module opmtch; % Functions that apply basic pattern matching rules.
% Author: Anthony C. Hearn.
% Copyright (c) 2000 Anthony C. Hearn. All rights reserved.
fluid '(frlis!* matchlength!* subfg!*);
matchlength!* := 5; % Maximum number of arguments checked in matching.
share matchlength!*;
% Operator // for extended quotient match to be used only in the
% lhs of a rule.
newtok '((!/ !/) slash);
mkop 'slash;
infix slash;
precedence slash, quotient;
% put('slash,'simpfn, function(lambda(u); typerr("//",'operator)));
symbolic procedure emtch u;
if atom u then u else (lambda x; if x then x else u) opmtch u;
symbolic procedure opmtch u;
begin scalar q,x,y,z;
if null(x := get(car u,'opmtch)) then return nil
else if null subfg!* then return nil % null(!*sub2 := t).
else if q := assoc(u,cdr alglist!*) then return cdr q;
z := for each j in cdr u collect emtch j;
a: if null x then go to c;
y := mcharg(z,caar x,car u);
b: if null y then <<x := cdr x; go to a>>
else if lispeval subla(car y,cdadar x)
then <<q := subla(car y,caddar x); go to c>>;
y := cdr y;
go to b;
c: rplacd(alglist!*,(u . q) . cdr alglist!*);
return q
symbolic procedure mcharg(u,v,w);
<<if atsoc('minus,v) then mcharg1(reform!-minus(u,v),v,w) else
if v and eqcar(car v,'slash) then
for each f in reform!-minus2(u,v) join mcharg1(car f,cdr f,w)
else mcharg1(u,v,w)>>;
symbolic procedure mcharg1(u,v,w);
% Procedure to determine if an argument list matches given template.
% U is argument list of operator W, V is argument list template being
% matched against. If there is no match, value is NIL,
% otherwise a list of lists of free variable pairings.
if null u and null v then list nil
else begin integer m,n;
m := length u;
n := length v;
if flagp(w,'nary) and m>2
then if m<=matchlength!* and flagp(w,'symmetric)
then return mchcomb(u,v,w)
else if n=2 then <<u := cdr mkbin(w,u); m := 2>>
else return nil; % We cannot handle this case.
return if m neq n then nil
else if flagp(w,'symmetric) then mchsarg(u,v,w)
else if mtp v then list pair(v,u)
else mcharg2(u,v,list nil,w)
symbolic procedure reform!-minus(u,v);
% Convert forms (quotient (minus a) b) to (minus (quotient a b))
% if the corresponding pattern in v has a top level minus.
if null v or null u then u else
((if eqcar(car v,'minus) and eqcar(c,'quotient)
and eqcar(cadr c,'minus)
then {'minus,{'quotient,cadr cadr c,caddr c}} else c)
. reform!-minus(cdr u,cdr v))
where c=car u;
symbolic procedure reform!-minus2(u,v);
% Prepare an extended quotient match; v is a pattern with leading "//".
% Create for a form (quotient a b) a second form
% (quotient (minus a) (minus b)) if b contains a minus sign.
if null u or not eqcar(car u,'quotient) then nil else
<<v := ('quotient . cdar v) . cdr v;
if not smemq('minus,caddar u) then {u.v}
{u . v,
({'quotient,reval {'minus,cadar u},reval {'minus,caddar u}} . cdr u)
. v}>>;
symbolic procedure mchcomb(u,v,op);
begin integer n;
n := length u - length v +1;
if n<1 then return nil
else if n=1 then return mchsarg(u,v,op)
else if not smemqlp(frlis!*,v) then return nil;
return for each x in comb(u,n) join
if null ncmp!* then mchsarg((op . x) . setdiff(u,x),v,op)
% (reversip!* (for each j in permutations v collect pair(j,w))
% where w=(op . x) . setdiff(u,x))
% else if length v>2
% then rederr "noncom with 3 free args not implemented"
else (if null y then nil
% else if cdr y then mchsarg(aconc(car y,op . x),v,op)
% else mchsarg((op . x) . car y,v,op))
else mchsarg((op . x) . car y,
if cdr y then reverse v else v,op))
where y = mchcomb2(x,u,nil,nil,nil)
symbolic procedure mchcomb2(u,v,w,bool1,bool2);
% Determines if v can be removed from u according to noncom rules,
% and whether remaining terms must be on the left (t) or right (nil).
if null u
then nconc(reversip w,v) . bool2
% (bool2 or null noncomlistp v and noncomlistp w and 'ok)
else if car u = car v
then if noncomp car u then mchcomb2(cdr u,cdr v,w,t,bool2)
else mchcomb2(cdr u,cdr v,w,bool1,bool2)
else if noncomp car u
then if bool1 then nil
else mchcomb2(u,cdr v,car v . w,t,if bool2 then bool2 else t)
else mchcomb2(u,cdr v,car v . w,bool1,bool2);
symbolic procedure comb(u,n);
% Value is list of all combinations of N elements from the list U.
begin scalar v; integer m;
if n=0 then return list nil
else if (m:=length u-n)<0 then return nil
else for i := 1:m do
<<v := nconc!*(v,mapcons(comb(cdr u,n-1),car u));
u := cdr u>>;
return u . v
symbolic procedure mcharg2(u,v,w,x);
% Matches compatible list U of operator X against template V.
begin scalar y;
if null u then return w;
y := mchk(car u,car v);
u := cdr u;
v := cdr v;
return for each j in y
join mcharg2(u,updtemplate(j,v,x),msappend(w,j),x)
symbolic procedure msappend(u,v);
% Mappend u and v with substitution.
for each j in u collect append(v,sublis(v,j));
symbolic procedure updtemplate(u,v,w);
begin scalar x,y;
return for each j in v collect
if (x := subla(u,j)) = j then j
else if (y := reval!-without(x,w)) neq x then y
else x
symbolic procedure reval!-without(u,v);
% Evaluate U without rules for operator V. This avoids infinite
% recursion with statements like
% for all a,b let kp(dx a,kp(dx a,dx b)) = 0; kp(dx 1,dx 2).
begin scalar x;
x := get(v,'opmtch);
u := errorset!*(list('reval,mkquote u),t);
if errorp u then error1() else return car u
symbolic procedure mchk(u,v);
% Extension to optional arguments for binary forms suggested by
% Herbert Melenk.
if u=v then list nil
else if eqcar(u,'!*sq) then mchk(prepsqxx cadr u,v)
else if eqcar(v,'!*sq) then mchk(u,prepsqxx cadr v)
else if atom v
then if v memq frlis!* then list list (v . u) else nil
else if atom u % Special check for negative number match.
then if numberp u and u<0 and eqcar(v,'minus)
then mchk(list('minus,-u),v) else mchkopt(u,v)
% "difference" may occur in a pattern like (a - b)^~n.
else if car v = 'difference then
mchk(u,{'plus,cadr v,{'minus,caddr v}})
else if get(car u,'dname) or get(car v,'dname) then nil
else if car u eq car v then mcharg(cdr u,cdr v,car u)
else if car v memq frlis!* % Free operator.
then for each j in mcharg(subst(car u,car v,cdr u),
subst(car u,car v,cdr v),
car u)
collect (car v . car u) . j
else if car u eq 'minus then mchkminus(cadr u,v)
else mchkopt(u,v);
symbolic procedure mchkopt(u,v);
% Check whether the pattern v is a binary form with an optional
% argument.
(if o then mchkopt1(u,v,o)) where o=get(car v,'optional);
symbolic procedure mchkopt1(u,v,o);
begin scalar v1,v2,w;
if null (w:=cdr v) then return nil; v1:=car w;
if null (w:=cdr w) then return nil; v2:=car w;
if cdr w then return nil;
if flagp(v1,'optional) then
for each r in mchk(u,v2) collect ( o) . r
else if flagp(v2,'optional) then
for each r in mchk(u,v1) collect (v2.cadr o) . r
else nil;
put('plus,'optional,'(0 0));
put('times,'optional,'(1 1));
'((rule_error "fraction with optional numerator") 1));
'((rule_error "exponential with optional base") 1));
symbolic procedure rule_error u;
rederr{"error in rule:",u,"illegal"};
symbolic operator rule_error;
% The following function pushes a minus sign into a term.
% E.g. a + ~~y*~z matches
% y z
% (a + b) 1 b
% (a - b) -1 b
% (a -3b) -3 b
% b -3
% (a - b*c) -b c
% c -b
% For products, the minus is assigned to a numeric coefficient or
% an artificial factor (-1) is created. For quotients the minus is
% always put in the numerator.
symbolic procedure mchkminus(u,v);
if not(car v memq '(times quotient)) then nil else
if atom u or not(car u eq car v) then
if car v eq 'times then mchkopt1(u,v,'((minus 1)(minus 1)))
else mchkopt({'minus,u},v)
else if numberp cadr u or pairp cadr u and get(caadr u,'dname)
or car v eq 'quotient
then mcharg({'minus,cadr u}.cddr u,cdr v,car v)
else mcharg('(minus 1).cdr u,cdr v,'times);
symbolic procedure mkbin(u,v);
if null cddr v then u . v else list(u,car v,mkbin(u,cdr v));
symbolic procedure mtp v;
null v or (car v memq frlis!* and not(car v member cdr v)
and mtp cdr v);
symbolic procedure mchsarg(u,v,w);
% From ACH: I don't understand why I put in the following reversip,
% since it causes the least direct match to come back first.
reversip!* if mtp v and (W NEQ 'TIMES OR noncomfree u)
then for each j in noncomperm v collect pair(j,u)
else for each j in noncomperm u join mcharg2(j,v,list nil,w);
symbolic procedure noncomfree u;
if idp u then not flagp(u,'noncom)
else atom u or noncomfree car u and noncomfree cdr u;
symbolic procedure noncomperm u;
% Find possible permutations when non-commutativity is taken into
% account.
if null u then list u
else for each j in u join
(if x eq 'failed then nil else mapcons(noncomperm x,j))
where x=noncomdel(j,u);
symbolic procedure noncomdel(u,v);
if null NONCOMP!* u then delete(u,v) else noncomdel1(u,v);
symbolic procedure noncomdel1(u,v);
begin scalar z;
a: if null v then return reversip!* z
else if u eq car v then return nconc(reversip!* z,cdr v)
else if NONCOMP!* car v then return 'failed;
z := car v . z;
v := cdr v;
go to a
symbolic procedure NONCOMP!* u;
noncomp u or eqcar(u,'expt) and noncomp cadr u;
flagop antisymmetric,symmetric;
flag ('(plus times),'symmetric);