module matpri; % Matrix printing routines.
% Author: Anthony C. Hearn.
% Modified by Arthur C. Norman.
fluid '(!*nat obrkp!* orig!* pline!* posn!* ycoord!* ymax!* ymin!*);
symbolic procedure setmatpri(u,v);
matpri1(cdr v,u);
symbolic procedure matpri u;
matpri1(cdr u,nil);
symbolic procedure matpri1(u,x);
% Prints a matrix canonical form U with name X.
% Tries to do fancy display if nat flag is on.
begin scalar m,n,r,l,w,e,ll,ok,name,nw,widths,firstflag,toprow,lbar,
if !*fort
then <<m := 1;
if null x then x := "MAT";
for each y in u do
<<n := 1;
for each z in y do
<<assgnpri(z,list list(x,m,n),'only);
n := n+1>>;
m := m+1>>;
return nil>>;
terpri!* t;
if x and !*nat then <<
name := layout!-formula(x, 0, nil);
if name then <<
nw := cdar name + 4;
ok := !*nat >>>>
else <<nw := 0; ok := !*nat>>;
ll := linelength nil - spare!* - orig!* - nw;
m := length car u;
widths := mkvect(1 + m);
for i := 1:m do putv(widths, i, 1);
% Collect sizes for all elements to see if it will fit in
% displayed matrix form.
% We need to compute things wrt a zero orig for the following
% code to work properly.
realorig := orig!*;
orig!* := 0;
if ok then for each y in u do
<<n := 1;
l := nil;
w := 0;
if ok then for each z in y do if ok then <<
e := layout!-formula(z, 0, nil);
if null e then ok := nil
else begin
scalar col;
col := max(getv(widths, n), cdar e);
% this allows for 2 blanks between cols, and also 2 extra chars, one
% for the left-bar and one for the right-bar.
if (w := w + col + 2) > ll then ok := nil
else <<
l := e . l;
putv(widths, n, col) >> end;
n := n+1>>;
r := (reverse l) . r >>;
if ok then <<
% Matrix will fit in displayed representation.
% Compute format with respect to 0 posn.
firstflag := toprow := t;
r := for each py on reverse r collect begin
scalar y, ymin, ymax, pos, pl, k, w;
ymin := ymax := 0;
pos := 1; % Since "[" is of length 1.
k := 1;
pl := nil;
y := car py;
for each z in y do <<
w := getv(widths, k);
pl := append(update!-pline(pos+(w-cdar z)/2,0,caar z),
pl); % Centre item in its field
pos := pos + w + 2; % 2 blanks between cols
k := k + 1;
ymin := min(ymin, cadr z);
ymax := max(ymax, cddr z) >>;
k := nil;
if firstflag then firstflag := nil
else ymax := ymax + 1; % One blank line between rows
for h := ymax step -1 until ymin do <<
if toprow then <<
lbar := symbol 'mat!-top!-l;
rbar := symbol 'mat!-top!-r;
toprow := nil >>
else if h = ymin and null cdr py then <<
lbar := symbol 'mat!-low!-l;
rbar := symbol 'mat!-low!-r >>
% else lbar := rbar := symbol 'vbar;
else <<lbar := symbol 'mat!-low!-l;
rbar := symbol 'mat!-low!-r>>;
pl := ((((pos - 2) . (pos - 1)) . h) . rbar) . pl;
k := (((0 . 1) . h) . lbar) . k >>;
return (append(pl, k) . pos) . (ymin . ymax) end;
orig!* := realorig;
w := 0;
for each y in r do w := w + (cddr y - cadr y + 1);
% Total height.
n := w/2; % Height of mid-point.
u := nil;
for each y in r do <<
u := append(update!-pline(0, n - cddr y, caar y), u);
n := n - (cddr y - cadr y + 1) >>;
if x then <<maprin x; oprin 'setq >>;
pline!* := append(update!-pline(posn!*,ycoord!*,u),
ymax!* := max(ycoord!* + w/2, ymax!*);
ymin!* := min(ycoord!* + w/2 - w, ymin!*);
terpri!*(not !*nat)>>
else <<if x then <<maprin x; oprin 'setq>>; matpri2 u>>
symbolic procedure matpri2 u;
begin scalar y;
prin2!* 'mat;
prin2!* "(";
obrkp!* := nil;
y := orig!*;
orig!* := if posn!*<18 then posn!* else orig!*+3;
while u do
<<prin2!* "(";
orig!* := orig!*+1;
inprint('!*comma!*,0,car u);
prin2!* ")";
if cdr u
then <<oprin '!*comma!*; orig!* := orig!*-1;
terpri!* !*nat>>;
u := cdr u>>;
obrkp!* := t;
orig!* := y;
prin2!* ")";
if null !*nat then prin2!* "$";
terpri!* t