module TaySubst;
% Interface to the substitution functions
exports subsubtaylor$
% from the REDUCE kernel:
addsq, denr, depends, domainp, eqcar, exptsq, invsq, lc, ldeg,
mkrn, multsq, mvar, nlist, nth, numr, prepsq, red,
replace!-nth!-nth, reval, reversip, simp!*, simprn, sort,
subeval1, subs2!*, subsq, subtrsq, typerr,
% from the header module:
make!-Taylor!*, set!-TayCfSq, TayCfPl, TayCfSq, TayCoeffList,
TayFlags, Taylor!:, Taylor!-error, TayVars, TayMakeCoeff,
TayOrig, TayTemplate, TayTpElNext, TayTpElOrder, TayTpElPoint,
% from module Tayintro:
constant!-sq!-p, delete!-nth, delete!-nth!-nth, replace!-nth,
Taylor!-error, Taylor!-error!*, var!-is!-nth,
% from module Tayutils:
enter!-sorted, rat!-kern!-pow;
fluid '(!*taylorkeeporiginal);
put ('taylor!*, 'subfunc, 'subsubtaylor);
symbolic procedure subsubtaylor(l,v);
begin scalar x,clist,delete_list,tp,pl;
clist := for each u in TayCoeffList v collect
TayMakeCoeff(TayCfPl u,subsq(TayCfSq u,l));
tp := TayTemplate v;
% Substitute in expansion point
tp := for each quartet in tp collect
{TayTpElVars quartet,
reval subeval1(l,TayTpElPoint quartet),
TayTpElOrder quartet,
TayTpElNext quartet};
pl := for each quartet in tp collect
nlist(nil,length TayTpElVars quartet);
% Make x the list of substitutions of Taylor variables.
for each p in l do
if car p member TayVars v
% The replacement of a Taylor variable must again be
% a kernel. If it is a constant, we have to delete it
% from the list of Taylor variables. Actually the main
% problem is to distinguish kernels that are constant
% expressions (e.g. sin (acos (4))) from others.
then begin scalar temp;
temp := simp!* cdr p;
if constant!-sq!-p temp
then begin scalar about,ll,w,y,z; integer pos,pos1;
% Determine the position of the variable
w := var!-is!-nth(tp,car p);
pos := car w;
pos1 := cdr w;
if not null nth(nth(pl,pos),pos1)
then Taylor!-error('invalid!-subst,
"multiple substitution for same variable");
pl := replace!-nth!-nth(pl,pos,pos1,0);
% Calculate the difference (new_variable - expansion_point)
about := TayTpElPoint nth(tp,pos);
if about eq 'infinity
then if null numr temp
then Taylor!-error!*('zero!-denom,"Taylor Substitution")
else temp := invsq temp
else temp := subtrsq(temp,simp!* about);
% Adjust for already deleted
foreach pp in delete_list do
if car pp < pos then pos := pos - 1;
delete_list := (pos . pos1) . delete_list;
% Substitute in every coefficient
for each cc in clist do begin scalar exponent;
w := nth(TayCfPl cc,pos);
w := if null cdr w then delete!-nth(TayCfPl cc,pos)
else delete!-nth!-nth(TayCfPl cc,pos,pos1);
exponent := nth(nth(TayCfPl cc,pos),pos1);
z := if exponent = 0 then TayCfSq cc
else if exponent < 0 and null numr temp
then Taylor!-error!*('zero!-denom,
"Taylor Substitution")
else multsq(TayCfSq cc,exptsq(temp,exponent));
y := assoc(w,ll);
if y then set!-TayCfSq(y,subs2!* addsq(TayCfSq y,z))
else if not null numr (z := subs2!* z)
then ll := TayMakeCoeff(w,z) . ll
% Delete zero coefficients
clist := nil;
while ll do <<
if not null numr TayCfSq car ll
then clist := enter!-sorted(car ll,clist);
ll := cdr ll>>;
else if not (denr temp = 1 and
(temp := rat!-kern!-pow(numr temp,t)))
then typerr({'replaceby,car p,cdr p},
"Taylor substitution")
else begin scalar w,expo; integer pos,pos1;
expo := cdr temp;
temp := car temp;
for each el in delete(car p,TayVars v) do
if depends(temp,el)
then Taylor!-error('invalid!-subst,
{"dependent variables",cdr p,el});
if not (expo = 1) then <<
w := var!-is!-nth(tp,car p);
pos := car w;
pos1 := cdr w;
if not null nth(nth(pl,pos),pos1)
then Taylor!-error('invalid!-subst,
"different powers in homogeneous template");
pl := replace!-nth!-nth(pl,pos,pos1,expo)>>;
x := (car p . temp) . x
for each pp in sort(delete_list,function sortpred) do
<<if null cdr TayTpElVars u
then <<tp := delete!-nth(tp,car pp);
pl := delete!-nth(pl,car pp)>>
else <<tp := replace!-nth(tp,car pp,
{delete!-nth(TayTpElVars u,cdr pp),
TayTpElPoint u,
TayTpElOrder u,
TayTpElNext u});
pl := delete!-nth!-nth(pl,car pp,cdr pp)>>>>
where u := nth(tp,car pp);
if null tp
then return if null clist then 0 else prepsq TayCfSq car clist;
x := reversip x;
pl := check!-pl pl;
if null pl then Taylor!-error('invalid!-subst,
"different powers in homogeneous template");
return if pl = nlist(1,length tp)
then make!-Taylor!*(clist,sublis(x,tp),
if !*taylorkeeporiginal and TayOrig v
then subsq(TayOrig v,l)
else nil,
TayFlags v)
else make!-Taylor!*(change!-coefflist(clist,pl),
if !*taylorkeeporiginal and TayOrig v
then subsq(TayOrig v,l)
else nil,
TayFlags v)
symbolic procedure sortpred(u,v);
car u > car v or car u = car v and cdr u > cdr v;
symbolic procedure check!-pl pl;
if null pl then nil
else ((if n=0 then check!-pl cdr pl
else if n and n<0 then nil
else n . check!-pl cdr pl)
where n := check!-pl0(car car pl,cdr car pl));
symbolic procedure check!-pl0(n,nl);
if null nl then n else n=car nl and check!-pl0(n,cdr nl);
symbolic procedure change!-coefflist(cflist,pl);
for each cf in cflist collect
TayMakeCoeff(change!-pl(TayCfPl cf,pl),TayCfSq cf);
symbolic procedure change!-tp(tp,pl);
if null tp then nil
else (if null car pl then car tp
else Taylor!:{TayTpElVars car tp,
TayTpElPoint car tp,
TayTpElOrder car tp * car pl,
TayTpElNext car tp * car pl})
. cdr tp;
symbolic procedure change!-pl(pl,pl0);
if null pl then nil
else (if null car pl0 then car pl
else for each n in car pl collect Taylor!:(car pl0 * n))
. change!-pl(cdr pl,cdr pl0);