module bas;
#### ####
#### IDEAL BASES ####
#### ####
Ideal bases are lists of vector polynomials (with additional
information), constituting the rows of a dpmat (see below). In a
rep. part there can be stored vectors representing each base element
according to a fixed basis. Usually rep=nil.
Informal syntax :
<bas> ::= list of base elements
<base element> ::= list(nr dpoly length ecart rep)
% -------- Reference operators for the base element b ---------
symbolic procedure bas_dpoly b; cadr b;
symbolic procedure bas_dplen b; caddr b;
symbolic procedure bas_nr b; car b;
symbolic procedure bas_dpecart b; cadddr b;
symbolic procedure bas_rep b; nth(b,5);
% ----- Elementary constructors for the base element be --------
symbolic procedure bas_newnumber(nr,be);
% Returns be with new number part.
nr . cdr be;
symbolic procedure bas_make(nr,pol);
% Make base element with rep=nil.
list(nr,pol, length pol,dp_ecart pol,nil);
symbolic procedure bas_make1(nr,pol,rep);
% Make base element with prescribed rep.
list(nr,pol, length pol,dp_ecart pol,rep);
symbolic procedure bas_getelement(i,bas);
% Returns the base element with number i from bas (or nil).
if null bas then list(i,nil,0,0,nil)
else if eqn(i,bas_nr car bas) then car bas
else bas_getelement(i,cdr bas);
% ---------- Operations on base lists ---------------
symbolic procedure bas_sort b;
% Sort the base list b.
sort(b,function red_better);
symbolic procedure bas_print u;
% Prints a list of distributive polynomials using dp_print.
begin terpri();
if null u then print 'empty
else for each v in u do
<< write bas_nr v, " --> "; dp_print2 bas_dpoly v >>
symbolic procedure bas_renumber u;
% Renumber base list u.
if null u then nil
else begin scalar i; i:=0;
return for each x in u collect <<i:=i+1; bas_newnumber(i,x) >>
symbolic procedure bas_setrelations u;
% Set in the base list u the relation part rep of base element nr. i
% to e_i (provided i>0).
for each x in u do
if bas_nr x > 0 then rplaca(cddddr x, dp_from_ei bas_nr x);
symbolic procedure bas_removerelations u;
% Remove relation parts.
for each x in u do rplaca(cddddr x, nil);
symbolic procedure bas_getrelations u;
% Returns the relations of the base list u as a separate base list.
begin scalar w;
for each x in u do w:=bas_make(bas_nr x,bas_rep x) . w;
return reversip w;
symbolic procedure bas_from_a u;
% Converts the algebraic (prefix) form u to a base list clearing
% denominators. Only for lists.
bas_renumber for each v in cdr u collect
bas_make(0,dp_from_a prepf numr simp v);
symbolic procedure bas_2a u;
% Converts the base list u to its algebraic prefix form.
append('(list),for each x in u collect dp_2a bas_dpoly x);
symbolic procedure bas_neworder u;
% Returns reordered base list u (e.g. after change of term order).
for each x in u collect
bas_make1(bas_nr x,dp_neworder bas_dpoly x,
dp_neworder bas_rep x);
symbolic procedure bas_zerodelete u;
% Returns base list u with zero elements deleted but not renumbered.
if null u then nil
else if null bas_dpoly car u then bas_zerodelete cdr u
else car u.bas_zerodelete cdr u;
symbolic procedure bas_simpelement b;
% Returns (b_new . z) with
% bas_dpoly b_new having leading coefficient 1 or
% gcd(dp_content bas_poly,dp_content bas_rep) canceled out
% and dpoly_old = z * dpoly_new , rep_old= z * rep_new.
if null bas_dpoly b then b . bc_fi 1
else begin scalar z,z1,pol,rep;
if (z:=bc_inv (z1:=dp_lc bas_dpoly b)) then
return bas_make1(bas_nr b,
dp_times_bc(z,bas_dpoly b),
dp_times_bc(z,bas_rep b))
. z1;
% -- now we assume that base coefficients are a gcd domain ----
z:=bc_gcd(dp_content bas_dpoly b,dp_content bas_rep b);
if bc_minus!? z1 then z:=bc_neg z;
pol:=for each x in bas_dpoly b collect
car x . car bc_divmod(cdr x,z);
rep:=for each x in bas_rep b collect
car x . car bc_divmod(cdr x,z);
return bas_make1(bas_nr b,pol,rep) . z;
symbolic procedure bas_simp u;
% Applies bas_simpelement to each dpoly in the base list u.
for each x in u collect car bas_simpelement x;
symbolic procedure bas_zero!? b;
% Test whether all base elements are zero.
null b or (null bas_dpoly car b and bas_zero!? cdr b);
symbolic procedure bas_sieve(bas,vars);
% Sieve out all base elements from the base list bas with leading
% term containing a variable from the list of var. names vars and
% renumber the result.
begin scalar m; m:=mo_zero();
for each x in vars do
if member(x,ring_names cali!=basering) then
m:=mo_sum(m,mo_from_a x)
else typerr(x,"variable name");
return bas_renumber for each x in bas_zerodelete bas join
if mo_zero!? mo_gcd(m,dp_lmon bas_dpoly x) then {x};
symbolic procedure bas_homogenize(b,var);
% Homogenize the base list b using the var. name var.
% Note that the rep. part is correct only upto a power of var !
for each x in b collect
bas_make1(bas_nr x,dp_homogenize(bas_dpoly x,var),
dp_homogenize(bas_rep x,var));
symbolic procedure bas_dehomogenize(b,var);
% Set the var. name var in the base list b equal to one.
begin scalar u,v;
if not member(var,v:=ring_all_names cali!=basering) then
typerr(var,"dpoly variable");
u:=setdiff(v,list var);
return for each x in b collect
bas_make1(bas_nr x,dp_seed(bas_dpoly x,u),
dp_seed(bas_rep x,u));
% ---------------- Special tools for local algebra -----------
symbolic procedure bas!=factorunits p;
if null p then nil
else bas!=delprod
for each y in cdr (fctrf numr simp dp_2a p where !*factor=t)
collect (dp_from_a prepf car y . cdr y);
symbolic procedure bas!=delprod u;
begin scalar p; p:=dp_fi 1;
for each x in u do
if not dp_unit!? car x then p:=dp_prod(p,dp_power(car x,cdr x));
return p
symbolic procedure bas!=detectunits p;
if null p then nil
else if listtest(cdr p,dp_lmon p,
function(lambda(x,y);not mo_vdivides!?(y,car x))) then p
else list dp_term(bc_fi 1,dp_lmon p);
symbolic procedure bas_factorunits b;
bas_make(bas_nr b,bas!=factorunits bas_dpoly b);
symbolic procedure bas_detectunits b;
bas_make(bas_nr b,bas!=detectunits bas_dpoly b);
endmodule; % bas