module tayimpl;
% Functions for computing Taylor expansions of implicit
% or inverse functions
exports implicit_taylor, inverse_taylor;
% from the REDUCE kernel:
!*f2q, !*n2f, diffsq, errorp, errorset!*, invsq, mkquote,
mk!*sq, mvar, negsq, numr, quotsq, typerr, simp!*,
% from the header module:
has!-taylor!*, make!-Taylor!*, Taylor!-kernel!-sq!-p,
% from module taybasic:
addtaylor, multtaylor, multtaylorsq,
% from module taydiff:
% from module tayexpnd:
% from module taysubst:
symbolic procedure implicit_taylor(f,x,y,x0,y0,n);
% if not fixp n or n < 0 then typerr(n,"expansion order") else
begin scalar x,l,!*tayexpanding!*;
f := simp!* f;
if not null numr subsq(f,{x . x0,y . y0})
then Taylor!-error('implicit_taylor,
" Input expression non-zero at given point");
!*tayexpanding!* := t;
l := {'implicit_taylor1,
mkquote f,
mkquote x,
mkquote y,
mkquote x0,
mkquote y0,
mkquote n};
x := errorset!*(l,!*trtaylor);
if not errorp x then return car x
else Taylor!-error('implicit_taylor,nil)
symbolic procedure implicit_taylor1(f,x,y,x0,y0,n);
begin scalar ft,fn,f1,g;
if n <= 0
then return make!-Taylor!*({TayMakeCoeff({{0}},simp!* y0)},
ft := quotsq(negsq diffsq(f,x),diffsq(f,y));
f1 := taylorexpand(ft,{{{x},x0,n,n+1}});
if not Taylor!-kernel!-sq!-p f1 then typerr(f,"implicit function");
fn := f1 := mvar numr f1;
g := {TayMakeCoeff({{1}},simp!* subsubtaylor({x . x0,y . y0},f1)),
TayMakeCoeff({{0}},simp!* y0)};
for i := 2 : n do
<<fn := multtaylorsq(
invsq !*f2q !*n2f i);
g := TayMakeCoeff({{i}},
simp!* subsubtaylor({x . x0,y . y0},fn))
. g>>;
return construct!-Taylor!*(reversip g,x,x0,n)
symbolic operator implicit_taylor;
symbolic procedure construct!-Taylor!*(cfl,x,x0,n);
if not has!-Taylor!* cfl
then make!-Taylor!*(cfl,{{{x},x0,n,n+1}},nil,nil)
else mk!*sq
taylorexpand(simp!* prepTaylor!*1(cfl,{{{x},x0,n,n+1}},nil),
symbolic operator implicit_taylor;
symbolic procedure inverse_taylor(f,y,x,y0,n);
begin scalar x,l,!*tayexpanding!*;
!*tayexpanding!* := t;
l := {'inverse_taylor1,
mkquote simp!* f,
mkquote x,
mkquote y,
mkquote subeval {{'replaceby,y,y0},f},
mkquote y0,
mkquote n};
x := errorset!*(l,!*trtaylor);
if not errorp x then return car x
else Taylor!-error('inverse_taylor,nil)
symbolic procedure inverse_taylor1(f,x,y,x0,y0,n);
begin scalar fn,f1,g;
if n < 0 then n := 0;
f1 := taylorexpand(invsq diffsq(f,y),{{{y},y0,n,n+1}});
if not Taylor!-kernel!-sq!-p f1 then typerr(f,"implicit function");
fn := f1 := mvar numr f1;
g := {TayMakeCoeff({{1}},simp!* subsubtaylor({y . y0},f1)),
TayMakeCoeff({{0}},simp!* y0)};
for i := 2 : n do
<<fn := multtaylorsq(multtaylor(difftaylor(fn,y),f1),
invsq !*f2q !*n2f i);
g := TayMakeCoeff({{i}},simp!* subsubtaylor({y . y0},fn)) . g>>;
return construct!-Taylor!*(reversip g,x,x0,n)
symbolic operator inverse_taylor;