module matop;
#### ####
#### ####
This module contains operations on dpmats, that correspond to module
operations on the corresponding images resp. cokernels.
symbolic procedure matop!=testdpmatlist l;
% Test l to be a list of dpmats embedded into a common free module.
if null l then rederr"Empty DPMAT list"
else begin scalar c,d;
for each x in l do
if not eqcar(x,'dpmat) then typerr(x,"DPMAT");
c:=dpmat_cols car l; d:=dpmat_coldegs car l;
for each x in cdr l do
if not (eqn(c,dpmat_cols x) and equal(d,dpmat_coldegs x)) then
rederr"Matrices don't match in the DPMAT list";
symbolic procedure matappend!* l;
% Appends rows of the dpmats in the dpmat list l.
(begin scalar u,r;
matop!=testdpmatlist l;
cali!=degrees:=dpmat_coldegs car l;
u:=dpmat_list car l; r:=dpmat_rows car l;
for each y in cdr l do
<< u:=append(u, for each x in dpmat_list y collect
bas_newnumber(bas_nr x + r,x));
r:=r + dpmat_rows y;
return dpmat_make(r,dpmat_cols car l,u,cali!=degrees,nil)
end) where cali!=degrees:=cali!=degrees;
symbolic procedure matop!=matappend l;
% Append the dpmats in the list l.
dpmat_2a matappend!* for each x in l collect dpmat_from_a reval x;
symbolic procedure mat2list!* m;
% Returns the ideal of all elements of m.
if dpmat_cols m = 0 then m
else (begin scalar x;
x:=bas_renumber bas_zerodelete
for i:=1:dpmat_rows m join
for j:=1:dpmat_cols m collect
return dpmat_make(length x,0,x,nil,
if dpmat_cols m=1 then dpmat_gbtag m else nil)
end) where cali!=degrees:=nil;
symbolic procedure matsum!* l;
% Returns the module sum of the dpmat list l.
interreduce!* matappend!* l;
symbolic procedure matop!=matsum l;
% Returns the sum of the ideals/modules in the list l.
dpmat_2a matsum!* for each x in l collect dpmat_from_a reval x;
symbolic procedure matop!=idealprod2(a,b);
if (dpmat_cols a > 0) or (dpmat_cols b > 0 ) then
rederr"IDEALPROD only for ideals"
else (begin scalar x;
for each a1 in dpmat_list a join
for each b1 in dpmat_list b collect
bas_make(0,dp_prod(bas_dpoly a1,bas_dpoly b1));
return interreduce!* dpmat_make(length x,0,x,nil,nil)
end) where cali!=degrees:=nil;
symbolic procedure idealprod!* l;
% Returns the product of the ideals in the dpmat list l.
if null l then rederr"empty list in IDEALPROD"
else if length l=1 then car l
else begin scalar u;
u:=car l;
for each x in cdr l do u:=matop!=idealprod2(u,x);
return u;
symbolic procedure matop!=idealprod l;
% Returns the product of the ideals in the list l.
dpmat_2a idealprod!* for each x in l collect dpmat_from_a reval x;
symbolic procedure idealpower!*(a,n);
if (dpmat_cols a > 0) or (not fixp n) or (n < 0) then
rederr" Syntax : idealpower(ideal,integer)"
else if (n=0) then dpmat_from_dpoly dp_fi 1
else begin scalar w; w:=a;
for i:=2:n do w:=matop!=idealprod2(w,a);
return w;
symbolic operator idealpower;
symbolic procedure idealpower(m,l);
if !*mode='algebraic then
dpmat_2a idealpower!*(dpmat_from_a reval m,l)
else idealpower!*(m,l);
symbolic procedure matop!=shiftdegs(d,n);
% Shift column degrees d n places.
for each x in d collect ((car x + n) . cdr x);
symbolic procedure directsum!* l;
% Returns the direct sum of the modules in the dpmat list l.
if null l then rederr"Empty DPMAT list"
else (begin scalar r,c,u;
for each x in l do
if not eqcar(x,'dpmat) then typerr(x,"DPMAT")
else if dpmat_cols x=0 then
rederr"DIRECTSUM only for modules";
c:=r:=0; % Actual column resp. row index.
for each x in l do
<< cali!=degrees:=append(cali!=degrees,
matop!=shiftdegs(dpmat_coldegs x,c));
u:=append(u, for each y in dpmat_list x collect
bas_make(bas_nr y + r,dp_times_ei(c,bas_dpoly y)));
r:=r + dpmat_rows x;
c:=c + dpmat_cols x;
return dpmat_make(r,c,u,cali!=degrees,nil)
end) where cali!=degrees:=cali!=degrees;
symbolic procedure matop!=directsum l;
% Returns the direct sum of the modules in the list l.
dpmat_2a directsum!* for each x in l collect dpmat_from_a reval x;
symbolic operator deleteunits;
symbolic procedure deleteunits m;
if !*noetherian then m
else if !*mode='algebraic then dpmat_2a deleteunits!* dpmat_from_a m
else deleteunits!* m;
symbolic procedure deleteunits!* m;
% Delete units from the base elements of the ideal m.
if !*noetherian or (dpmat_cols m>0) then m
else dpmat_make(dpmat_rows m,0,
for each x in dpmat_list m collect
bas_factorunits x,nil,dpmat_gbtag m);
symbolic procedure interreduce!* m;
(begin scalar u;
u:=red_interreduce dpmat_list m;
return dpmat_make(length u, dpmat_cols m, bas_renumber u,
cali!=degrees, dpmat_gbtag m)
end) where cali!=degrees:=dpmat_coldegs m;
symbolic operator interreduce;
symbolic procedure interreduce m;
% Interreduce m.
if !*mode='algebraic then
dpmat_2a interreduce!* dpmat_from_a reval m
else interreduce!* m;
symbolic procedure gbasis!* m;
% Produce a minimal Groebner or standard basis of the dpmat m.
if dpmat_gbtag m then m else car groeb_stbasis(m,t,nil,nil);
symbolic procedure matop!=tangentcone m;
begin scalar c;
intf_test m; m:=car m; intf_get m;
if not (c:=get(m,'gbasis)) then
put(m,'gbasis,c:=gbasis!* get(m,'basis));
c:=tangentcone!* c;
return dpmat_2a c;
symbolic procedure tangentcone!* m;
% Returns the tangent cone of m, provided the term order has degrees.
% m must be a gbasis.
if null ring_degrees cali!=basering then
rederr"tangent cone only for degree orders defined"
else (begin scalar b;
b:=for each x in dpmat_list m collect
bas_make(bas_nr x,dp_tcpart bas_dpoly x);
return dpmat_make(dpmat_rows m,
dpmat_cols m,b,cali!=degrees,dpmat_gbtag m);
end) where cali!=degrees:=dpmat_coldegs m;
symbolic procedure syzygies1!* bas;
% Returns the (not yet interreduced first) syzygy module of the dpmat
% bas.
if cali_trace() > 0 then
<< terpri(); write" Compute syzygies"; terpri() >>;
return third groeb_stbasis(bas,nil,nil,t);
symbolic procedure syzygies!* bas;
% Returns the interreduced syzygy basis.
interreduce!* syzygies1!* bas;
symbolic procedure normalform!*(a,b);
% Returns {a1,r,z} with a1=z*a-r*b where the rows of the dpmat a1 are
% the normalforms of the rows of the dpmat a with respect to the
% dpmat b.
if not(eqn(dpmat_cols a,dpmat_cols b) and
equal(dpmat_coldegs a,dpmat_coldegs b)) then
rederr"dpmats don't match for NORMALFORM"
else (begin scalar a1,z,u,r;
bas_setrelations dpmat_list b;
a1:=for each x in dpmat_list a collect
<< u:=red_redpol(dpmat_list b,x);
z:=bas_make(bas_nr x,dp_times_ei(bas_nr x,cdr u)).z;
car u
r:=bas_getrelations a1; bas_removerelations a1;
bas_removerelations dpmat_list b; z:=reversip z;
a1:=dpmat_make(dpmat_rows a,dpmat_cols a,a1,cali!=degrees,nil);
cali!=degrees:=dpmat_rowdegrees b;
r:=dpmat_make(dpmat_rows a,dpmat_rows b,bas_neworder r,
z:=dpmat_make(dpmat_rows a,dpmat_rows a,bas_neworder z,nil,nil);
return {a1,r,z};
end) where cali!=degrees:=dpmat_coldegs b;
symbolic procedure matop_pseudomod(a,b); car mod!*(a,b);
symbolic procedure mod!*(a,b);
% Returns the normal form of the dpoly a modulo the dpmat b and the
% corresponding unit produced during pseudo division.
(begin scalar u;
a:=dp_neworder a; % to be on the safe side.
u:=red_redpol(dpmat_list b,bas_make(0,a));
return (bas_dpoly car u) . cdr u;
end) where cali!=degrees:=dpmat_coldegs b;
symbolic operator mod;
symbolic procedure mod(a,b);
% True normal form as s.q. also for matrices.
if !*mode='symbolic then rederr"only for algebraic mode"
else begin scalar u;
b:=dpmat_from_a reval b; a:=reval a;
if eqcar(a,'list) then
if dpmat_cols b>0 then rederr"entries don't match for MOD"
else a:=makelist for each x in cdr a collect
<< u:=mod!*(dp_from_a x, b);
{'quotient,dp_2a car u,dp_2a cdr u}
else if eqcar(a,'mat) then
begin a:=dpmat_from_a a;
if dpmat_cols a neq dpmat_cols b then
rederr"entries don't match for MOD";
a:=for each x in dpmat_list a collect mod!*(bas_dpoly x,b);
for each x in a collect
<< u:=dp_2a cdr x;
for i:=1:dpmat_cols b collect
{'quotient,dp_2a dp_comp(i,car x),u}
else if dpmat_cols b>0 then rederr"entries don't match for MOD"
else << u:=mod!*(dp_from_a a, b);
a:={'quotient,dp_2a car u,dp_2a cdr u}
return a;
infix mod;
symbolic operator normalform;
symbolic procedure normalform(a,b);
% Compute a normal form of the rows of a with respect to b :
% first result = third result * a + second result * b.
if !*mode='algebraic then
begin scalar m;
m:= normalform!*(dpmat_from_a reval a,dpmat_from_a reval b);
return {'list,dpmat_2a car m, dpmat_2a cadr m, dpmat_2a caddr m}
else normalform!*(a,b);
symbolic procedure eliminate!*(m,vars);
% Returns a (dpmat) basis of the elimination module of the dpmat m
% eliminating variables contained in the var. list vars.
% It sets temporary the standard elimination term order, but doesn't
% affect the ecart, and computes a Groebner basis of m.
% if dpmat_gbtag m and eo(vars) then dpmat_sieve(m,vars,t) else
(begin scalar c,e,bas,v;
c:=cali!=basering; e:=ring_ecart c;
v:=ring_names cali!=basering;
setring!* ring_define(v,eliminationorder!*(v,vars),'revlex,e);
cali!=degrees:=nil; % No degrees for proper result !!
car groeb_stbasis(dpmat_neworder(m,nil),t,nil,nil), vars)
where !*noetherian=t);
setring!* c; cali!=degrees:=dpmat_coldegs m;
return dpmat_make(length bas,dpmat_cols m,bas_neworder bas,
where cali!=degrees:=cali!=degrees,
symbolic operator eliminate;
symbolic procedure eliminate(m,l);
% Returns the elimination ideal/module of m with respect to the
% variables in the list l to be eliminated.
if !*mode='algebraic then
begin l:=reval l;
if not eqcar(l,'list) then typerr(l,"variable list");
m:=dpmat_from_a m; l:=cdr l;
return dpmat_2a eliminate!*(m,l);
else eliminate!*(m,l);
symbolic procedure matintersect!* l;
if null l then rederr"MATINTERSECT with empty list"
else if length l=1 then car l
else (begin scalar c,u,v,p,size;
matop!=testdpmatlist l;
size:=dpmat_cols car l;
v:=for each x in l collect gensym();
setring!* ring_sum(c,
ring_define(v,degreeorder!* v,'lex,for each x in v collect 1));
cali!=degrees:=mo_degneworder dpmat_coldegs car l;
u:=for each x in pair(v,l) collect
dpmat_times_dpoly(dp_from_a car x,dpmat_neworder(cdr x,nil));
p:=dp_fi 1; for each x in v do p:=dp_diff(p,dp_from_a x);
if size=0 then p:=dpmat_from_dpoly p
else p:=dpmat_times_dpoly(p,dpmat_unit(size,cali!=degrees));
p:=gbasis!* matsum!* (p . u);
setring!* c;
cali!=degrees:=dpmat_coldegs car l;
return dpmat_neworder(p,t);
where cali!=degrees:=cali!=degrees,
symbolic procedure matop!=matintersect l;
% Returns the intersection of the submodules of a fixed free module
% in the list l.
dpmat_2a matintersect!* for each x in l collect dpmat_from_a reval x;
% ------- Submodule property and equality test --------------
% Test, whether a and b are module equal.
symbolic procedure matop!=equalp u;
if length u neq 2 then rederr"Syntax : MODEQUALP(dpmat,dpmat) "
else begin scalar a,b;
intf_get first u; intf_get second u;
if null(a:=get(first u,'gbasis)) then
put(first u,'gbasis,a:=gbasis!* get(first u,'basis));
if null(b:=get(second u,'gbasis)) then
put(second u,'gbasis,b:=gbasis!* get(second u,'basis));
if modequalp!*(a,b) then return 'yes else return 'no
symbolic procedure modequalp!*(a,b);
submodulep!*(a,b) and submodulep!*(b,a);
% Test, whether a is a submodule of b.
symbolic procedure matop!=submodulep u;
if length u neq 2 then rederr"Syntax : SUBMODULEP(dpmat,dpmat)"
else begin scalar a,b;
intf_get second u;
if null(b:=get(second u,'gbasis)) then
put(second u,'gbasis,b:=gbasis!* get(second u,'basis));
a:=dpmat_from_a reval first u;
if submodulep!*(a,b) then return 'yes else return 'no
symbolic procedure submodulep!*(a,b);
if not(dpmat_cols a=dpmat_cols b
and equal(dpmat_coldegs a,dpmat_coldegs b)) then
rederr"incompatible modules in SUBMODULEP"
else (begin
a:=for each x in dpmat_list a collect bas_dpoly x;
return not listtest(a,b,function matop_pseudomod)
end) where cali!=degrees:=dpmat_coldegs a;
endmodule; % matop