\chapter{SPARSE: Sparse Matrices}
\typeout{{SPARSE: Sparse Matrices}}
Stephen Scowcroft \\
Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum f\"ur Informationstechnik Berlin \\
Takustra\"se 7 \\
D-14195 Berlin-Dahlem, Germany \\
\ttindex{SPARSE, Sparse matrices}
\ttindex{MATRIX, see also SPARSE}
This package extends the available matrix feature to enable
calculations with sparse matrices. It also provides
a selection of functions that are useful in the world of linear
algebra with respect to sparse matrices. \\
The package is loaded by: {\tt load\_package sparse;}
\section{Sparse Matrix Calculations}
To extend the syntax of this class of calculations an expression type
{\tt sparse \ttindex{SPARSE}} is added. An identifier may be declared a
sparse variable by the declaration {\tt sparse}. The size of the
sparse matrix must be declared explicitly in the matrix declaration.
This declaration \f{SPARSE} is similar to the declaration \f{MATRIX}.
Once a matrix has been declared a sparse matrix all elements of the
matrix are treated as if they were initialized to 0. When printing out
a sparse matrix only the non-zero elements are printed due to the fact
that only the non-zero elements of the matrix are stored. To assign values
to the elements of the declared sparse matrix we use the same syntax as for
sparse aa(10,1),bb(200,200);
\section{Linear Algebra Package for Sparse Matrices}
Most of the functions of this package are related to the functions
of the linear algebra package \f{LINALG}. For further explanation and
examples of the various functions please refer to the \f{LINALG}
\subsection{Basic matrix handling}
{\small\begin{tabular}{l l l l}
spadd\_columns \ttindex{SPADD\_COLUMNS} &
spadd\_rows \ttindex{SPADD\_ROWS} &
spadd\_to\_columns \ttindex{SPADD\_TO\_COLUMNS} &
spadd\_to\_rows \ttindex{SPADD\_TO\_ROWS} \\
spaugment\_columns \ttindex{SPAUGMENT\_COLUMNS} &
spchar\_poly \ttindex{SPCHAR\_POLY} &
spcol\_dim \ttindex{SPCOL\_DIM} &
spcopy\_into \ttindex{SPCOPY\_INTO} \\
spdiagonal \ttindex{SPDIAGONAL} &
spextend \ttindex{SPEXTEND} &
spfind\_companion \ttindex{SPFIND\_COMPANION} &
spget\_columns \ttindex{SPGET\_COLUMNS} \\
spget\_rows \ttindex{SPGET\_ROWS} &
sphermitian\_tp \ttindex{SPHERMITIAN\_TP} &
spmatrix\_augment \ttindex{SPMATRIX\_AUGMENT} &
spmatrix\_stack \ttindex{SPMATRIX\_STACK} \\
spminor \ttindex{SPMINOR} &
spmult\_columns \ttindex{SPMULT\_COLUMNS} &
spmult\_rows \ttindex{SPMULT\_ROWS} &
sppivot \ttindex{SPPIVOT} \\
spremove\_columns \ttindex{SPREMOVE\_COLUMNS} &
spremove\_rows \ttindex{SPREMOVE\_ROWS} &
sprow\_dim \ttindex{SPROW\_DIM} &
sprows\_pivot \ttindex{SPROWS\_PIVOT} \\
spstack\_rows \ttindex{SPSTACK\_ROWS} &
spsub\_matrix \ttindex{SPSUB\_MATRIX} &
spswap\_columns \ttindex{SPSWAP\_COLUMNS} &
spswap\_entries \ttindex{SPSWAP\_ENTRIES} \\
spswap\_rows \ttindex{SPSWAP\_ROWS}
Functions that create sparse matrices.
\begin{tabular}{l l l l}
spband\_matrix \ttindex{SPBAND\_MATRIX} &
spblock\_matrix \ttindex{SPBLOCK\_MATRIX} &
spchar\_matrix \ttindex{SPCHAR\_MATRIX} &
spcoeff\_matrix \ttindex{SPCOEFF\_MATRIX} \\
spcompanion \ttindex{SPCOMPANION} &
sphessian \ttindex{SPHESSIAN} &
spjacobian \ttindex{SPJACOBIAN} &
spjordan\_block \ttindex{SPJORDAN\_BLOCK} \\
spmake\_identity \ttindex{SPMAKE\_IDENTITY}
\subsection{High level algorithms}
\begin{tabular}{l l l l}
spchar\_poly \ttindex{SPCHAR\_POLY} &
spcholesky \ttindex{SPCHOLESKY} &
spgram\_schmidt \ttindex{SPGRAM\_SCHMIDT} &
splu\_decom \ttindex{SPLU\_DECOM} \\
sppseudo\_inverse \ttindex{SPPSEUDO\_INVERSE} &
svd \ttindex{SVD}
\begin{tabular}{l l l l}
matrixp \ttindex{MATRIXP} &
sparsematp \ttindex{SPARSEMATP} &
squarep \ttindex{SQUAREP} &
symmetricp \ttindex{SYMMETRICP}