nil$fr:=t>>
else b:=cdr b$
if fr then a:=cdr a
else <<a:=nil$p:=nil>> >>
else <<a:=nil$p:=nil>>$
return p
%symbolic procedure flin_filter(s,preserve_flin,l)$
%if flin_ and preserve_flin and not freeoflist(get(s,'fcts),flin_) then
%begin scalar h$
% while l do <<
% if not freeof(flin_,cdar l) then h:=cons(car l,h);
% l:=cdr l
% >>$
% return h
%end else l$
symbolic procedure get_subst(pdes,l,length_limit,less_vars,no_df)$
% get the most simple pde from l which leads to a function substitution
% if less_vars neq nil: the expr. to subst. has only fcts. of less vars
% if no_df neq nil: the expr. to subst. has no derivatives
begin scalar p,q,h,l1,l2,m,ntms,mdu,ineq_cp,
% mdu=(1:lin, 2:nca, 3:nli_lin, 4:nli_nca, 5:nli_nli, 6:nli_nus)
% drop all equations longer than length_limit
if length_limit then <<
while l do
if get(car l,'length)>length_limit then l:=nil
else <<
l1:=cons(car l,l1)$
l:=cdr l
l:=reverse l1
% l is now the list of equations <= length_limit
% next: substitution only if no_df=nil or
% no derivative of any function occurs
if no_df then <<
for each s in l do
while l2 do
if pairp(cdaar l2) then
else l2:=cdr l2>>$
% next: restrict to substitutions, if any,
% that have a coefficient without ftem-dependence
l1:=nil; mdu:=100;
for each s in l do
if fcteval(s,less_vars) then
if get(s,'fcteval_lin) then if mdu>1 then <<mdu:=1;l1:=list s>>
else l1:=cons(s,l1) else
if (mdu>1) and get(s,'fcteval_nca) then
if mdu>2 then <<mdu:=2;l1:=list s>> else l1:=cons(s,l1) else
if (mdu>2) and (h:=get(s,'fcteval_nli)) then <<
if (null get(s,'fct_nli_lin)) and
(null get(s,'fct_nli_nca)) and
(null get(s,'fct_nli_nli)) and
(null get(s,'fct_nli_nus)) then <<
ineq_cp:=ineq_; ineq_:=nil;
% partition get(s,'fcteval_nli) into the above 4 cases
for each l2 in h do <<
q:=mkeq(car l2,get(s,'fcts),get(s,'vars),allflags_,t,list(0),nil,nil);
% the pdes-argument in mkeq() is nil to avoid lasting effect on pdes
necount:=add1 necount$
fcteval(q,less_vars)$ % less_vars
if get(q,'fcteval_lin) then
put(s,'fct_nli_lin,cons(l2,get(s,'fct_nli_lin))) else
if get(q,'fcteval_nca) then
put(s,'fct_nli_nca,cons(l2,get(s,'fct_nli_nca))) else
if get(q,'fcteval_nli) then
put(s,'fct_nli_nli,cons(l2,get(s,'fct_nli_nli))) else
if necount>100 then <<
if get(s,'fct_nli_lin) then
if mdu>3 then <<mdu:=3;l1:=list s>> else l1:=cons(s,l1) else
if (mdu>3) and get(s,'fct_nli_nca) then
if mdu>4 then <<mdu:=4;l1:=list s>> else l1:=cons(s,l1) else
if (mdu>4) and get(s,'fct_nli_nli) then
if mdu>5 then <<mdu:=5;l1:=list s>> else l1:=cons(s,l1) else
if (mdu>5) and get(s,'fct_nli_nus) then
if mdu>6 then <<mdu:=6;l1:=list s>> else l1:=cons(s,l1)
% next: find an equation with as many as possible variables
% and few as possible terms for substitution
for each s in l do <<
if get(s,'starde) then l1:=sub1 l1;
if l1>m then m:=l1$
while m>=0 do <<
while l1 do
if ((get(car l1,'nvars) -
if get(car l1,'starde) then 1
else 0) = m ) and
fcteval(car l1,less_vars) and
(get(car l1,'terms) < ntms) then <<
p:=car l1$
l1:=cdr l1$
>> else l1:=cdr l1$
m:=if p then -1
else sub1 m
if p then return <<
fcteval_cop:=if mdu=1 then get(p,'fcteval_lin) else
if mdu=2 then get(p,'fcteval_nca) else
if mdu=3 then get(p,'fct_nli_lin) else
if mdu=4 then get(p,'fct_nli_nca) else
if mdu=5 then get(p,'fct_nli_nli) else
if mdu=6 then get(p,'fct_nli_nus);
% prevent the substitution of a function<>0
if rtn and homogen_ and setdiff(ftem_,ineq_) and
cdr pdes and (get(p,'terms)>1) then <<
% i.e. not all ftem_ have to be non-zero
% and it is not the last pde
if freeof(n0f,cdaddr rtn) then rtn
if null cdr fcteval_cop then % rtn was the only substitution of this eqn.
if cdr lcop then % there are other eqn.s to choose from
if null h then rtn else h>>
else rtn % nil % no substitution --> changed to rtn
else <<
fcteval_cop:=delete(caddr rtn,fcteval_cop);
>> else rtn
symbolic procedure pick_fcteval(pdes,mdu,fctlist)$
if fctlist then
if (not expert_mode) or (length fctlist = 1) then
% automatic pick of all the possible substitutions
if null cdr fctlist then car fctlist else
if mdu<3 then begin % substitute the function coming first in ftem_
scalar best;
best:=car fctlist; fctlist:=cdr fctlist;
while fctlist do <<
if which_first(cdr best,cdar fctlist,ftem_) neq cdr best
then best:=car fctlist;
fctlist:=cdr fctlist
return best
end else
begin scalar co,minfinco,minnofinco,finco,nofinco,fctlilen,
% 1. find a substitution where the coefficient involves as few as possible functions
fctlilen:=length fctlist$
for n:=1:fctlilen do <<
finco:=smemberl(ftem_,car co);
nofinco:=length finco;
if nofinco<minnofinco then <<minfinco:=list(cons(n,finco));
minnofinco:=nofinco>> else
if nofinco=minnofinco then minfinco:=cons(cons(n,finco),minfinco);
if (length minfinco=1) or (minnofinco>1)
% if there is only one substitution where the coefficient has a
% minimal number of ftem_ functions or
% if the minimal number of functions in any coefficient is >1
then return nth(fctlist,caar minfinco) % return any ony one of the minimal ones
else return << % find the one with the ftem_ function that occurs in the
% fewest equations, to complicate as few as possible equations
for each su in minfinco do <<
f:=cadr su;
for each p in pdes do if not freeof(get(p,'fcts),f) then nopdes:=add1 nopdes;
if nopdes<maxnopdes then <<maxnopdes:=nopdes;bestn:=car su>>;
end else
begin scalar fl,a,h,hh;
fl:=for each a in fctlist collect cdr a$
write"Choose a function to be substituted from "$
hh:=promptstring!*$ promptstring!*:=""$
repeat h:=termread() until not freeof(fl,h);
while h neq cdar fctlist do fctlist:=cdr fctlist;
return car fctlist
%symbolic procedure ineqsplit(q,ftem)$
%% q into factors and
%% drop quotients
%begin scalar l$
% if pairp q and (car q='QUOTIENT) then q:=cadr q$
% q:=cdr err_catch_fac(q)$
% for each s in q do
% if smemberl(ftem,s) then
% <<s:=signchange s$
% if not member(s,l) then l:=cons(s,l)>>$
%return l$
%symbolic procedure ineqsubst(new,old,ftem)$
%% tests all q's in ineq_ for subst(new, old,q)=0
%% result: nil, if 0 occurs
%% otherwise list of the subst(car p,...)
%begin scalar l,a$
%while ineq_ do
% if not my_freeof(car ineq_,old) then
% <<a:=simplifyterm(reval reval subst(new, old,car ineq_),ftem)$
% if zerop a then
% <<if print_ then
% <<terpri()$write "contradiction from the substitution:"$
% eqprint list('EQUAL,old,new)$
% write "because of the non-vanishing expression:"$
% eqprint car ineq_>>$
% contradiction_:=t$
% l:=nil$
% ineq_:=nil>>
% else
% <<l:=union(ineqsplit(a,ftem),l)$
% ineq_:=cdr ineq_>> >>
% else
% <<l:=cons(car ineq_,l)$
% ineq_:=cdr ineq_>>$
%ineq_:=reverse l$
symbolic procedure ineqsubst(new,old,ftem,pdes)$
% tests all q's in ineq_ for subst(new, old,q)=0
% result: nil, if 0 occurs
% otherwise list of the subst(car p,...)
begin scalar l,a,newin$
l:=ineq_; ineq_:=nil;
while l do <<
if freeof(car l,old) then ineq_:=cons(car l,ineq_)
<<a:=simplifyterm(reval reval subst(new,old,car l),ftem)$
if zerop a then
<<if print_ then
<<terpri()$write "contradiction from the substitution:"$
eqprint list('EQUAL,old,new)$
write "because of the non-vanishing expression:"$
eqprint car l>>$
l:=list nil$
>> else newin:=cons(a,newin);
l:=cdr l
for each a in newin do addineq(pdes,a)
symbolic procedure do_one_subst(ex,f,a,ftem,vl,level,eqn,pdes)$
% substitute f by ex in a
% pdes used only in drop_pde_from_idties(), to be dropped when pdes_
% will be global
begin scalar l,l1,p,oldstarde,h$
if pairp l and (car l='TIMES) then l:=cdr l
else l:=list l$
while l do << % for each factor
if smember(f,car l) then <<
p:=reval reval subst(ex,f,car l)$
if not p or zerop p then <<l:=list nil$l1:=list 0>>
else <<
if pairp p and (car p='QUOTIENT) then p:=cadr p$
%l1:=if fixp(h:=no_of_terms(p)) and (h>max_factor) then cons(p,l1)
% else
l1:=if null h then cons(p,l1)
else append(reverse cdr h,l1)
>> else l1:=cons(car l,l1)$
l:=cdr l
while l1 do <<
if not member(car l1,cdr l1) then
l:=union(list simplifyterm(car l1,ftem),l)$
l1:=cdr l1
if null l then <<
if print_ then <<
terpri()$ % new
write"Substitution of "$
fctprint list f$
if cdr get(eqn,'fcts) then <<
write " by an expression in "$terpri()$
fctprint delete(f,get(eqn,'fcts))
write " found in ",eqn," : "$
"leads to a contradiction in : ")$
>> else <<
if pairp cdr l then l:=cons('TIMES,l)
else l:=car l$
if get(a,'level) neq level then
else <<
if p then p:=caar p;
for each b in allflags_ do flag(list a,b)$
if null update(a,l,ftem,vl,nil,list(0),pdes) then <<
>> else <<
% If the leading derivative has changed then drop
% the 'dec_with and the 'dec_with_rl list.
if l1 then l1:=caar l1;
if l1 neq p then <<
% nil as second argument for safety, for not knowing better
if oldstarde and not get(a,'starde) then put(a,'dec_with,nil);
return a$
symbolic procedure do_subst(md,p,l,pde,ftem,forg,vl,plim,keep_eqn)$
% md is the mode of substitution, needed in case of an ISE
% Substitute a function in all pdes
begin scalar f,fl,h,ex,res,slim,too_large,was_subst,
% l:=get(p,'fcteval_lin)$
% if null l then l:=get(p,'fcteval_nca)$
% if null l then l:=get(p,'fcteval_nli)$
% if l then << % l:=car l$
f:=cdr l$
cf:=car l$
if get(p,'starde) then ise:=t;
ex:=reval aeval list('QUOTIENT,
%---- specification of substitution in case of expert_mode (user guided)
if expert_mode then <<
write"Enter a list of equations in which substitution should take place."$
write"Substitution into the expressions for the original functions and"$
write"the inequalities is only done if you select all equations with `;' ."$
if l then <<
if not_included(pde,l) then partial_subs:=t
else partial_subs:=nil;
if partial_subs then
if yesp "Should substitutions be done in the inequalities? " then h:=t
else h:=nil
>> else l:=delete(p,pde)$
%---- substitution in inequalities
if (not ise) and ((not partial_subs) or h) then ineqsubst(ex,f,ftem,pde)$
if not contradiction_ then <<
%--- substitution in forg
if (not ise) and (not partial_subs) then <<
fl:=delete(f,smemberl(ftem_,ex))$ % functions occuring in ex
forg:=for each h in forg collect
if atom h then
if f=h then <<put(h,'fcts,fl)$was_subst:=t$list('EQUAL,f,ex)>>
else h
if (car h='EQUAL) and member(f,get(cadr h,'fcts)) then <<
h:=list('EQUAL,cadr h,reval subst(ex,f,caddr h));
put(cadr h,'fcts,
smemberl(union(fl,delete(f,get(cadr h,'fcts))),caddr h));
>> else h$
% The following test depends on the global structure, taken out
% for the time being:
%% no substitution in equations which do not include all functions
%% of all variables in ex
%while l do <<
% if not_included(fl,get(car l,'fcts)) then too_large:=t
% else h:=cons(car l,h);
% l:=cdr l
% Do the substitution in all suitable equations
if ise then <<
nof:=cdr get(p,'starde)$
while l do <<
if (stde:=get(car l,'starde)) and
(nof<=cdr stde) and
(not not_included(vl,get(car l,'vars))) and
(not not_included(fl,get(car l,'fcts))) then h:=cons(car l,h);
l:=cdr l
while l and not contradiction_ do <<
if member(f,get(car l,'fcts)) then
if not expert_mode and plim and (slim*get(car l,'length)>plim)
then too_large:=t
else <<
pde:=eqinsert(do_one_subst(ex,f,car l,ftem,vl,get(p,'level),p,pde),
delete(car l,pde))$
for each h in pde do drop_rl_with(car l,h);
put(car l,'rl_with,nil);
for each h in pde do drop_dec_with(car l,h,'dec_with_rl);
put(car l,'dec_with_rl,nil);
flag(list car l,'to_int);
l:=cdr l
if print_ and (not contradiction_) and was_subst then <<
terpri()$write "Substitution of "$
fctprint list f$
if cdr get(p,'fcts) then <<
write " by an "$
if ise then write"(separable) "$
write "expression in "$terpri()$
fctprint delete(f,get(p,'fcts))
write " found in ",p," : "$
% To avoid using p repeatedly for substitutions of different
% functions in the same equations:
if ise then <<
remflag1(p,'to_eval)$ % otherwise 'fcteval_??? would be computed again
md:=md; % only in order to do something with md if the next
% statement is commented out
% if too_large then
% if md=1 then put(p,'fcteval_lin,list((cf . f))) else
% if md=2 then put(p,'fcteval_nca,list((cf . f))) else
% put(p,'fcteval_nli,list((cf . f)))$
% could probably unnecessarily be repeated
% delete f and p if not anymore needed
if (not ise) and
(not keep_eqn) and
(not too_large) and
(not partial_subs) and
(not contradiction_) then <<
%if not assoc(f,depl_copy_) then <<
for each l in forg do
if pairp l then if cadr l=f then h:=nil else
else if l=f then h:=nil;
if h then drop_fct(f)$
was_subst:=t$ % in the sense that pdes have been updated
% if was_subst then
% also if not used to delete the pde if the function to be
% substituted does not appear anymore
% >>$
if not contradiction_ then return cons(was_subst,res)$
symbolic procedure make_subst(pdes,forg,vl,l1,length_limit,pdelimit,
% make a subst.
% l1 is the list of possible "candidates"
begin scalar p,q,r,l,h,hh,cases_,w,md,tempchng,plim$ % ,ineq,cop,newfdep
if expert_mode then <<
write"Which PDE should be used for substitution?"$ terpri()$
% a fully specified substitution from to_do_list
if sub_fc and % a specific function sub_fc is to be substituted using a
% specific equation car l1
l1 and null cdr l1 then <<
while h and (sub_fc neq cdar h) do h:=cdr h;
if h then hh:=1
else <<
while h and (sub_fc neq cdar h) do h:=cdr h;
if h then hh:=2
if h then w:={hh,car l1,car h}
if sub_fc and null w then return nil;
if (min_growth and (w:=search_subs(pdes,l1,cost_limit,no_cases))) or
((null min_growth) and
(w:=get_subst(pdes,l1,length_limit,less_vars,no_df))) then
if null !*batch_mode and null expert_mode and confirm_subst and <<
write"Proposal: Substitution of ",cdaddr w$terpri()$
write" using equation ",cadr w,": "$
if print_ and (get(cadr w,'printlength)<=print_) then print_stars(cadr w)$
typeeq(cadr w)$terpri()$
%write" with coefficient ",caaddr w$terpri()$
if car w>2 then write"Case distinctions will be necessary."$terpri()$
write"Accept? (Enter y or n or s for stopping substitution) "$
hh:=promptstring!*$ promptstring!*:=""$
repeat h:=termread() until (h='y) or (h='n) or (h='s);
if h='n then <<
if car w=1 then <<hh:=get(cadr w,'fcteval_lin);
hh:=delete(caddr w,hh);
put(cadr w,'fcteval_lin,hh)>> else
if car w=2 then <<hh:=get(cadr w,'fcteval_nca);
hh:=delete(caddr w,hh);
put(cadr w,'fcteval_nca,hh)>> else
<<hh:=get(cadr w,'fcteval_nli);
hh:=delete(caddr w,hh);
put(cadr w,'fcteval_nli,hh);
if car w=3 then <<hh:=get(cadr w,'fct_nli_lin);
hh:=delete(caddr w,hh);
put(cadr w,'fct_nli_lin,hh)
>> else
if car w=4 then <<hh:=get(cadr w,'fct_nli_nca);
hh:=delete(caddr w,hh);
put(cadr w,'fct_nli_nca,hh)
>> else
if car w=5 then <<hh:=get(cadr w,'fct_nli_nli);
hh:=delete(caddr w,hh);
put(cadr w,'fct_nli_nli,hh)
>> else
if car w=6 then <<hh:=get(cadr w,'fct_nli_nus);
hh:=delete(caddr w,hh);
put(cadr w,'fct_nli_nus,hh)
if null hh and
null get(cadr w,'fcteval_lin) and
null get(cadr w,'fcteval_nca) and
null get(cadr w,'fcteval_nli) then remflag1(cadr w,'to_eval)
% otherwise 'fcteval_lin,... will be reassigned
if (h='s) then l1:=nil;
if (h='n) or (h='s) then t else nil
>> then goto again
if ( car w = 1) or
((lin_subst=nil) and
( (car w = 2) or
((car w > 2) and
member(caaddr w,ineq_) ) ) ) then <<
if pdelimit and in_cycle({'subst,cdaddr w,get(cadr w,'printlength)})
% function, printlength of equation
then plim:=nil
else plim:=pdelimit;
l:=do_subst(car w,cadr w,caddr w,pdes,ftem_,forg,vl,plim,keep_eqn)$
if l and null car l then << % not contradiction but not used
l1:=delete(cadr w,l1);
if l1 then <<
pdes:=cadr l;
forg:=caddr l;
goto again
>> else l:=nil
if l then <<
l:=cdr l;
add_to_last_steps({'subst,cdaddr w,get(cadr w,'printlength)})
>> else
if (null lin_subst) and (null no_cases) then <<
md:=car w; % md = type of substitution, needed in case of ISE
p:=cadr w; % p = the equation
w:=caddr w; % w = (coeff . function)
if pdelimit and in_cycle({'subst,w,get(p,'printlength)}) % (eqn,function)
then pdelimit:=nil;
% make an equation from the coefficient
q:=mkeq(car w,get(p,'fcts),get(p,'vars),allflags_,t,list(0),nil,pdes)$
% and an equation from the remainder
list('TIMES,car w,
list('MINUS,cdr w))),
if contradiction_ then <<
if print_ then <<
write"Therefore no special investigation whether the "$
write"coefficient of a function to be substituted is zero."$
if pairp h and (car h='TIMES) then ineq_:=union(cdr h,ineq_)
else ineq_:=union(list h,ineq_)$
if l and null car l then << % not contradiction but not used
if l1 then <<
pdes:=cadr l;
forg:=caddr l;
goto again
if l then <<
l:=cdr l;
add_to_last_steps({'subst,cdr w,get(p,'printlength)})
>> else <<
% cop:=backup_pdes(pdes,forg)$
if print_ then <<
write "for the substitution of ",cdr w," by ",p$
write " we have to consider the case 0=",q,": "$
eqprint list('EQUAL,0,car w)
if freeof(pdes,q) then <<
write "It turns out that the coefficient of ",cdr w," in ",
p," is zero due"$
write "to other equations. Therefore no substitution is made and"$
write "equation ",p," will be updated instead."$
% pdes:=car restore_pdes(cop)$
% cop:=backup_ongoing(l1)$ % not needed here
pdes:= car h;
forg:=cadr h;
% restore_ongoing(cop)$ % not needed here
% cop:=nil;
update(p,reval list('PLUS,get(p,'val),
list('TIMES,car w,
list('MINUS,cdr w))),
drop_pde_from_idties(p,pdes,nil)$ % new history is nil as r has no history
drop_pde(q,pdes,nil); % q is not in pdes but nevertheless
drop_pde(r,pdes,nil); % r is not in pdes but nevertheless
>> else <<
if print_ then <<
write"The coefficient to be set = 0 in the first subcase is:"$
%h:=print_all; print_all:=t;
hh:=print_; print_:=300;
typeeqlist(list q);
list q),
if print_ then print_level(t)$
h:=get(q,'val)$ % to add it to ineq_ afterwards
l:=if pvm_try() and (null collect_sol)
then remote_crackmain(pdes,forg) % i.e. l:=nil
else crackmain(pdes,forg)$
% for each sol in l do
% if sol then <<
% for each f in caddr sol do
% if hh:=assoc(f,depl!*) then newfdep:=cons(hh,newfdep);
% >>;
pdes:= car hh;
forg:=cadr hh; % was not assigned above as it has not changed probably
if print_ then <<
write "now back to the substitution of ",cdr w," by ",p$
% pdes:=car restore_pdes(cop)$
% depl!*:=append(depl!*,newfdep);
% If the value of p was = q*f then q is now dropped, i.e.
% car w is not anymore the coefficient of f in p
% --> new determination of car w
w:=reval coeffn(get(p,'val),cdr w,1) . cdr w;
if contradiction_ or null l then <<
if l and null car l then << % not contradiction but not used
if l1 then <<
pdes:=cadr l;
forg:=caddr l;
goto again
if l then <<
l:=cdr l;
add_to_last_steps({'subst,cdr w,get(p,'printlength)})
>> else <<
% To avoid a loop the picked w='fcteval_nli is now stored as
% w='fcteval_nca
if md>2 then <<
if member(w,h) then << % otherwise p had just one term
% where the non-zero coefficient was a factor which
% is dropped by now, i.e. no further fix needed.
% More generally, in addineq() and update_fcteval()
% the following should be unnecessary by now
if md=3 then <<
>> else
if md=4 then <<
>> else
if md=5 then <<
>> else
if md=6 then <<
% cop:=nil; % to save memory
% no backup of global data
h:=if pvm_try() and (null collect_sol)
then remote_crackmain(pdes,forg) % i.e. h:=nil
else crackmain(pdes,forg)$
% No recovery of global data because this crackmain will end now too.
% Because no data are changed, computation could just continue
% without crackmain() sub-call but then combining the
% different results would be difficult.
% No delete_backup() as this has already been done.
if contradiction_ then contradiction_:=nil
else l:=union(h,l)
if null !*batch_mode and null expert_mode and confirm_subst then
while tempchng do <<
w:=car tempchng; tempchng:=cdr tempchng;
if car w=1 then <<hh:=get(cadr w,'fcteval_lin);
hh:=cons(caddr w,hh);
put(cadr w,'fcteval_lin,hh)>> else
if car w=2 then <<hh:=get(cadr w,'fcteval_nca);
hh:=cons(caddr w,hh);
put(cadr w,'fcteval_nca,hh)>> else
<<hh:=get(cadr w,'fcteval_nli);
hh:=cons(caddr w,hh);
put(cadr w,'fcteval_nli,hh);
if car w=3 then <<hh:=get(cadr w,'fct_nli_lin);
hh:=cons(caddr w,hh);
put(cadr w,'fct_nli_lin,hh)>> else
if car w=4 then <<hh:=get(cadr w,'fct_nli_nca);
hh:=cons(caddr w,hh);
put(cadr w,'fct_nli_nca,hh)>> else
if car w=5 then <<hh:=get(cadr w,'fct_nli_nli);
hh:=cons(caddr w,hh);
put(cadr w,'fct_nli_nli,hh)>> else
if car w=6 then <<hh:=get(cadr w,'fct_nli_nus);
hh:=cons(caddr w,hh);
put(cadr w,'fct_nli_nus,hh)>>
flag1(cadr w,'to_eval)
return if contradiction_ then nil % list(nil,nil)
else if cases_ then list l
else l$
symbolic procedure best_fac_pde(pdes)$
% pdes must be pdes for which their 'val property has form {'TIMES,...}
begin scalar p,md,mdgr,mtm,f,dgr,f,tm,bestp;
md:=1000; mtm:=100000;
for each p in pdes do <<
% compute the max degree of any factor
for each f in cdr get(p,'val) do <<
if dgr>mdgr then mdgr:=dgr
if (mdgr<md) or ((mdgr=md) and (tm<mtm)) then
<<bestp:=p; md:=mdgr; mtm:=tm>>;
return {bestp,md,mtm}
algebraic procedure start_let_rules$
begin scalar ruli;
lisp (oldrules!*:=nil)$ % to fix a REDUCE bug
let explog_$
if lisp(userrules_) neq {} then let lisp userrules_$
if sin(!%x)**2+cos(!%x)**2 neq 1 then <<ruli:=cons(1,ruli);let trig1_>> else ruli:=cons(0,ruli)$
if cosh(!%x)**2 neq (sinh(!%x)**2 + 1) then <<ruli:=cons(1,ruli);let trig2_>> else ruli:=cons(0,ruli)$
if sin(!%x)*tan(!%x/2)+cos(!%x) neq 1 then <<ruli:=cons(1,ruli);let trig3_>> else ruli:=cons(0,ruli)$
if sin(!%x)*cot(!%x/2)-cos(!%x) neq 1 then <<ruli:=cons(1,ruli);let trig4_>> else ruli:=cons(0,ruli)$
if cos(2*!%x) + 2*sin(!%x)**2 neq 1 then <<ruli:=cons(1,ruli);let trig5_>> else ruli:=cons(0,ruli)$
if sin(2*!%x) neq 2*cos(!%x)*sin(!%x) then <<ruli:=cons(1,ruli);let trig6_>> else ruli:=cons(0,ruli)$
if sinh(2*!%x) neq 2*sinh(!%x)*cosh(!%x) then <<ruli:=cons(1,ruli);let trig7_>> else ruli:=cons(0,ruli)$
if cosh(2*!%x) neq 2*cosh(!%x)**2-1 then <<ruli:=cons(1,ruli);let trig8_>> else ruli:=cons(0,ruli)$
if sqrt(!%x*!%y) neq sqrt(!%x)*sqrt(!%y) then <<ruli:=cons(1,ruli);let sqrt1_>> else ruli:=cons(0,ruli)$
if sqrt(!%x/!%y) neq sqrt(!%x)/sqrt(!%y) then <<ruli:=cons(1,ruli);let sqrt2_>> else ruli:=cons(0,ruli)$
return ruli;
algebraic procedure stop_let_rules(ruli)$
clearrules explog_$
if (lisp(userrules_) neq {}) and
(not lisp (zerop reval {'DIFFERENCE,
car cdadr userrules_,
cadr cdadr userrules_}))
then clearrules lisp userrules_$
if first ruli = 1 then clearrules sqrt2_$ ruli:=rest ruli$
if first ruli = 1 then clearrules sqrt1_$ ruli:=rest ruli$
if first ruli = 1 then clearrules trig8_$ ruli:=rest ruli$
if first ruli = 1 then clearrules trig7_$ ruli:=rest ruli$
if first ruli = 1 then clearrules trig6_$ ruli:=rest ruli$
if first ruli = 1 then clearrules trig5_$ ruli:=rest ruli$
if first ruli = 1 then clearrules trig4_$ ruli:=rest ruli$
if first ruli = 1 then clearrules trig3_$ ruli:=rest ruli$
if first ruli = 1 then clearrules trig2_$ ruli:=rest ruli$
if first ruli = 1 then clearrules trig1_$ ruli:=rest ruli$
% procedures for finding an optimal substitution %
symbolic procedure fbts(a,b)$
% fbts ... first better than second
(cadr a <= cadr b) and
(caddr a <= caddr b) and
(cadddr a <= cadddr b)$
symbolic procedure list_subs(p,fevl,fli,mdu)$
% p is an equation, fevl a substitution list of p,
% fli is a list of lists (f,p1,p2,..) where
% f is a function,
% pi are lists (eqn,nco,nte,mdu) where
% eqn is an equation that can be used for substituting f
% nco is the number of terms of the coefficient of f in the eqn
% nte is the number of terms without f in the eqn
% mdu is the kind of substitution (1:lin, 2:nca, 3:nli)
scalar a,f,nco,nte,cpy,cc,ntry;
for each a in fevl do <<
f:=cdr a;
nco:=no_of_terms(car a);
nte:=if nte=1 then 0
else nte-nco$
% Is there already any substitution list for f?
while cpy and (f neq caar cpy) do cpy:=cdr cpy$
if null cpy then fli:=cons({f,ntry},fli) % no, there was not
else << % yes, there was one
cc:=cdar cpy$
while cc and (null fbts(car cc,ntry)) do cc:=cdr cc$
if null cc then << % ntry is at least in one criterium better
% than a known one
rplaca(cpy,cons(f,cons(ntry,cdar cpy)));
cc:=cdar cpy$ % just the list of derivatives with ntry as the first
while cdr cc do
if fbts(ntry,cadr cc) then rplacd(cc,cddr cc)
else cc:=cdr cc$
return fli
algebraic procedure cwrno(n,r)$
% number of terms of (a1+a2+..+an)**r if ai are pairwise prime
% number of combinations of r factors out of n possible factors
% with repititions and without order = (n+r-1 over r)
% The rest of the procedure computes binomial(n,r).
if 2*r>n then k:=n-r;
for i:=1:r product (n+1-i)/i
symbolic procedure besu(ic1,mdu1,ic2,mdu2)$
% Is the first substitution better than the second?
((mdu1<mdu2) and (ic1<=ic2)) or
((mdu1=mdu2) and (ic1< ic2)) or
% ########## difficult + room for improvement as the decision is
% actually dependent on how precious memory is
% (more memory --> less cases and less time):
((mdu1=2) and (ic1<(ic2+ 4))) or
((mdu1=3) and (ic1<(ic2+25)))$
symbolic procedure search_subs(pdes,sbpdes,cost_limit,no_cases)$
scalar fli,p,el,f,fpl,dv,drf,d,ffl,hp,ff,nco,be,s,nte,ic,fp,
% at first find the list of all functions that could be substituted
% using one of the equations sbpdes together with
% a list of such sbpdes, the number of terms in the coeff and
% the type of substitution
% tr_search:=t$
for each p in sbpdes do fcteval(p,nil)$
while fp and
((get(car fp,'terms)>2) or
(null (h:=get(car fp,'fcteval_lin)))
) do fp:=cdr fp;
if fp then return {1,car fp,car get(car fp,'fcteval_lin)}$
for each p in sbpdes do <<
if null no_cases then fli:=list_subs(p,get(p,'fcteval_nli),fli,3)$
if tr_search then <<
write"equations substitution: (eqn, no of coeff. t., no of other t., mdu)"$
for each el in fli do <<write el;terpri()>>$
if fli then
if (null cdr fli) and % one function
(null cddar fli) then % one equation, i.e. no choice
return <<
fli:=cadar fli; % fli is now (eqn,nco,nte,mdu)
mdu:=cadddr fli;
{mdu,car fli,car get(car fli,if mdu = 1 then 'fcteval_lin else
if mdu = 2 then 'fcteval_nca else
'fcteval_nli) }
>> else
% (more than 1 fct.) or (only 1 function and more than 1 eqn.)
for each el in fli do << % for any function to be substituted
% (for the format of fli see proc list_subs)
f:=car el$ el:=cdr el$
% el is now a list of possible eqn.s to use for subst. of f
fpl:=nil$ % fpl will be a list of lists (p,hp,a1,a2,..) where
% p is an equation that involves f,
% hp the highest power of f in p
% ai are lists {ff,cdr d,nco} where ff is a derivative of f,
% cdr d its power and nco the number of coefficients
for each p in pdes do << % for each equation in which f could be subst.
dv:=get(p,'derivs)$ % ((fct var1 n1 ...).pow)
for each d in dv do
if caar d = f then drf:=cons(d,drf)$
% drf is now the list of powers of derivatives of f in p
ffl:=nil$ % ffl will be a list of derivatives of f in p
% together with the power of f and number of
% terms in the coeff.
if drf then << % f occurs in this equation and we estimate the increase
for each d in drf do <<
if cdar d then ff:=cons('DF,car d)
else ff:=caar d;
nco:=no_of_terms(coeffn(get(p,'val),ff,cdr d));
if cdr d > hp then hp:=cdr d$
ffl:=cons({ff,cdr d,nco},ffl);
if drf then fpl:=cons(cons(p,cons(hp,ffl)),fpl);
% now all information about all occurences of f is collected and for
% all possible substitutions of f the cost will be estimated and the
% cheapest substitution for f will be determined
be:=nil; % be will be the best equation with an associated min. cost mc
for each s in el do <<
% for each possible equation that can be used to subst. for f
% number of terms of (a1+a2+..+an)**r = n+r-1 over r
% f = (a1+a2+..+a_nte) / (b1+b2+..+b_nco)
nco:=cadr s;
nte:=caddr s;
ic:= - get(car s,'terms); % ic will be the cost associated with
% substituting f by car s and car s
% will be dropped after the substitution
for each fp in fpl do
if (car s) neq (car fp) then <<
rm:=get(car fp,'terms); % to become the number of terms without f
hp:=cadr fp;
ic:=ic - rm; % as the old eqn. car fp will be replaced
for each ff in cddr fp do << % for each power of each deriv. of f
ic:=ic + (caddr ff)* % number of terms of coefficient of ff
cwrno(nte,cadr ff)* % (numerator of f)**(power of ff)
cwrno(nco,hp - cadr ff); % (denom. of f)**(hp - power of ff)
rm:=rm - caddr ff; % caddr ff is the number of terms with ff
% Now all terms containing f in car fp have been considered. The
% remaining terms are multiplied with (denom. of f)**hp
ic:=ic + rm*cwrno(nco,hp)
% Is this substitution better than the best previous one?
if (null be) or besu(ic,cadddr s,mc,mdu) then
<<be:=car s; mc:=ic; mdu:=cadddr s>>;
% It has been estimated that the substitution of f using the
% best eqn be has an additional cost of ic terms
if tr_search and (length el > 1) then <<
write"Best substitution for ",f," : ",{ic,f,be,mdu}$
if (null cost_limit) or (ic<cost_limit) then
% Now pick the best substitution
if subli then <<
s:=car subli;
subli:=cdr subli;
for each el in subli do
if besu(car el,cadr el,car s,cadr s) then s:=el$
if tr_search then <<
write"Optimal substitution:"$terpri()$
write" replace ",caddr s," with the help of ",cadddr s,","$terpri()$
if car s < 0 then write" saving ", - car s," terms, "
else write" with a cost of ",car s," additional terms, "$
write if cadr s = 1 then " linear substitution" else
if cadr s = 2 then " nonlinearity inceasing substitution" else
" with case distinction" $
el:=get(cadddr s,if (cadr s) = 1 then 'fcteval_lin else
if (cadr s) = 2 then 'fcteval_nca else
while (caddr s) neq (cdar el) do el:=cdr el;
return {cadr s,cadddr s,car el}
% = {mdu ,p ,car get(p,'fcteval_???)}
% procedures for substitution of a derivative by a new function %
symbolic procedure check_subst_df(pdes,forg)$
% yields a list of derivatives which occur in all
% pdes and in forg
begin scalar l,l1,l2,n,cp,not_to_substdf$
if pdes then <<
for each s in pdes do l:=union(for each a in get(s,'derivs)
collect car a,l)$ % all derivs
for each s in forg do
if pairp s then l:=union(for each a in all_deriv_search(s,ftem_)
collect car a,l)$
for each s in l1 do
if pairp s and not member(car s,not_to_substdf) then <<
not_to_substdf:=cons(car s,not_to_substdf)
>> $
% Derivatives of functions should only be substituted if the
% function occurs in at least 2 equations or forg functions
while l do <<
n:=0; % counter
while cp and (n<2) do <<
if member(cadar l,get(car cp,'fcts)) then n:=add1 n;
cp:=cdr cp
while cp and (n<2) do <<
if (pairp car cp) and (caar cp = 'EQUAL) and
member(cadar l,get(cadr car cp,'fcts)) then n:=add1 n;
cp:=cdr cp
if n=2 then l2:=cons(car l,l2);
l:=cdr l
return l2$
symbolic procedure df_min_list(dflist)$
% yields the lowest derivative for each function in the list of
% deriv. dflist.
% e.g. dflist='((f x z) (g x) (g) (f y) (h x y) (h x z))
% ==> result='(f g (h x))
if dflist then
begin scalar l,d,m,lmax$
while dflist do
<<m:=car dflist$
dflist:=cdr dflist$
while dflist do
<<if (d:=df_min(car dflist,m)) then m:=d
else l:=cons(car dflist,l)$
dflist:=cdr dflist$
if pairp m and null cdr m then lmax:=cons(car m,lmax)
else lmax:=cons(m,lmax)$
return lmax$
symbolic procedure df_min(df1,df2)$
% yields the minimal derivative of d1,d2
% e.g. df_min('(f x y),'(f x z))='(f x), df_min('(f x z),'(g x))=nil
<<if not pairp df1 then df1:=list df1$
if not pairp df2 then df2:=list df2$
if car df1=car df2 then
if (df1:=df_min1(cdr df1,cdr df2)) then cons(car df2,df1)
else car df2>>$
symbolic procedure df_min1(df1,df2)$
begin scalar l,a$
while df1 do
<<a:=car df1$
if not zerop (a:=min(dfdeg(df1,car df1),dfdeg(df2,car df1))) then
l:=cons(car df1,l)$
if a>1 then l:=cons(a,l)$
df1:=cdr df1$
if df1 and numberp car df1 then df1:=cdr df1>>$
return reverse l$
symbolic procedure dfsubst_forg(p,g,d,forg)$
% substitute the function d in forg by an integral g
% of the function p
for each h in forg collect
if pairp h and member(d,get(cadr h,'fcts)) then
<<put(cadr h,'fcts,
fctinsert(p,delete(d,get(cadr h,'fcts))))$
reval subst(g,d,h)>>
else h$
symbolic procedure expand_INT(p,varlist)$
if null varlist then p
else begin scalar v,n$
v:=car varlist$
varlist:=cdr varlist$
if pairp(varlist) and numberp(car varlist) then
<<n:=car varlist$
varlist:=cdr varlist>>
else n:=1$
for i:=1:n do p:=list('INT,p,v)$
return expand_INT(p,varlist)
symbolic procedure substitution_weight(k,l,m,n)$
% This function computes a weight for an equation to
% be used for a substitution
% k .. number of occurences as factor,
% l .. total degree of factor as homogeneous polynomial,
% m .. number of appearances in eqns,
% n .. number of terms
reval {'QUOTIENT,{'TIMES,l,n},{'PLUS,k,m}}$
symbolic procedure rational_less(a,b)$
% a and b are two revalued rational numbers in prefix form
% It returns the boolean value of a<b
if (pairp a) and
(car a='QUOTIENT) then rational_less(cadr a,reval{'TIMES,caddr a,b}) else
if (pairp b) and
(car b='QUOTIENT) then rational_less(reval{'TIMES,caddr b,a},cadr b) else
if (pairp a) and (car a='MINUS) then
if (pairp b) and (car b='MINUS) then cadr a > cadr b
else not rational_less(cadr a,reval{'MINUS,b})
if (pairp b) and (car b='MINUS) then
if a<0 then not rational_less(reval{'MINUS,a},cadr b)
else nil
else a<b$
symbolic procedure get_fact_pde(pdes,aim_at_subst)$
% look for pde in pdes which can be factorized
begin scalar p,pv,f,fcl,fcc,h,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,h7,h8,eql,tr_gf$
% tr_gf:=t$
% choose equation that minimizes a weight computed from the
% weights of its factors,
% the weight of a factor =
% (if an atom then number of all equations it occurs
% else the number of equations it occurs as a factor)/
% the total degree of this factor/
% the number of factors of the equation
% The factor with the highest weight is to be set to 0 first.
% 1) collecting a list of all suitable equations eql and a list
% of all factors of any equation, listing for each factor
% in how many equations it appears
for each p in pdes do <<
if pairp pv and (car pv='TIMES) then <<
pv:=cdr pv$ % drop 'TIMES to get the list of factors in p
% increment the counter of appearances of each factor
while h1 do << % for each factor
f:=car h1; h1:=cdr h1;
% fcl is list of lists
% (factor itself,
% no of occurences as factor,
% total degree of factor as homogeneous polynomial,
% number of appearances in eqns)
while fcc and (caar fcc neq f) do fcc:=cdr fcc$
if fcc then << % factor had already appeared
h:=cons(f,cons(add1 cadar fcc,cddar fcc));
>> else << % factor is new
% Computing the total degree of the factor
if homogen_ then <<
h2:=algebraic find_hom_deg(f)$
h2:=(cadr h2) + (caddr h2)
>> else h2:=1;
% If it is a function then counting in how many equations it appears
if atom f then << % count in how many equations f does occur
h3:=0; % the counter
while h4 do <<
if not freeof(get(car h4,'fcts),f) then h3:=add1 h3;
h4:=cdr h4
>> else h3:=1$
% The number of terms of f:
h4:=if pairp f and (car f='PLUS) then length cdr f
else 1$
>>$ % done for all factors
% check whether each factor can be used for subst., i.e. whether
% this equation should be factorized
if null aim_at_subst then h:=1
else <<
if null h then << % check all factors whether they can be used for subst.
h1:=pv$ % the list of factors in p
% make an equation from the coefficient
while h1 and h4 do <<
h3:=mkeq(car h1,get(p,'fcts),get(p,'vars),allflags_,t,list(0),nil,nil)$
% the last argument is nil to avoid having a lasting effect on pdes
h1:=cdr h1$
if not(get(h3,'fcteval_lin) or get(h3,'fcteval_nca)) then h4:=nil;
h:=if h4 then 1 % p can be splited into substitutable equations
else 0; % p can not be splited into only " equations
% adding the equation to the ones suited for factorization
if not zerop h then
>>$ % looked at all factorizable equations
% Anything worth factorizing?
if null eql then return nil;
% Now that it is known how often each factor appears in all equations,
% each factor can be given a weight and each equation be given a weight
h2:=nil; % h2 is the best equation, its weight will be h3 and the
% factors of the best equation sorted by weight will be h4
% in the new order they will be set to zero
for each p in eql do <<
pv:=cdr get(p,'val)$ % cdr to drop 'TIMES
h8:=length pv$ % number of factors of p
h5:=nil; % the list of factors of p with their weight
h6:=0; % the weight of equation p
while pv do <<
h:=assoc(car pv,fcl);
if tr_gf then << write "h assoc= ",h$terpri()>>$
h7:=substitution_weight(cadr h,caddr h,cadddr h,car cddddr h);
h5:=cons(cons(h7,car h),h5);
pv:=cdr pv
if flin_ and not freeoflist(get(p,'fcts),flin_) then
h6:={'TIMES,10,h6}; % evaluating flin_ functions has lower priority
% as they are fewer (in bi-lin alg problems)
h6:=reval {'TIMES,{'EXPT,2,h8},h6}; % punishment of many factors
if null h2 or rational_less(h6,h3) then <<
% simplifying weights for the rat_idx_sort call
h4:=rat_idx_sort for each a in h4 collect cons(reval car a,cdr a);
% Putting the flin_ factor last is bad if this factor comes up in
% many equations, like in the case of bi-linear systems when at the
% end only one flin_ function is left being a factor of all equations
%if flin_ then <<
% h5:=h4; % car h5 will be the factor involving flin_ functions
% while h5 and freeoflist(cdar h5,flin_) do h5:=cdr h5;
% if h5 then h4:=append(delete(car h5,h4),list car h5)
put(h2,'val,cons('TIMES,for each a in h4 collect cdr a))$
return h2
symbolic procedure get_fact_pde(pdes,aim_at_subst)$
% look for pde in pdes which can be factorized
begin scalar p,pv,f,fcl,fcc,h,h1,h2,h3,h4,me,bp,best_fac,
% collecting all factors in all equations and the equations in
% which each factor appears {{f1,e_4,e_9},{f2,e_7,e_3},...}
for each p in pdes do <<
if pairp pv and (car pv='TIMES) then <<
if null aim_at_subst then h:=1
else <<
if null h then << % check all factors whether they ca be used for subst.
h1:=cdr pv$ % the list of factors in p
% make an equation from the coefficient
while h1 and h4 do <<
h3:=mkeq(car h1,get(p,'fcts),get(p,'vars),allflags_,t,list(0),nil,nil)$
% the last argument is nil to avoid having a lasting effect on pdes
h1:=cdr h1$
if not(get(h3,'fcteval_lin) or get(h3,'fcteval_nca)) then h4:=nil;
h:=if h4 then 1 % p can be splited into substitutable equations
else 0; % p should not be splited into " equations
if not zerop h then <<
pv:=cdr pv$ % the list of factors in p
for each f in pv do <<
% updating how often f has occured as factor
while fcc and (caar fcc neq f) do fcc:=cdr fcc$
if fcc then <<
h1:=length pv;
if null fewest_factor_pdes or (h1=h2) then <<
>> else
if h1<h2 then <<
fewest_factor_pdes:=list p;
if h1=2 then cons(p,cdar fcc) else
if h1=3 then if cddar fcc then cons(cadar fcc,cons(p,cddar fcc))
else cons(p,cdar fcc)
else append(cdar fcc,list p)
>> else fcl:=cons({f,p},fcl);
if flin_ then <<
% If there is a set flin_ of linear functions whose linearity is to be
% preserved as long as possible then do not choose a factor of flin_
% if there is any such factor.
while h and not freeoflist(caar h,flin_) do h:=cdr h;
if h then << % There are factors without flin_ functions --> drop all
% factors with flin_ functions
for each p in h do
if freeoflist(car p,flin_) then fcl:=cons(p,fcl)
% Selection of the best pair (function . equation)
% List of priorities:
% - the factor is of lowest possible degree
while fcl do <<
h1:=pde_degree(caar fcl,ftem_)$
if (null h) or (h1=h2) then <<if null h then h2:=h1;
h:=cons(car fcl,h)>> else
if h1<h2 then <<h2:=h1; h:=list car fcl>>$
fcl:=cdr fcl
% - the equation has the lowest number of factors, i.e. dropping all
% factors that are not also factors to a pde in fewest_factor_pdes
% if there is such a PDE left
if flin_ then <<
for each p in fewest_factor_pdes do
if (homogen_ and zerop car get(p,'hom_deg)) or
freeoflist(get(p,'fcts),flin_) then flin_free:=cons(p,flin_free);
if flin_free then fewest_factor_pdes:=flin_free
for each h1 in fcl do <<
if not freeoflist(h1,fewest_factor_pdes) then h:=cons(h1,h)$
if h then fcl:=h$
% keep only factors which occur in the most equations
% keep for each factor only one equation which has the
% lowest max degree of its factors and has the fewest
% number of terms in all its factors
me:=0; % the maximum number of equations a factor turns up
while fcl do <<
h:=length car fcl$
if h > me then <<
best_fac:=cons(caar fcl,best_fac_pde(cdar fcl))
>> else
if h = me then <<
% which pde is better: cadr best_fac or best_fac_pde(cdar fcl)?
bp:=best_fac_pde(cdar fcl)$
if ( cadr bp < caddr best_fac ) or
((cadr bp = caddr best_fac) and
(caddr bp < cadddr best_fac) ) then
best_fac:=cons(caar fcl,bp)
fcl:=cdr fcl
%best_fac is now a list of dotted pairs (factor_f . best_eqn_with_f_as_factor)
return if (null best_fac) or (me=0) then nil
else <<
h1:=nil; h2:=nil;
h:=cdr get(cadr best_fac,'val)$
if flin_ then <<
for each p in h do if freeoflist(p,flin_) then h1:=cons(p,h1)
else h2:=cons(p,h2);
put(cadr best_fac,'val,cons('TIMES,cons(car best_fac,
delete(car best_fac,h))))$
cadr best_fac