\chapter[SCOPE: Source code optimisation package]
{SCOPE: REDUCE source code optimisation package}
\typeout{{SCOPE: REDUCE source code optimisation package}}
J.A. van Hulzen \\
University of Twente, Department of Computer Science \\
P.O. Box 217, 7500 AE Enschede \\
The Netherlands \\[0.05in]
e--mail: infhvh@cs.utwente.nl
SCOPE is a package to produce optimised versions of algebraic
expressions. It can be used in two distinct fashions, as an adjunct
to numerical code generation (using GENTRAN, described in
chapter~\ref{GENTRAN}) or as a stand alone way of investigating
structure in an expression.
When used with GENTRAN\ttindex{GENTRAN} it is sufficient to set the
switch {\tt GENTRANOPT}\ttindex{GENTRANOPT} on, and GENTRAN will then
use SCOPE internally. This is described in its internal detail in the
GENTRAN manual and the SCOPE documentation.
As a stand-alone package SCOPE provides the operator {\tt OPTIMIZE}.
A SCOPE application is easily performed and based on the use of
the following syntax:
$<$SCOPE\_application$>$ & $\Rightarrow$ & {\tt OPTIMIZE} $<$object\_seq$>$
[{\tt INAME} $<$cse\_prefix$>$]\\
$<$object\_seq$>$ & $\Rightarrow$ & $<$object$>$[,$<$object\_seq$>$]\\
$<$object$>$ & $\Rightarrow$ & $<$stat$>~\mid~<$alglist$>~\mid~<$alglist\_production$>$ \\
$<$stat$>$ & $\Rightarrow$ & $<$name$>~<$assignment operator$>~<$expression$>$\\
$<$assignment operator$>$ & $\Rightarrow$ & $:=~\mid~::=~\mid~::=:~\mid~:=:$\\
$<$alglist$>$ & $\Rightarrow$ & \{$<$eq\_seq$>$\}\\
$<$eq\_seq$>$ & $\Rightarrow$ & $<$name$>~=~<$expression$>$[,$<$eq\_seq$>$]\\
$<$alglist\_production$>$ & $\Rightarrow$ & $<$name$>~\mid~<$function\_application$>$\\
$<$name$>$ & $\Rightarrow$ & $<$id$>~\mid~<$id$>(<$a\_subscript\_seq$>)$\\
$<$a\_subscript\_seq$>$ & $\Rightarrow$ & $<$a\_subscript$>$[,$<$a\_subscript\_seq$>$]\\
$<$a\_subscript$>$ & $\Rightarrow$ & $<$integer$>~\mid~<$integer infix\_expression$>$\\
$<$cse\_prefix$>$ & $\Rightarrow$ & $<$id$>$
A SCOPE action can be applied on one assignment statement, or to a
sequence of such statements, separated by commas, or a list of expressions.
\index{SCOPE option ! {\tt INAME}}
The optional use of the {\tt INAME} extension in an {\tt OPTIMIZE}
command is introduced to allow the user to influence the generation of
cse-names. The cse\_prefix is an identifier, used to generate
cse-names, by extending it with an integer part. If the cse\_prefix
consists of letters only, the initially selected integer part is 0.
If the user-supplied cse\_prefix ends with an integer its value
functions as initial integer part.
2 2 2 6 2 2 4 2 6 2 2
z := a *b + 10*a *m + a *m + 2*a*b*m + 2*b *m + b *m
OPTIMIZE z:=:z ;
G0 := b*a
G4 := m*m
G1 := G4*b*b
G2 := G4*a*a
G3 := G4*G4
z := G1 + G2 + G0*(2*G3 + G0) + G3*(2*G1 + 10*G2)
it can be desirable
to rerun an optimisation request with a restriction on the minimal size of
the righthandsides. The command
\index{SCOPE function ! {\tt SETLENGTH}}
\hspace*{1cm} {\tt SETLENGTH} $<$integer$>$\$
can be used to produce rhs's with a minimal arithmetic complexity,
dictated by the value of
its integer argument. Statements, used to rename function applications, are
not affected by the {\tt SETLENGTH} command. The default setting is restored
with the command
\hspace*{1cm} {\tt RESETLENGTH}\$
\index{SCOPE function ! {\tt RESETLENGTH}}
{\em Example:}
2 2
s1 := b *m
2 2
s2 := a *m
4 4
z := (a*b + 2*m )*a*b + 2*(s1 + 5*s2)*m + s1 + s2
Details of the algorithm used is given in the Scope User's Manual.