% The REDUCE User's Manual --- LaTeX version.
% Codemist Version with additional material in the same volume
% To create this manual, the following steps are recommended:
% latex Codemist
% latex Codemist
% latex Codemist
% makeindex Codemist
% latex Codemist
%% Does not contain
%% bibl.tex sl.tex
\setlength{\hfuzz}{5pt} % don't complain about tiny overfull boxes
\index{#1@{\tt #1}}}}
\newcommand{\COMPATNOTE}{{\em Compatibility Note:\ }}
% \meta{...} is an alternative sentential form in descriptions using \it.
% Will print out a heading in bold, and then indent the following text.
\newenvironment{describe}[1]{\par{\bf #1}\begin{indented}}{\end{indented}}
% Close up default vertical spacings:
\setlength{\topsep}{0.5\baselineskip} % above and below environments
\setlength{\abovedisplayskip}{\topsep} % for "long" equations
\newcommand{\key}[1]{\fbox{\sf #1}}
% \s{...} is a sentential form in descriptions. Enclosed \em text in <...>
\newcommand{\s}[1] {$<${\em #1}$>$}
% \meta{...} is an alternative sentential form in descriptions using \it.
% \k{...} is a keyword. Just do in bold for the moment.
\renewcommand{\k}[1] {{\bf #1}}
% \f is a function name. Just do this as tt.
\newcommand{\f}[1] {{\tt #1}}
% An example macro for numbering and indenting examples.
\noindent{\bf Example \theexamplectr}}