module gensep_lin$
% Routines for generalized separation of de's
% Author: Andreas Brand, Thomas Wolf 1990 1994 1997
% Thomas Wolf since 1997
symbolic procedure quick_gen_separation(arglist)$
% Indirect separation of a pde
if vl_ then % otherwise not possible --> save time
begin scalar p,l,l1,pdes,stp$
% pdes:=clean_up(car arglist)$
% if pdes then l:=list(pdes,cadr arglist)$
% because the bookeeping of to_drop is not complete instead:
pdes:=car arglist$
% to return the new list of pdes in case gensep is not successful
if expert_mode then <<
if get(car l1,'starde) then flag(l1,'to_gensep)
>> else l1:=cadddr arglist$
if (p:=get_gen_separ_pde(l1,t,t)) then % high priority
for each a in l do <<
if member(a,pdes) and (stp:=get(a,'starde)) then
to_do_list:=cons(list(if cdr stp=0 then 'separation
else 'gen_separation,
%pdes,cadr arglist,caddr arglist,
list a),
l:=list(pdes,cadr arglist)>>$
return l$
symbolic procedure gen_separation(arglist)$
% Indirect separation of a pde
if vl_ then % otherwise not possible --> save time
begin scalar p,l,l1,pdes,stp$
% pdes:=clean_up(car arglist)$
% if pdes then l:=list(pdes,cadr arglist)$
% because the bookeeping of to_drop is not complete instead:
pdes:=car arglist$
% to return the new list of pdes in case gensep is not successful
if expert_mode then <<
if get(car l1,'starde) then flag(l1,'to_gensep)
>> else l1:=cadddr arglist$
if (p:=get_gen_separ_pde(l1,nil,t)) then % low priority
for each a in l do <<
if member(a,pdes) and (stp:=get(a,'starde)) then
to_do_list:=cons(list(if cdr stp=0 then 'separation
else 'gen_separation,
%pdes,cadr arglist,caddr arglist,
list a),
l:=list(pdes,cadr arglist)>>$
return l$
symbolic procedure maxnoargs(fl,v)$
% determines the maximal number of arguments of any of the
% functions of fl
begin scalar f,n,m;
for each f in fl do
<<m:=fctargs f;
m:=if m and not_included(v,m) then length m
else 0;
if n<m then n:=m
return n
symbolic procedure get_gen_separ_pde(pdes,high_priority,lin)$
% looking for a pde in pdes which can be indirectly separated
% if lin then only a liner PDE
% p ...the next equation that will be chosen
% dw...whether p was already delt with
% na...number of variables in the equation
% nv...maximal number of arguments of any of the functions of p
% nf...min number of functions to be dropped before direct sep.
% leng...length of p
begin scalar p,nv,nf,dw,len,h1,h2,h3,h4,nvmax$ %na,h5
% ncmax:=nvmax$
if high_priority then <<
for each p in pdes do if (h1:=get(p,'nvars))>nvmax then nvmax:=h1;
while pdes do <<
if flagp(car pdes,'to_gensep) and
(null lin or get(car pdes,'linear_)) and
% not too many terms or enough terms
<<h1:=get(car pdes,'length)$
(null high_priority) or
(get(car pdes,'nvars)=nvmax) or
( low_gensep>h1) or
>> and
% no single function depending on all variables:
(h3:=get(car pdes,'starde) ) and
% not directly separable:
(cdr h3 neq 0 ) and
% Each time the equation is investigated and differentiated
% wrt the first element of car h3, this element is dropped.
% --> The equation should not already have been differentiated
% wrt all variables:
(not null car h3 ) and
% If equations have been investigated by generalized
% separation or if equations resulted from generalized
% separation then they get the flag used_ to be solved
% first, not to have too many unevaluated new functions
% at a time
((h4:=flagp(car pdes,'used_) ) or
(null dw) ) and
% The variables in h3 are the ones wrt which direct separation
% shall be achieved after differentiation, therefore functions
% of these variables have to be thrown out. The remaining
% functions shall be of as many as possible arguments to
% make quick progress:
((null p ) or
(len > h1 ) or % neu
((len = h1) and ( % neu
(nv < (h2:=maxnoargs(
get(car pdes,'fcts),
car h3 )) ) or
((nv = h2) and (
% (na < (h5:=get(car pdes,'nvars)) ) or
% ((na = h5) and (
((null dw) and flagp(car pdes,'used_)) or
(( nf > cdr h3 ) or
((nf = cdr h3 ) and
(len > h1 ) ) ) ) )))) then
<<p:=car pdes;
nv:=if (null nv) or (null h2) then maxnoargs(get(p,'fcts),car h3)
else h2;
% na:=if (null na) or (null h5) then get(car pdes,'nvars)
% else h5;
if h4 then dw:=h4;
nf:=cdr h3;
pdes:=cdr pdes$
return p
symbolic procedure gensep(p,pdes)$
% generalized separation of pde p
if zerop cdr get(p,'starde) then separate(p,pdes) % be dropped?
else % e.g. a=((x y z).2)
% - After the sequence of divisions and differentiations in the direct
% separation, if there explicit v-dependent coefficients are taken
% out which also contain later integration variables, then the integrands
% are not total derivatives anymore --> no backintegration is possible.
% - This corresponds to the case when all variables occur explicitly but
% in a non-product expression, like sin(x*y*z)
begin scalar a,pl$
if print_ then <<terpri()$write "generalized separation of ",p>>$
if tr_gensep then
terpri()$write "de to be separated : "$
typeeqlist list p$
terpri()$write "variable list for separation : ",car a$
terpri()$write "for each of these variables ",cdr a$
if (cdr a)=1 then write" function does"
else write" functions"$
write" depend on it "
%--- so far only one DE p in the pool starlist of equations
pl:=partitn(get(p,'val), % expression
nil, % history of divisions/diff so far
get(p,'fcts), % functions
get(p,'vars), % variables
car get(p,'starde) % separation charac.
if pl then <<
pl:=append(for each a in car pl collect cdr a,cadr pl);
pl:=mkeqlist(pl,fctsort union(ftem_,get(p,'fcts)),get(p,'vars),
if print_ then <<terpri()$
a:=length pl$
write "separation yields ",a," new equation"$
if a > 1 then write"s"$ write" : "$
if tr_gensep then typeeqlist pl
else listprint pl$
>> else <<
pl:=list p
return pl$
symbolic procedure partitn(q,old_histy,ftem,vl,a)$
% This procedure calls itself recursively!
% q: a **-expression to be separated
% old_histy: a list of elements {denom,v,{(divisor . expr_before),..}}
% where a sequence of divisions through factors from the
% list of divisors and differentiations wrt. v and
% afterwards multiplication with denom resulted in q
% ftem: functions in the expression
% vl: variables in the expression
% a: the variables for direct separation=car starp()
% RETURNS {{(c1.q1),(c2.q2),(c3.q3),..},{s1,s2,s3,..},{r1,r2,..},{f1,f2,..}}
% where qi=0 are necessary consequences,
% qi are not *-expressions,
% sum_i ci*qi = q
% si=0 are consistency conditions determining constants/functions
% of integration
% ri=0 are other cases to be checked --> case distinctions
begin scalar histy,l1,l4,nv,vl1,nv1,h,x,f,ft,aa,bb,cc,y,
%--- ft: the list of functions to drop from q by differentiation
%--- to do a direct separation wrt x:
% x = any one variable in a on which a function with as
% many as possible variables does not depend on
% Find such a function and variable x
while ft do <<
vl1:=fctargs car ft;
nv1:=if vl1 then length vl1
else 0;
if nv1 > nv then <<
if h then <<
x:=car h;
% if possible find an x occuring explicitly in q
while h and freeof(q,car h) do h:=cdr h;
if h then x:=car h;
f:=car ft;
ft:=cdr ft
if nv=0 then x:=car a; % no x was found
if tr_gensep then
<<terpri()$write "--- The aim is to separate directly w.r.t. ",x$
write " the expression : "$deprint list q >>$
% Find all functions ft in q depending on x
for each f in ftem do
if member(x,fctargs f) and not freeof(q,f) then ft:=cons(f,ft)$
ft:=fctsort reverse ft$ % sorting w.r.t. number of args
%--- throwing out functions ft until ft=nil
%--- or until the expression lost the *-property
while ft do % for each function to get rid of
% (possibly each time a different diff variable)
if null (l1:=felim(q,car ft,ftem,vl)) then ft:=nil % to stop
else <<
%prettyprint l1;
for each h in cdadr l1 do % special extra cases
if not freeoflist(car h,ftem) then cases:=cons(car h,cases);
%write"cadr l1=",cadr l1$terpri()$
if zerop car l1 then <<
q:=reval {'QUOTIENT,cdr cadadr l1,car cadadr l1}; % new expression
cc:=cons(car cadr l1,cddadr l1);
>> else <<
q:=car l1$ % new expression
cc:=cadr l1;
if (pairp q) and (car q='QUOTIENT) then <<
bb:=caddr q; % we take off the denimonator
q:=cadr q
>> else bb:=1$
histy:=cons(cons(bb,cc),histy)$ % extended history
ftem:=smemberl(ftem,q)$ % functions still in q
aa:=stardep(ftem,argset(ftem))$ % still *-expression?
if not aa or
zerop cdr aa then ft:=nil % to stop
else ft:=smemberl(cdr ft,ftem) % remain. fcts of x
if null l1 then if tr_gensep then <<terpri()$
write"felim or newgensep gave nil!!"$terpri()$
>> else
if tr_gensep then <<
write"Now ready for direct separation."
%--- prepare list of variables vl1 for direct separation
for each y in vl do if my_freeof(ftem,y) then vl1:=cons(y,vl1);
%--- direct separation if useful (i.e. if aa(=stardep) neq nil)
if vl1 and not (q=0) then
<<if tr_gensep then
<<terpri()$write "trying direct separation of "$
deprint list q$
write "Remaining variables: ",vl1>>$
l1:=separ(q,ftem,vl1,nil)$ % direct separation of the numerator
if tr_gensep then
write "The result of direct separation: "$
deprint for each bb in l1 collect cdr bb>>$
>> else l1:=list cons(1,q)$
if tr_gensep then <<
write"Separation gave ",length l1," condition(s)"
% Although the vaiable x does not occur anymore
% (each felim call removed one function of x
% and direct separation removed explicit occurences of x)
% the remaining expression may still be indirectly separable
% --> recursive call of partitn
% l4 becomes a list of pairs (sep_coefficient . sep_remainding_factor)
for each h in l1 do <<
ft:=smemberl(ftem,cdr h);
if null (aa:=stardep(ft,vl1)) then l4:=cons(h,l4)
else <<
par:=partitn(cdr h, % expression
append(histy, % history so far,
old_histy), % needed to add new functions
% of integration properly differentiated to be
% able to integrate below
ft, % functions
vl1, % variables
car aa % separation charac.
% RETURNS {{(c1.q1),(c2.q2),(c3.q3),..},{s1,s2,s3,..},
% {r1,r2,..},{f1,f2,..} }
% where qi=0 are necessary consequences,
% qi are not *-expressions,
% sum_i ci*qi = q
% si=0 are consistency conditions determining constants/functions
% of integration
% ri=0 are other cases to be checked --> case distinctions
l4:=append(l4,for each f in car par collect
({'TIMES,car h,car f} . cdr f));
extra_cond:=append(extra_cond,cadr par); % collecting any
% appearing conditions
cases:=append(cases,caddr par);
newf:=cadddr par;
%--- backintegration
extra_cond:=append(extra_cond,cadr par); % collecting any conditions
{car par,extra_cond,cases,append(newf,caddr par)}
symbolic procedure felim(q,f,ftem,vl)$
% returns: nil if not successful (quotient) otherwise
% {the expression after all the divisions and differentiations,
% {diff variable, sequence of (factor . expression before)} }
begin scalar a,b,l,l1,ft1,v,prflag$
%--- getting rid of f through diff. wrt. v
v:=car setdiff(vl,fctargs f)$
%--- ft1 are all v-independent functions
%--- In the call to separ one has to disregard v-dep. functions
for each f in ftem do if my_freeof(f,v) then ft1:=cons(f,ft1)$
%--- To run separ, functions ft1 should not be in the denominator
%--- ?????? What if nonl. Problems?
if not (pairp q and (car q='QUOTIENT) and smemberl(ft1,caddr q)) then
% This exceptional case should not occure anymore
l:=separ(q,ft1,list v,nil)$ % det. all lin. ind. factors with v
for each a in reverse idx_sort for each b in l
collect cons(delength car b,b)
collect cdr a$
if tr_gensep then
<<terpri()$write "To get rid of ",f,
" we differentiate w.r.t. : ",v>>$
%--- l is a list of dotted pairs a each representing a term in q
% where car(a) is the product of v-dep. factors and cdr(a) the
% product of v-independent factors
%--- A list l1 of car(a) is generated for which cdr(a) depends
% on f. l1 is the list of divisions to be done before differen.
while l do
<<a:=car l$
if not freeof(cdr a,f) and (not zerop car a) then
l1:=cons(car a,l1)$
l:=cdr l
if tr_gensep then
write v," - depending coefficients of terms containing ",f," : "$
for each ss in l1 do eqprint ss>>$
%--- Now the divisions and differentiations are done
while l1 do
<<b:=reval aeval car l1$ %--- b is the v-dep. coefficient
l1:=cdr l1$
%--- ????? If for non-linear Problems b includes ftem functions
% then the extra case 0 = b has to be considered
if not zerop b then
<<a:=reval aeval list('QUOTIENT,q,b)$
%--- for later backward integrations: extension of the history
l:=cons(b . q ,l)$ %--- new: q is the equ. before division & diff.
% formerly: l:=cons(b ,l)$
% l will be returned later by felim
%--- l1 has to be updated as the coefficients
% change through division and differentiation
l1:=for each c in l1 collect
reval list('DF,list('QUOTIENT,c,b),v)$
%--- the differentiation
q:=reval list('DF,a,v)$
if tr_gensep then
<<write "The new equation: "$
eqprint q$
write "The remaining factors:"$
for each ss in l1 do eqprint ss
%if l then part_histy:=cons(v,l)$
%--- output
if tr_gensep then
<<terpri()$write "new expression (should not depend on ",f,") : "$
eqprint q$>>$
if tr_gensep and l then
<<write"To invert the last steps one has to integr. wrt. ",v$
write "each time before multiplying with "$
for each aa in l do eqprint car aa
return l1
symbolic procedure backint(l4,old_histy,histy,ftem,vl)$
% l4 is a list of pairs (sep_coefficient .
% sep_remainding_factor_to_be_integrated)
% old_histy, histy are lists of elements
% {denom,v,{(divisor . expr_before),..}}
% where a sequence of divisions through factors from the
% list of divisors and differentiations wrt. v and
% afterwards multiplication with denom resulted in q
% Integrations should only be done inverting histy, but
% in choosing functions of integration, both should be used
% returns {- integrated equivalent of l4 where the cdr of each element
% is the integrated expression,
% - a list of check_sum conditions,
% - a list of new functions}
begin scalar succ,ft,q,l,v,v1,vf,s1,s2,p,f1,f2,fctr,check_sum,
% start of the backintegration
while histy and succ do
<<l:=car histy$ % l={diff variable, sequence of (factor . exp before)}
histy:=cdr histy$
denomi:=car l$
v:=cadr l$
l:=cddr l$
% At first putting the denominator back in
% l4 is a list of pairs (sep_coefficient . sep_remainding_factor)
if denomi neq 1 then
l4:=for each h in l4 collect (car h . {'QUOTIENT,cdr h,denomi});
if tr_gensep then <<terpri()$ write "backward integration w.r.t. ",v>>$
% Now the sequence of integrations wrt v
% l is the list of (factor . expression before division & diff)
while l do << % while l and q do
fctr:=caar l;
check_sum:=cdar l;
l:=cdr l;
if tr_gensep then
write "The integrals of the following partitioned subexpressions"$
write "added up should be equal the original expression: "$
eqprint check_sum
%prettyprint l4;
% l4 is a list of pairs (sep_coefficient . sep_remainding_factor)
l4:=for each h in l4 collect if null car h then h % one integration
% was not succ.ful
else <<
ft:=smemberl(ftem,cdr h)$
if tr_gensep then
write "Backintegration of: "$eqprint cdr h
q:=integratepde(cdr h,ft,v,nil,nil)$ % genflag:=nil, potflag=nil
if null q then <<
if print_ then <<
write "#### Back integration of "$
eqprint cdr h$
write " wrt ",v," during generalized ",
"separation was not successful ####."$
write "The coeff. dropped in direct separation was "$
mathprint car h
>> else <<
q:=reval list('TIMES,fctr,car q)$
% fctr is the next integrating factor
% Neccessary: Substituting the new functions of integration by
% derivatives of them such that back-integration can be made
% hat fnew_ nur ein element, d.h. wird nur eine Integration gemacht
% oder mehrere?
for each f1 in fnew_ do
vf:=setdiff(vl,fctargs f1)$
for each s1 in reverse append(histy,old_histy) do
<<v1:=cadr s1$
% The following also if not my_freeof(f1,v1)
% The reason is that divisors may contain variables which
% are later integration variables
s2:=reverse cddr s1$
while s2 do
<<% only divisions through factors that can be swallowed by f1
if not smemberl(vf,caar s2) then
f2:=list('QUOTIENT,f2,caar s2)$
if not my_freeof(f1,v1) then f2:=reval list('DF,f2,v1)$
% actually only dividing through those factors of (caar s2)
% which depend on v1 and which do not contain variables
% which f2 does not depent on.
s2:=cdr s2
if not smemberl(vf,car s1) then f2:=list('TIMES,f2,car s1)$
% the remaining integrations in the current element of histy
if histy then <<
s2:=reverse l$
while s2 do
<<if not smemberl(vf,caar s2) then f2:=list('QUOTIENT,f2,caar s2)$
if not my_freeof(f1,v1) then f2:=reval list('DF,f2,v1)$
s2:=cdr s2
if f1 neq f2 then
<<if tr_gensep then <<terpri()$
write f1," is replaced by "$
eqprint f2>>$
if succ then check_sum:={'DIFFERENCE,check_sum,{'TIMES,q,car h}};
% car h is the coefficient dropped through direct separation
(car h . q) % the value to be collected to give the new l4
check_sum:=reval check_sum$
if succ then new_cond:=cons(check_sum,new_cond)$
if succ and tr_gensep then
write "Consistency condition: "$eqprint check_sum
for each f in allfnew do ftem_:=fctinsert(f,ftem_)$
if tr_gensep then if succ then <<terpri()$write "yields : "$
eqprint p$>>
else <<terpri()$
write "was not successful.">>$
return {l4,new_cond,allfnew}
module gensep_non_lin$
% Routines for generalized separation of de's
% Author: Thomas Wolf since 1997
symbolic procedure my_smemberl(p,vl)$
begin scalar l,v;
for each v in vl do
if not my_freeof(p,v) then l:=cons(v,l);
return reverse l
symbolic procedure stripcond(conds)$
begin scalar newconds,condi;
while conds do <<
condi:=cdar conds;
conds:=cdr conds;
if length condi=1 then condi:=car condi
else condi:=cons('PLUS,condi);
return newconds
symbolic procedure checkli(exlist,condi)$
scalar ok,isincondi,isinexli,excopy,n;
while condi and ok do <<
% all i in the condition car condi
isincondi:=car condi; %smemberl(ilist,car condi);
n:=length isincondi;
% are all isincondi contained in one of the elements of exlist?
while excopy and ok do <<
isinexli:=smemberl(isincondi,car excopy);
if isinexli then
if length(isinexli) = n then ok:=nil;
excopy:=cdr excopy
condi:=cdr condi
return ok
symbolic procedure longst(exlist)$
% returns the element of exlist which (is a list and)
% has the most elements
scalar lo;
while exlist do <<
if not lo then lo:=car exlist else
if length(lo)<length(car exlist) then lo:=car exlist;
exlist:=cdr exlist
return lo
symbolic procedure starequ(n,alindep,blindep)$
% alindep is a list of lists of factors ai which are all non-zero and
% are all linear independent from each other within such a list
% blindep like alindep
% generates all cases each with all conditions with _i representing
% ai or bi, equations and new functions are not generated
The equation to separate has the form 0 = sum_i ai*bi
where the bi do not depend on some variable x. The
procedure starequ generates cases:
cases ... ( all cases )
each case ... ( list of all a-conditions,
list of all b-conditions)
each condition ... ( the ai,bi contained in the condition
with _i representing ai and bi )
scalar i,j,cases,oldcases,case,ai,bi,ci,oldaconds,oldbconds,
ilist,cona,conb,unin,el,pri; % ,oldpri
% Determine the longest union of two list, one, ai, being element of
% alindep and one, bi, being from blindep
if alindep then for each cona in alindep do
if blindep then for each conb in blindep do
if (j:=length union(cona,conb)) > i then <<ai:=cona;bi:=conb;i:=j>>
else % no blindep given
if (j:=length cona) > i then <<ai:=cona;i:=j>>
else % no alindep given
if blindep then for each conb in blindep do
if (j:=length conb) > i then <<bi:=conb;i:=j>>;
% ai, bi will now be determined
% preparation of the sequence ilist of extensions
ilist:=for i:=1:n collect i;
if pri then <<write"222";terpri()>>$
if i neq 0 then <<
if ai then i:=length ai else i:=0;
if bi then j:=length bi else j:=0;
% extensions through bch should be done when elements from
% bi are treated. This is coded in ilist through negative numbers
if i>j then <<
for each el in setdiff(unin,ai) do ilist:=cons(-el,ilist);
for each el in ai do ilist:=cons( el,ilist)
>> else <<
for each el in setdiff(unin,bi) do ilist:=cons( el,ilist);
for each el in bi do ilist:=cons(-el,ilist)
ilist:=reverse ilist
% ilist is prepared now
if pri then <<write"333 ilist=",ilist;terpri()>>$
% `cases' is a list of cases, each is a dotted pair with
% the car being the a-conditions and cdr being the b-conditions
% The first two cases
i:=car ilist;
if i<0 then i:=-i;
cases:=list(list(list(list(ci)), nil ),
list( nil , list(list(ci))) );
% oldpri:=print_;
% print_:=nil;
ilist:=cdr ilist;
if pri then <<write"555";terpri()>>$
while ilist do <<
i:=car ilist;ilist:=cdr ilist;
if pri then <<write"iii=",i;terpri()>>$
if i>0 then ci:=mkid('_, i)
else ci:=mkid('_,-i);
if pri then <<
write"666 car ilist=",i;
% if i>0 then the list of cases is extended with ai else with bi
while oldcases do << % for each old case do:
case:=car oldcases;
if pri then <<write"old case:",case;terpri()>>$
oldcases:=cdr oldcases;
if i>0 then <<
oldaconds:=car case;
if pri then <<write"888 oldaconds=",oldaconds;terpri()>>$
% at first add condition i=0 to the case
cases:=cons(cons(cons(list(ci),oldaconds), cdr case) ,
if pri then <<write"999 new case=",car cases;terpri()>>$
% then: - add to each a-condition i
% - add one new b-condition with the first element `i'
% and furtherelements which are the first elements of
% the a-lists which have been extended
while oldaconds do <<
j:=caar oldaconds;
newaconds:=cons(cons(j,cons(ci,cdar oldaconds)),
oldaconds:=cdr oldaconds
if pri then <<write"newaconds=",newaconds,
" rev newbcond=",reverse newbcond;
cases:=cons(list(newaconds, cons(reverse newbcond,cadr case)) ,
if pri then <<write"000 new case=",car cases;terpri()>>$
>> else <<
oldbconds:=cadr case;
if pri then <<write"888 oldbconds=",oldbconds;terpri()>>$
% at first add condition bi=0 to the case
cases:=cons(list(car case, cons(list(ci),oldbconds)),
if pri then <<write"999 new case=",car cases;terpri()>>$
% then: - add to each b-condition i
% - add one new a-condition with the first element `i'
% and further elements which are the first elements of
% the b-lists which have been extended
while oldbconds do <<
j:=caar oldbconds;
newbconds:=cons(cons(j,cons(ci,cdar oldbconds)),
oldbconds:=cdr oldbconds
cases:=cons(list(cons(reverse newacond,car case), newbconds),
if pri then <<write"000 new case=",car cases;terpri()>>$
% Throwing out cases which are forbidden by alindep and blindep
alindep:=for each ci in alindep collect
for each i in ci collect mkid('_,i);
blindep:=for each ci in blindep collect
for each i in ci collect mkid('_,i);
% ilist:=for i:=1:n collect mkid('_,i);
while cases do <<
if checkli(alindep,caar cases%,ilist
) then
if checkli(blindep,cadar cases%,ilist
) then
oldcases:=cons(car cases,oldcases);
cases:=cdr cases
% print_:=oldpri;
return oldcases
end$ % of starequ
symbolic procedure pickfac(ex,indx)$
% returns the n'th element of ex where indx has the form _n
nth(ex,compress cdr explode indx)$
symbolic procedure find_cond(bcons,ai)$
% find the element of bcons with ai as (automatically first) element
% (there must be an b-condition with ai as first element
% if that has not already been dropped
% because ai is not the first element of the a-condition)
while (pairp bcons) and (caar bcons neq ai) do bcons:=cdr bcons;
return if pairp bcons then car bcons
else nil
symbolic procedure starsep(exx,ex,ftem,vl,x)$
% exx is the original expression to be separated
% ex is a *-expression returned from SEPAR
% vl are all variables which really occur in ex or
% on which ex depends on
% x is a variable on which the bi do not depend on
% RETURNS a list of cases, each case having the form
% {{new constants/functions of integration},
% eq1,eq2,eq3,...}
% where eqi are a set of necc and suff conditions
scalar cases,newcases,acons,bcons,acond,newca,alindep,blindep,aco,bco,
% pri:=t;
ili:=for i:=1:length ex collect mkid('_,i);
n:=length vl;
% at first determining lists of non-vanishing and linear independent
% a-factors alindep and b-factors blindep
% does so far only the obvious test which is useful essentially for
% linear problems
for each ci in ex do <<
cntr:=add1 cntr;
if pri then <<
write"a",cntr," = "$mathprint car ci$
write"b",cntr," = "$mathprint cdr ci$
if null smemberl(ftem,car ci) then alindep:=cons(cntr,alindep)$
if null smemberl(ftem,cdr ci) then blindep:=cons(cntr,blindep)$
if alindep then alindep:=list alindep$
if blindep then blindep:=list blindep$
% generation of all logical cases with the factors ai,bi
% substituted by _i
cases:=starequ(length ex,alindep,blindep);
if pri then <<terpri()$write"Returned from STAREQU: ",cases>>;
% newcases will be the new list of all cases
while cases do <<
% car cases is one case with alltogether n conditions which
% The conditions for the a-factors are called below acons
% and for the b-factors bcons.
acons:= caar cases;
bcons:=cadar cases;
cases:= cdr cases;
if pri then <<write"acons=",acons," bcons=",bcons;terpri()>>$
% The case will now be formulated with the terms of the expression ex
% extract at first all b-conditions with only one term as they do not
% need constants of integration and are used for any grade of ex
while bcons do <<
if length car bcons=1 then
newca:=cons(cdr pickfac(ex,caar bcons),newca)
else bcopy:=cons(car bcons,bcopy);
bcons:=cdr bcons
% The a-factors may depend on all variables vl whereas the
% b-factors do at least not depend on x.
while acons do << % formulating all a-conditions
aco:=car acons; % aco encodes one condition for a-factors
acons:=cdr acons;
if pri then <<write"aco=",aco;terpri()>>$
a1:=car aco; % e.g. a1 = _7
acond:=list car pickfac(ex,a1);
if pri then <<write"acond=",acond;terpri()>>$
% acond becomes a list of all a-factors encoded by aco
% adding all a-conditions to the new case newca
if (length aco)=1 then newca:=cons(car acond,newca)
else <<
ali:=for each i in aco collect car pickfac(ex,i);
if length avars neq n then <<
% The progress in this case is that all new equations will
% have less variables.
% Now determination on which variables the constants of back-
% integration would depend on. This is the intersection of all
% variables avars in the a-condition and the variables bvars in
% the b-condition in which the constant of integration occurs. The
% a-condition is known, it will be made from acond. The relevant
% b-condition is determined through the current index of aco
% from which the coefficient is to be determined (which is not the
% first index of aco)
aco:=cdr aco; % a1 already in acond
while aco do <<
ai:=car aco;aco:=cdr aco;
% find the list of variables bvers of the b-condition bco
% which includes the b-factor corresponding to ai=car aco
% disadvantage of this way: if bco has m elements then all
% variables of bco are determined m-1 times.
% determining bco as the b-condition which contains ai
% bcopy is used instead of bcons
% the condition with ai may already have been dropped from
% bcons because of ai depending on all variables, i.e. the
% new functions in the b-conditions would depend on all
% variables and be no help.
if pri then <<write"bco=",bco;terpri()>>$
% bcoli:=smemberl(ili,bco); % in case bco has already had subst.
% determining bvars
for each bi in bco do
bvars:=union(my_smemberl(cdr pickfac(ex,bi),vl),bvars);
if pri then <<write"bvars=",bvars$terpri()>>$
% introducing new constants of integration
acond:=cons(list('MINUS,list('TIMES,ci,car pickfac(ex,ai))),acond);
if pri then <<write"acond=",acond;terpri()>>$
if bco:=find_cond(bcons,ai) then <<
if pri then <<write"bcons=",bcons;terpri()>>$
else << % The condition aco is a *-condition
% progress in this case is that new a-conditions
% have less functions
ali:=reverse ali;
aco:=reverse aco;
while length ali > 1 do <<
if pri then <<write"ali1=",ali;terpri()>>$
% Generate the a-condition
if pri then <<write"###";terpri()>>$
if not zerop car ali then
for each i in cdr ali collect
reval list('DF,list('QUOTIENT,i,car ali),x)
else cdr ali;
if pri then <<write"ali2=",ali;terpri()>>$
% Drop that element from bcons which includes
% car ali (as first element)
if bco:=find_cond(bcons,car aco) then
bcons:=setdiff(bcons,list bco);
aco:=cdr aco
acond:=car ali;
if (pairp acond) and (car acond = 'QUOTIENT) then
acond:=cadr acond;
if pri then <<write"newca1=",newca;terpri()>>;
>>; % all a-conditions have been dealt with
if pri then <<write"newca2=",newca;terpri()>>;
% completing all b-conditions
for each bi in ili do bcons:=subst(cdr pickfac(ex,bi),bi,bcons);
% adding all b-conditions to the new case newca
while bcons do <<
if length car bcons = 1 then newca:=cons(caar bcons,newca)
else newca:=cons(cons('PLUS,car bcons),
bcons:=cdr bcons
% if ex is an *-expression with grade>1 then possibly b-conditions
% had to be dropped, so ex must be added
if addex then newca:=cons(exx,newca);
if pri then <<write"newca3=",newca;terpri()>>;
% adding the list of constants of integeration
if pri then <<write"cilist=",cilist;terpri()>>;
return newcases
end$ % of starsep
symbolic procedure separizable(p,ftem,vl)$
begin scalar x,ft,f,ex,v,a,b,vlcp,allvarcaara,print_bak$
repeat <<
x:=car vl; vl:=cdr vl;
% Determining all x-dependent functions ft
for each f in ftem do
if member(x,fctargs f) and
not my_freeof(p,f) then ft:=cons(f,ft)$
f:=car reverse fctsort ft$ % sorting w.r.t. number of args
v:=car setdiff(vlcp,fctargs f)$ % getting rid of f by v-differen.
% preparation of the separ-call, ft are now v-indep. functions
for each f in ftem do if my_freeof(f,v) then ft:=cons(f,ft)$
% ex:=separ(p,ft,list v,nil)$ % det. all lin. ind. factors
print_bak:=print_; print_:=nil;
ex:=separ2(p,ft,list v)$ % det. all lin. ind. factors
while a and <<
while b and not my_freeof(caar a,car b) do b:=cdr b;
>> do a:=cdr a;
if a then allvarcaara:=cons(caar a,allvarcaara);
>> until (null a) or (null vl);
% if a then null vl then whatever x was, there is allways one
% element (car a) of ex such that car of this element (caar a)
% does depend on all variables --> no separability possible,
% new functions would depend on all variables
% if a then test whether separation would be possible by getting
% rid of functions through differentiation
% (this would not be the case if e.g. sin(all variables) would occur)
% --> use of smemberl
while allvarcaara and not not_included(vlcp,smemberl(vlcp,car allvarcaara)) do
<<allvarcaara:=cdr allvarcaara; vl:=cdr vl>>$
return if a and null allvarcaara then nil % no chance
else if a then {nil,car allvarcaara,car vl} % deleting functions first
else << % separation now possible
if tr_gensep then
<<terpri()$write "To separate directly wrt. ",x$
write " the expression : "$deprint list p$
write "will be differentiated wrt. ",v," to get rid of ",ft," ">>$
symbolic procedure newgensep(p,starpro,ftem,vl)$
% ftem, vl should be correct:
% ftem:=smemberl(ftem_,p)$
% vl:=varslist(p,ftem,vl)$
% starpro:=stardep(ftem,vl)$
% returns what starsep returns
scalar pl,v,ex,a,b$
% ,gense,el1,el2,conds,newcali,l,clist$
% if pairp p and (car p = 'QUOTIENT) then <<casecheck(caddr p,vl)$
% p:=cadr p>>$
% ftem:=smemberl(ftem,p)$
% vl:=varslist(p,ftem,vl)$
% if not (starpro:=stardep(ftem,vl)) then % then no *-equation
% pl:=list list(nil,p) % one case, no new functions
% else % e.g. starpro=((x y z).2)
% if zerop cdr starpro then pl:=nil% ##############################
% %list cons(nil,separate(p,ftem,vl)) % direct sep
% else
% if delength(p) leq gensep_ then % generalized separation
% <<
if print_ then <<terpri()$write "generalized separation ">>$
if tr_gensep then
<<terpri()$write "de to be separated : "$
deprint list p$
terpri()$write "variable list for separation : ",car starpro$
terpri()$write "for each of these variables ",cdr starpro,
" function(s) depend(s) on it.">>$
for each v in car starpro do vl:=delete(v,vl);
vl:=append(car starpro,vl);
if null a then return nil else
if null car a then return <<
% functions to be deleted before separation are those in cadr a
% ft:=smemberl(ftem,cadr a);
if print_ then <<terpri()$
write"In order to be separable with this procedure at first"$terpri()$
write"one or more functions have to be eliminated through"$terpri()$
write"differentiation and algebraic elimination, for example,"$terpri()$
write"the functions: ",smemberl(ftem,cadr a)$terpri()$
>> else <<ex:=car a;v:=cadr a>>$
for each a in
reverse idx_sort for each b in ex collect cons(delength car b,b)
collect cdr a$
if tr_gensep then
<<terpri()$write "Return from SEPAR: "$terpri()$prettyprint ex>>$
% with v and v-dep. functions as first factors in the terms in ex
if tr_gensep then
<<terpri()$write "Return from STARSEP: "$terpri()$prettyprint pl>>$
% print_:=oldpri$
% % l is a list of cases each (list of new fncts, cond1, cond2, ...)
% % for each condition (neq p) in all cases calling gensep again
% % if needed
% pl:=nil; % the final list of cases of only non-*-equ.
% while l do % checking all cases
% <<clist:=caar l; % list of new functions
% conds:=cdar l; % list of conditions
% l:=cdr l;
% newcali:=list list clist;
% % newcali will be the list of new cases which starts as
% % only one case and from this only the list of new functions
% % but no conditions
% while conds do % checking all conditions of one case
% <<
%% if car conds = ex then
%% % ex aready investigated, not again
%% % append ex to the conditions of all new cases
%% newcali:=for each el1 in newcali collect
%% cons(car el1,cons(ex,cdr el1))
%% else <<
% gense:=newgensep(car conds,append(ftem,clist),vl);
% newcali:=for each el1 in gense join
% for each el2 in newcali collect
% cons(append(car el1,car el2),
% append(cdr el1,cdr el2));
%% >>;
% conds:=cdr conds
% >>;
% pl:=append(newcali,pl)
% >>
% >>;
return pl
end$ % of newgensep
symbolic procedure gen_separation2(arglist)$
% Indirect separation of a pde, 2nd version for non-linear PDEs
begin scalar p,h,fl,l,l1,pdes,forg,n,result,d,contrad,newpdes$%,newfdep,bak,sol
pdes:=car arglist$
forg:=cadr arglist$
if expert_mode then <<
if get(car l1,'starde) then flag(l1,'to_gensep)
>> else l1:=pdes$
if (p:=get_gen_separ_pde(l1,nil,nil)) then
if l:=newgensep(get(p,'val),
get(p,'vars)) then
if cdr l then <<
if print_ then <<
write"The indirect separation leads to ",length l," cases."$
% bak:=backup_pdes(pdes,forg)$ % must come before drop_pde(...
% newfdep:=nil$
while l do <<
d:=car l; l:=cdr l;
if not memberl(cdr d,ineq_) then << % non of the equations is an inequality
if n neq 0 then <<
pdes:= car h;
forg:=cadr h; % was not assigned above as it has not changed probably
% h:=restore_pdes(bak);
% pdes:=car h; forg:=cadr h
if print_ then <<
write "CRACK is now called with the assumption : "$
deprint(cdr d)
% formulation of new equations
for each h in car d do ftem_:=fctinsert(h,ftem_);
fl:=append(get(p,'fcts),car d);
for each h in cdr d do
% further necessary step to call crackmain():
recycle_fcts:=nil$ % such that functions generated in the sub-call
% will not clash with existing functions
% for each sol in l1 do
% if sol then <<
% for each f in caddr sol do
% if h:=assoc(f,depl!*) then newfdep:=cons(h,newfdep);
% >>;
if not contradiction_ then contrad:=nil$
if l1 and not contradiction_ then
% % newfdep are additional dependencies of the new functions in l1
% depl!*:=append(depl!*,newfdep);
if contradiction_ then result:=nil$
if print_ then <<
write"This completes the investigation of all cases of an ",
"indirect separation."$
result:=list result % to tell crackmain that computation is completed
>> else << % only one case
l:=car l;
for each h in car l do ftem_:=fctinsert(h,ftem_);
fl:=append(get(p,'fcts),car l);
for each h in cdr l do
return result$