module kuechl; % Walking faster, B. Amrhrein, O. Gloor,
% W. Kuechlin
% in: Calmet, Limongelli (Eds.) Design and
% Implementation of Symbolic Computation Systems,
% Sept.1996
% Version 3 with a rational local solution (after letters from
% H. M. Moeller).
% Version 4 with keeping the polynomials as DIPs converting only
% their order mode.
fluid '(vdpsortmode!* vdpsortextension!* dipvars!* !*trgroeb
groetime!* !*vdpinteger pcount!* !*gsugar !*groebopt
!*groebrm !*groebdivide);
switch trgroeb;
fluid '(secondvalue!*);
symbolic procedure groeb!-w1 u;
if !*groebopt then
"don't call 'groebner_walk' with 'on groebopt'");
if null dipvars!* then
rerror(groebner,30,"'torder' must be called before");
groetime!* := time(); % initialization
!*gsugar := t; % initialization
!*groebrm := nil; % initialization
u := car groeparams(u,1,1);
u := groeb!-list(u,'simp);
u := groeb!-w2 u;
return 'list . groeb!-collect(u, 'mk!*sq);
symbolic procedure groeb!-list (u, fcn);
% Execute the function 'fcn' for the elements of the algebriac
% list 'u'.
<<if atom u or not(eqcar(u,'list)) then
"groebner: list as argument required");
groeb!-collect(cdr u, fcn)
symbolic procedure groeb!-collect(l, f);
% Collect the elements of function 'f' applied to the elements of
% the symbolic list 'l'. If 'f' is a number, map 'l' only.
for each x in l collect
if numberp f then f else apply1(f,x);
symbolic procedure groeb!-w2 g;
% This is (essentially) the routine Groebner_Walk.
% G is a list of standard quotients,
% a Groebner basis gradlex or based on a vector like [1 1 1 ...]
% The result is the Groebner basis (standard quotients) with the
% final term order (lex) as its main order.
begin scalar iwv, owv, omega, gomega, gomegaplus, tt, tto, pc;
scalar first, mx, imx, mmx, immx, nn, ll, prim;
scalar !*vdpinteger, !*groebdivide;
!*vdpinteger := nil; % switch on division mode
!*groebdivide := t;
first := t; % Initialization
pcount!* := 0; % Initialization
mmx := !*i2rn 1; % Initialization
immx := mmx; % Initialization
iwv := groeb!-collect(dipvars!*, 1);
omega := iwv; % input order vector
owv := 1 . groeb!-collect(cdr dipvars!*, 0);
tto := owv; % output order vector
groeb!-w9('weighted,omega); % Install omega as weighted order
g := groeb!-collect(g, 'sq2vdp);
pc := pcount!*;
gbtest g; % Test the Groebner property
nn := length dipvars!*;
ll := rninv!: !*i2rn nn; % inverse of the length
prim := t; % preset
groeb!-w9('weighted, omega);
mx := groeb!-w6!-4 groeb!-collect(omega, 1);
% Compute the maximum of \omega.
if !*trgroeb then groebmess34 cadr mx;
imx := rninv!: mx;
g := if first then groeb!-collect(g, 'vdpsimpcont)
else groeb!-w10 g;
if !*trgroeb then groebmess29(omega);
gomega := if first or not prim then g
else groeb!-w3(g,omega); % G_\omega = initials(G_\omega);
pcount!* := pc;
if !*trgroeb and not first then groebmess32 gomega;
gomegaplus := if first then list gomega
else gtraverso(gomega,nil,nil,nil);
if cdr gomegaplus then rerror(groebner,31,
"groebner_walk, cdr of 'groebner' must be nil")
else gomegaplus := car gomegaplus;
if !*trgroeb and not first then groebmess30 gomegaplus;
if not first and prim
then g := groeb!-w4(gomegaplus, gomega, g)
else if not prim then g := gomega;
% G = lift(G_{%omega}{plus},<{plus},G_{%omega), G, <)
if not first
then g := for each x in g collect gsetsugar (x, nil);
if !*trgroeb and not first then groebmess31 g;
if groeb!-w5(omega,imx,tto,immx) then goto ret;
% stop if tt has been 1 once.
if not first and rnonep!: tt then goto ret; % Secodary abort crit.
tt := groeb!-w6!-6(g,tto,immx,omega,imx,ll); % determine_border
if !*trgroeb then groebmess36 tt;
if null tt then go to ret;
% criterion: take primary only if tt neq 1
prim := not rnonep!: tt;
if !*trgroeb then groebmess37 prim;
%\omega = (1 - t)*\omega + t*tau
omega := groeb!-w7(tt, omega, imx, tto, immx);
if !*trgroeb then groebmess35 omega;
first := nil;
go to loop;
if !*trgroeb then groebmess33 g;
g := groeb!-collect(g, 'vdpsimpcont);
g := groeb!-collect(g, 'vdp2sq);
return g
symbolic procedure groeb!-w3(g, omega);
% Extract head terms of g corresponding to omega
begin scalar x, y, gg, ff;
gg := for each f in g collect
<<ff := vdpfmon(vdplbc f,vdpevlmon f);
gsetsugar(ff, nil);
x := evweightedcomp2(0, vdpevlmon ff, omega);
y := x;
f := vdpred f;
while not vdpzero!? f and y=x do
<<y := evweightedcomp2(0, vdpevlmon f,omega);
if y=x then
ff := vdpsum(ff,vdpfmon(vdplbc f,vdpevlmon f));
f := vdpred f>>;
return gg;
symbolic procedure groeb!-w4(gb, gomega, g);
%gb Groebner basis of gomega,
%gomega head term system g_\omega of g,
%g full (original) system of polynomials.
begin scalar x;
for each y in gb do gsetsugar(y,nil);
x := for each y in gomega collect groeb!-w8(y, gb);
x := for each z in x collect groeb!-w4!-1(z, g);
return x
symbolic procedure groeb!-w4!-1(pl, fs);
% pl is a list of polynomials corresponding to the full system fs.
% Compute the sum of pl * fs.
% Result is the sum.
begin scalar z;
z := vdpzero();
for each p in pair(pl,fs) do
if car p then
z := vdpsum(z,vdpprod(car p , cdr p));
z := vdpsimpcont z;
return z
symbolic procedure groeb!-w5(ev1, x1, ev2, x2);
% ev1 = ev2 equality test.
groeb!-w5!-1(x1, ev1, x2, ev2);
symbolic procedure groeb!-w5!-1(x1, ev1, x2, ev2);
(null ev1 and null ev2) or
(rntimes!:(!*i2rn car ev1 , x1) = rntimes!:(!*i2rn car ev2 , x2)
and groeb!-w5!-1(x1 ,cdr ev1 ,x2 , cdr ev2));
symbolic procedure groeb!-w6!-4 omega;
% Compute the weighted length of \omega.
groeb!-w6!-5 (omega, vdpsortextension!*, 0);
symbolic procedure groeb!-w6!-5(omega, v, m);
if null omega then !*i2rn m
else if 0 = car omega
then groeb!-w6!-5(cdr omega, cdr v, m)
else if 1 = car omega
then groeb!-w6!-5(cdr omega, cdr v, m #+ car v)
else groeb!-w6!-5(cdr omega, cdr v, m #+ car omega #* car v);
symbolic procedure groeb!-w6!-6(gb, tt, ifactt, tp, ifactp, ll);
% Compute the weight border (minimum over all polynomials of gb).
scalar mn, x, zero, one;
zero := !*i2rn 0;
one := !*i2rn 1;
while not null gb do
<< x := groeb!-w6!-7(car gb, tt, ifactt, tp, ifactp,
zero, one, ll);
if null mn or (x and rnminusp!: rndifference!:(x, mn))
then mn := x;
gb := cdr gb;>>;
return mn
symbolic procedure groeb!-w6!-7(pol, tt, ifactt, tp, ifactp,
zero, one, ll);
% Compute the minimal weight for one polynomial; the iea is,
% that the polynomial has a degree greater than 0.
scalar a,b,ev1,ev2,x,y,z,mn;
ev1 := vdpevlmon pol;
a := evweightedcomp2(0, ev1, vdpsortextension!*);
y := groeb!-w6!-8(ev1,tt, ifactt, tp, ifactp,
zero, zero, one, ll);
y := (rnminus!: car y) . (rnminus!: cdr y);
pol := vdpred pol;
while not (vdpzero!? pol) do
<<ev2 := vdpevlmon pol;
pol := vdpred pol;
b := evweightedcomp2(0, ev2, vdpsortextension!*);
if not (a = b) then
<<x := groeb!-w6!-9(ev2, tt, ifactt, tp, ifactp,
car y, cdr y, one, ll, nil);
if x then
<<z := rndifference!:(x, one);
if rnminusp!: rndifference!:(zero, x) and
(rnminusp!: z or rnzerop!: z)
(null mn or rnminusp!: rndifference!:(x, mn))
then mn := x>>
return mn
symbolic procedure groeb!-w6!-8(ev, tt, ifactt, tp, ifactp,
sum1, sum2, m, dm);
scalar x, y, z;
if ev then <<x := rntimes!:(!*i2rn car ev, m);
y := rntimes!:(!*i2rn car tp, ifactp);
z := rntimes!:(!*i2rn car tt, ifactt)>>;
if null ev then sum1 . sum2 else
groeb!-w6!-8(cdr ev, cdr tt, ifactt, cdr tp, ifactp,
rnplus!:(sum1,rntimes!:(y, x)),
rnplus!:(sum2, rntimes!:( rndifference!:(z, y),x )),
rndifference!:(m, dm),
symbolic procedure groeb!-w6!-9(ev, tt, ifactt, tp, ifactp,
y1 , y2, m, dm, done);
% Compute the rational solution s:
% (tp + s * (tt - tp)) * ev1 = (tp + s * (tt - tp)) * evn.
% The sum with ev1 is collected already in y1 and y2
% (with negative sign).
% This routine collects the sum with evn and computes the solution.
scalar x, y, z;
if ev then <<x := rntimes!:(!*i2rn car ev, m);
y := rntimes!:(!*i2rn car tp, ifactp),
z := rntimes!:(!*i2rn car tt, ifactt)>>;
if null ev then
if null done then nil
rnquotient!:(rnminus!: y1, y2)
groeb!-w6!-9( cdr ev, cdr tt, ifactt, cdr tp, ifactp,
rnplus!:(y1, rntimes!:(y, x)),
rnplus!:(y2, rntimes!:(rndifference!:(z, y),x )),
rndifference!:(m, dm),
done or not(car ev = 0))
symbolic procedure groeb!-w7 (tt, omega, x, tto, y);
% Compute omega*x * (1-tt) + tto*y *tt.
% tt is a rational number.
% x and y are rational numbers (inverses of the legths of omega/tt).
begin scalar n,z;
n := !*i2rn 1;
omega := for each g in omega collect
<< z := rnplus!:(
rntimes!:(!*i2rn g, x),
rndifference!:(!*i2rn 1, tt)),
rntimes!:(!*i2rn car tto, y),
tto := cdr tto;
n := groeb!-w7!-1(n, rninv!: z);
omega := for each a in omega collect
rnequiv rntimes!:(a , !*i2rn n);
return omega;
symbolic procedure groeb!-w7!-1(n, m);
% Compute lcm of n and m. N and m are rational numbers.
% Return the lcm.
% Ignore the denominators of n and m.
scalar x, y, z;
if atom n then x := n else
<<x := rnprep!: n;
if not atom x then x := cadr x>>;
if atom m then y := m else
<<y := rnprep!: m;
if not atom y then y := cadr y>>;
z := lcm( x, y);
return z
symbolic procedure groeb!-w8(p, gb);
% Computes the cofactor of p wrt gb.
% Result is a list of cofactors corresponding to g.
% The cofactor 0 is represented as nil.
scalar x,y;
x := groeb!-w8!-1(p,gb);
p := secondvalue!*;
while not vdpzero!? p do
<<y := groeb!-w8!-1(p,gb);
p := secondvalue!*;
x := for each pp in pair(x,y) do
if null car pp then cdr pp
else if null cdr pp then car pp
else vdpsum(car pp, cdr pp) >>;
return x
symbolic procedure groeb!-w8!-1(p, gb);
% Search in groebner basis gb the polynomial which divides the
% head monomial of the polynomial p. The walk version of
% groebSearchInList
% Result: the sequence corresponding to g with the monomial
% factor inserted.
scalar e, cc, r, done, pp;
pp := vdpevlmon p;
cc := vdplbc p;
r := for each poly in gb collect
if done then nil else
if vevdivides!?(vdpevlmon poly,pp) then
<<done := t;
e := poly;
cc := vbcquot(cc,vdplbc poly);
pp := vevdif(pp, vdpevlmon poly);
secondvalue!* :=
vdpprod(gsetsugar(vdpfmon(vbcneg cc, pp),nil),poly),
vdpfmon(cc, pp)>>
else nil;
if null e then
<<print p;
print "-----------------";
print gb;
rerror(groebner,28,"groeb-w8-1 illegal structure")>>;
return r
symbolic procedure groeb!-w9(mode, ext);
% Switch on vdp order mode "mode" with extension "ext".
% Result is the previous extension.
begin scalar x;
x := vdpsortextension!*;
vdpsortextension!* := ext;
torder2 mode;
return x
symbolic procedure groeb!-w10 s;
% Convert the dips in s corresponding to the actual order.
groeb!-collect(s, 'groeb!-w10!-1);
symbolic procedure groeb!-w10!-1 p;
% Convert the dip p corresponding to the actal order.
begin scalar x;
x := vdpfmon(vdplbc p, vdpevlmon p);
x := gsetsugar(vdpenumerate x, nil);
p := vdpred p;
while not vdpzero!? p do
<<x := vdpsum(vdpfmon(vdplbc p, vdpevlmon p), x);
p := vdpred p>>;
return x
symbolic procedure rninv!: x;
% Return inverse of a (rational) number x: 1/x.
<<if atom x then x := !*i2rn x;
x := cdr x;
if car x < 0 then mkrn(- cdr x, - car x)
else mkrn(cdr x, car x) >>;
symbolic procedure sq2vdp s;
% Standard quotient to VDP.
scalar x,y;
x := f2vdp numr s;
gsetsugar(x, nil);
y := f2vdp denr s;
gsetsugar(y, 0);
s := vdpdivmon(x,vdplbc y,vdpevlmon y);
return s;
symbolic procedure vdp2sq v;
% Conversion VDP to standard quotient
scalar x, y, z, one;
one := 1 ./ 1;
x := nil ./ 1;
while not vdpzero!? v do
<<y := vdp2f vdpfmon(one, vdpevlmon v) ./ 1;
z := vdplbc v;
x := addsq(x, multsq(z,y));
v := vdpred v>>;
return x;