module decoupling$
% Routines for decoupling de's
% Author: Andreas Brand untill 1995,
% updates and extensions by Thomas Wolf
symbolic procedure which_deriv(p,q)$
% yields a list of variables and orders
% such that one gets at least q by differentiating p w.r.t. the vars
% p,q: lists of variables and orders
begin scalar l,n,a$
while q do
if (a:=member(car q,p)) then
<<q:=cdr q$
if q and numberp(car q) then
<<n:= car q$
q:=cdr q>>
else n:=1$
n:=n-(if pairp cdr a and numberp cadr a then cadr a else 1)$
if n>0 then
<<l:=cons(car a,l)$
if n>1 then l:=cons(n,l)>> >>
<<l:=cons(car q,l)$
q:=cdr q$
if q and numberp(car q) then
<<l:=cons(car q,l)$
q:=cdr q>> >>$
return append(reverse l,q)$
symbolic procedure dec_ld_info(p,q,simpp,simpq,f,vl,rl)$
% gets leading derivatives of f in p and q wrt. vars order vl
% and the lists of variables and orders for differentiation
begin scalar s,l,l1,l1d,l2,l2d,vl1,vl2,d1,d2,ld1,ld2,wd1,wd2,
% if (p has more variables than q) or
% (f is not leading function of p)
% => simpp = t => p must be simplified with (deriv.s of) q
% if (q has more variables than p) or
% (f is not leading function of q)
% => simpq = t => q must be simplified with (deriv.s of) p
% vl1 holds the list of _ordered_ variables of p
% vl2 holds the list of _ordered_ variables of q
% list all powers of derivatives of f in p as l1 and in q as l2
if simpp and simpq then return nil$
% collect all powers of all derivatives of f
for each a in get(p,'derivs) do if caar a=f then l1:=cons(a,l1)$
l1:=sort_derivs(reverse l1,list f,vl1)$
% l1 is a list of _all_ derivatives of f in p _sorted_ stored as a
% dotted pair, e.g. ((f x 2 y) . 5) would be f_{xxy}^5, or more
% generally ((f_1 . power) (f_2 . power) ... )
%terpri()$write "l10=",l1$
% keep only highest power of each derivative in l1
for each a in l1 do if not member(cdar a,l) then <<
l:=cons(cdar a,l)$
l1d:=cons(list(cdar a,absdeg(cdar a),cdr a),l1d)
% cdar a is the list of derivatives so we are making sure that our
% list l1 has no repetitions
l1 :=reverse l$ % e.g. l1 = ( (x 2 y) (x y 2) ...)
l1d:=reverse l1d$ % e.g. l1d = (((x 2 y),3,1) ((x y 2),3,2) ...)
% The above now applies but with q and l2 instead of p and l1
% collect all powers of all derivatives of f
for each a in get(q,'derivs) do if caar a=f then l2:=cons(a,l2)$
l2:=sort_derivs(reverse l2,list f,vl2)$
%terpri()$write "l20=",l2$
% keep only highest power of each derivative in l2
for each a in l2 do if not member(cdar a,l) then <<
l:=cons(cdar a,l)$
l2d:=cons(list(cdar a,absdeg(cdar a),cdr a),l2d)
l2 :=reverse l$ % e.g. l2 = ( (x 2 y) (x y 2) ...)
l2d:=reverse l2d$ % e.g. l2d = (((x 2 y),3,1) ((x y 2),3,2) ...)
% At this point we have two lists, l1d and l2d resp. containing the
% sorted list of all derivatives of the function f in p and q
% together with their highest power
% At first we note the leading derivative in l1d with its power
% and check whether there is a derivative in l2d which has in no variable
% a lower derivative or and either has a higher derivative in at least
% one variable, or is not of lower degree.
if not simpp then <<
%p may be differentiated and q be substituted or new equ. added
caar_ld:=caar l1d$
d1:=cadar l1d$
d2:=caddar l1d$
while l and ((d1<cadar l) or ((d1=cadar l) and (d2<=caddar l))) do
<<s:=which_deriv(caar_ld,caar l)$
% which_deriv(a,b) takes two lists of derivatives and returns how
% often you need to diff. a in order to get at least the
% derivatives in b.
% e.g. which_deriv((x 2 y), (x y 2)) returns y
if (absdeg s + d1)=cadar l then <<ld2:=caar l$ found:=t$ l:=nil>>
% At this point we compare the degree of the highest
% derivative of l1 + number of diff. in order to get the
% leading deriv. of l2 (aliased to l)
else l:=cdr l
if simpq and null found then return nil;
% Now, either l is nil and ld2 = leading deriv. of l2 (i.e. highest
% deriv. of f in q) [this is the case in which leading deriv. in l2
% can be obtained by diff. of the leading deriv. in l1] OR
% ld2 is nil and l contains the rest of the deriv. of l2 except the
% leading one [in this case we _cannot_ obtain the leading deriv. in
% l2 by diff. the leading deriv. in l1].
if (not ld2) and (not simpq) then <<
% We cannot get to the leading deriv. in l2 by diff. of leading
% deriv. in l1.
% We now try the opposite way, we try to diff. something in l2 to
% get into l1.
caar_ld:=caar l2d$
d1:=cadar l2d$
d2:=caddar l2d$
while l and ((d1<cadar l) or ((d1=cadar l) and (d2<=caddar l))) do
<<s:=which_deriv(caar_ld,caar l)$
if (absdeg s + d1)=cadar l then <<ld1:=caar l$ found:=t$ l:=nil>>
else l:=cdr l
if simpp and null found then return nil;
% We now have either ld2 non-nil, i.e. we can get to leading derv. in
% l2 by differentiation of terms in l1 OR we have ld1 non-nil in
% which case we have the opposite situation. If neither are non-nil
% then we have to cross-differentiate to get the ld to match.
% What we return is
% ( (s ld(l1)) (nil ld(l2)) ) [ld2 non-nil] or
% ( (nil ld(l1)) (s ld(l2)) ) [ld1 non-nil] or
% ( (v ld(l1)) (w ld(l2)) ) [both ld1 _and_ ld2 nil]
% where v and w are the required diff. to get to ld2 and ld1 resp.
% and s is the required diff. for the non-nil cases.
% It is to be interpreted as:
% Either "diff. ld(l1) by s to get ld(l2)" or
% "diff. ld(l2) by s to get ld(l1)" or
% "diff. ld(l1) by wd1 and ld(l2) by wd2 to get the
% ld's to match".
if ld2 then cons(cons(s,caar l1d),cons(nil,ld2)) else
if ld1 then cons(cons(nil,ld1),cons(s,caar l2d)) else <<
wd1:=which_deriv(caar l1d,caar l2d)$
wd2:=which_deriv(caar l2d,caar l1d)$
if (simpq and wd2) or
(simpp and wd1) or
(rl and wd1 and wd2) then nil
else cons(cons(wd1,caar l1d),
cons(wd2,caar l2d))
symbolic procedure diffeq(f,sd,r)$
% input of how often equation r is to be differentiated
% sd is the resulting derivative that is to be substituted
% with another equation, eg sd=(x,2,y)
begin scalar rdif,rd,contradic,a,ad,b,bd,resu,must_be_subst$
write"How often is equation ",r," to be differentiated?"$
write"(just `;' for no differentiation or, for example, `x,y,2;' ): "$
while rd and null contradic do <<
a:=caar rd; % only the differentiations, not the degree
rd:=cdr rd$
if f=car a then <<
ad:=cdr a$
if cdr a then a:=cons('DF,a)
else a:=car a; % a is now the function/full derivative
if null rdif then b:=a else
b:=reval cons('DF,cons(a,rdif));
if pairp b then bd:=cddr b
else bd:=nil$
% There must not result a derivative from differentiating
% equation r which is a derivative of sd
if zerop b then <<
write "The function ",f," differentiated that way gives zero."$
>> else
if (null which_deriv(bd,sd)) and
which_deriv(sd,bd) then
if null rdif then must_be_subst:=b
else <<
contradic:=t$ % sd,r,rdif are not compatible
write"This differentiation of equation ",r,
" will generate a derivative ",b$
write" which is a derivative of the derivative to be eliminated."$
>> else
if bd = sd then resu:={r,rdif,ad}
return if contradic or null resu then nil
else resu . must_be_subst
symbolic procedure read_sub_diff(p,q)$
begin scalar ps,s,l0,l,m0,m1,f,sd,info_p,info_q,contradic,let_conflict$
write"What is the derivative to be eliminated? "$
write"(e.g. df(f,x,y,2); or f; ) "$terpri()$
l:=reval l0$
% tests whether the input l is ok
if null l then return nil else
if not pairp l then if l0 neq l then let_conflict:=t else
else % pairp l
if car l neq 'DF then if car l0 neq 'DF then <<
write"Not a derivative!"$ terpri()$
return nil
>> else let_conflict:=t
if cadr l neq cadr l0 then let_conflict:=t
else <<
m0:=cddr l0; m1:=cddr l;
while m1 and null let_conflict do
if fixp car m1 then m1:=cdr m1 else <<
if no_of_v(car m1,m1) neq no_of_v(car m1,m0) then let_conflict:=t;
m1:=cdr m1
if let_conflict then <<
write "Due to a LET-rule in operation this elimination ",
"is not possible."$terpri()$
write "To delete a LET-rule use 'cr'."$terpri()$
return nil
if pairp l then <<f:=cadr l;sd:=cddr l>>
else <<f:=l;sd:=nil>>$
if info_p then info_q:=diffeq(f,sd,q)$
if info_p and info_q then <<
if null cadar info_p and cadar info_q then s:=p else
if null cadar info_q and cadar info_p then s:=q else
if cadar info_p and cadar info_q then s:=nil else <<
write"Which equation is to be substituted? Input ",p," or ",q,": "$
s:=reval termread()
until (s=p) or (s=q)
if s=p and cdr info_q then <<
write"The derivative ",cdr info_q," would enter ",p$
write" which is a derivative of the derivative to be substituted."$
if s=q and cdr info_p then <<
write"The derivative ",cdr info_p," would enter ",q$
write" which is a derivative of the derivative to be substituted."$
if contradic then nil
else {car info_p,car info_q,l,s,nil} . 1
% returns the same kind of result as dec_info
>> else nil
symbolic procedure dec_info(p,q,f,vl,rl,ordering)$
% yields information for a decouple reduction step
% i.e. ((info_1
% info_2
% deriv_to_eliminate
% equ_to_be_subst
% whether_one_equation_must_be_substituted % important for elim. techn.
% ).num_value)
% where num_value is a measure of cost, e.g.
% result has form (((e4 (x 2 y) (y z))
% (e5 (z) (x 2 y 2)) (df f x 2 y 2 z) nil nil) . num_value)
% Criteria: a) the function f must depend on all vars
% b) the function and all their derivatives must occur
% polynomially
begin scalar a,b,l,l1,info,m,n,fp,fq,fpmq,fqmp,s,lenp,lenq,dp,dq,
% 'length is the property containing the expression length
if expert_mode then return read_sub_diff(p,q)$
if rl and ((lenp*lenq)>max_red_len) then return nil;
a:=get(p,'vars); b:=get(q,'vars);
simpp:=(null get(p,'allvarfcts)) or (f neq caaar get(p,'derivs))$
simpq:=(null get(q,'allvarfcts)) or (f neq caaar get(q,'derivs))$
% star-equn. or f is not leading function
if not l then <<
return nil
% l:= dec_ld_info(p,q,f,vl,rl) returns a list of lists, from which
% a := caar l sets a to be the differentiations required to get
% the ld(p) w.r.t. f to match that of ld(q) w.r.t. f,
% b := caadr l sets b to be the differentiations required to get
% the ld(q) w.r.t. f to match that of ld(q) w.r.t. f.
% l1 := cadadr l sets l1 to be the derivative in q which we
% eliminate, similarly l is the derivative in p which we elim.
a:=caar l$ % a are the differentiations of p
b:=cadr l$ % b are the differentiations of q
if struc_eqn and
((a and b and (not freeof(algebraic struc_done,f))) or
% no integrab. cond.s for functions in struc_done
((get(p,'no_derivs)>0) and (get(q,'no_derivs)=0)) or
((get(p,'no_derivs)=0) and (get(q,'no_derivs)>0))
% not using algebr. conditions to simplify diff. cond.
) then return nil;
l1:=cddr l$
l:=cdar l$
% Test whether there is a let-rule in operation which changes the
% target derivative
if (null a) and (null l) then
if f neq reval f then let_conflict:=t
else else <<
m:=reval cons('DF,cons(f,append(l,a)));
if (not pairp m) or
(car m neq 'DF) or
(cadr m neq f) then let_conflict:=t
else <<
m:=cddr m$
while m and null let_conflict do
if fixp car m then m:=cdr m else <<
if (no_of_v(car m,a)+no_of_v(car m,l)) neq
no_of_v(car m,m) then let_conflict:=t;
m:=cdr m
if let_conflict then <<
if print_ then <<
write "Due to a let-rule in operation equations ",
p,",",q," will not be paired."$terpri()$
return nil
% s is the equation to be substituted
if a and not b then s:=q % p will be diff.
else if b and not a then s:=p % q will be diff.
else if not (a or b) then % no diff., only reduction
if struc_eqn and l and l1 then <<
% 2 structural equations, both with one or more derivatives
% --> equation with more derivatives is substituted
% The case below would work, only this may need fewer substitutions
if m>n then s:=p else
if m<n then s:=q else
% if cons(f,l ) neq caar get(q,'derivs) then s:=q else
% if cons(f,l1) neq caar get(p,'derivs) then s:=p else
if get(p,'length)>get(q,'length) then s:=p
else s:=q
>> else <<
repeat <<
s:=total_less_dfrel(car dp,car dq,ftem_,vl)$
dp:=cdr dp$
dq:=cdr dq
>> until (s neq 0) or (null dp) or (null dq)$
if (s=t) or ((null dp) and dq) then s:=q
else s:=p
fp:=get(p,'allvarfcts)$ % functions of all vars in p
fq:=get(q,'allvarfcts)$ % functions of all vars in q
% If a pde will be replaced by a pde with more fcts of all vars
% then this pairing will have a lowered priority
fqmp:=length setdiff(fq,fp);
fpmq:=length setdiff(fp,fq);
if nil then
if tr_decouple then << terpri()$
write"p=",p," q=",q," s=",s," lfp=",length fp,
" lfq=",length fq," lfu=",length union(fp,fq),
" fqmp=",fqmp," fpmq=",fpmq
(length union(fp,fq))**20$
if nil then
if tr_decouple then write" m2=",m;
if s then <<
% the equation s will be replaced by the new one
% --> if (null struc_eqn) and fcteval(s,nil) then m:=m*10**7;
% The above line has been commented out because fcteval takes
% much time the first time it is called and substitutions
% are to be done before decoupling anyway
if (s=q) and (lenp>lenq) then m:=(m*lenp)/lenq else
if (s=p) and (lenq>lenp) then m:=(m*lenq)/lenp;
if (s=p) and (fqmp>0) then m:=m*10**(2*fqmp) else
if (s=q) and (fpmq>0) then m:=m*10**(2*fpmq);
if struc_eqn then
if ((a and is_algebraic(p)) or
(b and is_algebraic(q)) ) then m:=m*10**100 else
if is_algebraic(p) and is_algebraic(q) then m:=m/10**5;
>> else
% Enlarge m because extra equation is generated (temp. idea)
% Non-linearity in largest derivative not taken care of.
if nil then
if tr_decouple then write" m3=",m;
if (null a) and
(null l) then f
else reval cons('DF,cons(f,append(l,a))),
simpp or simpq
return info$
%symbolic procedure dec_put_info(l,rl)$
%% l has form ((e4 (x 2 y) (y z))
%% (e5 (z) (x 2 y 2)) (df f x 2 y 2 z) nil)
%% puts informations for decouple reduction step
%% result: ((df f x 2 y 2 z) e4 e5 nil)
%if l then
%begin scalar f$
% put(caar l,'dec_info,cadar l)$ % saves (x 2 y) for e4
% put(caadr l,'dec_info,cadadr l)$ % saves (z) for e5
% if (cadar l) and (cadadr l) then << % if both eq. are diff.
% f:=caddr l;
% if pairp f then f:=cadr f;
% add_both_dec_with(f,caar l,caadr l,rl)$
% >>$
% return list(caddr l,caar l,caadr l,cadddr l)$
% symbolic procedure dec_put_info(f,l)$
% % put informations for decouple reduction step
% % result: (deriv_to_eliminate pde_1 pde_2)
% if l then
% begin scalar a,b$
% put(caar l,'dec_info,cadar l)$
% a:=get(caar l,'dec_with)$
% b:=assoc(f,a)$
% a:=delete(b,a)$
% if b then b:=cons(f,cons(caadr l,cdr b))
% else b:=list(f,caadr l)$
% put(caar l,'dec_with,cons(b,a))$
% put(caadr l,'dec_info,cadadr l)$
% a:=get(caadr l,'dec_with)$
% b:=assoc(f,a)$
% a:=delete(b,a)$
% if b then b:=cons(f,cons(caar l,cdr b))
% else b:=list(f,caar l)$
% put(caadr l,'dec_with,cons(b,a))$
% return list(caddr l,caar l,caadr l)$
% end$
%% symbolic procedure dec_info_leq(p,q)$
%% % relation "<=" for decouple informations
%% if p and q then
%% if not (cadar car p and cadadr car p) then
%% if not (cadar car q and cadadr car q) then (cdr p<=cdr q)
%% else p
%% else if cadar car q and cadadr car q then (cdr p<=cdr q)
%% else nil
%% else p$
symbolic procedure dec_info_leq(p,q)$
% relation "<=" for decouple informations
if p and q then (cdr p<=cdr q)
else if p then p
else q$
symbolic procedure dec_and_fct_select(pdes,vl,rl,hp,ordering)$
% select 2 pdes for decoupling
% if rl then one pde must be simplified with the help of
% another one and reduce its length
% if hp then only high priority decouplings (eqns with max 3-4 functions)
begin scalar min,f,l,l1,l2,done_pdes,car_pdes,len,
while pdes and null rtn do <<
car_pdes:=car pdes;
if expert_mode or
(flagp(car_pdes,'to_decoup) and allvarfl and
((null hp) or (length(allvarfl)<4)) ) then
<<f:=caaar get(car_pdes,'derivs)$
if not flin_ or (f_in_flin:=not freeof(flin_,f)) or
( homogen_ and (zerop car get(car_pdes,'hom_deg))) or
(null homogen_ and freeoflist(get(car_pdes,'fcts),flin_)) then <<
% initializations for the special case of car_pdes: 0=df(f,...)
if (null record_hist) and (len=1) then <<
if (pairp val_car_pdes) and
(car val_car_pdes = 'DF) and
(cadr val_car_pdes = f) then
d_car_pdes:=cddr val_car_pdes else
if val_car_pdes=f then d_car_pdes:=nil
else len:=1000
if rl then l:=append(l,assoc(ordering,get(car_pdes,'dec_with_rl)))$
% unchecked pairings
for each p in cdr pdes do
% It should be possible that f is leading function in car_pdes but not
% in others
% if not flin_ or f_in_flin or
% ( homogen_ and (zerop car get(p,'hom_deg))) or
% (null homogen_ and freeoflist(get(p,'fcts),flin_)) then
if expert_mode or
(flagp(p,'to_decoup) and
member(f,get(p,'rational)) and
((null hp) or
(length(union(allvarfl,get(p,'allvarfcts)))<4)) and
((not member(p,l)) or
((not member(car_pdes,assoc(ordering,get(p,'dec_with)))) and
((null rl) or
(not member(car_pdes,assoc(ordering,get(p,'dec_with_rl)))))
% If both equations consist of a derivative of f only then
% instant decision possible
if (null record_hist) and (len=1) and (get(p,'printlength)=1) then <<
if (pairp val_p) and
(car val_p = 'DF) and
(cadr val_p = f) then
d_p:=cddr val_p else
if val_p=f then d_p:=nil$
if not zerop d_p then <<
if w1 and w2 then add_both_dec_with(ordering,car_pdes,p,rl) else
% returns eg. ((e5 nil (x 2 y 2 z)) (e4 (x 2 y) (y z))
% (df f x 2 y 2 z) e5)
if null w1 then rtn:={{p,nil,d_p},{car_pdes,w2,d_car_pdes},
else rtn:={{p,w1,d_p},{car_pdes,nil,d_car_pdes},
>> else
% The general case
if expert_mode and null l1 then <<pdes:={nil};done_pdes:=nil;l2:=nil>>
if expert_mode or
(quick_decoup and l1 and cadddr car l1 and
((null struc_eqn) or
((null is_algebraic(car_pdes)) and
(null is_algebraic(p )) ) ))
then rtn:=car l1
else if l1 then l2:=cons(l1,l2)
% Check pairings where f is *not* the leading function in
% car done_pdes. This has not been checked when this pairing
% was tested before.
if null rtn then
for each p in done_pdes do
% It should be possible that f is leading function in car_pdes but not
% in others
% if not flin_ or f_in_flin or
% ( homogen_ and (zerop car get(p,'hom_deg))) or
% (null homogen_ and freeoflist(get(p,'fcts),flin_)) then
if flagp(p,'to_decoup) and
member(f,get(p,'rational)) and
((null hp) or
(length(union(allvarfl,get(p,'allvarfcts)))<4)) and
((not member(p,l)) or
((not member(car_pdes,assoc(ordering,get(p,'dec_with)))) and
((null rl) or
(not member(car_pdes,assoc(ordering,get(p,'dec_with_rl)))))
) and
((null get(p,'allvarfcts)) or
(f neq car get(p,'allvarfcts)))
then <<l1:=dec_info(car_pdes,p,f,vl,rl,ordering)$
if expert_mode and null l1 then
if quick_decoup and l1 and cadddr car l1 and
((null struc_eqn) or
((null is_algebraic(car_pdes)) and
(null is_algebraic(p )) ) )
then rtn:=car l1
else if l1 then l2:=cons(l1,l2)
pdes:=cdr pdes
if rtn then return rtn$
%--- l2 is the list of possible pairings of 2 equations
%--- pick one of these pairings
%--- l1 is the list of equations which still can be reduced
%--- and where f=car get(equ,'allvarfcts), i.e. equations
%--- which must not be used for generating new equations
%--- each l in l2 has the form
%--- (((e4 (x 2 y) (y z)) (e5 (z) (x 2 y 2))
%--- (df f x 2 y 2 z) nil nil) . num_value)
for each l in l2 do <<
f:=caddar l;
if pairp f then f:=cadr f;
if (caaar l = cadddr car l) and % if caaar l will be subst.
get(caaar l,'allvarfcts) and
(f=car get(caaar l,'allvarfcts))
then l1:=union(list(caaar l),l1);
if (caadar l = cadddr car l) and % if caadar l will be subst.
get(caadar l,'allvarfcts) and
(f=car get(caadar l,'allvarfcts))
then l1:=union(list(caadar l),l1);
%--- Test that no new equation will be generated from an
%--- equation from which the leading derivative can still be
%--- reduced
for each l in l2 do
if ((cadaar l = nil) or
(cadr cadar l = nil) or
(freeof(l1,caaar l) and freeof(l1,caadar l)) ) and
then min:=l;
if min then <<
l:=car min$
if (cadar l) and (cadadr l) then << % if both eq. are diff.
f:=caddr l;
if pairp f then f:=cadr f;
add_both_dec_with(ordering,caar l,caadr l,rl)$
return l % dec_put_info(car min,rl)$
symbolic procedure err_catch_elimin(p,ltp,dgp,q,ltq,dgq,x,once)$
begin scalar h,bak,kernlist!*bak,kord!*bak,bakup_bak;
bak:=max_gc_counter$ max_gc_counter:=my_gc_counter+max_gc_elimin;
h:=errorset({'elimin,mkquote p,mkquote ltp,mkquote dgp,
mkquote q,mkquote ltq,mkquote dgq,
mkquote x,mkquote once},nil,nil)
where !*protfg=t;
return if errorp h then nil
else car h
symbolic procedure elimin(p,ltp,dgp,q,ltq,dgq,x,once)$
% returns {resulting_eqn, multiplier_of_ddpcp, multiplier_of_ddqcp}
scalar dgs,s,flg,quoti,lts,
if dgp > dgq then << flg:=t; dgs:=dgq >>
else dgs:=dgp$
fcpp:=1; fcpq:=0;
fcqq:=1; fcqp:=0;
while dgs neq 0 do <<
if flg=t then <<
if dgq>dgp then flg:=nil
>> else <<
if dgp>dgq then flg:=t
if once then dgs:=0
return {reval{'QUOTIENT,s ,quoti},
reval{'QUOTIENT,fcsq,quoti} }
end$ % elimin
symbolic procedure dec_new_equation(l,rl)$
% l has form ((e4 (x 2 y) (y z)) (e5 (z) (x 2 y 2)) (df f x 2 y 2 z) nil nil)
% This means: e4 has df(f,y,z) and is differ. wrt. xxy
% e5 has df(f,x,2,y,2) and is diff. wrt. z
% to eliminate df(f,x,2,y,2,z),
% nil is substituted,
% substitution is not essential
begin scalar ld,f,ip,iq,s,nvl,lcop,p,ddp,ddpcp,ldp,ltp,dgp,pfac,
% ddpcp will be the name of the equation, e.g. e4
% p at first the value of the equation, later df(p,ip)
% ddp will be the history value of the equation
% ip is a list of differentiations to be done with p
% ldp is the leading derivative in p
% ltp at first the lead. term of p then is the leading term in df(p,ip)
% dgp at first highpow of ldp in p then highpow of df(ldp,ip) in ltp
% lcop is the coefficient of ldp**dgp in ltp
% pfac an overall factor of p that has been dropped but that may vanish
% similar with q
ld:=caddr l$
f:=if pairp ld then cadr ld
else ld$
ip:=cadar l$
iq:=cadadr l$
s:=cadddr l$
once:=car cddddr l$
ddp:=caar l$ ddpcp:=ddp$
ddq:=caadr l$ ddqcp:=ddq$
if record_hist then <<
if get(ddq,'nvars)<nvl then nvl:=get(ddq,'nvars)$
if s=ddp then ddp:=get(ddp,'histry_) else
if s=ddq then ddq:=get(ddq,'histry_)
if print_ and ((null rl and tr_decouple) or
( rl and tr_redlength) ) then
<<terpri()$write " first pde ",caar l,": "$
typeeq caar l$
if ip then write "is diff. wrt. ",ip,","
else write "is not differentiated,"$
write " second pde ",caadr l,": "$
typeeq caadr l$
if iq then write "is diff. wrt. ",iq," "
else write "is not differentiated, "$
write"to eliminate "$mathprint ld$
if atom ld then ldp:=ld else <<
ldp:=cadr ld;
if caddar l then ldp:=cons('DF,cons(ldp,caddar l))
if ip then <<
if (dgp=1) and (not fixp lcop) then <<
p:=reval cons('DF,cons({'QUOTIENT,{'DIFFERENCE,p,ltp},lcop},ip));
if record_hist then
ddp:=reval cons('DF,cons({'QUOTIENT,ddp,lcop},ip));
h:=reval{'DEN,p}$ % the new lcop
pfac:=reval {'QUOTIENT,lcop,h}$
if may_vanish(pfac) and (s=ddqcp) then s:=nil;
if record_hist then ddp:=reval {'TIMES,ddp,h}$
>> else <<
% p:=cons('DF,cons(p,ip));
if record_hist then
% ltp:=cons('DF,cons(ltp,ip))
if atom ld then ldq:=ld else <<
ldq:=cadr ld;
if caddar cdr l then ldq:=cons('DF,cons(ldq,caddar cdr l))
if iq then <<
if (dgq=1) and (not fixp lcop) then <<
q:=reval cons('DF,cons({'QUOTIENT,{'DIFFERENCE,q,ltq},lcop},iq));
if record_hist then
h:=reval{'DEN,q}$ % the new lcop
qfac:=reval {'QUOTIENT,lcop,h}$
if may_vanish(qfac) and (s=ddpcp) then s:=nil;
if record_hist then ddq:=reval {'TIMES,ddq,h}$
>> else <<
% q:=cons('DF,cons(q,iq));
if record_hist then
% ltq:=cons('DF,cons(ltq,iq))
% l:=list(caar l,caadr l)$
% if iq then q:=simplifypde(reval cons('DF,cons(q,iq)),ftem,nil,nil (?))$
% if ip then p:=simplifypde(reval cons('DF,cons(p,ip)),ftem,nil,nil (?))$
% h:=reval !*q2a simpresultant list(p,q,ld)$
return if (l:=err_catch_elimin(p,ltp,dgp,q,ltq,dgq,ld,once)) then
list(l,s,ddpcp,ddqcp,ddp,ddq,ld,pfac,qfac) else nil$
end$ % of dec_new_equation
symbolic procedure dec_reduction(h,pdes,ftem,%forg,
% do a reduction step or a cross differentiation either
% h is the result of dec_new_equation() and has the structure
% list(elimin(p,ltp,dgp,q,ltq,dgq,ld),s,ddpcp,ddqcp,ddp,ddq,ld,pfac,qfac)$
% if rl then one pde must be simplified with the help of
% another one and reduce its length
begin scalar %p,q,ld,a,s,ip,iq,f,dwsa,dwla,dwlb,el,h,
s:=cadr h$
p:=caddr h$
q:=cadddr h$
h:=car h$
% If an equation is to be substituted then the new system must
% be sufficient after replacing one equations through another one.
% --> the replaced equation must not have been multiplied with
% possibly vanishing factors
if s and (null rl) and % (sufficient_decouple) and
% for rl=t already checked
(((s=p) and may_vanish(cadr h)) or
((s=q) and may_vanish(caddr h)) ) then s:=nil$
% tracing comments
if (null rl and tr_decouple) or
( rl and tr_redlength) then <<
write p," (resp its derivative) is multiplied with"$terpri()$
algebraic write lisp if qfac=1 then cadr h
else {'TIMES,qfac,cadr h}$
write q," (resp its derivative) is multiplied with"$terpri()$
algebraic write lisp if pfac=1 then caddr h
else {'TIMES,pfac,caddr h}$
% If an equation is used for a substitution of a derivative which is
% not a leading derivative and the length of the equation is
% increased then drop the new equation
if (null rl) and % for rl=t the length comparison is already done
(null expert_mode) and % not explicitly ordered by user
(car h) and s and ((null struc_eqn) or (atom ld))
then <<
len:=no_of_terms(car h);
if pairp(ld) and (car ld = 'DF) then ld:=cdr ld
else ld:=list ld;
if ((s=p) and
(ld neq caar get(p,'derivs)) and
(len>get(p,'terms))) or
((s=q) and
(ld neq caar get(q,'derivs)) and
(len>get(q,'terms))) then
return <<
if print_ then <<
write"The tried reduction of a non-leading derivative"$terpri()$
write"would have only increased the equation's length."$terpri()
if cdr ld then ld:=cons('DF,ld)
else ld:=car ld;
% the case of a resulting identity 0=0
if car h then
if zerop car h and null rl then <<
% for rl=t the case that the multipliers contain ftem_ has already
% been checked
if print_ then <<terpri()$write" An identity 0=0 results.">>$
if null ip and null iq and null s and
% if s<>nil then multipliers can not be ftem_ dependent
(!*batch_mode or
(batchcount_>=stepcounter_)) then << % i.e. only if batch_mode
% Have already all normal factorizations be tried?
while a and (car a neq 8) and (car a neq 30) do a:=cdr a;
if a and car a = 8 then
list <<a:=get(p,'val);
if (pairp a) and (car a = 'TIMES) then p
else q
>> else <<
a:=mkeq(if pfac neq 1 then if qfac neq 1 then {'TIMES,pfac,qfac,car h}
else {'TIMES,pfac, car h}
else if qfac neq 1 then {'TIMES, qfac,car h}
else car h ,
reval {'PLUS,{'TIMES,cadr h,ddp},
{'TIMES,caddr h,ddq} },pdes)$
if print_ and ((null rl and tr_decouple ) or
( rl and tr_redlength) ) then
<<terpri()$mathprint reval {'EQUAL,a,get(a,'histry_)}>>
if record_hist and
(car h) and (zerop car h) then
new_idty({'PLUS,{'TIMES,cadr h,ddp},{'TIMES,caddr h,ddq} }, pdes, t);
% also if car h is not identical 0 but with less variables.
% It still can be the case that some functions of fewer variables
% still depend on all the differentiation variables of the divergence
% Then integration of the curl is not done(possible?)
% The following lines have been commented out 9.9.2001 as the
% cycle-test with dec_hist_list is too crude. It is necessary to
% record which method (decoupling or length-reduction-decoupling or
% shortening) leads to a repetition, or better just to check only
% when doing length-reduction because straightforward decoupling
% should be done anyway.
%if a and (null s) and member(get(a,'val),dec_hist_list) then <<
% drop_pde(a,nil,nil)$
% add_both_dec_with(ordering,car l,cadr l,rl);
% if print_ and tr_decouple then <<
% terpri()$write "the resulting pde would lead to a cycle"$
% >>
%>> else <<
if print_ then <<
write"Eliminate "$
mathprint ld$
write"from ",if ip then cons('DF,cons(p,ip))
else p, " and ",
if iq then cons('DF,cons(q,iq))
else q, ". "$
if a then <<
if s then <<
write s,": "$terpri()$
typeeq s;
write"is replaced by ",a,": "
>> else write a," is added: "$
typeeq a
>> else
if s then <<write s," is deleted.";terpri()>>$
if null s then add_both_dec_with(ordering,p,q,rl)
else << % reduction, s is the equation to be replaced
% The following was commented out as in_cycle() is to take care of
% preventing cycles, l had the value which is now the input of
% dec_new_equation()
% l:=delete(s,l)$
% if not (ip or iq) then <<
% % The equations wrt which s has already been decoupled
% % are to be listed under dec_with wrt to the equation
% % of both that is kept which is car l
% % purpose: These decouplings should not be done again
% % with car l as this may result in a cycle
% dwsa:=get( s,'dec_with)$
% dwla:=get(car l,'dec_with)$
% for each el in dwsa do <<
% % el are the different orderings, if more than one are
% % in use then something must be changed probably
% dwlb:=assoc(car el,dwla)$
% dwla:=delete(dwlb,dwla)$
% if dwlb then dwlb:=cons(car el,union(cdr el,cdr dwlb))
% else dwlb:=el$
% dwla:=cons(dwlb,dwla)
% >>$
% put(car l,'dec_with,dwla)$
% >>$
% The following was taken out some time ago (now 9.9.2001)
% because it probably prevented a complete computation
% % If other than the leading derivatives are reduced then
% % the new equ. a must inherit 'dec_with from equ. s
% if a and get(a,'derivs) and
% (car get(a,'derivs) = car get(s,'derivs)) then <<
% dwsa:=get(s,'dec_with)$
% put(a,'dec_with,dwsa)$
% >>$
% The following has been taken out with the dec_hist_list test above
% if dec_hist>0 then <<
% if length dec_hist_list>dec_hist then
% dec_hist_list:=cdr dec_hist_list$
% dec_hist_list:=reverse cons(get(s,'val),reverse dec_hist_list)$
% >>$
drop_pde(s,if a then cons(a,pdes) else pdes,nil)
%>>$ commented out together with code from above
return list(a)
% a is either a new equation or nil if s has beed reduced to an identity
end$ % of dec_reduction
symbolic procedure dec_fct_check(a,l)$
% checks, if a function occurs in only one pde
begin scalar ft,n$
while ft and l do
<<if flagp(car l,'to_decoup) then
ft:=setdiff(ft,get(car l,'fcts))$
l:=cdr l>>$
while ft and (n<=length fctargs(car ft)) do ft:=cdr ft$
if ft then remflag1(a,'to_decoup)$
return ft$
symbolic procedure check_cases_for_symbol(l)$
% l has form ((e4 (x 2 y) (y z)) (e5 (z) (x 2 y 2)) (df f x 2 y 2 z) nil nil)
% This means: e4 has df(f,y,z) and is differ. wrt. xxy
% e5 has df(f,x,2,y,2) and is diff. wrt. z
% to eliminate df(f,x,2,y,2,z),
% nil is substituted,
% substitution is not essential
begin scalar s,h,lde,sy$
% Is a case-distinction to be made about whether the symbol
% is zero or non-zero?
s:=cadddr l;
if lin_problem or (null s) or
(not pairp caddr l) or
(null flagp(if s=caar l then caadr l
else caar l,'to_symbol))
then return nil % no case-distinction
else <<
if s=caar l then h:=cadr l else h:=car l$ % h are the data of the lower
% priority (e.g. order) equation
if null cadr h then return nil else << % lower order equ. is not diff.
remflag1(car h,'to_symbol)$
lde:=if null caddr h then cadr caddr l % lead. deriv. is algebraic
else cons('DF,cons(cadr caddr l,caddr h));
% lde is the leading derivative in the lower priority equation
sy:=reval {'DF,get(car h,'val),lde};
if freeofzero(sy,get(car h,'fcts),get(car h,'vars),get(car h,'nonrational))
% if not may_vanish(sy)
then nil
else <<to_do_list:=cons(list('split_into_cases,sy),to_do_list);
if print_ then <<
write"To reduce the leading derivative"$terpri()$
mathprint caddr l$
write"in ",s," using ",car h," a case distinction will be made."$terpri()
symbolic procedure dec_one_step(pdes,ftem,%forg,
% do one decouple step for 2 pdes from l, differentiate them
% and add the new pde or replace an original one
begin scalar l0,l1,l2,l,ruli$ %,f$
if not expert_mode then l0:=l
else <<
drop_dec_with(car l0,cadr l0,nil)$
drop_dec_with(cadr l0,car l0,nil)$
if null l1 then l:=nil else
if check_cases_for_symbol(l1) then return l else
% i.e. dec_one_step was successful even if nothing
% happened just to continue with to_do
if null (l2:=dec_new_equation(l1,nil)) then
<<l:=nil; % e.g. elimin too slow --> err_catch
add_both_dec_with(ordering,caar l1,caadr l1,nil)$
goto again
>> else
if null (l2:=dec_reduction(l2,pdes,ftem,%forg,
vl,nil,ordering)) then l:=nil else <<
for each a in cdddr l1 do
if get(a,'val)=nil then l:=delete(a,l)$
for each a in l2 do if a then <<
% % equations which are added and are still to be reduced and still
% % contain the function to be decoupled shall not be integrated:
% if null cadddr l1 then <<% no equation was reduced only a new one is added
% f:=if pairp caddr l1 then cadr caddr l1 % leading deriv. was a deriv
% else caddr l1; % leading deriv. was a function
% if not freeof(get(a,'fcts),f) then <<
% remflag1(a,'to_int)$
% remflag1(a,'to_fullint)
% >>$
% the following breaks the ordering
% for each a in l2 do dec_fct_check(a,l)$
% if anything has changed then l must be the new pde-list
return l$
symbolic procedure dec_try_to_red_len(pdes_to_choose_from,vl,ordering)$
begin scalar l1,l2,p,q,s$
if l1 then <<
if in_cycle({27,get(caar l1,'printlength),get(caadr l1,'printlength),
caddr l1,get(cadddr l1,'printlength),
length get(cadddr l1,'fcts)}) then <<
add_both_dec_with(ordering,caar l1,caadr l1,t)$
goto again;
% possible length measures to use:
% put(equ,'length,pdeweight(val,ftem))$
% put(equ,'printlength,delength val)$
% put(equ,'terms,no_of_terms(val))$
p:=caar l1$
q:=caadr l1$
s:=cadddr l1$
% if ( no_of_terms(caar l2) >
% get(cadddr l1,'terms) ) or % * length_inc
% disadvantage of 'terms: a big product is one term
if (null l2) or
( pdeweight(caar l2,ftem_) >
get(cadddr l1,'length) ) or % * length_inc
((s=p) and may_vanish( cadar l2)) or
((s=q) and may_vanish(caddar l2)) then <<
last_steps:=cdr last_steps; % last_steps had already been updated
% in add_to_last_steps() in in_cycle()
goto again
return l2
symbolic procedure err_catch_red_len(a1,a2,a3)$
begin scalar h,bak,kernlist!*bak,kord!*bak,bakup_bak;
bak:=max_gc_counter$ max_gc_counter:=my_gc_counter+max_gc_red_len;
h:=errorset({'dec_try_to_red_len,mkquote a1,mkquote a2,mkquote a3},nil,nil)
where !*protfg=t;
return if errorp h then nil
else car h
symbolic procedure dec_and_red_len_one_step(pdes,ftem,%forg,
% do one length-reducing decouple step for 2 pdes from l,
% differentiate at most one and replace the other one which must
% become shorter, the one replaced must not be multiplied with a
% potentially zero factor
begin scalar l,l1,l2,l3,ruli$ %,f$
if not expert_mode then l1:=l
else <<
drop_dec_with(car l1,cadr l1,t)$
drop_dec_with(cadr l1,car l1,t)$
if null l2 then return nil;
if (l3:=dec_reduction(l2,pdes,ftem,%forg,
vl,t,ordering)) then <<
l:=delete(cadr l2,l)$
for each a in l3 do if a then <<
% % equations which are added and are still to be reduced and still
% % contain the function to be decoupled shall not be integrated:
% if null cadddr l1 then <<% no equation was reduced only a new one is added
% f:=if pairp caddr l1 then cadr caddr l1 % leading deriv. was a deriv
% else caddr l1; % leading deriv. was a function
% if not freeof(get(a,'fcts),f) then <<
% remflag1(a,'to_int)$
% remflag1(a,'to_fullint)
% >>$
% >>
% the following breaks the ordering
% for each a in l3 do dec_fct_check(a,l)$
>> else
<<last_steps:=cdr last_steps;
if not expert_mode then <<l1:=l;goto again>>
% if anything has changed then l must be the new pde-list
return l$
% procedures for decoupling of similar pde %
%symbolic procedure rel_length_diff(p,q)$
%% print length difference in pro cent
% (get(p,'length)+get(q,'length))$
%symbolic procedure nearly_same(p,q)$
%begin scalar lp,lq$
% lp:=get(p,'fcts)$
% lq:=get(q,'fcts)$
% if null setdiff(get(p,'allvarfcts),get(q,'allvarfcts)) and
% null setdiff(get(q,'allvarfcts),get(p,'allvarfcts)) and
% ((length setdiff(lp,lq)+length setdiff(lq,lp))*100<
% (length lp+length lq)*same_fcts) then
% <<lp:=get(p,'derivs)$
% lq:=get(q,'derivs)$
% if (length setdiff(lp,lq)+length setdiff(lq,lp))*100<
% (length lp+length lq)*same_derivs then return t>>$
%symbolic procedure get_same_pdes(pdes)$
%begin scalar l,n,res$
% while pdes do
% <<l:=cdr pdes$
% while l do
% if (n:=rel_length_diff(car pdes,car l))<=same_length then
% if nearly_same(car pdes,car l) then
% <<res:=list(car pdes,car l)$
% l:=nil>>
% else l:=cdr l
% else if n>5*same_length then l:=nil
% else l:=cdr l$
% if res then pdes:=nil
% else pdes:=cdr pdes
% >>$
% return res$