module solve1; % Fundamental SOLVE procedures.
fluid '(!*allbranch !*arbvars !*exp !*ezgcd !*fullroots !*limitedfactors
!*multiplicities !*notseparate !*numval !*numval!* !*precise
!*rounded !*solvealgp !*solvesingular !*varopt !!gcd !:prec!:
asymplis!* alglist!* dmode!* kord!* vars!*
% NB: !*!*norootvarrenamep!*!* is internal to this module, and should
% *never* be changed by a user.
global '(!!arbint multiplicities!* assumptions requirements);
switch allbranch,arbvars,fullroots,multiplicities,solvesingular;
% nonlnr.
% !*varopt := t; % Set now in alg/intro.
put('fullroots,'simpfg,'((t (rmsubs))));
flag('(!*allbranch multiplicities!* assumptions requirements),
% Those switches that are on are now set in
% !*allbranch := t; % Returns all branches of solutions if T.
% !*arbvars := t; % Presents solutions to singular systems
% in terms of original variables if NIL
% !*multiplicities Lists all roots with multiplicities if on.
% !*fullroots := t; % Computes full roots of cubics and quartics.
% !*solvesingular := t; % Default value.
% !!gcd SOLVECOEFF returns GCD of powers of its arg in
% this. With the decompose code, this should
% only occur with expressions of form x^n + c.
Comment most of these procedures return a list of "solve solutions". A
solve solution is a list with three fields: the list of solutions,
the corresponding variables (or NIL if the equations could not be
solved --- in which case there is only one solution in the first
field) and the multiplicity;
symbolic procedure solve0(elst,xlst);
% This is the driving function for the solve package.
% Elst is any prefix expression, including a list prefixed by LIST.
% Xlst is a kernel or list of kernels. Solves eqns in elst for
% vars in xlst, returning either a list of solutions, a single
% solution, or NIL if the solutions are inconsistent.
begin scalar !*exp,!*notseparate,w; integer neqn;
% NOTSEPARATE used be set on. However, this led to wrong results in
% solve(({ex*z+y*b1-x*b2,-z*b1+ex*y+x*b3,z*b2-y*b3+ex*x}
% where ex=sqrt(-b1**2-b2**2-b3**2)),{x,y,z});
!*exp := t; % !*notseparate := t;
% Form a list of equations as expressions.
elst := for each j in solveargchk elst collect simp!* !*eqn2a j;
neqn := length elst; % There must be at least one.
% Determine variables.
if null xlst
then <<vars!* := solvevars elst;
if null vars!* then nil
else if cdr vars!*
then <<prin2!* "Unknowns: "; maprin('list . vars!*)>>
else <<prin2!* "Unknown: "; maprin car vars!*>>;
terpri!* nil>>
else <<xlst := solveargchk xlst;
vars!* := for each j in xlst collect !*a2k j>>;
if length vars!* = 0
then rerror(solve,3,"SOLVE called with no variables");
if neqn = 1 and length vars!* = 1
then if null numr car elst
then return if !*solvesingular
then {{{!*f2q makearbcomplex()},vars!*,1}}
else nil
else if solutionp(w := solvesq(car elst,car vars!*,1))
or null !*solvealgp
or univariatep numr car elst
then return w;
% More than one equation or variable, or single eqn has no solution.
elst := for each j in elst collect numr j;
w := solvesys(elst,vars!*);
if null w then return nil;
if car w memq {'t,'inconsistent,'singular} then return cdr w
else if car w eq 'failed or null car w
then return for each j in elst collect list(list(j ./ 1),nil,1)
else errach list("Improper solve solution tag",car w)
symbolic procedure basic!-kern u;
<<for each k in u do w:=union(basic!-kern1 k,w); w>> where w=nil;
symbolic procedure basic!-kern1 u;
% Expand a composite kernel.
begin scalar w;
if atom u then return {u} else
if algebraic!-function car u and
(w := allbkern for each q in cdr u collect simp q)
then return w
else return {u}
symbolic procedure algebraic!-function q;
% Returns T if q is a name of an operator with algebraic evaluation
% properties.
flagp(q,'realvalued) or
flagp(q,'alwaysrealvalued) or
get(q,'!:rd!:) or
get(q,'!:cr!:) or
symbolic procedure allbkern elst;
% extract all elementary kernels from list of quotients.
if null elst then nil else
union(basic!-kern kernels numr car elst, allbkern cdr elst);
symbolic procedure solvevars elst;
<<for each j in allbkern elst do
if not constant_exprp j then s := ordad(j,s);
s>> where s=nil;
symbolic procedure solutionp u;
null u or cadar u and not root_of_soln_p caar u and solutionp cdr u;
symbolic procedure root_of_soln_p u;
null cdr u and kernp (u := car u) and eqcar(mvar numr u,'root_of);
symbolic procedure solveargchk u;
if getrtype (u := reval u) eq 'list then cdr reval u
else if atom u or not(car u eq 'lst) then list u
else cdr u;
% ***** Procedures for collecting side information about the solution.
symbolic procedure solve!-clean!-info(fl,flg);
% Check for constants and multiples in side relations fl.
% If flg is t then relations are factorised and constants removed.
% Otherwise the relations are autoreduced and the presence of a
% constant truncates the whole list.
begin scalar r,w,p;
for each form in cdr fl do if not p then
if constant_exprp(form := reval form) then
(if not flg then p := r := {1})
if flg then
for each w in cdr fctrf numr simp form do
<<w := absf car w;
if not member(w,r) then r := w . r>>
<<w:= absf numr simp{'nprimitive,form};
if not domainp w then w := caar sqfrf w;
for each z in r do if w then
if null cdr qremf(z,w) then r:=delete(z,r)
else if null cdr qremf(w,z) then w := nil;
if w then r := w . r>>;
return 'list . for each q in r collect prepf q
% ***** Procedures for solving a single eqn *****
symbolic procedure solvesq (ex,var,mul);
begin scalar r;
r:= for each w in solvesq1(ex,var,mul) join
if null cadr w
or numr subf(denr ex,{caadr w . prepsq caar w}) then {w};
if r and not domainp denr ex then
assumptions:=append(assumptions,{prepf denr ex});
return r;
symbolic procedure solvesq1 (ex,var,mul);
% Attempts to find solutions for standard quotient ex with respect to
% top level occurrences of var and kernels containing variable var.
% Solutions containing more than one such kernel are returned
% unsolved, and solve1 is applied to the other solutions. Integer
% mul is the multiplicity passed from any previous factorizations.
% Returns a list of triplets consisting of solutions, variables and
% multiplicity.
begin scalar e1,oldkorder,x1,y,z; integer mu;
ex := numr ex;
if null(x1 := topkern(ex,var)) then return nil;
oldkorder := setkorder list var;
% The following section should be extended for other cases.
e1 := reorder ex;
setkorder oldkorder;
if !*modular then
<<load!_package 'modsr; return msolvesys({e1},x1,nil)>>;
if mvar e1 = var and null cdr x1 and ldeg e1 =1
then return {{{quotsq(negf reorder red e1 ./1,
reorder lc e1 ./ 1)},
% don't call fctrf here in rounded mode, so polynomial won't get
% rounded (since factoring isn't going to succeed)
ex := if !*rounded then {1,ex . 1} else fctrf ex;
% Now process monomial.
if domainp car ex then ex := cdr ex
else ex := (car ex . 1) . cdr ex;
for each j in ex do
<<e1 := car j;
x1 := topkern(e1,var);
mu := mul*cdr j;
% Test for decomposition of e1. Only do if rounded is off.
if null !*rounded and length x1=1 and length kernels e1<5
and length(y := decomposef1(e1,nil))>1
and (y := solvedecomp(reverse y,car x1,mu))
then z := solnsmerge(y,z)
else if (degr(y := reorder e1,var) where kord!*={var}) = 1
and not smember(var,delete(var,x1))
% var may not be unique here.
then <<y := {{quotsq(!*f2q negf reorder red y,
!*f2q reorder lc y)},
z := y . z>>
else if x1
then z := solnsmerge(
if null cdr x1 then solve1(e1,car x1,var,mu)
else if (y := principle!-of!-powers!-soln(e1,x1,var,mu))
neq 'unsolved
then y
else if not smemq('sol,x1 := solve!-apply!-rules(e1,var))
then solvesq(x1,var,mu)
else mkrootsof(e1 ./ 1,var,mu),
return z
symbolic procedure solvedecomp(u,var,mu);
% Solve for decomposed expression. At the moment, only one
% level of decomposition is considered.
begin scalar failed,x,y;
if length(x := solve0(car u,cadadr u))=1 then return nil;
u := cdr u;
while u do
<<y := x;
x := nil;
for each j in y do
if caddr j neq 1 or null cadr j
then <<lprim list("Tell Hearn solvedecomp",y,u);
failed := t;
else x := solnsmerge(
solve0(list('difference,prepsq caar j,caddar u),
if cdr u then cadadr u else var),x);
if failed then u := nil else u := cdr u>>;
return if failed then nil else adjustmul(x,mu)
symbolic procedure adjustmul(u,n);
% Multiply the multiplicities of the solutions in u by n.
if n=1 then u
else for each x in u collect list(car x,cadr x,n*caddr x);
symbolic procedure solve1(e1,x1,var,mu);
Comment e1 is a standard form, non-trivial in the kernel x1, which
is itself a function of var, mu is an integer. Uses roots of
unity, known solutions, inverses, together with quadratic, cubic
and quartic formulas, treating other cases as unsolvable.
Returns a list of solve solutions;
begin scalar !*numval!*;
!*numval!* := !*numval; % Keep value for use in solve11.
return solve11(e1,x1,var,mu)
symbolic procedure solve11(e1,x1,var,mu);
begin scalar !*numval,b,coefs,hipow,w; integer n;
% The next test should check for true degree in var.
if null !*fullroots and null !*rounded and numrdeg(e1,var)>2
then return mkrootsof(e1 ./ 1,var,mu);
!*numval := t; % Assume that actual numerical values wanted.
coefs:= errorset!*(list('solvecoeff,mkquote e1,mkquote x1),nil);
if atom coefs or atom x1 and x1 neq var
then return mkrootsof(e1 ./ 1,var,mu);
% solvecoeff problem - no soln.
coefs := car coefs;
n:= !!gcd; % numerical gcd of powers.
hipow := car(w:=car reverse coefs);
if not domainp numr cdr w then
assumptions:=append(assumptions,{prepf numr cdr w});
if not domainp denr cdr w then
assumptions:=append(assumptions,{prepf denr cdr w});
if hipow = 1
then return begin scalar lincoeff,y,z;
if null cdr coefs then b := 0
else b := prepsq quotsq(negsq cdar coefs,cdadr coefs);
if n neq 1 then b := list('expt,b,list('quotient,1,n));
% We may need to merge more solutions in the following if
% there are repeated roots.
for k := 0:n-1 do % equation in power of var.
<<lincoeff := list('times,b,
mkexp list('quotient,list('times,k,2,'pi),n));
lincoeff := simp!* lincoeff where alglist!* = nil . nil;
if x1=var
then y := solnmerge(list lincoeff,list var,mu,y)
else if not idp(z := car x1)
then typerr(z,"solve operator")
else if z := get(z,'solvefn)
then y := solnsmerge(apply1(z,
list(cdr x1,var,mu,lincoeff))
else if (z := get(car x1,'inverse)) % known inverse
then y := solnsmerge(solvesq(subtrsq(simp!* cadr x1,
simp!* list(z,mk!*sq lincoeff)),
else y := list(list subtrsq(simp!* x1,lincoeff),nil,mu)
. y>>;
return y
else if hipow=2
then return <<x1 := exptsq(simp!* x1,n);
% allows for power variable.
w := nil;
for each j in solvequadratic(getcoeff(coefs,2),
do w :=
else return solvehipow(e1,x1,var,mu,coefs,hipow)
symbolic procedure solnsmerge(u,v);
if null u then v
else solnsmerge(cdr u,solnmerge(caar u,cadar u,caddar u,v));
symbolic procedure getcoeff(u,n);
% Get the nth coefficient in the list u as a standard quotient.
if null u then nil ./ 1
else if n=caar u then cdar u
else if n<caar u then nil ./ 1
else getcoeff(cdr u,n);
symbolic procedure putcoeff(u,n,v);
% Replace the nth coefficient in the list u by v.
if null u then list(n . v)
else if n=caar u then (n . v) . cdr u
else if n<caar u then (n . v) . u
else car u . putcoeff(cdr u,n,v);
symbolic procedure solvehipow(e1,x1,var,mu,coefs,hipow);
% Solve a system with degree greater than 2. Since we cannot write
% down the solution directly, we look for various forms that we
% know how to solve.
begin scalar b,c,d,f,rcoeffs,z;
d:=exptsq(simp!* x1,!!gcd);
rcoeffs := reverse coefs;
return if solve1test1(coefs,rcoeffs,f) % Coefficients symmetric.
then if f+f=hipow+1 % odd
then <<c:=addsq(d, 1 ./ 1);
solvesq(quotsq(e1 ./ 1, c),var,mu))>>
else <<coefs := putcoeff(coefs,0,2 ./ 1);
coefs := putcoeff(coefs,1,simp!* '!!x);
for j:=2:f do <<
coefs := putcoeff(coefs,j,
for each j in solvesq(c,'!!x,mu) do z :=
solvesq(addsq(1 ./ 1,multsq(d,subtrsq(d,caar j))),
var,caddr j),z);
else if solve1test2(coefs,rcoeffs,f)
% coefficients antisymmetric
then <<c:=addsq(d,(-1 ./1));
b := solvesq(c,var,mu);
e1 := quotsq(e1 ./ 1, c);
if f+f = hipow
then <<c := addsq(d,(1 ./ 1));
b := solnsmerge(solvesq(c,var,mu),b);
e1 := quotsq(e1,c)>>;
% equation has no symmetry
% now look for real roots before cubics or quartics. We must
% reverse the answer from solveroots so that roots come out
% in same order from SOLVE.
% else if !*numval!* and dmode!* memq '(!:rd!: !:cr!:)
% this forces solveroots independent of numval.
else if !*rounded and univariatep e1
then reversip solveroots(e1,var,mu)
else if null !*fullroots then mkrootsof(e1 ./ 1,var,mu)
else if hipow=3
then <<for each j in solvecubic(getcoeff(coefs,3),
do z := solnsmerge(solvesq(subtrsq(d,j),var,mu),z);
else if hipow=4
then <<for each j in solvequartic(getcoeff(coefs,4),
do z := solnsmerge(solvesq(subtrsq(d,j),var,mu),z);
else mkrootsof(e1 ./ 1,var,mu)
% We can't solve quintic and higher.
symbolic procedure solnmerge(u,varlist,mu,y);
% Merge solutions in case of multiplicities. It may be that this is
% only needed for the trivial solution x=0.
if null y then list list(u,varlist,mu)
else if u = caar y and varlist = cadar y
then list(caar y,cadar y,mu+caddar y) . cdr y
else car y . solnmerge(u,varlist,mu,cdr y);
symbolic procedure nilchk u; if null u then !*f2q u else u;
symbolic procedure solve1test1(coefs,rcoeffs,f);
% True if equation is symmetric in its coefficients. f is midpoint.
begin integer j,p;
if null coefs or caar coefs neq 0 or null !*fullroots
then return nil;
p := caar coefs + caar rcoeffs;
a: if j>f then return t
else if (caar coefs + caar rcoeffs) neq p
or cdar coefs neq cdar rcoeffs then return nil;
coefs := cdr coefs;
rcoeffs := cdr rcoeffs;
j := j+1;
go to a
symbolic procedure solve1test2(coefs,rcoeffs,f);
% True if equation is antisymmetric in its coefficients. f is
% midpoint.
begin integer j,p;
if null coefs or caar coefs neq 0 or null !*fullroots
then return nil;
p := caar coefs + caar rcoeffs;
a: if j>f then return t
else if (caar coefs + caar rcoeffs) neq p
or numr addsq(cdar coefs,cdar rcoeffs) then return nil;
coefs := cdr coefs;
rcoeffs := cdr rcoeffs;
j := j+1;
go to a
symbolic procedure solveabs u;
begin scalar mu,var,lincoeff;
var := cadr u;
mu := caddr u;
lincoeff := cadddr u;
u := simp!* caar u;
return solnsmerge(solvesq(addsq(u,lincoeff),var,mu),
symbolic procedure solveexpt u;
begin scalar c,mu,var,lincoeff;
var := cadr u;
mu := caddr u;
lincoeff := cadddr u;
% the following line made solve(x^(1/2)=0) etc. wrong
% if null numr lincoeff then return nil;
u := car u;
return if freeof(car u,var) % c**(...) = b.
then if null numr lincoeff then nil else
<<if !*allbranch
then <<!!arbint:=!!arbint+1;
else c:=0;
solvesq(subtrsq(simp!* cadr u,
quotsq(addsq(solveexpt!-logterm lincoeff,
simp!* c),
simp!* list('log,car u))),var,mu)>>
else if freeof(cadr u,var) and null numr lincoeff %(...)**b=0.
then if check!-condition {'equal,{'sign,cadr u},1}
then solvesq(simp!* car u,var,mu)
else solveexpt!-rootsof(u,lincoeff,var,mu)
else if freeof(cadr u,var) % (...)**(m/n) = b;
then if ratnump cadr u
then solve!-fractional!-power(u,lincoeff,var,mu)
else << % (...)**c = b.
if !*allbranch
then <<!!arbint:=!!arbint+1;
c := mkexp list('quotient,
cadr u)>>
% c := mkexp list('times,
% list('arbreal,!!arbint))>>
else c:=1;
solvesq(subtrsq(simp!* car u,
multsq(simp!* list('expt,
mk!*sq lincoeff,
mk!*sq invsq
simp!* cadr u),
simp!* c)),var,mu)>>
% (...)**(...) = b : transcendental.
% else list list(list subtrsq(simp!*('expt . u),lincoeff),nil,mu)
else solveexpt!-rootsof(u,lincoeff,var,mu)
symbolic procedure solveexpt!-rootsof(u,lincoeff,var,mu);
mkrootsof(subtrsq(simp!*('expt . u),lincoeff),var,mu);
symbolic procedure solveexpt!-logterm lincoeff;
% compute log(lincoeff), ignoring multiplicity and converting
% log(-a) to log(a) + i pi.
simp!* list('log,mk!*sq lincoeff);
% if not !*allbranch or not minusf numr lincoeff
% then simp!* list('log,mk!*sq lincoeff)
% else
% addsq(simp!*'(times i pi),
% simp!* {'log,mk!*sq(negf numr lincoeff ./ denr lincoeff)});
symbolic procedure solvelog u;
solvesq(subtrsq(simp!* caar u,simp!* list('expt,'e,mk!*sq cadddr u)),
cadr u,caddr u);
symbolic procedure solveinvpat(u,op);
begin scalar c,f;
if smemq('arbint,f) then f:=subst(
if !*allbranch then list('arbint,!!arbint:=!!arbint+1) else 0,
if not !*allbranch then f:={car f};
for each c in reverse f join
subst(caar u,'(~v),subst(mk!*sq cadddr u,'(~r),c)),
cadr u,caddr u)
{ quote (- ~v + acos(~r) + 2*arbint*pi),
quote (- ~v - acos(~r) + 2*arbint*pi) });
put('cos,'solvefn, '(lambda(u) (solveinvpat u 'cos)));
{ quote (- ~v + asin(~r) + 2*arbint*pi),
quote (- ~v - asin(~r) + 2*arbint*pi + pi) });
put('sin,'solvefn, '(lambda(u) (solveinvpat u 'sin)));
{ quote (- ~v + asec(~r) + 2*arbint*pi),
quote (- ~v - asec(~r) + 2*arbint*pi) });
put('sec,'solvefn, '(lambda(u) (solveinvpat u 'sec)));
{ quote (- ~v + acsc(~r) + 2*arbint*pi),
quote (- ~v - acsc(~r) + 2*arbint*pi + pi) });
put('csc,'solvefn, '(lambda(u) (solveinvpat u 'csc)));
put('tan,'solveinvpat, { quote (- ~v + atan(~r) + arbint*pi)});
put('tan,'solvefn, '(lambda(u) (solveinvpat u 'tan)));
put('cot,'solveinvpat, { quote (- ~v + acot(~r) + arbint*pi)});
put('cot,'solvefn, '(lambda(u) (solveinvpat u 'cot)));
{ quote (- ~v + acosh(~r) + 2*arbint*i*pi),
quote (- ~v - acosh(~r) + 2*arbint*i*pi) });
put('cosh,'solvefn, '(lambda(u) (solveinvpat u 'cosh)));
{ quote (- ~v + asinh(~r) + 2*arbint*i*pi),
quote (- ~v - asinh(~r) + 2*arbint*i*pi + i*pi) });
put('sinh,'solvefn, '(lambda(u) (solveinvpat u 'sinh)));
{ quote (- ~v + asech(~r) + 2*arbint*i*pi),
quote (- ~v - asech(~r) + 2*arbint*i*pi) });
put('sech,'solvefn, '(lambda(u) (solveinvpat u 'sech)));
{ quote (- ~v + acsch(~r) + 2*arbint*i*pi),
quote (- ~v - acsch(~r) + 2*arbint*i*pi + i*pi) });
put('csch,'solvefn, '(lambda(u) (solveinvpat u 'csch)));
put('tanh,'solveinvpat, { quote (- ~v + atanh(~r) + arbint*i*pi)});
put('tanh,'solvefn, '(lambda(u) (solveinvpat u 'tanh)));
put('coth,'solveinvpat, { quote (- ~v + acoth(~r) + arbint*i*pi)});
put('coth,'solvefn, '(lambda(u) (solveinvpat u 'coth)));
symbolic procedure mkexp u;
where x = reval u)
where !*rounded = nil,dmode!* = nil);
symbolic procedure solvecoeff(ex,var);
% Ex is a standard form and var a kernel. Returns a list of
% dotted pairs of exponents and coefficients (as standard quotients)
% of var in ex, lowest power first, with exponents divided by their
% gcd. This gcd is stored in !!GCD.
begin scalar clist,oldkord;
oldkord := updkorder var;
clist := reorder ex;
setkorder oldkord;
clist := coeflis clist;
!!gcd := caar clist;
for each x in cdr clist do !!gcd := gcdn(car x,!!gcd);
for each x in clist
do <<rplaca(x,car x/!!gcd); rplacd(x,cdr x ./ 1)>>;
return clist
symbolic procedure solveroots(ex,var,mu);
% Ex is a square and content free univariate standard form, var the
% relevant variable and mu the root multiplicity. Finds insoluble,
% complex roots of EX, returning a list of solve solutions.
begin scalar x,y;
x := reval list('root_val,mk!*sq(ex ./ 1));
if not(car x eq 'list)
then errach list("incorrect root format",ex);
for each z in cdr x do
y := solnsmerge(
solvesq(if not(car z eq 'equal)
then errach list("incorrect root format",ex)
else simpplus {cadr z,{'minus,caddr z}},
return y
% ***** Procedures for solving a system of eqns *****
Comment. The routines for solving systems of equations return a "tagged
solution list", where
tagged solution list ::= tag . list of solve solution
tag ::= t | nil | 'inconsistent | 'singular | 'failed
solve solution ::= {solution rhs,solution lhs,multiplicity} |
{solution rhs,nil,multiplicity}
solution rhs ::= list of sq
solution lhs ::= list of kernel
multiplicity ::= posint
If the tag is anything but t, the list of solve solutions is empty. See
solvenonlnrsys for more about the tags;
symbolic procedure solvesys(exlis,varlis);
% exlis: list of sf, varlis: list of kernel
% -> solvesys: tagged solution list
% The expressions in exlis are reordered wrt the kernels in varlis,
% and solved. For some switch settings, the internal
% solve procedure may produce an error, leaving the kernel order
% disturbed, so an errorset is used here.
begin scalar oldkord,oldvars;
% The standard methods for linear and polynomial system
% don't work for non-prime modulus.
if !*modular then
<<load!-package 'modsr; return msolvesys(exlis,varlis,t)>>;
oldvars := vars!*; % Protect this from change in sub-problems.
oldkord := setkorder varlis;
exlis := for each j in exlis collect reorder j;
exlis := errorset!*({'solvemixedsys,mkquote exlis,mkquote varlis},
setkorder oldkord;
vars!* := oldvars;
if errorp exlis then error1();
return car exlis;
symbolic procedure solvemixedsys(exlis,varlis);
% exlis: list of sf, varlis: list of kernel
% -> solvemixedsys: tagged solution list
% Solve a mixed linear/nonlinear system, solving the linear
% part and substituting into the nonlinear until a core nonlinear
% system remains. Assumes solvenonlnrsys and solvelnrsys both handle
% all trivial cases properly.
if null cadr(exlis := siftnonlnr(exlis,varlis)) then % linear
solvelnrsys(car exlis,varlis)
else if null car exlis then % nonlinear
solvenonlnrsys(cadr exlis,varlis)
else % mixed
begin scalar x,y,z;
x := solvelnrsys(car exlis,varlis) where !*arbvars = nil;
if car x = 'inconsistent then return x
else x := cadr x;
z := pair(cadr x,foreach ex in car x collect mk!*sq ex);
% David Hartley wanted the "resimp" in the next command, but
% couldn't remember why ...
exlis := foreach ex in cadr exlis join
if ex := numr subs2 resimp subf(ex,z) then {ex};
varlis := setdiff(varlis,cadr x); % remaining free variables
y := solvemixedsys(exlis,varlis);
if car y memq {'inconsistent,'singular,'failed,nil} then return y
else return t . foreach s in cdr y collect
<<z := foreach pr in pair(cadr s,car s) join
if not smemq('root_of,cdr pr) then
{car pr . mk!*sq cdr pr};
{append(car s,foreach ex in car x collect subsq(ex,z)),
append(cadr s,cadr x),caddr s}>>;
symbolic procedure siftnonlnr(exlis,varlis);
% exlis: list of sf, varlis: list of kernel
% -> siftnonlnr: {list of sf, list of sf}
% separate exlis into {linear,nonlinear}
begin scalar lin,nonlin;
foreach ex in exlis do
if ex then
if nonlnr(ex,varlis) then nonlin := ex . nonlin
else lin := ex . lin;
return {reversip lin,reversip nonlin};
symbolic procedure nonlnrsys(exlis,varlis);
% exlis: list of sf, varlis: list of kernel
% -> nonlnrsys: bool
if null exlis then nil
else nonlnr(car exlis,varlis) or nonlnrsys(cdr exlis,varlis);
symbolic procedure nonlnr(ex,varlis);
% ex: sf, varlis: list of kernel -> nonlnr: bool
if domainp ex then nil
else if mvar ex member varlis then
ldeg ex>1 or not freeofl(lc ex,varlis) or
nonlnr(red ex,varlis)
else not freeofl(mvar ex,varlis) or
nonlnr(lc ex,varlis) or
nonlnr(red ex,varlis);
% ***** Support for one_of and root_of *****.
symbolic procedure mkrootsoftag();
begin scalar name; integer n;
loop: n:=n #+1;
name := intern compress append('(t a g _),explode n);
if flagp(name,'used!*) then go to loop;
return reval name;
symbolic procedure mkrootsof(e1,var,mu);
begin scalar x,name;
x := if idp var then var else 'q_;
name := !*!*norootvarrenamep!*!* or mkrootsoftag();
if not !*!*norootvarrenamep!*!*
then while smember(x,e1) do
x := intern compress append(explode x,explode '!_);
e1 := prepsq!* e1;
if x neq var then e1 := subst(x,var,e1);
return list list(list !*kk2q list('root_of,e1,x,name),list var,mu)
symbolic procedure root_of_eval u;
begin scalar !*!*norootvarrenamep!*!*,x,n;
if null cdr u then rederr "Too few arguments to root_eval";
n := if cddr u then caddr u else mkrootsoftag();
!*!*norootvarrenamep!*!* := n;
x := solveeval1{car u,cadr u};
if eqcar(x,'list) then x := cdr x else typerr(x,"list");
x := foreach j in x collect if eqcar(j,'equal) then caddr j
else typerr(j,"equation");
if null x then rederr "solve confusion in root_of_eval"
else if null cdr x then return car x
else return{'one_of, 'list . x,n}
symbolic procedure subrootof(l,expn);
% Sets up a formal SUB expression when necessary.
begin scalar x,y;
for each j in cddr expn do
if (x := assoc(j,l)) then <<y := x . y; l := delete(x,l)>>;
expn := sublis(l,car expn)
. for each j in cdr expn collect subsublis(l,j);
%to ensure only opr and individual args are transformed;
if null y then return expn;
expn := aconc!*(for each j in reversip!* y
collect list('equal,car j,aeval cdr j),expn);
return if l then subeval expn
else mk!*sq !*p2q mksp('sub . expn,1)
(algebraic <<
depend(!~p,!~x); % Needed for the simplification of the rule pattern.
let root_of(~p,~x,~tg)^~n =>
-reduct(p,x)/coeffn(p,x,deg(p,x))) ^ (n-deg(p,x)+1)
when fixp n and deg(p,x)>=1 and n>=deg(p,x);
>>) where dmode!*=nil,!*modular=nil,!*rounded=nil,!*complex=nil;
symbolic procedure expand_cases u;
begin scalar bool,sl,tags;
sl:=list nil; tags:=list nil;
u := reval u;
if not eqcar(u,'list) then typerr(u,"equation list")
else u := cdr u;
if eqcar(car u,'list)
then <<u := for each j in u collect
if eqcar(j,'list) then cdr j
else typerr(j,"equation list");
bool := t>>
else u := for each j in u collect {j};
u := for each j in u join expand_case1(j,sl,tags);
return 'list .
for each j in u collect if null bool then car j else 'list . j
symbolic procedure expand_case1(u,sl,tags);
if null u then nil
else expand_merge(expand_case2(car u,sl,tags),
expand_case1(cdr u,sl,tags));
symbolic procedure expand_merge(u,v);
if null v then for each j in u collect {j}
else for each j in u join for each k in v collect j . k;
symbolic procedure expand_case2(u,sl,tags);
begin scalar tag,v,var;
var := cadr u; v := caddr u;
if eqcar(v,'one_of)
then <<tag := caddr v;
if tag member tags then typerr(tag,"unique choice tag")
else if null assoc(tag,sl)
then cdr sl := (tag . cdadr v) . cdr sl;
return if eqcar(cadr v,'list)
then for each j in cdadr v collect {'equal,var,j}
else typerr(cadr v,"list")>>
% The next section doesn't do anything currently since root_of
% is wrapped in a !*sq at this point.
else if eqcar(v,'root_of)
then <<tag := cadddr v;
cdr tags := tag . cdr tags;
if assoc(tag,sl) then typerr(tag,"unique choice tag")>>;
return {u}
% Rules for solving inverse trigonometrical functions.
fluid '(solve_invtrig_soln!*);
share solve_invtrig_soln!*;
symbolic procedure check_solve_inv_trig(fn,equ,var);
begin scalar x,s;
x := evalletsub2({'(solve_trig_rules),{'simp!*,mkquote {fn,equ}}},
if errorp x or not ((x := car x) freeof '(asin acos atan))
then return nil;
for each sol in cdr solveeval1 {mk!*sq subtrsq(x,simp!* {fn,0}),
var} do
if is_solution(sol,equ) then s := caddr sol . s;
if null s then <<solve_invtrig_soln!* := 1;
return t>> % no solution found
else if null cdr s then s := car s % one solution
else s := 'one_of . s;
solve_invtrig_soln!* := {'difference,var,s};
return t
symbolic procedure is_solution(sol,equ);
begin scalar var,s,rhs,result;
var := cadr sol;
rhs := caddr sol;
equ := numr simp!* equ;
if eqcar(rhs,'one_of)
then result := check!-solns(for each s in cdr rhs collect
{{simp!* s},{var},1},
else if eqcar(rhs,'root_of) then result := t
else result := check!-solns({{{simp!* rhs},{var},1}},equ,var);
return if not (result eq 'unsolved) then result else nil
symbolic procedure check!-condition u;
null !*precise or eval formbool(u,nil,'algebraic);