module dfpart; % support of generic differentiation.
% Author: H. Melenk
% May 1993
% Copyright (c) Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum Berlin, all rights reserved.
create!-package('(dfpart),'(contrib misc));
symbolic procedure simpdfp u;
begin scalar f,fn,dd,p,w,l;
if length u<2 then goto error;
f := reval car u;
if not pairp f then return
if member(cadr u,frlis!*) then mksq('dfp.u,1)
else simpdf(f . cdr cadr u);
fn:=car f;
p:=cdr f;
dd :=reval cadr u;
if not member(dd,frlis!*) and not eqcar(dd,'list) then
<< dd:= dd.for each y in cddr u collect reval y;
dd:= 'list.dfp!-normalize(dd,nil);
% apply pattern matching again
return simp {'dfp,f,dd};
w:= t;
if l and eqcar(dd,'list) then
for each y in cdr dd do
w:=w and member(y,l);
if not w then return nil ./ 1;
if dd='(list) then return mksq(f,1);
if l and flagp(fn,'dfp_commute) then
dd := 'list . sort(cdr dd,'ordp) where kord!*=l;
return mksq(u,1);
typerr('dfp . u,"generic differential");
symbolic procedure dfp!-normalize(l,x);
if null l then nil else
if idp car l then car l . dfp!-normalize(cdr l,car l)
else if numberp car l then
append(for i:=2:car l collect x,dfp!-normalize(cdr l,nil))
else typerr(car l,"dfp variable");
symbolic procedure generic_function u;
for each fc in u do
begin scalar rs,pars,fcn;
integer l;
if atom fc or not idp (fcn:=car fc)
then typerr(fc, "generic function");
l := length cdr fc;
algebraic clear fcn;
apply('depend,list fc);
apply('operator,list list fcn) where !*mode='algebraic;
pars := for i:=1:l collect {'!~,gensym()};
rs := {'list ,
{'df, {fcn},{'!~,'!:x}},
{'df, fc ,'!:x}},
{'df, fcn . pars,{'!~,'!:x}},
'plus .
for i:=1:l collect
{'times,{'dfp,,{'list,nth(cdr fc,i)}},
put(fcn,'generic_function,cdr fc);
algebraic let rs;
symbolic procedure dfp_commute u;
for each f in u do
<<f:=reval f;
if not idp f then f:=car f;
if not get(f,'generic_function) then typerr(f,"generic function")
else flag({f},'dfp_commute);
symbolic procedure generic_arguments f;
% List of generic arguments of f.
'list. get(car f,'generic_function);
symbolic procedure actual_arguments f;
% List of actual arguments of f. If none are given,
% return the generic arguments.
'list . (cdr f or get(car f,'generic_function));
symbolic operator generic_arguments;
symbolic operator actual_arguments;
% differentiation rules
symbolic procedure dfp!-rule!-found(newform,oldf);
not eqcar(newform,'dfp) or cadr newform neq oldf;
symbolic operator dfp!-rule!-found;
symbolic procedure soft!-append(a,b);
<<a:=if eqcar(a,'list) then cdr a else {a};
b:=if eqcar(b,'list) then cdr b else {b};
symbolic operator soft!-append;
df(dfp(~f,~q),~x) =>
for i:=1:length generic_arguments(f) sum
dfp(f,append(q,{part(generic_arguments f,i)}))
*df(part(actual_arguments f,i),x),
dfp(~f+~g,~q) => dfp(f,q) + dfp(f,q),
dfp(-~f,~q) => -dfp(f,q),
% recursive unrolling
dfp(~f,~q) => dfp(dfp(f,{first q}),rest q) when
arglength q neq -1 and part(q,0)=list and
length q>1 and dfp!-rule!-found(dfp(f,{first q}),f),
% Now we can concentrate on single derivatives,
% the rest wil be done by unrolling.
dfp(~f*~g,{~q}) =>
dfp(f,{q})*g + dfp(g,{q})*f,
dfp(~f/~g,{~q}) =>
(dfp(f,{q})*g - dfp(g,{q})*f)/g**2,
dfp(~f**~n,{~q}) =>
n*f**(n-1)*dfp(f,{q}) when numberp n,
dfp(dfp(~f,~q),~r) => dfp(f,soft!-append(q,r))
let dfp_rules;
symbolic procedure generic!-sub(u,v);
symbolic procedure dfp!-sub(u,v);
% Subsitutions take place first in the arguments.
% If the generic funtion is to be replaced:
% 1. differentiate the target expression formally,
% 2. transfer the arguments into the result expression.
begin scalar p,f,fn,nf,l,w;
f:=cadr v;
p:=cdr f;
l:=get(fn:=car f,'generic_function);
% If f has no arguments, insert generic arguments if
% one of these would be toched by the substitution.
if null p then
<<w := nil;
for each y in l do w:=w or assoc(y,u);
if w then p:=l;
p:= cdr listsub(u,'list.p);
if null(nf:=assoc(fn,u)) and null(nf:=assoc(fn.l,u))
then return {'dfp,fn.p,caddr v};
nf := reval cdr nf;
nf:=dfp!-sub1(nf,if p then pair(l,p),u);
return {'dfp,nf,caddr v};
symbolic procedure dfp!-sub1(u,l,s);
% U: expression to replace a generic function.
% l: alist for inherited generic arguments.
% s: alist for substituted expressions.
if idp u then
if get(u,'generic_function) then dfp!-sub1({u},l,s)
else u
else if atom u then u else
begin scalar op,p,pp;
op:=car u;
if (p:=get(op,'generic_function)) then
<<p:=cdr u or p;
pp:=subla(l,p); pp:=subla(s,pp);
return if p=pp then u else reval(op.pp);
return op. for each q in cdr u collect dfp!-sub1(q,l,s);
% ------------------ printing ----------------------------
symbolic procedure dfppri l;
begin scalar dd,f;
if not !*nat or !*fort then return 'failed;
f:=cadr l; dd:=caddr l;
if atom f or not get(car f,'generic_function)
then return 'failed;
prin2!* car f;
ycoord!* := ycoord!*-1;
if ycoord!* < ymin!* then ymin!*:=ycoord!*;
for each y in cdr dd do prin2!* y;
ycoord!* := ycoord!*+1;
if cdr f then
<< prin2!* "(";
inprint('!*comma!*,0,cdr f);
prin2!* ")";
return l;
symbolic procedure fancy!-dfppri l;