module makevars; % Make dummy variables for integration process.
% Authors: Mary Ann Moore and Arthur C. Norman.
fluid '(!*gensymlist!* !*purerisch);
% exports getvariables,varsinlist,varsinsf,findzvars, % varsinsq
% createindices,mergein;
% imports dependsp,union;
% Note that 'i' is already maybe committed for sqrt(-1),
% also 'l' and 'o' are not used as they print badly on certain
% terminals etc and may lead to confusion.
!*gensymlist!* := '(! j ! k ! m ! n ! p ! q ! r ! s ! t ! u ! v ! w ! x
! y ! z);
%mapc(!*gensymlist!*,function remob); %REMOB protection;
symbolic procedure varsinlist(l,vl);
% L is a list of s.q. - find all variables mentioned,
% given thal vl is a list already known about.
begin while not null l do <<
vl:=varsinsf(numr car l,varsinsf(denr car l,vl));
l:=cdr l >>;
return vl
symbolic procedure getvariables sq;
varsinsf(numr sq,varsinsf(denr sq,nil));
symbolic procedure varsinsf(form,l);
if domainp form then l
else begin
while not domainp form do <<
l:=varsinsf(lc form,union(l,list mvar form));
form:=red form >>;
return l
symbolic procedure findzvars(vl,zl,var,flg);
begin scalar v;
% VL is the crude list of variables found in the original integrand.
% ZL must have merged into it all EXP, LOG etc terms from this.
% If FLG is true then ignore DF as a function.
scan: if null vl then return zl;
v:=car vl; % next variable.
vl:=cdr vl;
% At present items get put onto ZL if they are non-atomic
% and they depend on the main variable. The arguments of
% functions are decomposed by recursive calls to findzvar.
% Give up if V has been declared dependent on other things.
if atom v and v neq var and depends(v,var) then
% rerror(int,7,
% "Can't integrate in the presence of side-relations")
zl := union(list v, zl)
else if not atom v and not(v member zl) and dependsp(v,var)
then if car v='!*sq then zl:=findzvarssq(cadr v,zl,var)
else if car v memq '(times quotient plus minus difference)
or (((car v) eq 'expt) and fixp caddr v)
zl:=findzvars(cdr v,zl,var,flg)
else if flg and car v eq 'df
then <<!*purerisch := t; % printc "Pure set";
return zl>> % try and stop it
else zl:=v . findzvars(cdr v,zl,var,flg);
% scan arguments of fn.
%ACH: old code used to look only at CADR if a DF involved.
go to scan
symbolic procedure findzvarssq(sq,zl,var);
findzvarsf(numr sq,findzvarsf(denr sq,zl,var),var);
symbolic procedure findzvarsf(sf,zl,var);
if domainp sf then zl
else findzvarsf(lc sf,
findzvarsf(red sf,
findzvars(list mvar sf,zl,var,nil),
symbolic procedure createindices zl;
% Produces a list of unique indices, each associated with a ;
% different Z-variable;
reversip crindex1(zl,!*gensymlist!*);
symbolic procedure crindex1(zl,gl);
begin if null zl then return nil;
if null gl then << gl:=list int!-gensym1 'i; %new symbol needed;
nconc(!*gensymlist!*,gl) >>;
return (car gl) . crindex1(cdr zl,cdr gl) end;
symbolic procedure cdrmember(a,b);
if null b then nil
else if a=cdar b then car b
else cdrmember(a,cdr b);
symbolic procedure mergein(dl,ll);
% Adjoin logs of things in dl to existing list ll.
if null dl then ll
else if cdrmember(car dl,ll) then mergein(cdr dl,ll)
else mergein(cdr dl,('log . car dl) . ll);