module TayConv;
% Functions converting Taylor kernels to prefix forms
exports prepTaylor!*!*, prepTaylor!*, prepTaylor!*1,
% from the REDUCE kernel:
eqcar, lastpair, prepsq!*, replus, retimes, reval,
% from the header module:
prepTayExp, TayCfPl, TayCfSq, TayCoeffList, TayTemplate,
TayTpElNext, TayTpElPoint, TayTpElVars;
fluid '(convert!-Taylor!*
symbolic procedure prepTaylor!*1 (coefflist, template, no!-of!-terms);
replus for each cc in coefflist join
begin scalar x; integer count;
if Taylor!-truncation!-flag then return nil;
x := prepTaylor!*2 (cc, template);
if null x or null no!-of!-terms then return x;
no!-of!-terms := no!-of!-terms - 1;
if no!-of!-terms < 0
then << Taylor!-truncation!-flag := t;
return nil >>;
return x
symbolic procedure prepTaylor!*2 (coeff, template);
(lambda (pc);
if pc = 0 then nil
else {retimes (
(if eqcar (pc, 'quotient) and eqcar (cadr pc, 'minus)
then {'minus, {'quotient, cadr cadr pc, caddr pc}}
else pc) . preptaycoeff (TayCfPl coeff, template))})
(prepsq!* TayCfSq coeff);
symbolic procedure checkdifference (var, var0);
if var0 = 0 then var else {'difference, var, var0};
symbolic procedure checkexp(bas,exp);
if exp = 0 then 1
else if exp = 1 then bas
else {'expt,bas,prepTayExp exp};
symbolic smacro procedure checkpower (var, var0, n);
if var0 eq 'infinity
then if n = 0 then 1
else {'quotient, 1, checkexp (var, n)}
else checkexp (checkdifference (var, reval var0), n);
symbolic procedure preptaycoeff (cc, template);
begin scalar result;
while not null template do begin scalar ccl;
ccl := car cc;
for each var in TayTpElVars car template do <<
result := checkpower (var, TayTpElPoint car template, car ccl)
. result;
ccl := cdr ccl >>;
cc := cdr cc;
template := cdr template
return result
put ('taylor!*, 'prepfn2, 'preptaylor!*!*);
symbolic procedure prepTaylor!*!* u;
if null convert!-taylor!* then u else preptaylor!* u;
symbolic procedure prepTaylor!* u;
prepTaylor!*1 (TayCoeffList u, TayTemplate u, nil);
symbolic procedure Taylor!-gen!-big!-O tp;
% Generates a big-O notation for the Taylor template tp
"O" . for each el in tp collect
if null cdr TayTpElVars el
then checkpower(car TayTpElVars el,TayTpElPoint el,
TayTpElNext el)
else begin scalar var0;
var0 := reval TayTpElPoint el;
if var0 eq 'infinity
then {'quotient,1,
checkexp('list . TayTpElVars el,TayTpElNext el)}
else checkexp(
'list .
for each krnl in TayTpElVars el collect
TayTpElNext el)