% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% $Id: acfsfqe.red,v 1.10 1999/04/12 09:25:59 sturm Exp $
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Copyright (c) 1995-1999 Andreas Dolzmann and Thomas Sturm
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% $Log: acfsfqe.red,v $
% Revision 1.10 1999/04/12 09:25:59 sturm
% Updated comments for exported procedures.
% Revision 1.9 1999/04/11 11:35:30 dolzmann
% Use the new standard form interface cgb_cgbf which provides also a
% wrapper to the gb package.
% Revision 1.8 1999/04/11 09:53:24 dolzmann
% Adapted the procedure acfsf_qeblk2 to the new SF interface of the cgb
% package.
% Procedure acfsf_qefl uses dip's instead of vdp's.
% Revision 1.7 1999/04/04 19:03:23 sturm
% Removed acfsf_cgbf and use new interface cgb_cgbf provided by cgb.
% Encapsulated sfto_groebnerf call into torder local setting.
% Revision 1.6 1999/03/23 08:21:01 dolzmann
% Changed copyright information.
% Corrected comments for extracting with exc.
% Revision 1.5 1999/03/21 13:33:45 dolzmann
% Added implementation of the service rlthsimpl.
% Corrected comments.
% Revision 1.4 1997/11/14 05:37:25 dolzmann
% Fixed a bug acfsf_qe1.
% Revision 1.3 1997/10/02 13:49:51 dolzmann
% In procedure acfsf_qe1: Remove atomic formulas containing bound variables
% from the theory.
% Revision 1.2 1997/10/02 13:14:41 sturm
% The CGB switches have been renamed from gcgb... to cgb...
% Revision 1.1 1997/10/01 11:13:06 dolzmann
% Initial check-in.
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
lisp <<
fluid '(acfsf_qe_rcsid!* acfsf_qe_copyright!*);
acfsf_qe_rcsid!* :=
"$Id: acfsfqe.red,v 1.10 1999/04/12 09:25:59 sturm Exp $";
acfsf_qe_copyright!* := "Copyright (c) 1995-1999 A. Dolzmann and T. Sturm"
module acfsfqe;
% Algebraically closed field standard form quantifier elimination.
% Submodule of [acfsf].
procedure acfsf_gqe(f,theo,xbvl);
% Algebraically closed field generic quantifier elimination. [f] is
% a formula; [theo] is a theory; [xbvl] is a list of variables.
begin scalar !*cgbgen,!*cgbreal;
!*cgbgen := T;
return acfsf_qe1(f,theo,xbvl)
procedure acfsf_qe(f,theo);
% Algebraically closed field quantifier elimination. [f] is a
% formula; [theo] is a theory. Returns a quantifier-free formula
% equivalent to [f] wrt. [theo].
begin scalar !*cgbgen,!*cgbreal;
!*cgbgen := nil;
return acfsf_qe1(f,theo,nil)
procedure acfsf_qe1(f,theo,xbvl);
% Algebraically closed field standard form quantifier elimination.
% [f] is a formula; [theo] is a theory; [xbvl] is a list of
% variables. Returns a formula equivalent to [f].
begin scalar w,qblkl,qff,bvl;
f := rl_simpl(rl_pnf f,theo,-1);
w := cl_splt f;
qblkl := car w;
if null qblkl then
return f;
qff := cadr w;
bvl := caddr w;
theo := for each atf in theo join
if null intersection(rl_varlat atf,bvl) then {atf};
xbvl := nconc(bvl,xbvl);
if !*rlqegen then
if cdr qblkl then
rederr "acfsf_qe: gqe supported only for one block of quantifiers"
else if xbvl then
rederr "acfsf_qe: does not accept a xbvl";
for each qblk in qblkl do
qff := acfsf_qeblk(qblk,qff,theo,xbvl);
return qff
procedure acfsf_qeblk(qblk,f,theo,bvl);
% Algebraically closed field standard form quantifier elimination.
% [qblk] is a QBLK; [f] is a quantifier-free formula; [theo] is a
% theory; [bvl] is a list of variables. Returns a formula
% equivalent to [f].
if car qblk eq 'ex then
acfsf_qeblk1(cdr qblk,f,theo,bvl)
cl_nnfnot acfsf_qeblk1(cdr qblk,cl_nnfnot f,theo,bvl);
procedure acfsf_qeblk1(vl,f,theo,bvl);
% Algebraically closed field standard form quantifier elimination.
% [vl] is a list of variables; [f] is a conjunction of atomic
% formulas, an atomic formula or a truth value; [theo] is a theory;
% [bvl] is a list of variables. Returns a formula.
begin scalar w,fl;
f := rl_dnf f;
fl := if rl_op f eq 'or then rl_argn f else {f};
w := for each c in fl collect
return rl_simpl(rl_smkn('or,reversip w),theo,-1)
procedure acfsf_qeblk2(vl,f,theo,bvl);
% Algebraically closed field standard form quantifier elimination.
% [qblkl] is a list of QBLK's; [f] is a conjunction of atomic
% formulas, an atomic formula, or a truth value; [theo] is a
% theory; [bvl] is a list of variables. Returns a formula which is
% equivalent to ex(vl,f) wrt. [theo].
begin scalar w,atl,eqtl,itheo,cgb;
if rl_tvalp f then
return f;
atl := cl_atl1 f;
w := acfsf_spltcj(atl,vl);
atl := car w;
itheo := cdr w;
w := acfsf_eqtl atl;
eqtl := car w;
vl := nconc(cdr w,vl);
cgb := cgb_cgbf(eqtl,vl,'revgradlex,nil) where !*gbverbose=nil;
return rl_smkn('and,acfsf_qefl(cgb,vl) . itheo)
procedure acfsf_spltcj(atl,vl);
% Algebraically closed field standard form quantifier elimination
% split conjunction. [atl] is a list of atomic formulas considered
% conjunctive; [vl] is a list of variables. Returns a pair $(\alpha
% . \beta)$, where $\alpha$ and $\beta$ are list of atomic
% formulas. The union of $\alpha$ and $beta$ is equal to [atl]. No
% variables from [vl] occurs in the atomic formulas in $\beta$.
begin scalar natl,itheo;
for each x in atl do
if intersection(acfsf_varlat x,vl) then
natl := x . natl
itheo := x . itheo;
return natl . itheo
procedure acfsf_eqtl(atl);
% Algebraically closed field standard form equation term list.
% [atl] is a list of atomic formulas. Returns a pair $(\lambda .
% \tau)$, where $\lambda$ is a list of terms considered as
% equations and $\tau$ is a list of variables. $\bigwedge([atl])$
% is equivalent to $\exists(\tau,\lambda)$.
begin scalar eqtl,neqtl,w;
for each at in atl do
if acfsf_op at eq 'equal then
eqtl := acfsf_arg2l at . eqtl
neqtl := acfsf_arg2l at . neqtl;
w := acfsf_rmneqtl neqtl;
eqtl := nconc(car w,eqtl);
return eqtl . cdr w
procedure acfsf_rmneqtl(neqtl);
% Algebraically closed field standard form remove neq term list.
% [neqtl] is a list of terms considered as inequalities. Returns a
% pair $(\lambda . \tau)$, where $\lambda$ is a list of terms
% considered as equations and $\tau$ is a list of variables.
% $\bigwedge([neqtl])$ is equivalent to $\exists(\tau,\lambda)$.
begin scalar p,v;
if null neqtl then
return nil . nil;
p := 1;
for each u in neqtl do
p := multf(p,u);
v := acfsf_tagvar();
p := addf(multf(p,numr simp v),negf 1);
return {p} . {v}
procedure acfsf_tagvar();
% Algebraically closed field standard form tag variable. Returns a
% tag variable.
intern gensym();
procedure acfsf_qefl(ul,vl);
% Algebraically closed field standard form quantifier elimination
% formula from form-list. [ul] is a list of SF's; [vl] is a list of
% variables. Returns a quantifier-free formula.
begin scalar fl,oenv;
if null ul then return 'true;
oenv := dip_init(vl,'revgradlex,nil);
fl := for each u in ul collect
acfsf_qefl1 dip_f2dip u;
return rl_smkn('and,fl)
procedure acfsf_qefl1(p);
% Algebraically closed field standard form quantifier elimination
% formula from form subroutine. [p] is a DIP. Returns a
% quantifier-free formula.
begin scalar p,fl,cl,lev,lc;
while p do <<
cl := dip_lbc p . cl;
lev := dip_evlmon p;
p := dip_mred p;
if ev_zero!? lev then <<
lc := car cl;
cl := cdr cl
>> else
lc := simp 0;
fl := for each c in cl collect
acfsf_0mk2('neq,acfsf_bc2f c);
fl := acfsf_0mk2('equal,acfsf_bc2f lc) . fl;
return rl_smkn('or,fl)
procedure acfsf_bc2f(c);
% Algebraically closed field standard form base coefficient to
% form. [c] is a base coefficient as defined in dipoly. Returns a
% SF.
numr bc_2sq c;
procedure acfsf_thsimpl(atl);
% Algebraically closed field theory simplification. [atl] is a
% theory. Returns an equivalent theory. The returned theory is
% simpler than the original one.
begin scalar !*rlsiexpla,!*rlsipo;
!*rlsiexpla := T;
return sort(acfsf_thregen cl_simpl(rl_smkn('and,atl),nil,-1),'rl_ordatp)
procedure acfsf_thregen(f);
% Algebraically closed field standard form re-generate theory. [f]
% is a formula. Returns a possibly empty list of atomic formulas
% equivalent to [f] or the list [{'false}] if [f] is recognized as
% a contradiction.
begin scalar op;
op := rl_op f;
if op = 'and then
return for each x in rl_argn f collect acfsf_thregen!-or x;
if op = 'or then
return {acfsf_thregen!-or f};
if op = 'true then
return nil;
if op = 'false then
% [f] is atomic.
return {f}
procedure acfsf_thregen!-or(f);
% Algebraically closed field standard form re-generate theory
% disjunction case. [f] is a disjunction of equations. Returns an
% equation equivalent to [f].
begin scalar w;
if cl_atfp f then
return f;
w := numr simp 1;
for each equ in rl_argn f do <<
if rl_op equ neq 'equal then
rederr "Bug in acfsf_thregen!-or";
w := multf(w,rl_arg2l equ)
return acfsf_0mk2('equal,w)
endmodule; % [acfsfqe]
end; % of file