module sqprint; % Routines for printing standard forms and quotients.
% Author: Anthony C. Hearn.
% Copyright (c) 1996 RAND. All rights reserved.
% Modified by A. C. Norman, 1987.
fluid '(!*fort
testing!-width!* := overflowed!* := nil;
global '(!*eraise);
switch horner;
% When nat is enabled I use some programmable characters to
% draw pi, fraction bars and integral signs. (symbol 's) returns
% a character-object, and I use
% .pi pi
% bar solid horizontal bar -
% int-top top hook of integral sign /
% int-mid vertical mid-stroke of integral sign |
% int-low lower hook of integral sign /
% d curly-d for use with integral display d
% sqrt square root sign sqrt
% sum-top ---
% sum-mid > for summation
% sum-low ---
% prod-top ---
% prod-mid | | for products
% prod-low | |
% infinity infinity sign
% mat!-top!-l / for display of matrices
% mat!-top!-r \
% mat!-low!-l \
% mat!-low!-r /
% vbar |
symbolic procedure !*sqprint u; sqprint cadr u;
symbolic procedure printsq u; <<terpri!* t; sqprint u; terpri!* u; u>>;
symbolic procedure sqprint u;
% Mathprints the standard quotient u.
begin scalar flg,z,!*prin!#;
!*prin!# := t;
z := orig!*;
if !*nat and posn!*<20 then orig!* := posn!*;
if !*pri or wtl!* then maprin prepreform prepsq!* sqhorner!* u
else if cdr u neq 1
then <<flg := not domainp numr u and red numr u;
xprinf(car u,flg,nil);
prin2!* " / ";
flg := not domainp denr u
and (red denr u or lc denr u neq 1);
xprinf(cdr u,flg,nil)>>
else xprinf2 car u;
return (orig!* := z)
symbolic procedure prepreform u;
% U is an algebraic expression prepared for output by prepsq*.
% Reform inner kernel arguments if these contain references to a
% variable which has been declared in a factor or order statement.
symbolic procedure prepreform1(u,l);
if atom u or get(car u,'dname) then u else
begin scalar w,l1;
l1 := l;
while null w and l1 do
if smemq(car l1,cdr u) then w:=t else l1:=cdr l1;
if null w then return u;
if memq(car u,'(plus difference minus times quotient))
or null get(car u,'simpfn) then w := nil;
return if car u eq '!*sq
then prepreform1(prepsq!* sqhorner!* cadr u,l)
else car u . for each p in cdr u collect
prepreform1(if w
then prepsq!* sqhorner!* simp!* p else p,l)
symbolic procedure sqhorner!* u;
if not !*horner then u else
hornersq(reorder numr u ./ hornerf reorder denr u)
where kord!* = append(ordl!*,kord!*);
symbolic procedure printsf u; <<prinsf u; terpri!* nil; u>>;
symbolic procedure prinsf u; if null u then prin2!* 0 else xprinf2 u;
symbolic procedure xprinf(u,flg,w);
% U is a standard form, flg determines whether parens are needed.
% W is currently unused.
% Procedure prints the form and returns NIL.
begin flg and prin2!* "("; xprinf2 u; flg and prin2!* ")" end;
symbolic procedure xprinf2 u;
begin scalar v;
while not domainp u do <<xprint(lt u,v); u := red u; v := t>>;
if null u then return nil
else if minusf u then <<oprin 'minus; u := !:minus u>>
else if v then oprin 'plus;
if atom u then prin2!* u else maprin u
symbolic procedure xprint(u,flg);
% U is a standard term.
% Flg is a flag which is true if a term has preceded this term.
% Procedure prints the term and returns NIL.
begin scalar v,w;
v := tc u;
u := tpow u;
if (w := kernlp v) and w neq 1
then <<v := quotf(v,w);
if minusf w
then <<oprin 'minus; w := !:minus w; flg := nil>>>>;
if flg then oprin 'plus;
if w and w neq 1 then <<prin2!* w; oprin 'times>>;
xprinp u;
if v neq 1 then <<oprin 'times; xprinf(v,red v,nil)>>
symbolic procedure xprinp u;
% U is a standard power. Procedure prints term and returns NIL.
% Process main variable.
if atom car u then prin2!* car u
else if not atom caar u or caar u eq '!*sq then
<<prin2!* "(";
if not atom caar u then xprinf2 car u else sqprint cadar u;
prin2!* ")">>
else if caar u eq 'plus then maprint(car u,100)
else maprin car u;
% Process degree.
if (u := cdr u)=1 then return nil
else if !*nat and !*eraise
then <<ycoord!* := ycoord!*+1;
if ycoord!*>ymax!* then ymax!* := ycoord!*>>
else prin2!* get('expt,'prtch);
prin2!* if numberp u and minusp u then list u else u;
if !*nat and !*eraise
then <<ycoord!* := ycoord!*-1;
if ymin!*>ycoord!* then ymin!* := ycoord!*>>