module plot; % device and driver independent plot services.
% Author: Herbert Melenk.
% Adjusted by A C Norman to be compatible with CSL - the original
% was written to be fairly PSL-specific.
% Minor corrections by Winfried Neun (October 1995)
create!-package('(plot plotsynt plotexp2 pltpara plotexp3 plotimp2
plotimp3 plotnum parray xvect),
global '(
plotdriver!* % modulename of the actual driver.
plotmax!* % maximal floating point number which
% gnuplot supports on the machine
% (mostly IEEE double or single precision).
plotmin!* % lower bound (=1/plotmax!*)
variation!* % definition of y-bigstep for smooth
plotoptions!* % list for collecting the options.
fluid '(
plotderiv!* % derivative for 2d plot
!#if(or (errorp (errorset '!*writingfaslfile nil nil))
(not !*writingfaslfile)
(errorp (errorset '(load fcomp) nil nil)))
% prin2t "*** No support for fast float!";
symbolic macro procedure fdeclare u; nil;
symbolic macro procedure thefloat u; cadr u;
% Create .. as infix operator.
newtok '((!. !.) !*interval!*);
put('!*interval!*,'prtch,'! !.!.! );
if null get('!*interval!*,'simpfn)
then <<precedence .., or; algebraic operator ..>>;
% Reestablished these routines in order to support singularity handling
% (which was better in some respects in Reduce 3.5) %WN
symbolic procedure ploteval3xysingular(ff,f,x,xx,dx,y,yy,dy,zhi,zlo);
% set up an iteration approaching a critical point.
<<dx:=dx/4; dy:=dy/4;
plotevalform(ff,f,{x . (xx+dx), y . (yy+dy)}),0)
symbolic procedure ploteval3xysingular1(ff,f,x,xx,dx,y,yy,dy,zhi,zlo,w,c);
if null w then nil else if c>8 then nil else
if w>zhi then zhi else
if w<zlo then zlo else
begin scalar wnew;
dx:=dx/2; dy:=dy/2;
wnew := plotevalform(ff,f,{x . (xx+dx), y . (yy+dy)});
if null wnew then nil else
if abs(wnew-w) <abs wnew/20 then wnew else
% I need the following definition only at compile time.
macro procedure plotdriver u;
{'apply,{'get,'plotdriver!*,mkquote cadr u},'list . cddr u};