% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% $Id: acfsfmisc.red,v 1.7 1999/04/13 13:05:33 sturm Exp $
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Copyright (c) 1995-1999 Andreas Dolzmann and Thomas Sturm
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% $Log: acfsfmisc.red,v $
% Revision 1.7 1999/04/13 13:05:33 sturm
% Minor corrections in comments.
% Revision 1.6 1999/04/12 09:25:48 sturm
% Removed procedure acfsf_canegrel and acfsf_anegrel.
% Updated comments for exported procedures.
% Revision 1.5 1999/04/01 11:27:16 dolzmann
% Added comment for acfsf_structat.
% Revision 1.4 1999/03/23 08:19:21 dolzmann
% Changed copyright information.
% Added fluids for the rcsid of the file and for the copyright information.
% Revision 1.3 1999/03/21 13:40:39 dolzmann
% Added procedure acfsf_canegrel and acfsf_anegrel which were commented out.
% Revision 1.2 1997/08/24 16:18:40 sturm
% Added service rl_surep with black box rl_multsurep.
% Added service rl_siaddatl.
% Revision 1.1 1997/08/22 17:30:40 sturm
% Created an acfsf context based on ofsf.
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
lisp <<
fluid '(acfsf_misc_rcsid!* acfsf_misc_copyright!*);
acfsf_misc_rcsid!* :=
"$Id: acfsfmisc.red,v 1.7 1999/04/13 13:05:33 sturm Exp $";
acfsf_misc_copyright!* := "Copyright (c) 1995-1999 A. Dolzmann and T. Sturm"
module acfsfmisc;
% Algebraically closed field standard form other. Submodule of [acfsf].
procedure acfsf_termprint(u);
% Algebraically closed field term print. [u] is a
% term. The return value is not specified. Prints [u] AM-like.
sqprint !*f2q u where !*nat=nil;
ioto_prin2 nil
procedure acfsf_clnegrel(r,flg);
% Algebraically closed field conditionally logically negate
% relation. [r] is a relation. Returns for [flg] equal to [nil] a
% relation $R$ such that for terms $t_1$, $t_2$ we have
% $R(t_1,t_2)$ equivalent to $\lnot [r](t_1,t_2)$. Returns [r] for
% non-[nil] [flg].
if flg then r else acfsf_lnegrel r;
procedure acfsf_lnegrel(r);
% Algebraically closed field logically negate relation. [r] is a
% relation. Returns a relation $R$ such that for terms $t_1$, $t_2$
% we have $R(t_1,t_2)$ equivalent to $\lnot [r](t_1,t_2)$.
if r eq 'equal then 'neq
else if r eq 'neq then 'equal
else rederr {"acfsf_lnegrel: unknown operator ",r};
procedure acfsf_fctrat(atf);
% Algebraically closed field factorize atomic formula. [atf] is an
% atomic formula. Returns the factorized left hand side of [atf] as
% a list $(...,(f_i . n_i),...)$, where the $f_i$ are the factors
% as SF's and the $n_i$ are the corresponding multiplicities. The
% integer content is dropped.
cdr fctrf acfsf_arg2l atf;
procedure acfsf_negateat(f);
% Algebraically closed field negate atomic formula. [f] is an
% atomic formula. Returns an atomic formula equivalent to $\lnot
% [f]$.
acfsf_mkn(acfsf_lnegrel acfsf_op f,acfsf_argn f);
procedure acfsf_varlat(atform);
% Algebraically closed field variable list of atomic formula.
% [atform] is an atomic formula. Returns the set of variables
% contained in [atform] as a list.
kernels acfsf_arg2l(atform);
procedure acfsf_varsubstat(atf,new,old);
% Algebraically closed substitute variable for variable in atomic
% formula. [atf] is an atomic formula; [new] and [old] are
% variables. Returns [atf] with [new] substituted for [old].
acfsf_0mk2(acfsf_op atf,numr subf(acfsf_arg2l atf,{old . new}));
procedure acfsf_ordatp(a1,a2);
% Algebraically closed field order predicate for atomic formulas.
% [a1] and [a2] are atomic formulas. Returns [T] iff [a1] is
% strictly less than [a2] wrt. some syntactical ordering; returns
% [nil] else. The specification that [nil] is returned if
% $[a1]=[a2]$ is used in [acfsf_subsumeandcut].
begin scalar lhs1,lhs2;
lhs1 := acfsf_arg2l a1;
lhs2 := acfsf_arg2l a2;
if lhs1 neq lhs2 then return ordp(lhs1,lhs2);
return acfsf_ordrelp(acfsf_op a1,acfsf_op a2)
procedure acfsf_ordrelp(r1,r2);
% Algebraically closed field standard form relation order
% predicate. [r1] and [r2] are acfsf-relations. Returns a [T] iff
% $[r1] <= [r2]$.
r1 eq r2 or r1 eq 'equal;
procedure acfsf_a2cdl(atml);
% Algebraically closed field atomic formulas to case distinction
% lists. [atml] is a multiplicity list of atomic formulas. Returns
% a list $(...,(t_i = 0, t_i \neq 0),...)$ of case distinctions
% lists, where the $t_i$ are the right hand side terms of the
% atomic formulas in [atml].
begin scalar x;
return for each pr in atml collect <<
x := acfsf_arg2l car pr;
procedure acfsf_t2cdl(term);
% Algebraically closed field term to case distinction list. [term]
% is a term. Returns a case distinction list $([term] = 0, [term]
% \neq 0)$ wrt. [term].
procedure acfsf_subat(al,f);
% Algebraically closed field substitute into atomic formula. [al]
% is an ALIST $(..., (v_i . t_i), ...)$, where the $v_i$ are
% kernels, and the $t_i$ are Lisp prefix terms; [f] is an atomic
% formula. Returns [f] with $t_i$ substituted for each occurrence
% of $v_i$. The $t_i$ must be such that the substitution does not
% yield parametric denominators.
begin scalar nlhs;
nlhs := subf(acfsf_arg2l f,al);
if not domainp denr nlhs then
rederr "parametric denominator after substitution";
return acfsf_0mk2(acfsf_op f,numr nlhs)
procedure acfsf_subalchk(al);
% Algebraically closed field substitution ALIST check. [al] is an
% ALIST $(..., (v_i . t_i), ...)$, where the $v_i$ are kernels, and
% the $t_i$ are Lisp prefix terms. The return value is unspecified.
% Raises an error if some $t_i$ contains a parametric denominator.
for each x in al do
if not domainp denr simp cdr x then
rederr "parametric denominator in substituted term";
procedure acfsf_eqnrhskernels(x);
% Algebraically closed field equation right hand side kernels. [x]
% is an equation. Returns the set of kernels contained in the right
% hand side of [x] as a list.
nconc(kernels numr w,kernels denr w) where w=simp cdr x;
procedure acfsf_getineq(f,bvl);
% Algebraically closed field generate theory get inequalities. [f]
% is a formula; [bvl] is a list of variables. Returns the list of
% all inequalities occuring in [f] that do not contain any of the
% variables in [bvl].
begin scalar atml,atf,cdl;
atml := cl_atml f;
while atml do <<
atf := caar atml;
atml := cdr atml;
if acfsf_op atf eq 'neq and
null intersection(bvl, kernels acfsf_arg2l atf) then
cdl := atf . cdl
return cdl
procedure acfsf_structat(at,al);
% Algebraically closed field structure of an atomic formula. [at]
% is an atomic formula $R(t,0)$; [al] is an ALIST. Returns an
% atomic formula. [al] is of the form $(..., (t_i . v_i), ...)$,
% where the $t_i$ are SF's and the $v_i$ are variables. The left
% hand side $t$ of [at] matches one of the $t_i$ in [al]. Returns
% the atomic formula $R(v_i,0)$.
begin scalar lhs;
lhs := acfsf_arg2l at;
if domainp lhs then
return at;
return acfsf_0mk2(acfsf_op at, numr simp cdr assoc(lhs,al))
procedure acfsf_ifstructat(at,al);
% Algebraically closed field irreducible factor structure of an
% atomic formula. [at] is an atomic formula $R(t,0)$ where $t = c
% ... s_j ...$ is a factorization of $t$ into irreducible factors;
% [al] is an ALIST. Returns an atomic formula. [al] is of the form
% $(..., (t_i . v_i), ...)$, where the $t_i$ are SF's and the $v_i$
% are variables. Each factor $s_j$ of the left hand side $t$ of
% [at] matches one of the $t_i$ in [al]. Returns the atomic formula
% $R(c ... v_i ..., 0)$.
begin scalar w,r;
w := fctrf acfsf_arg2l at;
r := car w;
for each x in cdr w do
r := multf(r,expf(numr simp cdr assoc(car x,al),cdr x));
return acfsf_0mk2(acfsf_op at,r)
procedure acfsf_termmlat(at);
% Algebraically closed field term multiplicity list of atomic
% formula. [at] is an atomic formula. Returns the multiplicity list
% of all non-zero terms in [at].
if acfsf_arg2l at then
{(acfsf_arg2l at . 1)};
procedure acfsf_decdeg(f);
% Algebraically closed field decrease degrees. [f] is a formula.
% Returns a formula equivalent to [f], hopefully decreasing the
% degrees of the bound variables.
acfsf_decdeg0 cl_rename!-vars f;
procedure acfsf_decdeg0(f);
begin scalar op,w,gamma,newmat;
op := rl_op f;
if rl_boolp op then
return rl_mkn(op,for each subf in rl_argn f collect
acfsf_decdeg0 subf);
if rl_quap op then
return rl_mkq(op,rl_var f,
car acfsf_decdeg1(acfsf_decdeg0 rl_mat f,{rl_var f}));
% [f] is not complex.
return f
procedure acfsf_decdeg1(f,vl);
% Algebraically closed field decrease degrees. [f] is a formula;
% [vl] is either a list of variables $v$ that do not occur boundly
% in [f], or the identifier [fvarl]. Returns a pair $(\phi . l)$;
% $l$ is a list of pairs $(..., (v_i . d_i), ...)$, with $v_i \in
% [vl]$ and integer $d_i$; $\phi$ is obtained from [f] by replacing
% powers $v_i^{d_i}$ by $v_i$. We have $\exists [vl] ([f])$
% equivalent to $\exists [vl] (\phi)$. [fvarl] selects the list of
% all free variables in [f] as [vl].
begin scalar dvl; integer n;
if vl eq 'fvarl then
vl := cl_fvarl1 f;
for each v in vl do <<
n := acfsf_decdeg2(f,v);
if n>1 then <<
f := acfsf_decdeg3(f,v,n);
dvl := (v . n) . dvl
return f . dvl
procedure acfsf_decdeg2(f,v);
% Algebraically closed field standard form decrement degree
% subroutine. [f] is a formula; [v] is a variable. Returns an
% INTEGER $n$. The degree of [v] in [f] can be decremented using
% the substitution $[v]^n=v$.
begin scalar a,w,atl,dgcd,!*gcd,oddp;
!*gcd := T;
atl := cl_atl1 f;
dgcd := 0;
while atl and dgcd neq 1 do <<
a := car atl;
atl := cdr atl;
w := acfsf_ignshift(a,v);
if null w then << % [w neq 'ignore]
a := sfto_reorder(acfsf_arg2l a,v);
while (not domainp a) and (mvar a eq v) and dgcd neq 1 do <<
dgcd := gcdf(dgcd,ldeg a);
a := red a
if dgcd = 0 then
return 1;
return dgcd
procedure acfsf_ignshift(at,v);
% Orderd field standard form ignore shift. [at] is an atomic
% formula; [v] is a variable. Returns [nil] or ['ignore].
begin scalar w;
w := sfto_reorder(acfsf_arg2l at,v);
if not domainp w and null red w and mvar w eq v then
return 'ignore
procedure acfsf_decdeg3(f,v,n);
% Algebraically closed field standard form decrement degree. [f] is
% a formula; [v] is a variable; [n] is an integer. Returns a
% formula.
procedure acfsf_decdegat(atf,v,n);
% Algebraically closed field standard form decrement degree atomic
% formula. [f] is an atomic formula; [v] is a variable; [n] is an
% integer. Returns an atomic formula.
if acfsf_ignshift(atf,v) then
acfsf_0mk2(acfsf_op atf,sfto_decdegf(acfsf_arg2l atf,v,n));
procedure acfsf_multsurep(at,atl);
% Algebraically closed field multplicative sure predicate. [at] is
% an atomic formula; [atl] is a theory. Tries to prove [at] wrt.
% [atl]. Returns non-[nil] in case of success.
if acfsf_op at eq 'equal then
procedure acfsf_multsurep!-equal(at,atl);
begin scalar c,a;
c := acfsf_arg2l at;
while atl do <<
a := car atl;
atl := cdr atl;
if acfsf_op a eq 'equal and quotf(c,acfsf_arg2l a) then <<
a := 'found;
atl := nil
return a eq 'found
procedure acfsf_multsurep!-neq(at,atl);
begin scalar c,a;
c := acfsf_arg2l at;
while atl do <<
a := car atl;
atl := cdr atl;
if acfsf_op a eq 'neq and quotf(acfsf_arg2l a,c) then <<
a := 'found;
atl := nil
return a eq 'found
endmodule; % [acfsfmisc]
end; % of file