% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% $Id: redlog.red,v 1.6 1999/03/23 12:26:37 sturm Exp $
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Copyright (c) 1995-1999 Andreas Dolzmann and Thomas Sturm
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% $Log: redlog.red,v $
% Revision 1.6 1999/03/23 12:26:37 sturm
% Renamed switch rlsisqf to rlsiatadv.
% Revision 1.5 1999/03/23 09:23:41 dolzmann
% Changed copyright information.
% Added list of exported procedures.
% Revision 1.4 1999/03/21 13:38:51 dolzmann
% Added switch rlsusi.
% Revision 1.3 1999/03/18 14:08:22 sturm
% Added new service rl_specelim!* in cl_qe for covering the "super
% quadratic special case' for ofsf. This method is toggled by switch
% rlsqsc, which is off by default. Context dvfsf uses cl_specelim which
% is constantly "false." Context acfsf does not use cl_qe at all.
% Revision 1.2 1998/04/09 11:00:09 sturm
% Added switch rlqeqsc for quadratic special case. This now OFF by default!
% Revision 1.1 1997/08/18 14:51:10 sturm
% Renamed "rl.red" to this file "redlog.red".
% Adapted created!-package.
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Revision 1.15 1997/08/12 17:03:51 sturm
% Fixed fancy printing for Xr and PC versions.
% Revision 1.14 1996/10/23 11:28:08 dolzmann
% Added switch rlqevarsel and corresponding code.
% Revision 1.13 1996/10/20 15:55:07 sturm
% Added switches rlnzden, rlposden, and rladdcond and corresponding code
% handling the input of reciprocal terms.
% Revision 1.12 1996/10/08 13:54:52 dolzmann
% Renamed "degree parity decomposition" to "parity decomposition".
% Adapted names of procedures and switches accordingly.
% Revision 1.11 1996/10/08 13:01:26 dolzmann
% Removed switch rltabcb.
% Revision 1.10 1996/10/01 10:25:17 reiske
% Introduced new service rltnf and related code.
% Revision 1.9 1996/09/29 14:21:25 sturm
% Removed switch rlqeans. Introduced service rlqea instead.
% Also introduced corresponding service rlgqea.
% Revision 1.8 1996/09/05 11:16:37 dolzmann
% Introduced new switch !*rlqegenct.
% Turned on rlsiexpla by default.
% Introduced property cleanupfn on the internal service procedure identifier.
% Revision 1.7 1996/07/13 11:22:22 dolzmann
% Introduced new switches rlgsbnf and rlgsutord with default values.
% Revision 1.6 1996/07/08 07:18:42 sturm
% ex, all, and !*fof are no longer operators. Consequently, the number
% of arguments of ex and all is checked now.
% Revision 1.5 1996/07/02 15:12:21 sturm
% Fixed a bug in length computation.
% Revision 1.4 1996/06/24 09:11:44 sturm
% Put 'lengthfn to rtype 'logical instead of tag '!*fof.
% Revision 1.3 1996/06/05 15:10:42 sturm
% Turned off rlsimpl and rlsiexpla by default.
% Changed the subfn of the rtype logical to rl_sub!*fof.
% Revision 1.2 1996/05/12 08:28:07 sturm
% Introduced new switches rldavgcd and rlsitsqspl.
% Revision 1.1 1996/03/22 12:18:24 sturm
% Moved and split.
% Revision 1.23 1996/03/18 15:47:20 sturm
% Added service rlatml.
% Made rl_simp apply rl_simpl in dependence on the switch rlsimpl.
% Changed rl_reval to avoid double simplification.
% Removed rl_aeval.
% Major changes in the treatment of switches. Moved default declarations
% from context files to here.
% Major changes in rl_set.
% Removed treatment of several context properties: rl_enterargnum,
% rl_me2tag, rl_tag2me.
% The for loop actions "mkand" and "mkor" flatten the top-level now.
% Moved rl operator classification predicates from module cl to here.
% Rewritten rl_prepfof1, rl_resimp.
% Changed context conversion in rl_simp!*fof.
% Added macros rl_mkbb: black boxes are introduced by this now.
% Added macro rl_mkserv replacing smacro rl_mkinterf. Major changes in
% AM-SM paramter passing routines.
% Changed data-driven code for internal representations. Introduced
% "rl_"-properties on the context tag: rl_lengthat, rl_resimpat, and
% rl_prepat, rl_prepterm, rl_simpterm.
% Revision 1.22 1996/03/11 13:19:03 reiske
% Added black boxes fctrat and tordp.
% Added interface for rlapnf and rlifacl.
% Revision 1.21 1996/03/10 13:04:09 sturm
% Added switch rlqeheu.
% Added interface for rlmatrix.
% Revision 1.20 1996/03/10 12:48:34 dolzmann
% Added new switch !*rlgsvb.
% Revision 1.19 1996/03/09 13:37:01 sturm
% Added switch rlqesr.
% Renamed fluid rl_tag!* to rl_cid!*, removed fluid rl_ctag!*.
% Moved rl_updcache1 to rl_updcache.
% Moved the black boxes from module cl to here changing the "cl_"
% prefixes into "rl_".
% Moved the constructors/access functions from module cl to here
% renaming them as follows:
% cl_op -> rl_op
% cl_arg1 -> rl_arg1
% cl_arg2l -> rl_arg2l
% cl_arg2r -> rl_arg2r
% cl_argn -> rl_argn
% cl_var -> rl_var
% cl_mat -> rl_mat
% cl_constr1 -> rl_mk1
% cl_constr2 -> rl_mk2
% cl_constrn -> rl_mkn
% cl_sconstrn -> rl_smkn
% cl_constrq -> rl_mkq
% Overworked structuring into submodules.
% Added primitive support for a subfn.
% Revision 1.18 1996/03/04 17:14:14 sturm
% Moved the treatment of the switch !*rlsimpl to rl_mk!*fof and
% rl_prepfof. Turned off !*rlrealtime temporarily for the call to
% rl_simpl.
% Revision 1.17 1996/03/04 13:09:39 dolzmann
% Added switch !*rlbnfsac.
% Removed switch !*rlbnfsb.
% Revision 1.16 1996/02/26 12:51:38 sturm
% Fixed bugs in rl_updcache1 and rl_mkinterf.
% Revision 1.15 1996/02/18 14:07:41 sturm
% Added switches rlsifac and rlqegsd.
% Removed switch rlqesdnf.
% Added optional theory to rlqe. Modified rl_qe!-s2a accordingly.
% Made rlatl available in the AM.
% Revision 1.14 1996/02/18 12:42:52 dolzmann
% Fixed a bug in rl_simp.
% Added optional parameters to rlgsc, rlgsd, and rlgsn.
% Added switch rlgserf.
% Revision 1.13 1995/11/16 08:12:14 sturm
% Added switch rlsimpl and respective code.
% Added primitive support for Xr.
% Rewritten rl_simpq: Variable lists as first argument are possible now.
% Added module rlfor implementing mkand and mkor actions in for-loops.
% Added an optional parameter to the interface for rlex and rlall.
% Revision 1.12 1995/10/18 10:17:59 sturm
% Added switches rlbnfsb and rlbnfsm.
% Revision 1.11 1995/09/05 07:59:02 sturm
% Added switches rlqesdnf, rlsipw, rlsipo.
% Revision 1.10 1995/08/31 13:57:32 sturm
% Added procedure rl_!*foflength.
% Modified rl_mk!*fof for a more consistent AM representation of atomic
% formulas.
% Revision 1.9 1995/08/30 07:44:14 sturm
% Modified rl_set. It accepts and returns a list now. Added fluid
% rl_argl!* for the extra rl_set parameters.
% Removed psopfn rl_set from AM.
% Fixed rlrealtime to nil in rl_identifyonoff.
% Revision 1.8 1995/08/08 10:22:39 sturm
% Removed switch rldev and dependent code.
% Renamed rl_ppriand to rl_ppriop. It is now used with all RL infix
% operators.
% Added rl_prepq.
% Fixed a bug in procedure rl_mkinterf1.
% Added extra optional argument to rlsimpl. Extended its AM backconversion.
% Revision 1.7 1995/08/03 05:32:52 dolzmann
% Added procedure rlgsn.
% Revision 1.6 1995/08/02 07:22:02 sturm
% Added fluid rl_deflang!* and default language code.
% Added switches rlsiidem and rlsiso.
% Changed copyright messages.
% Revision 1.5 1995/07/12 15:11:26 sturm
% Added procedure rl_identifyonoff.
% Revision 1.4 1995/07/07 11:29:50 sturm
% Removed "_" in switch names and AM interface names.
% Added switches rlrealtime, rlopt1s, renamed switch rl_smsimpl to rlsism.
% Renamed Groebner simplifiers: rl_gbcsimpl to rlgsc and
% rl_gbdsimpl to rlgsd.
% Added procedures rl_simpterm, rl_prepterm, and rl_mkterm.
% Major changes in module rl3 (AM interface), added realtime code.
% Revision 1.3 1995/06/21 09:04:37 sturm
% Removed declarations of non-used local variables.
% Commented create!-package out.
% Changed qe inteface, added opt and optgen interfaces.
% Added switches rl_parallel, rl_qeans, rl_qedfs.
% Renamed switches rl_tablib and rl_tablcb to rl_tabib and rl_tabcb resp.
% Revision 1.2 1995/06/01 13:36:37 dolzmann
% Renamed switch rl_nocheck to rl_sichk with opposite semantic.
% Added switch rl_gsprod.
% Moved treatment of SQ's from rl_simpatom to rl_simp.
% Revision 1.1 1995/05/29 14:47:22 sturm
% Initial check-in.
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
lisp <<
fluid '(rl_rcsid!* rl_copyright!*);
rl_rcsid!* := "$Id: redlog.red,v 1.6 1999/03/23 12:26:37 sturm Exp $";
rl_copyright!* := "Copyright (c) 1995-1999 by A. Dolzmann and T. Sturm"
module redlog;
% Reduce logic component.
create!-package('(redlog rlami rlsched rlcont),nil);
exports quotelog,rl_mkbb,rl_mkserv,rl_op,rl_arg1,rl_arg2l,rl_arg2r,rl_argn,
fluid '(rl_cid!* rl_argl!* rl_deflang!* rl_ocswitches!* rl_bbl!* rl_servl!*);
switch rlsism,rlsichk,rlsiidem,rlsiatadv,rlsipd,rlsiexpl,rlsiexpla,rlsiso,
on1 'rlbrop;
off1 'rlbnfsm;
on1 'rlbnfsac;
on1 'rlqepnf;
on1 'rlsiso;
on1 'rlsiidem;
off1 'rlidentify;
off1 'rlrealtime;
off1 'rlparallel;
off1 'rlopt1s;
off1 'rlqedfs;
off1 'rlverbose;
on1 'rlsichk;
on1 'rlsism;
off1 'rlsipw;
on1 'rlsipo;
on1 'rltabib;
on1 'rlgssub;
on1 'rlgsrad;
on1 'rlgsred;
on1 'rlgserf;
off1 'rlgsprod;
on1 'rlgsvb;
off1 'rlsimpl;
on1 'rlsiatadv;
on1 'rlsipd;
on1 'rlsiexpl;
on1 'rlsiexpla;
on1 'rlsifac;
off1 'rlqesr;
on1 'rlqeheu;
off1 'rlqegsd;
on1 'rldavgcd;
on1 'rlsitsqspl;
on1 'rlgsbnf;
off1 'rlgsutord;
on1 'rlqegenct;
on1 'rltnft;
on1 'rlqevarsel;
off1 'rlnzden;
off1 'rlposden;
off1 'rladdcond;
off1 'rlqeqsc;
off1 'rlqesqsc;
off1 'rlsusi;
'((t (rl_identifyonoff t)) (nil (rl_identifyonoff nil))));
procedure quotelog(x); 'logical;
algebraic infix impl;
algebraic infix repl;
algebraic infix equiv;
flag('(impl repl equiv and or),'spaced);
precedence equiv,when;
precedence repl,equiv;
precedence impl,repl;
flag('(true false),'reserved);
flag('(rl_simpbop rl_simpq rl_prepbop rl_prepq),'full);
macro procedure rl_mkbb(lst);
% Make black box.
begin scalar args,vn,name,n,prgn;
name := eval cadr lst;
n := eval caddr lst;
args := for i := 1:n collect mkid('a,i);
vn := intern compress nconc(explode name,'(!! !*));
prgn := {'setq,'rl_bbl!*,{'cons,mkquote vn,'rl_bbl!*}} . prgn;
prgn := {'put,mkquote name,''number!-of!-args,n} . prgn;
prgn := {'de,name,args,{'apply,vn,'list . args}} . prgn;
prgn := {'fluid,mkquote {vn}} . prgn;
return 'progn . prgn
macro procedure rl_mkserv(argl);
scalar bname,evalfnl,oevalfnl,odefl,resconv,amp,len,
bname := eval nth(argl,2);
evalfnl := eval nth(argl,3);
oevalfnl := eval nth(argl,4);
odefl := eval nth(argl,5);
resconv := eval nth(argl,6);
amp := eval nth(argl,7);
len := length evalfnl + length oevalfnl;
args := for i := 1:len collect mkid('a,i);
sm := intern compress append('(!r !l !_),explode bname);
smv := intern compress nconc(explode sm,'(!! !*));
prgn := {'setq,'rl_servl!*,{'cons,mkquote smv,'rl_servl!*}} . prgn;
prgn := {'put,mkquote sm,''number!-of!-args,len} . prgn;
prgn := {'de,sm,args,{'apply,smv,'list . args}} . prgn;
prgn := {'fluid,mkquote {smv}} . prgn;
if amp then <<
am := intern compress append('(!r !l),explode bname);
psval := intern compress nconc(explode sm,'(!! !$));
prgn := {'put,mkquote am,''psopfn,mkquote psval} . prgn;
prgn := {'put,mkquote psval,''number!-of!-args,1} . prgn;
prgn := {'put,mkquote psval,''cleanupfn,''rl_cleanup} . prgn;
prgn := {'de,psval,'(argl),{'rl_interf1,mkquote sm,mkquote evalfnl,
mkquote oevalfnl,mkquote odefl,mkquote resconv,'argl}} . prgn
return 'progn . prgn
procedure rl_op(f);
% Reduce logic operator. [f] is a formula. Returns the top-level
% operator of [f]. In this sense truth values are operators.
if atom f then f else car f;
procedure rl_arg1(f);
% Reduce logic argument of unary operator. [f] is a formula $\tau
% (\phi)$ with a unary boolean top-level operator $\tau$. Returns
% the single argument $\phi$ of $\tau$.
cadr f;
procedure rl_arg2l(f);
% Reduce logic left hand side argument of binary operator. [f] is a
% formula $\tau(\phi_1,\phi_2)$ with a binary boolean top-level
% operator $\tau$. Returns the left hand side argument $\phi_1$ of
% $\tau$.
cadr f;
procedure rl_arg2r(f);
% Reduce logic right hand side argument of binary operator. [f] is
% a formula $\tau(\phi_1,\phi_2)$ with a binary boolean top-level
% operator $\tau$. Returns the right hand side argument $\phi_2$ of
% $\tau$.
caddr f;
procedure rl_argn(f);
% Reduce logic argument list of n-ary operator. [f] is a formula
% $\tau(\phi_1,...)$ with unary, binary, or $n$-ary top-level
% operator $\tau$. Returns the arguments of $\tau$ as a list
% $(\phi_1,...)$.
cdr f;
procedure rl_var(f);
% Reduce logic variable. [f] is a formula $Q x (\phi)$ where $Q$ is
% a quantifier. Returns the quantified variable $x$.
cadr f;
procedure rl_mat(f);
% Reduce logic matrix. [f] is a formula $Q x (\phi)$ where $Q$ is a
% quantifier. Returns the matrix $\phi$.
caddr f;
procedure rl_mk1(uop,arg);
% Reduce logic make formula for unary operator. [uop] is a unary
% operator, [arg] is a formula. Returns the formula $[uop]([arg])$
% with top-level operator [uop] and argument [arg].
procedure rl_mk2(bop,larg,rarg);
% Reduce logic make formula for binary operator. [bop] is a binary
% operator, [larg] and [rarg] are formulas. Returns the formula
% $[bop]([larg],[rarg])$ with top-level operator [bop], left hand
% side [larg], and right hand side [rarg].
procedure rl_mkn(nop,argl);
% Reduce logic make formula for n-ary operator. [nop] is a unary,
% binary, or $n$-ary operator; [argl] is a list $(\phi_1,...)$ of
% formulas; for binary or $n$-ary [nop] the length of [argl] is a
% least 2. Returns the formula $[nop](\phi_1,..)$ with top-level
% operator [nop], and the elements of [argl] as its arguments.
nop . argl;
procedure rl_smkn(nop,argl);
% Reduce logic safe make formula for n-ary operator. [nop] is one
% of ['and], ['or]; [argl] is a list $(\phi_1,...)$ of formulas.
% Returns a formula. If [argl] is empty, ['true] is returned for
% $[nop]=['and]$, and $['false]$ is returned for $[nop]=['or]$. If
% [argl] is of length 1, its single element $\phi_1$ is returned.
% Else the formula $[nop](\phi_1,..)$ with top-level operator
% [nop], and the elements of [argl] as its arguments is returned.
if argl and cdr argl then
nop . argl
else if null argl then
if nop eq 'and then 'true else 'false
car argl;
procedure rl_mkq(q,v,m);
% Reduce logic make quantified formula. [q] is a quantifier, [v] is
% a variable, [m] is a formula. Returns the formula $[q] [x] ([m])$
% which is quantified with quantifier [q], quantified variable [v],
% and matrix [m].
procedure rl_quap(x);
% Reduce logic quantifier predicate. [x] is any S-expression.
% Returns non-[nil] iff [x] is a quantifier.
x eq 'ex or x eq 'all;
procedure rl_junctp(x);
% Reduce logic junctor predicate. [x] is any S-expression. Returns
% non-[nil] iff [x] is one of ['and], ['or] which we refer to as
% junctors.
x eq 'or or x eq 'and;
procedure rl_basbp(x);
% Reduce logic basic boolean operator predicate. [x] is any
% S-expression. Returns non-[nil] iff [x] is a junctor or ['not].
% We refer to these as basic boolean operators.
rl_junctp x or x eq 'not;
procedure rl_extbp(x);
% Reduce logic extended boolean operator predicate. [x] is any
% S-expression. Returns non-[nil] iff [x] is one of ['impl],
% ['repl], or ['equiv]. We refer to these as basic boolean
% operators.
x eq 'impl or x eq 'repl or x eq 'equiv;
procedure rl_boolp(x);
% Reduce logic boolean operator predicate. [x] is any S-expression.
% Returns non-[nil] iff [x] is a boolean operator, i.e. one of
% ['and], ['or], ['not], ['impl], ['repl], or ['equiv].
rl_basbp x or rl_extbp x;
procedure rl_tvalp(x);
% Reduce logic truth value predicate. [x] is any S-expression.
% Returns non-[nil] iff [x] is one of ['true], ['false].
x eq 'true or x eq 'false;
procedure rl_cxp(x);
% Reduce logic complex, i.e., non-atomic, operator predicate.
rl_tvalp x or rl_boolp x or rl_quap x;
endmodule; % [redlog]
end; % of file