module TayRevrt;
% Functions for reversion of Taylor kernels
exports taylorrevert;
% from the REDUCE kernel:
!*a2k, !*q2a, invsq, lastpair, mvar, neq, nth, numr, over,
reval, simp!*, typerr,
% from the header module:
!*TayExp2q, cst!-Taylor!*, make!-cst!-coefficient,
make!-taylor!*, multtaylorsq, prepTayExp, prune!-coefflist,
set!-TayTemplate, TayCfPl, TayCfSq, TayCoeffList,
TayExp!-Quotient, Taylor!:, TayMakeCoeff,
Taylor!-kernel!-sq!-p, TayTemplate, TayTpElNext, TayTpElOrder,
TayTpElPoint, TayTpElVars,
% from module Tayintro:
delete!-nth, Taylor!-error,
% from module Taybasic:
addtaylor, invtaylor, multtaylor, negtaylor,
% from module TaySimp:
% from module Tayutils:
enter!-sorted, smallest!-increment;
symbolic procedure tayrevert (tay, okrnl, krnl);
% Reverts Taylor kernel tay that has okrnl as variable
% into a Taylor kernel that has krnl as variable.
% This is the driver procedure; it check whether okrnl
% is valid for this operation and calls tayrevert1 to do the work.
begin scalar tp, cfl, x; integer i;
cfl := TayCoeffList tay;
tp := TayTemplate tay;
x := tp;
i := 1;
% Loop through the template and make sure that the kernel
% okrnl is present and not part of a homogeneous template.
if okrnl member TayTpElVars car x then <<
if not null cdr TayTpElVars car x then <<
Taylor!-error ('tayrevert,
{"Kernel", okrnl,
"appears in homogenous template", car x});
else goto found;
else <<
x := cdr x;
i := i + 1;
if not null x then goto loop
('tayrevert, {"Kernel", okrnl, "not found in template"});
return tayrevert1 (tp, cfl, car x, i, okrnl, krnl)
symbolic procedure tayrevertreorder (cf, i);
% reorders coefflist cf so that
% a) part i of template is put first
% b) the resulting coefflist is again ordered properly
begin scalar cf1, pl, sq;
for each pp in cf do <<
pl := TayCfPl pp;
sq := TayCfSq pp;
pl := nth (pl, i) . delete!-nth (pl, i);
cf1 := enter!-sorted (TayMakeCoeff (pl, sq), cf1)
return cf1
symbolic procedure tayrevertfirstdegreecoeffs (cf, n);
% Returns a coefflist that corresponds to the coefficient
% of (the first kernel in the template) ** n.
for each el in cf join
if car car TayCfPl el = n and not null numr TayCfSq el
then {TayMakeCoeff (cdr TayCfPl el, TayCfSq el)} else nil;
symbolic procedure tayrevert1(tp,cf,el,i,okrnl,krnl);
% This is the procedure that does the real work.
% tp is the old template,
% cf the old coefflist,
% el the element of the template that contains the "old" kernel,
% i its position in the template,
% okrnl the old kernel,
% krnl the new kernel.
begin scalar first,incr,newtp,newcf,newpoint,newel,u,u!-k,v,w,x,x1,n,
% First step: reorder the coefflist as if the okrnl appears
% at the beginning of the template and construct a
% new template by first deleting this element from it.
newcf := prune!-coefflist tayrevertreorder (cf, i);
newtp := delete!-nth (tp, i);
% Check that the lowest degree of okrnl is -1, 0, or +1.
% For -1, we have a first order pole.
% For 0, reversion is possible only if the coefficient
% of okrnl is a constant w.r.t. the other Taylor variables.
% For +1, we use the algorithm quoted by Knuth,
% in: The Art of Computer Programming, vol2. p. 508.
n := car car TayCfPl car newcf;
if n < 0
then tayrevert1pole(tp,cf,el,i,okrnl,krnl,newcf,newtp);
if n = 0
then if not null newtp
then begin scalar xx;
xx := tayrevertfirstdegreecoeffs(newcf,0);
if length xx > 1
then Taylor!-error
"Term with power 0 is a Taylor series");
xx := car xx;
for each el in TayCfPl xx do
for each el2 in el do
if el2 neq 0
then Taylor!-error
"Term with power 0 is a Taylor series");
newpoint := !*q2a TayCfSq xx;
else <<newpoint := !*q2a TayCfSq car newcf;
newcf := prune!-coefflist cdr newcf;
n := car car TayCfPl car newcf>>
else newpoint := 0;
tp := {{krnl},newpoint,TayTpElOrder el,TayTpElNext el} . newtp;
first := TayExp!-quotient(1,n);
incr := car smallest!-increment newcf;
expo := first * incr;
if not(expo=1)
then (<<newcf := TayCoeffList newtay;
tp := TayTemplate newtay;
newtp := cdr tp;
tp := {TayTpElVars car tp,
reval {'expt,TayTpElPoint car tp,prepTayExp expo},
TayTpElOrder car tp * expo,
TayTpElNext car tp * expo}
. newtp>>
where newtay := expttayrat(Make!-Taylor!*(newcf,tp,nil,nil),
!*TayExp2q expo));
upper := TayExp!-quotient(TayTpElNext car tp,incr) - 1;
x := tayrevertfirstdegreecoeffs(newcf,incr);
x1 := x := invtaylor make!-Taylor!*(x,newtp,nil,nil);
w := for each pp in TayCoeffList x1 collect
TayMakeCoeff({expo} . TayCfPl pp,TayCfSq pp);
v := mkvect upper;
for j := 2 : upper do
u := mkvect upper;
putv(u,0,cst!-Taylor!*(1 ./ 1,newtp));
for j := 2 : upper do <<
for k := 1 : j - 2 do begin
u!-k := getv(u,k);
for l := k - 1 step -1 until 0 do
u!-k := addtaylor
getv(v,k - l + 1)));
u!-k := multtaylorsq(getv(v,j),!*TayExp2q j);
for k := 1 : j - 2 do
u!-k := addtaylor
getv(v,j - k)),
!*TayExp2q (j - k)),
u!-k := negtaylor u!-k;
putv(u,j - 1,u!-k);
x1 := multtaylor(x1,x); % x1 is now x ** j
for each pp in TayCoeffList
(getv(u,j - 1),
invsq !*TayExp2q j),x1) do
w := enter!-sorted (TayMakeCoeff({j * expo}
. TayCfPl pp,TayCfSq pp),
newtp := (car tp) . newtp;
w := enter!-sorted(
make!-cst!-coefficient(simp!* TayTpElPoint el,newtp),
w := Make!-taylor!*(w,newtp,nil,nil);
return if incr = 1 then w
else expttayrat(w,invsq !*TayExp2q incr)
comment The mechanism for a first order pole is very simple:
This corresponds to a first order zero at infinity,
so we invert the original kernel and revert the result;
symbolic procedure tayrevert1pole (tp, cf, el, i, okrnl, krnl,
newcf, newtp);
begin scalar x, y, z;
cf := TayCoeffList invtaylor make!-Taylor!*(cf,tp,nil,nil);
x := tayrevert1 (tp, cf, el, i, okrnl, krnl);
y := TayTemplate x;
if TayTpElPoint car y neq 0
then Taylor!-error ('not!-implemented,
"(Taylor series reversion)")
else <<
set!-TayTemplate (x, {{krnl}, 'infinity, TayTpElOrder car y}
. cdr y);
return x >>
comment The driver routine;
symbolic procedure TaylorRevert (u, okrnl, nkrnl);
(if not Taylor!-kernel!-sq!-p sq
then typerr (u, "Taylor kernel")
else tayrevert (mvar numr sq, !*a2k okrnl, !*a2k nkrnl))
where sq := simp!* u$
flag ('(TaylorRevert), 'opfn);