#! /bin/sh
# Relink everything for Linux.
# This supposes that FOX has already been built and its library
# is in $HOME/support/lib, or possibly for a case where the library has
# been distributed in binary form (as well as in source) in the current
# directory
# Note that the exact set of libraries that need to be listed here
# can vary between Linux distributions and releases. In particular
# some NEED Xcursor and Xrender while others must not list those libraries
# since they do not exist.
# The trial and error script here feels terribly ugly. What it does is to
# try linking with every combination of the libraries that I have seen
# delicacies about! If this does not work you should probably change the
# linker diagnostic redirection so it does not to to /dev/null and work out
# just what is not being found.
rm -f /tmp/linker.log
for FOXLIB in "-L../fox/lib" "-L/usr/local/lib"; do
for LDFLAGS in "-L/usr/X11R6/lib" "-L/usr/X11R6/lib64"; do
echo "trying with $FOXLIB $LDFLAGS"
for thread in "-lpthread" ""; do
for dl in "-ldl" ""; do
for curses in "-lncurses" "-lcurses" ""; do
for render in "-lXrender" ""; do
for cursor in "-lXcursor" ""; do
LIBS="$cursor $render $curses -lXext -lX11 $thread $dl"
if g++ -o fwindemo $FOXLIB $LDFLAGS fwindemo.o fwin.o \
FXTerminal.o FXWorker.o FXDCNativePrinter.o FXPostscriptFont.o \
termed.o -lFOX-1.6 $LIBS 2>>/tmp/linker.log &&
g++ -o csl $FOXLIB $LDFLAGS arith01.o arith02.o \
arith03.o arith04.o arith05.o arith06.o arith07.o arith08.o arith09.o \
arith10.o arith11.o arith12.o char.o csl.o cslmpi.o eval1.o eval2.o \
eval3.o eval4.o fasl.o fns1.o fns2.o fns3.o gc.o preserve.o print.o \
cslread.o restart.o sysfwin.o fwin.o FXTerminal.o FXWorker.o \
FXDCNativePrinter.o FXPostscriptFont.o termed.o bytes.o stubs.o \
-lFOX-1.6 $LIBS 2>> /tmp/linker.log &&
g++ -o r38 $FOXLIB $LDFLAGS arith01.o arith02.o \
arith03.o arith04.o arith05.o arith06.o arith07.o arith08.o arith09.o \
arith10.o arith11.o arith12.o char.o csl.o cslmpi.o eval1.o eval2.o \
eval3.o eval4.o fasl.o fns1.o fns2.o fns3.o gc.o preserve.o print.o \
cslread.o restart.o sysfwin.o fwin.o FXTerminal.o FXWorker.o \
FXDCNativePrinter.o FXPostscriptFont.o termed.o bytes.o u01.o u02.o \
u03.o u04.o u05.o u06.o u07.o u08.o u09.o u10.o u11.o u12.o \
-lFOX-1.6 $LIBS 2>> /tmp/linker.log &&
g++ -o slowr38 $FOXLIB $LDFLAGS arith01.o arith02.o \
arith03.o arith04.o arith05.o arith06.o arith07.o arith08.o arith09.o \
arith10.o arith11.o arith12.o char.o csl.o cslmpi.o eval1.o eval2.o \
eval3.o eval4.o fasl.o fns1.o fns2.o fns3.o gc.o preserve.o print.o \
cslread.o restart.o sysfwin.o fwin.o FXTerminal.o FXWorker.o \
FXDCNativePrinter.o FXPostscriptFont.o termed.o bytes1.o stubs.o \
-lFOX-1.6 $LIBS 2>> /tmp/linker.log &&
gcc -o termdemo $FOXLIB $LDFLAGS termdemo.o termed.o \
-lFOX-1.6 $LIBS 2>> /tmp/linker.log; then
echo "Relinking complete"
echo "used LIBS=$LIBS"
exit 0
echo "Linking failed! You will need to find a set of libraries by hand"
exit 1