module pretty; % Print list structures in an indented format.
% Author: A. C. Norman, July 1978.
fluid '(bn
global '(!*quotes !*symmetric thin!*);
!*symmetric := t;
!*quotes := t;
thin!* := 5;
% This package prints list structures in an indented format that
% is intended to make them legible. There are a number of special
% cases recognized, but in general the intent of the algorithm
% is that given a list (R1 R2 R3 ...), SUPERPRINT checks if
% the list will fit directly on the current line and if so
% prints it as:
% (R1 R2 R3 ...)
% if not it prints it as:
% (R1
% R2
% R3
% ... )
% where each sublist is similarly treated.
% Functions:
% SUPERPRINTM(X,M) print expression X with left margin M
% PRETTYPRINT(X) = <<superprintm(x,posn()); terpri(); terpri()>>;
% Flag:
% !*SYMMETRIC If TRUE, print with escape characters,
% otherwise do not (as PRIN1/PRIN2
% distinction). defaults to TRUE;
% !*QUOTES If TRUE, (QUOTE x) gets displayed as 'x.
% default is TRUE;
% Variable:
% THIN!* if THIN!* expressions can be fitted onto
% a single line they will be printed that way.
% this is a parameter used to control the
% formatting of long thin lists. default
% value is 5;
symbolic procedure prettyprint x;
<< superprinm(x,posn()); %WHAT REDUCE DOES NOW;
symbolic procedure superprintm(x,lmar);
<< superprinm(x,lmar); terpri(); x >>;
% From here down the functions are not intended for direct use.
% The following functions are defined here in case this package
% is called from LISP rather than REDUCE.
symbolic procedure eqcar(a,b);
pairp a and car a eq b;
symbolic procedure spaces n;
for i:=1:n do prin2 '! ;
% End of compatibility section.
symbolic procedure superprinm(x,lmar);
scalar stack,bufferi,buffero,bn,initialblanks,rmar,
bufferi:=buffero:=list nil; %fifo buffer.
rmar:=linelength(nil) - 3; %right margin.
if rmar<25 then error(0,list(rmar+3,
"Linelength too short for superprinting"));
bn:=0; %characters in buffer.
indentlevel:=0; %no indentation needed, yet.
if lmar+20>=rmar then lmar:=rmar - 21; %no room for specified margin
if w>lmar then << terpri(); w:=0 >>;
if w<lmar then initialblanks:=lmar - w;
prindent(x,lmar+3); %main recursive print routine.
% traverse routine finished - now tidy up buffers.
overflow 'none; %flush out the buffer.
return x
% Access functions for a stack entry.
smacro procedure top; car stack;
smacro procedure depth frm; car frm;
smacro procedure indenting frm; cadr frm;
smacro procedure blankcount frm; caddr frm;
smacro procedure blanklist frm; cdddr frm;
smacro procedure setindenting(frm,val); rplaca(cdr frm,val);
smacro procedure setblankcount(frm,val); rplaca(cddr frm,val);
smacro procedure setblanklist(frm,val); rplacd(cddr frm,val);
smacro procedure newframe n; list(n,nil,0);
smacro procedure blankp char; numberp car char;
symbolic procedure prindent(x,n);
% Print list x with indentation level n.
if atom x then if vectorp x then prvector(x,n)
else for each c in
(if !*symmetric
then if stringp x then explodes x else explode x
else explode2 x) do putch c
else if quotep x then <<
putch '!';
prindent(cadr x,n+1) >>
else begin
scalar cx;
if 4*n>3*rmar then << %list is too deep for sanity.
overflow 'all;
if initialblanks>n then <<
lmar:=lmar - initialblanks+n;
initialblanks:=n >> >>;
stack := (newframe n) . stack;
putch ('lpar . top());
cx:=car x;
if idp cx and not atom cdr x then
cx:=get(cx,'ppformat) else cx:=nil;
if cx=2 and atom cddr x then cx:=nil;
if cx='prog then <<
putch '! ;
prindent(car (x:=cdr x),n+3) >>;
% CX now controls the formatting of what follows:
% nil default action
% <number> first few blanks are non-indenting
% prog display atoms as labels.
x:=cdr x;
scan: if atom x then go to outt;
finishpending(); %about to print a blank.
if cx='prog then <<
overflow bufferi; %force format for prog.
if atom car x then << % a label.
lmar:=initialblanks:=max(lmar - 6,0);
prindent(car x,n - 3); % print the label.
x:=cdr x;
if not atom x and atom car x then go to scan;
if lmar+bn>n then putblank()
else for i:=lmar+bn:n - 1 do putch '! ;
if atom x then go to outt>> >>
else if numberp cx then <<
cx:=cx - 1;
if cx=0 then cx:=nil;
putch '! >>
else putblank();
prindent(car x,n+3);
x:=cdr x;
go to scan;
outt: if not null x then <<
putch '!.;
putch '! ;
prindent(x,n+5) >>;
putch ('rpar . (n - 3));
if indenting top()='indent and not null blanklist top() then
overflow car blanklist top()
else endlist top();
stack:=cdr stack
symbolic procedure explodes x;
%dummy function just in case another format is needed.
explode x;
symbolic procedure prvector(x,n);
scalar bound;
bound:=upbv x; % length of the vector.
stack:=(newframe n) . stack;
putch ('lsquare . top());
for i:=1:bound do <<
putch '!,;
prindent(getv(x,i),n+3) >>;
putch('rsquare . (n - 3));
endlist top();
stack:=cdr stack
symbolic procedure putblank();
putch top(); %represents a blank character.
setblankcount(top(),blankcount top()+1);
setblanklist(top(),bufferi . blanklist top());
%remember where I was.
symbolic procedure endlist l;
%Fix up the blanks in a complete list so that they
%will not be turned into indentations.
pendingrpars:=l . pendingrpars;
% When I have printed a ')' I want to mark all of the blanks
% within the parentheses as being unindented, ordinary blank
% characters. It is however possible that I may get a buffer
% overflow while printing a string of )))))))))), and so this
% marking should be delayed until I get round to printing
% a further blank (which will be a candidate for a place to
% split lines). This delay is dealt with by the list
% pendingrpars which holds a list of levels that, when
% convenient, can be tidied up and closed out.
symbolic procedure finishpending();
<< for each stackframe in pendingrpars do <<
if indenting stackframe neq 'indent then
for each b in blanklist stackframe do
<< rplaca(b,'! ); indblanks:=indblanks - 1>>;
% blanklist of stackframe must be non-nil so that overflow
% will not treat the '(' specially.
setblanklist(stackframe,t) >>;
pendingrpars:=nil >>;
symbolic procedure quotep x;
!*quotes and
not atom x and
car x='quote and
not atom cdr x and
null cddr x;
% property ppformat drives the prettyprinter -
% prog : special for prog only
% 1 : (fn a1
% a2
% ... )
% 2 : (fn a1 a2
% a3
% ... ) ;
put('foreach,'ppformat,4); % (foreach x in y do ...) etc.
% Now for the routines that buffer things on a character by character
% basis, and deal with buffer overflow.
symbolic procedure putch c;
if atom c then rparcount:=0
else if blankp c then << rparcount:=0; go to nocheck >>
else if car c='rpar then <<
% format for a long string of rpars is:
% )))) ))) ))) ))) ))) ;
if rparcount>4 then << putch '! ; rparcount:=2 >> >>
else rparcount:=0;
while lmar+bn>=rmar do overflow 'more;
bufferi:=cdr rplacd(bufferi,list c);
symbolic procedure overflow flg;
scalar c,blankstoskip;
%the current buffer holds so much information that it will
%not all fit on a line. try to do something about it.
% flg is one of:
% 'none do not force more indentation
% 'more force one level more indentation
% <a pointer into the buffer>
% prints up to and including that character, which
% should be a blank.
if indblanks=0 and initialblanks>3 and flg='more then <<
initialblanks:=initialblanks - 3;
lmar:=lmar - 3;
return 'moved!-left >>;
if bn=0 then <<
% No blank found - can do no more for now.
% If flg='more I am in trouble and so have to print
% a continuation mark. in the other cases I can just exit.
if not(flg = 'more) then return 'empty;
if atom car buffero then
% continuation mark not needed if last char printed was
% special (e.g. lpar or rpar).
prin2 "%+"; %continuation marker.
return 'continued >>
else <<
spaces initialblanks;
initialblanks:=0 >>;
buffero:=cdr buffero;
bn:=bn - 1;
c:=car buffero;
if atom c then << prin2 c; go to fblank >>
else if blankp c then if not atom blankstoskip then <<
prin2 '! ;
indblanks:=indblanks - 1;
% blankstoskip = (stack-frame . skip-count).
if c eq car blankstoskip then <<
rplacd(blankstoskip,cdr blankstoskip - 1);
if cdr blankstoskip=0 then blankstoskip:=t >>;
go to fblank >>
else go to blankfound
else if car c='lpar or car c='lsquare then <<
prin2 get(car c,'ppchar);
if flg='none then go to fblank;
% now I want to flag this level for indentation.
c:=cdr c; %the stack frame.
if not null blanklist c then go to fblank;
if depth c>indentlevel then << %new indentation.
% this level has not emitted any blanks yet.
indentlevel:=depth c;
setindenting(c,'indent) >>;
go to fblank >>
else if car c='rpar or car c='rsquare then <<
if cdr c<indentlevel then indentlevel:=cdr c;
prin2 get(car c,'ppchar);
go to fblank >>
else error(0,list(c,"UNKNOWN TAG IN OVERFLOW"));
if eqcar(blanklist c,buffero) then
% at least one entry on blanklist ought to be valid, so if I
% print the last blank I must kill blanklist totally.
indblanks:=indblanks - 1;
% check if next level represents new indentation.
if depth c>indentlevel then <<
if flg='none then << %just print an ordinary blank.
prin2 '! ;
go to fblank >>;
% here I increase the indentation level by one.
if blankstoskip then blankstoskip:=nil
else <<
indentlevel:=depth c;
setindenting(c,'indent) >> >>;
%otherwise I was indenting at that level anyway.
if blankcount c>(thin!* - 1) then << %long thin list fix-up here.
blankstoskip:=c . ((blankcount c) - 2);
indentlevel:=(depth c) - 1;
prin2 '! ;
go to fblank >>;
setblankcount(c,(blankcount c) - 1);
lmar:=initialblanks:=depth c;
if buffero eq flg then return 'to!-flg;
if blankstoskip or not (flg='more) then go to fblank;
% keep going unless call was of type 'more'.
return 'more; %try some more.