module maxmin; % Support for generalized MAX and MIN.
% Author: F.J. Wright, QMW, London ( 7/7/90.
% Provide support for the MAX and MIN functions to allow:-
% any number domain;
% any symbolic arguments remain so;
% nested algebraic-level lists of arguments;
% and to discard redundant nested max and min.
% The Lisp functions max and min are not affected.
% Revision : W. Neun, ZIB Berlin, 25/6/94
% added handling of max(n,n+1,n-1) => n+1
put('max, 'simpfn, 'simpmax);
symbolic procedure simpmax u;
S_simpmaxmin('max, function evalgreaterp, u, nil);
put('min, 'simpfn, 'simpmin);
symbolic procedure simpmin u;
S_simpmaxmin('min, function evallessp, u, nil);
flag('(max min),'listargp);
symbolic smacro procedure difflist(u,v);
for each uu in u collect reval list('difference,uu ,v);
symbolic procedure S_simpmaxmin(maxmin, relation, u,rec);
begin scalar arglist, arglistp, mval, x;
if null u then return nil ./ 1; % 0 returned for empty args.
arglistp := arglist := list nil; % Dummy car with cdr to rplacd.
for each val in flattenmaxmin(maxmin, revlis u) do
if atom denr(x := simp!* val)
and (atom numr x or car numr x memq '(!:rd!: !:rn!:))
% extremize numerical args:
then (if null mval or apply2(relation,val, mval)
then mval := val)
% successively append symbolic args efficiently:
<< rplacd(arglistp, list val); arglistp := cdr arglistp >>;
arglist := cdr arglist; % Discard dummy car
% Put any numerical extreme value at head of arg list:
if mval then arglist := mval . arglist;
% If more than one arg then keep as a max or min:
if cdr arglist and rec then
return !*kk2f(maxmin . !*trim arglist) ./ 1;
if cdr arglist then
if length cdr arglist >= 1 and
not eqcar(prepsq(mval :=S_simpmaxmin(maxmin,relation,
difflist(arglist,car arglist),T)),maxmin)
then return addsq(mval,simp!* car arglist)
else return !*kk2f(maxmin . !*trim arglist) ./ 1;
% Otherwise just return the single (extreme) value:
return simp car arglist
end; % simpmaxmin
symbolic procedure !*trim u;
% Trim repeated elements from u.
if null u then nil
else if car u member cdr u then !*trim cdr u
else car u . !*trim cdr u;
symbolic procedure flattenmaxmin(maxmin, u);
% Flatten algebraic-mode lists and already recursively simplified
% calls of max/min as appropriate.
for each el in u join
if atom el then list el
else if car el eq 'list then flattenmaxmin(maxmin, cdr el)
else if car el eq maxmin then cdr el
else if car el='MAT then for each r in cdr el join r
else list el;