module groebner;
% module structure:
% GROEBNER package + GROEBNR2 package
% polynomial arithmetic:
% VDP2DIP package included in DIPOLY package
% factorization:
% GROEBFAC package is also included here, but could be loaded
% on demand.
fluid '(currentvdpmodule!*);
currentvdpmodule!* := 'vdp2dip;
imports vdp2dip;
create!-package('(groebner grinterf grinter2 buchbg groebcri
groesolv groebopt groebsea groebsor groebspa groebfac
'(contrib groebner));
% Other packages needed.
load!-package 'dipoly;
module grinterf; % Interface of Groebner package to REDUCE.
% Entry points to the main module and general
% interface support.
fluid '(!*factor !*complex !*exp); % standard REDUCE switch
fluid '( % switches from the user interface
!*groebopt !*groebfac !*groebres !*trgroeb !*trgroebs !*groebrm
!*trgroeb1 !*trgroebr !*groebprereduce groebrestriction!*
!*fullreduction !*groebstat !*groebprot !*gltbasis
!*vdpinteger !*vdpmodular % indicating type of algorithm
vdpsortmode!* % term ordering mode
secondvalue!* thirdvalue!* % auxiliary: multiple return values
factortime!* % computing time spent in factoring
factorlvevel!* % bookkeeping of factor tree
pairsdone!* % list of pairs already calculated
probcount!* % counting subproblems
vbccurrentmode!* % current domain for base coeffs.
vbcmodule!* % for modular calculation: current prime
global '(groebrestriction % interface: name of function
groebresmax % maximum number of internal results
gvarslast % output: variable list
flag ('(groebrestriction groebresmax gvarslast groebprotfile
switch groebopt,groebres,trgroeb,trgroebs,trgroeb1,
% variables for counting and numbering
fluid '(hcount!* pcount!* mcount!* fcount!* bcount!* b4count!*
basecount!* hzerocount!*);
% control of the polynomial arithmetic actually loaded
fluid '(currentvdpmodule!*);
vdpsortmode!* := 'lex; % initial mode
gltb := '(list); % initially empty
% interface functions
symbolic procedure groebnereval u;
% non factorizing Groebner calculation
begin integer n; scalar !*groebfac,!*groebrm,!*factor,
!*exp; !*exp := t;
n := length u;
if n=1 then return cadr groebner1(reval car u,nil,nil)
else if n neq 2
then rerror(groebner,1,
"GROEBNER called with wrong number of arguments");
u:= groebner1(reval car u,reval cadr u,nil);
if !*gltbasis then gltb := cadr gltb;
return cadr u;
symbolic procedure groebnerfeval u;
% non factorizing Groebner calculation
begin integer n; scalar !*groebfac,!*groebrm,!*factor,
!*exp,s,r,q; !*exp := t;
if null getd 'groebfactorize then load!-package 'groebfac;
!*groebrm := !*groebfac := t;
groebrestriction!* := reval groebrestriction;
n := length u;
r:= if n=1 then groebner1(reval car u,nil,nil) else
if n=2 then groebner1(reval car u,reval cadr u,nil) else
if n neq 3
then rerror(groebner,2,
"GROEBNER called with wrong number of arguments")
else groebner1(reval car u,reval cadr u,reval caddr u);
q := r;
% remove duplicates.
while q do <<s := car q; q := cdr q;
if member(s,q) then r := delete(s,r)>>;
return r;
symbolic procedure idquotienteval u;
begin integer n; scalar !*factor,!*exp; !*exp := t;
n := length u;
if n=2 then return groebidq(reval car u,reval cadr u,nil)
else if n neq 3
then rerror(groebner,3,
"IDQUOTIENT called with wrong number of arguments")
else return groebidq(reval car u,reval cadr u,reval caddr u)
smacro procedure vdpnumber f;
vdpgetprop(f,'number) ;
symbolic procedure groebner1(u,v,r);
% Buchberger algorithm system driver. u is a list of expressions
% and v a list of variables or NIL in which case the variables in u
% are used.
begin scalar vars,w,np,oldorder;
integer pcount!*;
w := for each j in groerevlist u
collect if eqexpr j then !*eqn2a j else j;
if null w then rerror(groebner,4,"Empty list in Groebner");
vars := groebnervars(w,v);
if r then r := groerevlist r;
if null vars then vdperr 'groebner;
oldorder := vdpinit vars;
% cancel common denominators
w := for each j in w collect reorder numr simp j;
% optimize varable sequence if desired
if !*groebopt then<< w:=vdpvordopt (w,vars); vars := cdr w;
w := car w; vdpinit vars>>;
w := for each j in w collect f2vdp j;
if not !*vdpinteger then
<<np := t;
for each p in w do
np := if np then vdpcoeffcientsfromdomain!? p else nil;
if not np then <<!*vdpmodular:= nil; !*vdpinteger := t>>;
if !*groebprot then
<<groebprotfile := list 'list;
w := for each j in w collect vdpenumerate j;
for each j in w do groebprotsetq(mkid('poly,vdpnumber j),
vdp2a j)>>;
if r then r := for each p in r collect f2vdp numr simp p;
w := groebner2(w,r);
if !*gltbasis then
gltb :=
'list . for each base in w collect
'list . for each j in base collect
vdp2a vdpfmon(a2vbc 1,vdpevlmon j);
w := 'list . for each base in w collect
'list . for each j in base collect vdp2a j;
setkorder oldorder;
gvarslast := 'list . vars;
return w;
symbolic procedure groebnervars(w,v);
begin scalar z,dv,vars;
vars :=
if null v then
for each j in gvarlis w collect !*a2k j
else % test, if vars are really used
<< z := gvarlis w;
for each j in (v:= groerevlist v) do
if member(j,z) then dv := !*a2k j . dv;
dv := reversip dv;
if not (length v = length dv) and !*trgroeb then
<< prin2 " Groebner: ";
prin2 (length v - length dv);
prin2t " of the variables not used";
terpri () >>;
return vars;
% symbolic procedure maklist pl;
% make list of polynomials. pl is a list of polynomials.
% maklist pl returns a list of distributive polynomials.
% for each p in pl collect f2vdp car p;
symbolic procedure gvarlis u;
% Finds variables (kernels) in the list of expressions u.
sort(gvarlis1(u,nil),function ordop);
symbolic procedure gvarlis1(u,v);
if null u then v
else union(gvar1(car u,v),gvarlis1(cdr u,v));
symbolic procedure gvar1(u,v);
if null u or numberp u or (u eq 'i and !*complex) then v
else if atom u then if u member v then v else u . v
else if car u memq '(plus times expt difference minus)
then gvarlis1(cdr u,v)
else if car u eq 'quotient then gvar1(cadr u,v)
else if u member v then v
else u . v;
symbolic procedure groebidq(u,f,v);
% Ideal quotient. u is a list of expressions (Gbasis), f a polynomial
% and v a list of variables or NIL
begin scalar vars,w,np,oldorder,!*factor,!*exp;
integer pcount!*; !*exp := t;
w := for each j in groerevlist u
collect if eqexpr j then !*eqn2a j else j;
if null w then rerror(groebner,5,"Empty list in IDEALQUOTIENT");
if eqexpr f then f := !*eqn2a f;
vars := groebnervars(w,v);
if null vars then vdperr 'idealquotient;
oldorder := vdpinit vars;
% cancel common denominators
w := for each j in w collect numr simp j;
f := numr simp f;
% optimize varable sequence if desired
w := for each j in w collect f2vdp j;
f := f2vdp f; % now do the conversions
if not !*vdpinteger then
<<np := t;
for each p in f.w do
np := if np then vdpcoeffcientsfromdomain!? p
else nil;
if not np then <<!*vdpmodular:= nil; !*vdpinteger := t>>;
w := groebidq2 (w,f);
w := 'list . for each j in w collect vdp2a j;
setkorder oldorder;
return w;
fluid '(!*backtrace);
symbolic procedure vdperr name;
% case that no variables were found
<<prin2 "**** Groebner illegal parmeter in "; prin2 name;
if !*backtrace then backtrace();
rerror(groebner,6," ,e.g. no relevant variables found")>>;
symbolic procedure groeparams(u,nmin,nmax);
% u is a list of psopfn-parameters; they are given to REVAL and
% the number of parameters is controlled to be between nmin, nmax
% result is the list of evaluated parameters padded with NILs
begin integer n; scalar w; n:= length u;
if n<nmin or n>nmax then rerror(groebner,7,
"Illegal number of parameters in call to Groebner package");
u:= for each v in u collect
<<w := reval v;
if eqcar(w,'list) then 'list . groerevlist w else w>>;
while length u < nmax do u := append(u,'(nil));
return u;
% dynamic loading of the appriate polynomial arithmetic:
symbolic procedure vdpinit (vars);
begin scalar desired;
if currentvdpmodule!*= 'vdp2dip then return vdpinit2(vars);
% desired :=
% if member(vdpsortmode!*,'(LEX GRADLEX))
% then 'VDP2SF else 'VDP2DIP;
desired := 'vdp2dip;
if desired neq currentvdpmodule!* then
<<load!-package desired;
currentvdpmodule!* := desired>>;
return vdpinit2(vars);
symbolic procedure groedomainmode();
<<!*vdpinteger := !*vdpmodular := nil;
if not flagp(dmode!*,'field) then !*vdpinteger := t
if !*modular then !*vdpmodular := t>>;
% some lisp functions which are not member of standard lisp
symbolic procedure groedeletip(a,b);
begin scalar q;
while b and a= car b do b:= cdr b;
if null b then return nil;
q := b;
while cdr b do if a=cadr b then cdr b := cddr b else b:= cdr b;
return q;
symbolic procedure groerevlist u;
<<if idp u then u := reval u;
for each p in getrlist u collect reval p>>;
module grinter2; % Interface of Groebner package to REDUCE:
% autoloadint entry points to operators of groebnr2;
symbolic procedure groebnr2entry(fn,u);
apply(get(fn,'psopfn),list u)>>;
symbolic procedure groebnr2load();
load!-package 'groebnr2;
'(lambda(u)(groebnr2entry 'gsort u)));
'(lambda(u)(groebnr2entry 'gsplit u)));
'(lambda(u)(groebnr2entry 'gspoly u)));
'(lambda(u)(groebnr2entry 'gvars u)));
'(lambda(u)(groebnr2entry 'greduce u)));
'(lambda(u)(groebnr2entry 'preduce u)));
'(lambda(u)(groebnr2entry 'groebnert u)));
'(lambda(u)(groebnr2entry 'preducet u)));
'(lambda(u)(groebnr2entry 'groebnerm u)));
'(lambda(u)(groebnr2entry 'glexconvert u)));
'(lambda(u)(groebnr2entry 'hilbertpolynomial u)));
'(lambda(u)(groebnr2entry 'gzerodim!? u)));
put('trgroeb,'simpfg,'((t (groebnr2load))));
put('trgroebs,'simpfg,'((t (groebnr2load)(setq !*trgroeb t))
(nil (setq !*trgroeb nil))));
put('trgroebr,'simpfg,'((t (groebnr2load))));
put('groebstat,'simpfg,'((t ( groebnr2load))));
put('groebweak,'simpfg,'((t (groebnr2load))));
put('groebres,'simpfg,'((t (groebnr2load))));
module buchbg; % Central Groebner base code: Buchberger algorithm.
% Authors: H. Melenk, H.M. Moeller, W. Neun
% ZIB Berlin
% July 1988
fluid '(!*gcd);
fluid '( % switches from the user interface
!*groebopt !*groebfac !*groebres !*trgroeb !*trgroebs !*groebrm
!*trgroeb1 !*trgroebr !*groebprereduce groebrestriction!*
!*groebfullreduction !*groebstat !*groebdivide !*groebprot
!*groebheufact !*groebweak
vdpvars!* % external names of the variables
!*vdpinteger !*vdpmodular % indicating type of algorithm
vdpsortmode!* % term ordering mode
secondvalue!* thirdvalue!* % auxiliary: multiple return values
groebdomain!* % domain mode if selected explicitly
factortime!* % computing time spent in factoring
factorlevel!* % bookkeeping of factor tree
groefeedback!* % sideeffect factorization
groesfactors!* % data structure for act. fact.
pairsdone!* % list of pairs already calculated
probcount!* % counting subproblems
vbccurrentmode!* % current domain for base coeffs.
vbcmodule!* % for modular calculation:
% current prime
global '(groebrestriction % interface:
% name of restriction function
groebresmax % maximum number of internal results
gvarslast % output: variable list
groebmonfac % minimum exponent for reduction of
% monomial factors
groebprotfile % reduction protocol
flag ('(groebrestriction groebresmax gvarslast groebmonfac
groebprotfile), 'share);
groebrestriction := nil;
groebresmax := 300;
groebmonfac := 1;
!*groebfullreduction := t;
switch groebopt,groebrm,groebres,trgroeb,trgroebs,trgroeb1,
% variables for counting and numbering
fluid '(hcount!* pcount!* mcount!* fcount!* bcount!* b4count!*
basecount!* hzerocount!*);
% option ' groebopt' "optimizes" the given input
% polynomial set ( variable
% ordering )
% option ' trgroeb' prints intermediate
% results on the output file
% option ' trgroeb1' prints internal representation
% of critical pair list d
% option ' trgroebs ' prints S - polynomials
% on the output file
% option trgroebr prints (intermediate) results and
% computation statistics
% groebstat the statistics are printed
% groebres the H- polynomials are optimised using resultant
% and factorisation method
% groebrm multiplicities of factors in h-polynomials are reduced
% to simple factors.
% groebdivide
% the algorithm avoids all divisions (only for modular
% calculation) , if this switch is set off;
% groebprot Write a protocol to the variable "groebprotfile";
!*groebfullreduction := t;
%!*groebPreReduce := T;
!*groebdivide := t;
% the code for checkpointing is factored out
smacro procedure groebcheckpoint1(); list nil;
smacro procedure groebcheckpoint2(); list nil;
smacro procedure groebcheckpoint2a(); list nil;
smacro procedure groebcheckpoint3(); list nil;
smacro procedure groebcheckpoint4(); list nil;
smacro procedure groebcheckpoint5(); list nil;
% some macros for local usage only
smacro procedure tt(s1,s2);
% lcm of leading terms of s1 and s2
vevlcm(vdpevlmon s1,vdpevlmon s2);
smacro procedure vevdivides!? (vev1,vev2);
% test: vev1 divides vev2 ? for exponent vectors vev1,vev2
vevmtest!? (vev2,vev1);
symbolic procedure groebmakepair(f,h);
% construct a pair from polynomials f and h
% the 1-polynomial will be constructed at run time
% because the length of the vev is not known in advance
fluid '(vdpone!*);
symbolic procedure vdponepol;
% construct the polynomial=1
vdpone!* := vdpfmon(a2vbc 1,vevzero());
symbolic procedure groebner2(p,r);
% setup all global variables for the Buchberger algorithm
% printing of statistics
begin scalar groetime!*,tim1,spac,spac1,p1,factortime!*,
factortime!* := 0;
groetime!* := time();
vdponepol(); % we construct dynamically
hcount!* := 0; mcount!* := 0; fcount!* := 0;
bcount!* := 0; b4count!* := 0; hzerocount!* := 0;
basecount!* := 0; !*gcd := t;
if !*trgroeb then
<< prin2 "Groebner Calculation starting ";
terprit 2;
prin2 " groebopt: "; print !*groebopt;
spac := gctime();
p1:= groebbasein (p, !*groebfac, !*groebres,r);
if !*trgroeb or !*trgroebr or !*groebstat then
spac1 := gctime() - spac;
prin2t "statistics for GROEBNER calculation";
prin2t "===================================";
prin2 " total computing time (including gc): ";
prin2((tim1 := time()) - groetime!*);
prin2t " milliseconds ";
if factortime!* neq 0 then
<<prin2 " (time spent in FACTOR (excl. gc): ";
prin2 factortime!*;
prin2t " milliseconds)";
prin2 " (time spent for garbage collection: ";
prin2 spac1;
prin2t " milliseconds)";
terprit 1;
prin2 "H-polynomials total: "; prin2t hcount!*;
prin2 "H-polynomials zero : "; prin2t hzerocount!*;
prin2 "Crit M hits: "; prin2t mcount!*;
prin2 "Crit F hits: "; prin2t fcount!*;
prin2 "Crit B hits: "; prin2t bcount!*;
prin2 "Crit B4 hits: "; prin2t b4count!*;
return p1;
smacro procedure testabort h;
vdpmember (h,abort1) or
'cancel = (abort2 := groebtestabort(h,abort2));
% Buchberger's Algorithm
% INPUT : G0 = { f1, ... , fr} set of nonzero polynomials
% OUTPUT: groebner basis (list of nonzero polynomials)
% internal variables:
% problems list of problems to be processed. problems is non nil,
% if the inital problem was split by a successful factoring
% results collection of results from problems
% G basis under construction
% G1 local pointer to G
% D list of critical pairs during algorithm
% D1,D2 local lists of pairs during update of D
% f,fj polynomials
% p,p1,p2 pairs
% s,h polynomials in the central part of the algorithm
% (the "s-poly" and the "h-poly" selon Buchberger
% G99 set of polynomials used for reduction. Held as
% a search tree
% abort1 list of polynomials in factorization context.
% a calculation branch can be cancelled if one of
% these polys is detected
% abort2 list of sets of polynomials. If a new h polynomial
% is calculated, it should be removed from the sets.
% if one set becomes null, the set restriction is
% fulfilled and the branch can be cancelled
symbolic procedure groebbasein (g0,fact,groebres,abort1);
begin scalar problems, results, abort2,x,
integer gvbc;
integer lastcheckpoint,probcount!*;
lv := length vdpvars!*;
for each p in g0 do
if vdpzero!? p then g0 := delete(p,g0);
if !*groebprereduce then g0 := groebprereduce g0;
x := for each fj in g0 collect
vdpenumerate vdpsimpcont fj;
g0 := x;
% establish the initial problem
problems := list (list (nil,nil,nil,g0,abort1,nil,nil,
vbccurrentmode!*, nil,nil) );
!*trgroeb and groebmess1(g,d);
goto macroloop;
while problems and gvbc < groebresmax do
% pick up next problem
x := car problems;
d := car x;
g := cadr x;
g99 := groebstreereconstruct caddr x;
g0 := cadddr x;
abort1 := nth(x,5);
abort2 := nth(x,6);
pairsdone!* := nth(x,7);
h := nth(x,8); % vbcCurrentMode!*
factorlevel!* := nth(x,9);
groesfactors!* := nth(x,10);
problems := cdr problems;
g0 := % sort G0, but keep factor in first position
if factorlevel!* and g0 and cdr g0 then car g0 . vdplsort cdr g0
else vdplsort g0;
x := nil;
lasth := nil;
!*trgroeb and groebmess23 (g0,abort1,abort2);
while d or g0 do
if groebfasttest(g0,g,d,g99) then goto stop;
!*trgroeb and groebmess50(g);
if g0 then
<< % take next poly from input
h := car g0;
g0 := cdr g0;
p := list(nil,h,h);
<< % take next poly from pairs
p := car d;
d := delete (p,d);
s := groebspolynom (cadr p, caddr p);
if fact then
pairsdone!* := (vdpnumber cadr p
. vdpnumber caddr p)
. pairsdone!*;
!*trgroeb and groebmess3 (p,s);
h:=groebsimpcontnormalform groebnormalform(s,g99,'tree);
if vdpzero!? h then !*trgroeb and groebmess4(p,d);
% test for possible chains
if not vdpzero!? h then % only for real h's
<< s := groebchain (h,cadr p,g99);
if s = h then
h := groebchain (h,caddr p,g99);
if secondvalue!* then
g := delete(secondvalue!*,g)>>;
if vdpzero!? h then goto bott;
if vevzero!? vdpevlmon h then % base 1 found
<< !*trgroeb and groebmess5(p,h);
goto stop>>;
if testabort(h) then
<< !*trgroeb and groebmess19(h,abort1,abort2);
goto stop>>;
s:= nil;
% look for implicit or explicit factorization
hlist := nil;
if groebrestriction!* then
hlist := groebtestrestriction(h,abort1);
if not hlist and fact then
hlist := groebfactorize(h,abort1,g,g99);
if hlist = 'zero then goto bott;
if groefeedback!* then g0 := append(groefeedback!*,g0);
groefeedback!* := nil;
% factorisation found but only one factor survived
if hlist and length hlist = 2 then
<<h := car cadr hlist; hlist := nil>>;
if not hlist and groebres then
<<hlist := groebtestresultant(lasth,h,lv);
if hlist then groebres := nil>>;
if hlist then
<<if hlist neq 'cancel then
go stop;
% h polynomial is accepted now
h := vdpenumerate h; !*trgroeb and groebmess5(p,h);
% construct new critical pairs
d1 := nil;
!*trgroeb and groebmess50(g);
for each f in g do
if car p or % that means "not an input polynomial"
not member (vdpnumber h . vdpnumber f, pairsdone!*)
<<d1 := groebcplistsortin(groebmakepair(f,h),d1);
if tt(f,h) = vdpevlmon(f) then
<<g := delete (f,g);
!*trgroeb and groebmess2 f>>;
!*trgroeb and groebmess51(d1);
d2 := nil;
while d1 do
<<d1 := groebinvokecritf d1;
p1 := car d1; d1 := cdr d1;
d2 := groebinvokecritbuch4 (p1,d2);
d1 := groebinvokecritm (p1,d1);
d := groebinvokecritb (h,d);
d := groebcplistmerge(d,d2);
% monomials and binomials
if vdplength h < 3 and car p then
<<g := groebsecondaryreduction (h,g,g99,d,nil,t);
if g = 'abort then goto stop;
g99 := secondvalue!*;
d := thirdvalue!*>>;
g := h . g;
lasth := h;
g99 := groebstreeadd(h, g99);
!*trgroeb and groebmess8(g,d);
goto bott;
stop: d := g := g0 := nil;
g := vdplsort g; % such that T descending
x := groebbasein2(g,g99,problems,abort1,abort2,fact);
g1 := car x; problems := cdr x;
if g1 then <<results := g1 . results; gvbc := gvbc+1>>;
!*trgroeb and groebmess13(g1,problems);
return groebbasein3 results;
symbolic procedure groebfasttest(g0,g,d,g99); nil;
% a hook for special techniques
symbolic procedure groebbasein2(g,g99,problems,abort1,abort2,fact);
% final reduction for a base G: reduce each polynomial with the
% other members; here again support of factorization
begin scalar !*groebfullreduction,!*groebheufact; % saving value
scalar g1,f,h,hlist,x;
!*groebfullreduction := t;
g1 := nil;
while g do
<<h := car g;
g := cdr g;
f := groebsimpcontnormalform groebnormalform (h,g,'sort);
!*trgroeb and groebmess26(h,f);
if vdpone!? f then <<g1 := g := nil>>; % base {1} found
% very late now
if fact and not vdpzero!? f and not vdpone!? f then
<< hlist := groebfactorize (f,abort1,nil,nil);
if not null hlist then
<< % lift structure
hlist := for each x in cdr hlist collect car x;
% discard superfluous factors
for each h in hlist do
if vdpmember(h,abort1) then
<<hlist := delete(h,hlist);
!*trgroeb and
% generate new subproblems
x := 0;
for each h in hlist do
<<hlist := delete(h,hlist);
h := vdpenumerate h;
list(nil, % null D
append(g1,g), % base
g99, % G99
list h, % G0
(x := x+1) . factorlevel!*,
) . problems;
g := g1 := nil; % cancel actual final reduction
f := nil;
if f and not vdpzero!? f then g1 := append (g1 ,list f);
return g1.problems;
symbolic procedure groebbasein3(results);
% final postprocessing : remove multiple bases from the result
begin scalar x,g,f,p1,p2;
x := nil; g := results; p1 := p2 := 0;
while results do
<<if vdpone!? car car results % exclude multiple {1}
then p1 := p1 + 1 % count ones
<<f := for each p in car results % delete props for member
collect vdpremallprops p;
if member (f,x) % each base only once
then p2 := p2 + 1 % count multiples
else x := f . x;
results := cdr results>> >>;
results := if null x then list list vdpone!* else x;
return results;
fluid '( !*vbccompress);
symbolic procedure groebchain(h,f,g99);
% test if a chain from h-plynomials can be computed from the h
begin scalar h1,h2,h3,count,found;
secondvalue!* := nil;
return h; % erst einmal
if not vevdivides!? (vdpevlmon h, vdpevlmon f) then return h;
h2 := h;
h1 := f;
found := t;
count := 0;
while found do
<<h3 := groebspolynom(h1,h2);
h3 := groebnormalform(h3,g99,'tree);
h3 := vdpsimpcont h3;
if vdpzero!? h3 then
<<found := nil;
prin2t "chain---------------------------";
vdpprint h1;
vdpprint h2;
vdpprint h3;
secondvalue!* := f;
count := 9999>>
if vdpone!? h3 then
<<found := nil;
prin2t "chain---------------------------";
vdpprint h1;
vdpprint h2;
vdpprint h3;
h2 := h3;
count := 9999>>
if vevdivides!?(vdpevlmon h3, vdpevlmon h2) then
<<found := t;
prin2t "chain---------------------------";
vdpprint h1;
vdpprint h2;
vdpprint h3;
h1 := h2;
h2 := h3;
count := count+1>>
found := nil;
return if count > 0 then
<< prin2 "CHAIN :"; prin2t count; h2>>
else h;
symbolic procedure groebencapsulate(hlist,d,g0,g,g99,
% hlist is a factorized h poly. This procedure has the job to
% form new problems from hlist and to add them to problems.
% Result is problems.
% Standard procedure: only creation of subproblems
begin scalar factl, % list of factorizations under way
integer fc;
if length vdpvars!*>10 or car hlist neq 'factor then
return groebencapsulatehardcase(hlist,d,g0,g,g99,
% encapsulate for each factor
factl := groebrecfactl list hlist;;
!*trgroeb and groebmess22 (factl,abort1,abort2);
for each x in reverse factl do
<<y := append (car x, g0);
z := vdpunion (cadr x,abort1);
u := append(caddr x,abort2);
problems := list(
g, % future G99
y, % as new problem
z, % abort1
u, % abort2
pairsdone!*, % pairsdone!*
(fc:= fc+1) . factorlevel!*,
) . problems;
return problems;
symbolic procedure groebencapsulatehardcase(hlist,d,g0,g,g99,
% hlist is a factorized h poly. This procedure has the job to
% form new problems from hlist and to add them to problems.
% Result is problems.
% First the procedure tries to compute new h-polynomials from the
% remaining pairs which are not affected by the factors in hlist.
% purpose is to find further factorizations and to do calculations
% in common for all factors in order to shorten the separate later
% branches;
begin scalar factl, % list of factorizations under way
factr, % variables under factorization
integer fc;
factl := list hlist;
factr := vdpspace car cadr hlist;
for each x in cdr hlist do
for each p in x do
factr := vevunion(factr,vdpspace p);
% now process additional pairs
while d or g0 do
break := nil;
if g0 then
<< % next poly from input
s := car g0; g0 := cdr g0; p := list(nil,s,s);
<< % next poly fropm pairs
p := car d; d := delete (p,d);
if not vdporthspacep(car p,factr) then
s:= nil else
<<s := groebspolynom (cadr p, caddr p);
!*trgroeb and groebmess3 (p,s);>>;
if null s or not vdporthspacep(vdpevlmon s,factr) then
<< % throw away s polynomial
f := cadr p;
if not vdpmember3(f,g0,g,gc)
then gc := f . gc;
f := caddr p;
if car p and not vdpmember3 (f,g0,g,gc)
then gc := f . gc;
goto bott>>;
h := groebnormalform(s,g99,'tree);
if vdpzero!? h and car p then
!*trgroeb and groebmess4(p,d);
if not vdporthspacep(vdpevlmon h,factr) then
<< % throw away h polynomial
f := cadr p;
if not vdpmember3(f,g0,g,gc)
then gc := f . gc;
f := caddr p;
if car p and not vdpmember3 (f,g0,g,gc)
then gc := f . gc;
goto bott>>;
if car p then
pairsdone!* := (vdpnumber cadr p . vdpnumber caddr p)
. pairsdone!*;
if vdpzero!? h then goto bott;
if vevzero!? vdpevlmon h then % base 1 found
goto stop;
h := groebsimpcontnormalform h; % coefficients normalized
if testabort h then
<<!*trgroeb and groebmess19(h,abort1,abort2);
goto stop>>;
s:= nil;
hlist := nil;
if groebrestriction!* then
hlist := groebtestrestriction(h,abort1);
if hlist = 'cancel then goto stop;
if not hlist and fact then
hlist := groebfactorize(h,abort1,g,g99);
if groefeedback!* then g0 := append(groefeedback!*,g0);
groefeedback!* := nil;
if hlist and length hlist = 2 then
<<h := car cadr hlist; hlist := nil>>;
if hlist then
<< for each x in cdr hlist do
for each h in x do
factr := vevunion(factr,vdpspace h);
factl := hlist . factl; % add to factors
goto bott>>;
h := vdpenumerate h; % ready now
!*trgroeb and groebmess5(p,h);
% construct new critical pairs
d1 := nil;
for each f in g do
if tt(f,h) = vdpevlmon(f) then
<<g := delete (f,g);
d1 := groebcplistsortin( groebmakepair(f,h) , d1);
!*trgroeb and groebmess2 f;
!*trgroeb and groebmess51(d1);
d2 := nil;
while d1 do
<<d1 := groebinvokecritf d1;
p1 := car d1; d1 := cdr d1;
d2 := groebinvokecritbuch4 (p1,d2);
d1 := groebinvokecritm (p1,d1);
d := groebinvokecritb (h,d);
d := groebcplistmerge(d,d2);
if vdplength h < 3 then
<<g := groebsecondaryreduction (h,g,g99,d,gc,t);
if g = 'abort then goto stop;
g99 := secondvalue!*;
d := thirdvalue!*;
gc := fourthvalue!*>>;
g := h . g;
g99 := groebstreeadd(h, g99);
!*trgroeb and groebmess8(g,d);
goto bott;
d := g := g0 := gc := factl := nil;
end; %ITER
% now collect all relvevant polys
g0 := vdpunion(g0,vdpunion(g,gc));
% encapsulate for each factor
if factl then
<< factl := groebrecfactl factl;
!*trgroeb and groebmess22 (factl,abort1,abort2);
for each x in reverse factl do
<<fl1 := (fc := fc+1) . factorlevel!*;
break:= nil;
y := append (car x, g0);
z := vdpunion (cadr x,abort1);
u := append(caddr x,abort2);
if vdpmember(vdpone!*,y) then break:=vdpone!*;
% inspect the unreduced list first
if not break then for each p in z do
if vdpmember(p,y) then break := p;
% now prepare the reduced list
if not break then
<<y := append (car x,groebreducefromfactors(g0,car x));
pd := secondvalue!*;
if vdpmember(vdpone!*,y) then break := vdpone!* else
for each p in z do if vdpmember(p,y) then break := p;
pd := subla(pd,pairsdone!*);
if not break then
problems := list(
nil, % new D
nil, % new G
nil, % future G99
y, % as new problem
z, % abort1
u, % abort2
pd, % pairsdone!*
fl1, % factorlevel!*,
groesfactors!* % factor db
) . problems
else !*trgroeb and groebmess19a(break,fl1);
return problems;
symbolic procedure groebrecfactl (factl);
% factl is a list of factorizations:a list of lists of vdps
% generate calculation pathes from them
begin scalar rf,res,type;
if null factl then return list list(nil,nil,nil);
rf := groebrecfactl (cdr factl);
factl := car factl;
type := car factl; % FACTOR or RESTRICT
factl := cdr factl;
while factl do
<<for each y in rf do
if vdpdisjoint!?(car factl,cadr y) then
res := list( vdpunion(car factl,car y),
(if type = 'factor then
append (for each x in cdr factl collect car x,
cadr y)
if type = 'resultant then
append (for each x in cdr factl collect cadr x,
cadr y)
else cadr y),
(if type neq 'factor and type neq 'resultant then
append(cdr factl,caddr y)
else caddr y)
) . res;
factl := cdr factl>>;
return res;
symbolic procedure groebtestabort (h,abort2);
% tests if h is member of one of the sets in abort2.
% if yes, it is deleted. If one wet becomes null, the message
% "CANCEL is returned, otherwise the updated abort2.
begin scalar x,break,res;
% car test the occurence
x := abort2;
while x and not break do
<< if vdpmember(h,car x) then break := t;
x := cdr x>>;
if not break then return abort2; % not relvevant
break := nil;
while abort2 and not break do
<<x := vdpdeletemember(h,car abort2);
if null x then break := t;
res := x . res;
abort2 := cdr abort2;
!*trgroeb and groebmess25(h,res);
if break then return 'cancel;
return res;
% Reduction of polynomials
symbolic procedure groebnormalform(f,g,type);
% general procedure for reduction of one polynomial from a set
% f is a polynomial, G is a Set of polynomials either in
% a search tree or in a sorted list
% type describes the ordering of the set G:
% 'TREE G is a search tree
% 'SORT G is a sorted list
% 'LIST G is a list, but not sorted
% f has to be reduced modulo G
begin scalar f1,c,vev,divisor,break,done,fold,fullh,a;
integer n;
if !*groebprot then groebprotsetq('candidate,vdp2a f);
if !*groebweak and !*vdpinteger
and groebweakzerotest(f,g,type) then return f2vdp nil;
fold := f; f1 := vdpzero(); a:= vbcfi 1;
while not vdpzero!? f do
vev:=vdpevlmon f; c:=vdplbc f;
if not !*groebfullreduction and not vdpzero!? f1 then
g := nil; % cut off
if type = 'sort then
while g and vevcompless!?(vev,vdpevlmon car g)
do g := cdr g;
if null g then
<<f1:=vdpsum (f1,f); f:=vdpzero();
break := t; divisor := nil; goto ready>>;
divisor :=
if type = 'tree then groebsearchinstree(vev,g)
else groebsearchinlist (vev,g);
if divisor then done := t; % true action indicator
if divisor and !*trgroebs then
<< prin2 "//-";
prin2 vdpnumber divisor;
if divisor then
if vdplength divisor = 1 then
f := vdpcancelmvev(f,vdpevlmon divisor)
if !*vdpinteger or not !*groebdivide then
<< f:=groebreduceonestepint(f,f1,c,vev,divisor);
f1 := secondvalue!*; n := n+1;
if not vdpzero!? f and
n #> 9 then
f1 := secondvalue!*; n := 0 >>;
f := groebreduceonesteprat(f,nil,c,vev,divisor)
<<f1 := vdpappendmon (f1,vdplbc f,vdpevlmon f);
if !*groebheufact and null fullh then
fullh := f2vdp vdp2f f; % avoid cycle
f := vdpred f;
if !*groebprot then groebreductionprotocolborder();
if not done then f1 := fold;
if fullh then f1 := vdpputprop(f1,'fullh,fullh);
return f1;
symbolic procedure groebvbcbig!? a;
% test if a is a "big" coefficient
(if numberp x then (x > 1000000000000 or x < -1000000000000)
else t)
where x=vbcnumber a;
symbolic procedure groebsimpcontnormalform h;
% simpCont version preserving the property fullH
if vdpzero!? h then h else
begin scalar fullh;
fullh := vdpgetprop (h,'fullh);
h := vdpsimpcont h;
return vdpputprop(h,'fullh,fullh);
symbolic procedure groebsimpcont2(f,f1);
% simplify two polynomials with the gcd of their contents;
begin scalar c;
c := vdpcontent f;
if vbcone!? vbcabs c then goto ready;
if not vdpzero!? f1 then
<< c := vdpcontent1(f1,c);
if vbcone!? vbcabs c then goto ready;
f1 := vdpdivmon(f1,c,nil)>>;
f := vdpdivmon(f,c,nil);
!*trgroeb and groebmess28 c;
secondvalue!* := f1; return f;
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %
% special case reductions
symbolic procedure groebprereduce g;
% reduce the polynomials in g with themselves.
% the reduction is continued until headterms are stable
% is possible;
begin scalar res,work,oldvev,f,oldf,!*groebweak,!*groebfullreduction;
integer count;
if !*trgroebs then
<< g := for each p in g collect vdpenumerate p;
for each p in g do vdpprint p>>;
res := nil; % delete zero polynomials from G
for each f in g do if not vdpzero!? f then res := f . res;
work := g := res := reversip res;
while work do
<< g := vdplsort res; % sort prvevious result
if !*trgroebs then prin2t "Starting cycle in prereduction.";
res := nil;
count := count + 1;
work := nil;
while g do
<< oldf := f:= car g; g := cdr g;
oldvev := vdpevlmon f;
f := vdpsimpcont groebnormalform (f,g,'sort);
if (!*trgroebs or !*groebprot) and not vdpequal(f,oldf) then
<<f := vdpenumerate f;
if !*groebprot then
if not vdpzero!? f then
groebprotsetq(mkid('poly,vdpnumber f), vdp2a f)
else groebprotval 0;
if !*trgroebs then
<<prin2t "reducing"; vdpprint oldf; prin2t "to";
vdpprint f>>;
if not vdpzero!? f then
<<if oldvev neq vdpevlmon f then work := t;
res := f . res>>;
return for each f in res collect vdpsimpcont f;
symbolic procedure groebreducefromfactors (g,facts);
% reduce the polynomials in G from those in facts.
begin scalar new,gnew,f,nold,nnew,numbers;
if !*trgroebs then <<
prin2t "replacing from factors:";
for each x in facts do vdpprin2t x
while g do
<<f := car g;
g := cdr g;
nold := vdpnumber(f);
new := groebnormalform(f,facts,'list);
if vdpzero!? new then
<< if !*trgroebs then <<prin2 "vanishes ";
prin2 vdpnumber f
if vevzero!? vdpevlmon new then
<< if !*trgroebs then <<prin2 "ONEPOL ";
prin2 vdpnumber f
g := nil;
gnew := list vdpone!*;
if new neq f then
<<new := vdpenumerate vdpsimpcont new;
nnew := vdpnumber new;
numbers := (nold . nnew) . numbers;
if !*trgroebs then <<prin2 "replacing ";
prin2 vdpnumber f;
prin2 " by ";
prin2t vdpnumber new
gnew := new . gnew;
secondvalue!* := numbers;
return gnew;
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %
% support for Reduction by "simple" polynomials
symbolic procedure groebnormalform1(f,p);
% short version; reduce f by p
% special case: p is a nomomial
if vdplength p = 1 then vdpcancelmvev(f,vdpevlmon p)
else groebnormalform(f,list p,nil);
symbolic procedure groebprofitsfromvev(p,vev);
% tests, if at least one monomial from p would be reduced by vev
if vdpzero!? p then nil
if vevdivides!?(vev, vdpevlmon p) then t
groebprofitsfromvev(vdpred p,vev);
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %
% special reduction procedures
symbolic procedure groebreduceonestepint(f,f1,c,vev,g1);
% reduction step for integer case:
% calculate f= a*f - b*g a,b such that leading term vanishes
% (vev of lvbc g divides vev of lvbc f)
% and calculate f1 = a*f1
% return value=f, secondvalue=f1
begin scalar vevlcm,a,b,cg,x,rg1;
% trivial case: g1 single monomial
if vdpzero!? (rg1:= vdpred g1)
then return <<f := vdpred f; secondvalue!* := f1; f>>;
vevlcm := vevdif(vev,vdpevlmon g1);
cg := vdplbc g1;
% calculate coefficient factors
x := if not !*groebdivide then vbcfi 1 else vbcgcd(c,cg);
a := vbcquot(cg,x);
b := vbcquot(c,x);
% multiply relvevant parts from f and f1 by a (vbc)
if f1 and not vdpzero!? f1 then f1 := vdpvbcprod(f1,a);
if !*groebprot then groebreductionprotocol(a,vbcneg b,vevlcm,g1);
f:= vdpilcomb1 (vdpred f, a, vevzero(),
rg1,vbcneg b, vevlcm);
% return with f and f1
secondvalue!*:= f1;
thirdvalue!* := a;
return f;
symbolic procedure groebreduceonesteprat(f,dummy,c,vev,g1);
% reduction step for rational case:
% calculate f= f - g/vdpLbc(f)
begin scalar x,rg1;
% trivial case: g1 single monomial
if vdpzero!? (rg1 := vdpred g1) then return vdpred f ;
% calculate coefficient factors
x := vbcneg vbcquot(c,vdplbc g1);
return vdpilcomb1(vdpred f,a2vbc 1,vevzero(),
rg1,x,vevdif(vev,vdpevlmon g1));
symbolic procedure groebreductionprotocol(a,b,vevlcm,g1);
if !*groebprot then
groebprotfile :=
if not vbcone!? a then
list('times,'candidate,vbc2a a)),
vdp2a vdpfmon(b,vevlcm),
mkid('poly,vdpnumber g1) )))
) )
vdp2a vdpfmon(b,vevlcm),
mkid('poly,vdpnumber g1) )))
) ) ;
symbolic procedure groebreductionprotocolborder();
append(groebprotfile,'!+!+!+!+!+!+!+!+!+!+!+!+!+!+!+!+ . nil);
symbolic procedure groebprotsetq(a,b);
groebprotfile :=
append (groebprotfile,
list (list ('equal,a,b)));
symbolic procedure groebprotval a;
groebprotfile :=
append (groebprotfile,
list (list ('equal,'intermediateresult,a)));
symbolic procedure subset!?(s1,s2);
% tests if s1 is a subset of s2
if null s1 then t
if member(car s1,s2) then subset!?(cdr s1,s2)
symbolic procedure vevsplit (vev);
% split vev such that each exponent vector has only one 1
begin scalar n,vp,e;
n := 0;
for each x in vev do
<<n := n+1;
if x neq 0 then
<<e := append (vdpevlmon vdpone!*,nil);
vp := e . vp;
return vp;
% calculation of an S-polynomial
%general strategy:
% groebSpolynom3 calculates the traditional s-Polynomial from p1,p2
% (linear combination such that the highest term vanishes).
% groebSpolynom2 subtracts multiples of p2 from the s-polynomial such
% that head terms are eliminated early.
symbolic procedure groebspolynom (p1,p2);
symbolic procedure groebspolynom2 (p1,p2);
if vdpzero!? p1 then p2 else if vdpzero!? p2 then p1 else
begin scalar s,tp1,tp2,ts,cand;
s := groebspolynom3(p1,p2);
if vdpzero!? s or vdpone!? s then return s;
tp1 := vdpevlmon p1; tp2 := vdpevlmon p2;
while not vdpzero!? s
and ((vevdivides!?(tp2,(ts := vdpevlmon s)) and (cand := p2))
(vevdivides!?(tp1,(ts := vdpevlmon s)) and (cand := p1)))
<< if !*vdpinteger then
s := % vdpsimpcont
groebreduceonestepint(s,nil,vdplbc s,ts,cand)
% rational, float and modular case
s := groebreduceonesteprat
(s,nil,vdplbc s,ts,cand);
return s;
symbolic procedure groebspolynom3 (p1,p2);
begin scalar ep1,ep2,ep,rp1,rp2,db1,db2,x;
ep1 := vdpevlmon p1; ep2 := vdpevlmon p2;
ep := vevlcm(ep1, ep2);
rp1 := vdpred p1; rp2 := vdpred p2;
return ( if vdpzero!? rp1 and vdpzero!? rp2 then rp1
else ( if vdpzero!? rp1 then
vdpfmon(a2vbc 1,
vevdif(ep, ep2) ) )
else if vdpzero!? rp2 then
vdpfmon(a2vbc 1,
vevdif(ep, ep1) ) )
<<db1 := vdplbc p1;
db2 := vdplbc p2;
if !*vdpinteger then
<< x:= vbcgcd (db1,db2);
if not vbcone!? x then
<< db1 := vbcquot (db1,x);
db2 := vbcquot (db2,x);
>> >>;
vdpilcomb1 (rp2,db1,vevdif(ep,ep2),
rp1,vbcneg db2,vevdif(ep,ep1))
symbolic procedure vdplmon u; vdpfmon (vdplbc u,vdplbc u);
symbolic procedure vdpmember3(p,g1,g2,g3);
% test membership of p in one of then lists g1,g2,g3
vdpmember(p,g1) or vdpmember(p,g2) or vdpmember(p,g3);
module groebcri;
% criteria for the Buchberger algorithm
fluid '(bcount!* b4count!* mcount!* fcount!*);
smacro procedure tt(s1,s2);
% lcm of leading terms of s1 and s2
vevlcm(vdpevlmon s1,vdpevlmon s2);
smacro procedure vevdivides!? (vev1,vev2);
% test: vev1 divides vev2 ? for exponent vectors vev1,vev2
vevmtest!? (vev2,vev1);
smacro procedure atleast2elementsin (u);
% test if u has at least a cadr element
u and cdr u;
symbolic procedure groebbuchcrit4(p1,p2,e);
% Buchberger criterion 4. p1 and p2 are distributive
% polynomials. e is the least common multiple of
% the leading exponent vectors of the distributive
% polynomials p1 and p2. groebBuchcrit4(p1,p2,e) returns a
% boolean expression. True if the reduction of the
% distributive polynomials p1 and p2 is necessary
% else false.
% orig:
% e neq vevsum( vdpevlmon p1, vdpevlmon p2);
groebbuchcrit4t(vdpevlmon p1,vdpevlmon p2);
symbolic procedure groebbuchcrit4t(e1,e2);
% nonconstructive test of lcm(e1,e2) = e1 + e2
% equivalent: no matches of nonzero elements.
if null e1 or null e2 then nil
if (car e1 neq 0) and (car e2 neq 0) then t
else groebbuchcrit4t(cdr e1,cdr e2);
symbolic procedure groebinvokecritbuch4 (p,d2);
% Buchberger's criterion 4 is tested on the pair p and the list
% D2 of critical pairs is updated with respect to that crit.
% Result is the updated D2;
begin scalar p1,p2,vev1,vev2,f1,f2,fd,b4;
p1 := cadr p;
p2 := caddr p;
vev1 := vdpevlmon p1;
vev2 := vdpevlmon p2;
f1 := vdpgetprop(p1,'monfac);
f2 := vdpgetprop(p2,'monfac);
% discard known common factors first
if f1 and f2 then
<<fd := vevmin (f1,f2);
b4 := groebbuchcrit4t(vevdif(vev1,fd),vevdif(vev2,fd));
if b4 and % is the body itself a common factor?
vevdif(vev1,f1) = vevdif(vev2,f2)
% test if the polys reduced by their monom.
% factor are equal
and groebbuchcrit4compatible(p1,f1,p2,f2)
then b4 := nil;
b4 := groebbuchcrit4t(vev1,vev2);
if b4 then
d2 := append (d2, list p)
b4count!* := b4count!* + 1;
return d2;
symbolic procedure groebbuchcrit4compatible (p1,f1,p2,f2);
% p1,p2 polys, f1,f2 exponent vectors (monomials), which are known to
% be factors of their f;
% tests, if p1/f1 = p2/f2
if vdpzero!? p1 then vdpzero!? p2
if vdplbc p1 = vdplbc p2
groebbuchcrit4compatiblevev(vdpevlmon p1,f1,vdpevlmon p2,f2)
then groebbuchcrit4compatible (vdpred p1,f1,vdpred p2,f2)
symbolic procedure groebbuchcrit4compatiblevev (vev1,f1,vev2,f2);
if null vev1 then null vev2
if (if f1 then car vev1 - car f1 else car vev1)
(if f2 then car vev2 - car f2 else car vev2)
groebbuchcrit4compatiblevev (cdr vev1,
if f1 then cdr f1 else nil,
cdr vev2,
if f2 then cdr f2 else nil)
symbolic procedure groebinvokecritf d1;
% groebInvokeCritF tests a list D1 of critical pairs. It cancels all
% critical pairs but one in D1 having the same lcm (i.e. car
% component) as car(D1). This only one is chosen, if possible,
% such that it doesn't satisfy groebBuchcrit4.
% Version: moeller upgraded 5.7.87
scalar tp1,p2,active;
tp1 := car(car(d1));
active := atleast2elementsin d1;
while active do
<< p2 := cadr d1;
if car(p2) = tp1 then
<< fcount!* := fcount!* +1;
if not groebbuchcrit4t(cadr p2, caddr p2)
then d1 := cdr(d1)
else d1 := groedeletip(p2,d1);
active := atleast2elementsin d1;
else active := nil
return d1;
symbolic procedure groebinvokecritm (p1,d1);
% D1 is a list of critical pairs, p1 is a critical pair.
% crit M tests, if the lcm of p1 divides one of the lcm's in D1.
% If so, this object is eliminated.
% Result is the updated D1;
<< for each p3 in d1 do
if vevdivides!?(car(p1), car(p3)) then
<<mcount!* := mcount!*+1;
d1 := groedeletip (p3,d1)>>; % Criterion M
symbolic procedure groebinvokecritb (fj,d);
% D is a list of critical pairs, fj is a polynomial.
% Crit B allows to eliminate a pair from D, if the leading monomial
% of fj divides the lcm of the pair, but the lcm of fj with each of
% the members of the pair is not the lcm of the pair itself
% Result is the updated D;
<< for each p in d do
if vevdivides!?(vdpevlmon(fj), car(p)) and
tt(fj,cadr(p)) neq car(p) and % Criterion B
tt(fj,caddr(p)) neq car(p) then
<<bcount!* := bcount!* +1;
d:= delete (p,d)>>;
module groesolv; % Tools for solving systems of polynomials (and poly-
% % nomial equations) based on Groebner basis techniques.
% Authors: H.Melenk (ZIB Berlin)
% H.M Moeller (Fernunversitaet Hagen)
% W.Neun (ZIB Berlin)
% May 1991
% operators:
% GROESOLVE does the whole job of solving a nonlinear
% set of symbolicessions and / or equations
% GROEPOSTPROC expects that its car parameter is a
% lexical groebner base already
fluid '(groesolvelvevel!* !*groebprereduce);
fluid '(groesoldb!* groesoldmode!* !*groebnumval
!*groebopt !*groebprot !*groesolrecurs
!*groesolgarbage denominators!* variables!*);
fluid '(!*convert !*msg);
global '(groebprotfile gvarslast);
groesolvelvevel!* := 0;
symbolic procedure groesolveeval u;
begin scalar gblist,vars,oldtorder,res,!*groebopt,
!*groebopt := t;
oldtorder := apply1('torder,'(lex));
groesoldmode!* := get(dmode!*,'dname);
while problems do
<<u:=car problems; problems:=cdr problems;
gblist := cdr groebnerfeval u;
!*groebopt := nil; % 29.8.88
if null variables!* then variables!*:=gvarslast;
if not(gblist = {{1}}) then
for each gb in gblist do
<<res := union (res,cdr groepostsolveeval{gb,variables!*});
for each d in denominators!* do
return 'list . res
symbolic procedure groepostsolveeval u;
begin scalar a,b,vars,oldorder;
scalar groesoldb!*;
scalar !*groebprereduce,!*groebopt,!*groesolgarbage;
integer lvevel;
groesoldmode!* := get(dmode!*,'dname);
!*groebnumval := member(groesoldmode!* ,
'(rounded complex!-rounded));
vars := groerevlist reval cadr u;
if vdpsortmode!* = 'lex then t else
"Groepostproc, illegal torder; (only LEX allowed)");
oldorder := setkorder vars;
a := groerevlist reval car u;
b := groesolve1(a,a,vars);
a := nil;
for each sol in b do % delete multiplicities
if not member(sol,a) then a := sol . a;
a := 'list . for each sol in a collect 'list . sol;
setkorder oldorder;
return a;
put('groepostproc ,'psopfn,'groepostsolveeval);
% DATA structure:
% all polynomials are held in prefix form (symbolicessions)
% transformation to standard quotients/ standard forms is done locally
% only; distributive form is no used here.
% a zero is a set of equations, if possible with a variable on the
% lhs each
% e.g. {y=17,z=b+8};
% internally: ((equal y 17)(equal z (plus b 8)))
% a zeroset is a list of zeros
% elgl {{y=17,z=b+8},{y=17,z=b-8}}
% internally the sets (lists) are kept untagged as lists; the
% tag 'list is only added to the results and to those lists which
% are parameters to algebraic operators not in this package.
symbolic procedure groesolve1 (a,fulla,vars);
% A lex Groebner basis or tail of lex Groebner basis
% fullA the complete lex Groebner basis to A
% vars the list of variables
if null a or a='(1) then nil else
<<begin scalar f1,a1,res,q,gi,ng1,ng2,ngq,qg,mv,test;
res := assoc (a,groesoldb!*); if res then return cdr res;
groesolvelvevel!* := groesolvelvevel!* + 1;
%%tr prin2t "=================================================";
%%tr prin2l list( " groesolvelvevel!*: ",groesolvelvevel!*);
%%tr prin2t " Problem:";
%%tr writepri (mkquote ('list . a),'only);;
if member(a,!*groesolrecurs) then
<<!*groesolgarbage := t;
return list for each p in a collect list('equal,p,0) >>;
!*groesolrecurs := a . !*groesolrecurs;
if length a = 1 then
<< %%tr print "single polynomial; solve it";
res := groesolvepoly car a; goto ready>>;
% step 1
f1 := car a;
a1 := cdr a;
test := nil;
mv := intersection(vars,ltermvariables f1); % test Buchcrit 4
for each p in a1 do
if intersection (mv,ltermvariables p) then test := t;
if not test then
<< %%tr print "f1 has unique main variable";
ngq := groesolve1(a1,a1,vars);
res := zerosetintersection(ngq,f1,vars);
goto ready>>;
% Q := cdr GroebIdq('list . A1,f1,'list . vars); % A1:f1
q := groesolvidq(a1,f1,vars);
%%tr print "A1:f1"; %%tr writepri (mkquote ('list . Q),'only);;
if q='(1) then % f1 already member of A1; skip it
<<%%tr print "f1 already in A1; ignore";
res:= groesolve1(a1,fulla,vars);
goto ready>>;
ngq := groesolve1(q,q,vars);
ng1 := zerosetintersection (ngq,f1,vars);
% step 4
if groesolvidqtest(a1,f1,vars) then
<< while q do
<< gi := car q; q := cdr q;
gi := preduceeval list (gi , 'list . a, 'list . vars);
if gi = 0 then q:= nil else
a := cdr groebidq('list . a ,gi,'list . vars);
ng2 := groesolve1(a,a,vars);
>> else
<<ng2 := ();
if length q = 1 then
<< gi := preduceeval list (car q, 'list . fulla, 'list . vars);
if gi neq 0 then
<< qg := cdr groebidq('list . fulla,gi,'list . vars); % A1:gi
ng2 := groesolve1(qg,qg,vars);
>> >>
ng2 := groesolve2(a1,q,vars);
res:= zerosetunion (ng1,ng2);
%%tr print list( "Result, level!*: ",groesolvelvevel!*);
%%tr writeres res;
%%tr print "...................................................";
groesolvelvevel!* := groesolvelvevel!* -1;
groesoldb!* := (a . res) . groesoldb!*;
return res;
>> where !*groesolrecurs = !*groesolrecurs; % recursive fluid!
symbolic procedure groesolvidqtest(a1,f1,vars);
not(deg(f1,car vars) eq deg(car a1,car vars));
symbolic procedure groesolvidq(a1,f1,vars);
begin scalar x,temp;
x := car vars;
if not groesolvidqtest(a1,f1,vars)
then return cdr groebidq('list . a1,f1,'list . vars);
temp :=
for each p in a1 collect
reval car reverse coeffeval list(p,x);
return cdr groebnereval list ('list . temp,'list . vars);
symbolic procedure groesolve2(a,q,vars);
% Calculation of the zeroset A1:(g1,g2,,,,gs),
% the gi given as members of Q.
groesolvetree (a,q,q,vars);
symbolic procedure groesolvetree(a,t1,phi,vars);
begin scalar q,ngtemp,ngall,t2,h,g,a2,phi2;
%%tr prin2t ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>";
%%tr prin2t "groesolvetree; A:";
%%tr writepri(mkquote ('list . a),'only);
%%tr writepri( "T1 :",'car);
%%tr writepri(mkquote ('list . T1) ,'last);
%%tr writepri( "phi:",'car);
%%tr writepri(mkquote ('list . phi),'last);
if null phi then return nil else
if null t1 then
<<q := cdr groebidq('list.a, 'times.phi,'list.vars);
%%tr prin2t "<< << << << << << << << << << << << << <<<";
return if car q = 1 then nil
else groesolve1(q,q,vars) >>;
for each g in t1 do
<<h:=preduceeval list(g,'list.a,'list.vars);
phi := delete(g,phi);
if not(h=0) then <<t2:=h.t2; phi:=h.phi>>;
if null phi then return nil; % 29.8.88
t1 := t2;
q := cdr groebidq('list.a, 'times.phi,'list.vars);
%%tr writepri( "PHI :",'car);
%%tr writepri(mkquote ('TIMES.phi) ,'last);
%%tr writepri( "A:PHI :",'car);
%%tr writepri(mkquote ('LIST.Q) ,'last);
if not(car q = 1) then
ngall := groesolve1(q,q,vars);
if !*groesolgarbage then
return groesolvecdrruct(q,phi,vars,ngall);
while t1 do
<<g:=car t1; t1:=cdr t1;
phi2 := delete(g,phi);
if phi2 then
<<a2 := cdr groebnereval list('list . g . a,'list . vars);
if not(car a2 =1) then
<<ngtemp := groesolvetree(a2,t1,phi2,vars);
ngall := zerosetunion(ngtemp,ngall)>>;
%%tr prin2t "<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<";
return ngall;
symbolic procedure groesolvecdrruct(a,phi,vars,ngall);
% there was a problem with an embedded solution in phi such that
% A:phi = A
% we try a heuristic by making one variable a formal parameter
begin scalar newa,newvars,mv,oldorder,solu;
mv := ltermvariables ('times.phi);
mv := car mv;
%%tr prin2 "groesolvecdrruct: taking variable "; prin2t mv;
newvars := delete(mv,vars);
oldorder := setkorder newvars;
newa := cdr groebnereval list('list . a,'list . newvars);
%%tr prin2t "new Groebner basis:";
%%tr writepri(mkquote ('LIST . newA),'ONLY);
!*groesolgarbage := nil;
solu := groesolve1(newa,newa,newvars);
%%tr if !*groesolgarbage then prin2t "Heuristics failed"
%%tr else prin2t "better result";
setkorder oldorder;
return if !*groesolgarbage then ngall else solu;
%%tr symbolic procedure writeres r;
%%tr writepri (mkquote ('list.for each x in r collect 'list.x),'ONLY);
symbolic procedure ltermvariables u;
% extract variables of leading term in u
begin scalar v;
u := numr simp u;
while not domainp u do
<<v := mvar u . v;
u := lc u>>;
return reversip v;
symbolic procedure zerosetintersection (ng,poly,vars);
% NG is a zeroset
% poly is a polynomial
% the routine maps the zeros in NG by the polynomial:
% each zero is substituted into the polynomial;
% that gives a univariate polynomial, which can be
% solved by SOLVE or numerical techniques.
% the result is the solution NG, including the solutions of the
% polynomial.
begin scalar res,ns,testpoly,ppoly,sol,s,var,dom;
%%tr print "Intersection ";
%%tr writepri (mkquote ('list . NG),'only);
%%tr print " with ";
%%tr writepri(mkquote poly,'only);
res := ();
poly := simp poly;
var := if not domainp numr poly then mvar numr poly
else 'constant;
if ng=() then goto finish;
ns := car ng; ng := cdr ng;
testpoly := poly;
dom := groesoldmode!* or 'rational;
testpoly := simp prepsq testpoly;
for each u in ns do
if idp lhs u then % substitute explicit solutions
<<s := rhs u;
testpoly := subsq(testpoly,list (lhs u . s));
ppoly := prepf numr testpoly;
sol := groesolvepolyv(ppoly,var);
res := append(res , for each r in sol collect append(r,ns) ) ;
goto loop;
%%tr print "Schnittresultat: ";
%%tr writeres res;
return res;
% solving a single polynomial with respect to its main variable
symbolic procedure groesolvepoly p; groesolvepolyv(p,mainvar p);
symbolic procedure groesolvepolyv(p,var);
% find the zeros for one polynomial p in the
% variable "var".
% current dmode is NIL.
begin scalar res,u,n,!*convert,y;
u := numr simp p;
n := ldeg u;
res := if !*groebnumval and univariatepolynomial!? u
then groeroots(p,var)
else solveeval list (p,var);
res := cdr res;
% collect nontrivial denominators.
for each x in res do
<<y:=prepf denr simp caddr x;
if dependsl(y,variables!*) then
res := for each x in res collect list x;
return res;
symbolic procedure univariatepolynomial!? fm;
domainp fm or univariatepolynomial!?1 (fm,mvar fm);
symbolic procedure univariatepolynomial!?1 (fm,v);
domainp fm or
domainp lc fm and v = mvar fm and
univariatepolynomial!?1(red fm,v);
symbolic procedure predecessor (r,l);
% looks for the predecessor of r in l
if not pairp l or not pairp cdr l or r = car l
then rerror(groebner,9,"No predecessor available") else
if r = cadr l then car l else predecessor (r,cdr l);
symbolic procedure zerosetunion(ng1,ng2);
<<%print list( "union von ",ng1,ng2;
ng1 := zerosetunion1(ng1,ng2);
% print list( "-->",ng1);
symbolic procedure zerosetunion1(ng1,ng2);
% Vereinigung von Nullstellengebilden
if ng1 = () then ng2
if zerosetmember(car ng1,ng2) then zerosetunion1(cdr ng1,ng2)
car ng1 . zerosetunion1(cdr ng1,ng2);
symbolic procedure zerosetmember (ns,ng);
if ng = () then nil else
if zeroequal(ns,car ng) then ng else
zerosetmember (ns,cdr ng);
symbolic procedure zeroequal(ns1,ns2);
if zerosubset(ns1,ns2) then zerosubset(ns2,ns1) else nil;
symbolic procedure zerosubset(ns1,ns2);
if null ns1 then t else
if member(car ns1,ns2) then zerosubset(cdr ns1,ns2)
else nil;
symbolic procedure groesetdmode(dmode,dir);
% Interface for switching an arbitrary domain on/off.
if null dmode then nil else
begin scalar x,y;
if null dir then
<< if !*complex then y:=setdmode('complex,nil);
!*complex := nil;
if dmode!* then y:=setdmode(get(dmode!*,'dname),nil);
>> else
<< if memq(dmode,'(complex complex!-rounded complex!-rational))
then <<!*complex := t;
if (x:=atsoc(dmode,'((complex!-rounded . rounded)
(complex!-rational . rational)) ))
then y:=setdmode(cdr x,t)>>
else y:=setdmode(dmode,t);
return y;
symbolic procedure preduceeval pars;
% Polynomial reduction driver. u is an expression and v a list of
% expressions. Preduce calculates the polynomial u reduced wrt the list
% of expressions v.
% parameters:
% 1 expression to be reduced
% 2 polynomials or equations; base for reduction
% 3 optional: list of variables
begin scalar vars,x,u,v,w,oldorder,!*factor,!*exp;
integer n,pcount!*; !*exp := t;
if !*groebprot then groebprotfile := list 'list;
n := length pars;
x := reval car pars;
u := reval cadr pars;
v := if n>2 then reval caddr pars else nil;
w := for each j in groerevlist u
collect if eqexpr j then !*eqn2a j else j;
if null w then rerror(groebnr2,3,"Empty list in Preduce");
vars :=
if null v then
for each j in gvarlis w collect !*a2k j
else groerevlist v;
if not vars then vdperr 'preduce;
oldorder := vdpinit vars;
w := for each j in w collect a2vdp j;
x := a2vdp x;
if !*groebprot then
<<w := for each j in w collect vdpenumerate j;
groebprotsetq('candidate,vdp2a x);
for each j in w do groebprotsetq(mkid('poly,vdpnumber j),
vdp2a j)>>;
w := groebnormalform(x,w, 'sort);
w := vdp2a w;
setkorder oldorder;
return if w then w else 0;
% the following code is the interface to Stan's rootfinder
symbolic procedure groeroots(p,x);
begin scalar r;
r := roots p;
% re-evaluate rhs in order to get prefix form
r := for each e in cdr r collect
list('equal,cadr e,reval caddr e);
return 'list . r;
module groebopt;
% optimization of the sequence of variables
% Optimization of variable sequence;
% the theoretical background can be found
% in Boege/Gebauer/Kredel , J.Symb.Comp(1986)I,83-98
% Techniques modfied to the following algorithm
% x > y if
% x appears in a higher power than y
% or
% the highest powers are equal, but x appears more often with
% that power.
% An explicit dependency DEPENDS X,Y will supersede the optimality.
fluid '(vdpvars!* % list of intersting variables (and korder)
!*trgroeb % control of print messages
symbolic procedure vdpvordopt (w,vars);
% w : list of polynomials (standard forms)
% vars: list of variables
% returns (w . vars), both reorderdered
begin; scalar c;
vars := sort(vars,'ordop);
c := for each x in vars collect x . 0 . 0;
for each poly in w do vdpvordopt1 (poly,vars,c);
c := sort(c,function vdpvordopt2);
intvdpvars!* := for each v in c collect car v;
vars := sort(intvdpvars!*,function vdpvordopt3);
setkorder vars;
if !*trgroeb then
<<prin2 "optimized sequence of kernels: "; prin2t vars>>;
return (for each poly in w collect reorder poly) . vars;
symbolic procedure vdpvordopt1 (p,vl,c);
if null p then 0
if domainp p or null vl then 1
if mvar p neq car vl then vdpvordopt1(p,cdr vl,c)
begin scalar var,pow,slot; integer n;
n := vdpvordopt1 (lc p,cdr vl,c);
var := mvar p;
pow := ldeg p;
slot := assoc(var,c);
if pow #> cadr slot then
<<rplaca(cdr slot,pow); rplacd(cdr slot,n)>>
rplacd(cdr slot,n #+ cddr slot);
return n #+ vdpvordopt1 (red p,vl,c);
symbolic procedure vdpvordopt2(sl1,sl2);
% compare two slots from the power table
<<sl1 := cdr sl1;
sl2 := cdr sl2;
car sl1 #< car sl2 or car sl1 = car sl2 and cdr sl1 #< cdr sl2
symbolic procedure vdpvordopt3(x,y);
% two level compare: 1. dependency, 2. optimal order.
depends(x,y) or member(y,member(x,intvdpvars!*));
module groebsea;
% support of search for reduction polynomials
fluid '(thirdvalue!* fourthvalue!* hcount!* !*groebweak);
% search for reduction candidates in a list
symbolic procedure groebsearchinlist (vev,g);
% search for a polynomial in the list G, such that the lcm divides
% vev; G is expected to be sorted in descending sequence
if null g then nil
else if vevdivides!?(vdpevlmon car g, vev) then car g
else groebsearchinlist (vev,cdr g);
% search tree for polynomials
% simple variant: mapped to search list
symbolic procedure groebstreeadd (poly,stru);
% add one polynomial to the tree
% if this is a simple polynomial (mono or bino), reform
% the tree
if hcount!* #< 5000 then vdplsortin(poly,stru)
else vdplsortinreplacing(poly,stru);
symbolic procedure groebsearchinstree (vev,stru);
% search a polynomial corresponding to the exponent vector vev
groebsearchinlist (vev,stru);
symbolic procedure groebstreeextract stru;
% gives a linear list of all polynomials in the tree
symbolic procedure groebstreereconstruct u;
% reconstructs a tree from a linear list of polynomials
vdplsort u;
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %
% reforming G, D and G99 when a very simple polynomial was
% found (e.g. a monomial, a binomial)
symbolic procedure groebsecondaryreduction(poly,g,g99,d,gc,mode);
% if poly is a simple polynomial, the polynomials in G and G99
% are reduced in a second pass. Result is G, secondvalue is G99.
% mode says, that G99 has to be modified in place.
begin scalar vev,p,pl,x,rep,first,rpoly,break; % y;
secondvalue!* := g99; thirdvalue!* := d; fourthvalue!* := gc;
vev := vdpevlmon poly; rpoly := vdpred poly;
% cancel redundant elements in G99
for each p in g99 do if vevdivides!?(vev,vdpevlmon p)
then g99:=delete(p,g99);
if vdplength poly > 2 or vevzero!? vev then return g;
if !*groebweak and not vdpzero!? rpoly
and (groebweaktestbranch!=1(poly,g,d)) then return 'abort;
!*trgroeb and groebmess50 g;
pl := union(g,g99);
first := t;
while pl and not break do
<< p:= car pl; pl := cdr pl;
if groebprofitsfromvev(p,vev) then
% replace by simplified version
<<x := groebnormalform1(p,poly);
x := groebsimpcontnormalform x;
x := vdpenumerate x;
if first then !*trgroeb and groebmess20(poly);
first := nil;
!*trgroeb and groebmess21(p,x);
rep := (p . x) . rep;
if not vdpzero!? x and
vevzero!? vdpevlmon x then break := t; % 1 found
>> >>;
if break then return 'abort;
% reform G99
g99 := for each p in g99 collect groebsecondaryreplace(p,rep);
secondvalue!* := groebsecondaryremovemultiples g99;
% reform D
% thirdvalue!* := nil;
% for each p in D do
% <<x := groebSecondaryReplace(cadr p,rep);
% y := groebSecondaryReplace(caddr p,rep);
% thirdvalue!*:=groebcplistSortIn(groebmakepair(x,y),thirdvalue!*);
% >>;
thirdvalue!* := d;
% reform Gc
fourthvalue!* :=
for each y in gc collect groebsecondaryreplace(y,rep);
g:=for each y in g collect groebsecondaryreplace(y,rep);
!*trgroeb and groebmess50 g;
% print('groebSecondaryReduction .
% for each p in g collect vdpnumber p);
return groebsecondaryremovemultiples g;
symbolic procedure groebsecondaryremovemultiples g;
if null g then nil else
if vdpzero!? car g or member(car g,cdr g) then
groebsecondaryremovemultiples cdr g else
car g . groebsecondaryremovemultiples cdr g;
symbolic procedure groebsecondaryreplace(x,rep);
(if y then cdr y else x) where y = atsoc(x,rep);
module groebsor;
% maintenance of lists of critical pairs (sorting etc.)
expr procedure groebcplistsortin (p,pl);
% Distributive polynomial critical pair list sort. pl is a
% special list for Groebner calculation, p is a pair.
% returns the updated list pl (p sorted into);
% if null pl then list p
% else
% if vevcompless!? (car car pl, car p)
% then car pl . groebcplistsortin (p, cdr pl)
% else
% p . pl;
% non copying version:
if null pl then list p
<<groebcplistsortin1 (p,pl); pl>>;
expr procedure groebcplistsortin1(p,pl);
% destructive insert of p into nonnull pl
if not vevcompless!? (car car pl, car p)
then <<rplacd(pl,car pl . cdr pl); rplaca(pl,p)>>
if null cdr pl then rplacd(pl,list p)
groebcplistsortin1(p,cdr pl);
expr procedure groebcplistmerge(pl1,pl2);
% Distributive polynomial critical pair list merge. pl1 and pl2
% are critical pair lists used in the Groebner calculation.
% groebcplistmerge(pl1,pl2) returns the merged list.
begin scalar cpl1,cpl2,sl;
if null pl1 then return pl2;
if null pl2 then return pl1;
cpl1 := car pl1; cpl2 := car pl2;
sl := vevcompless!?(car cpl1, car cpl2);
(if sl then cpl1 . groebcplistmerge(cdr pl1,pl2)
else cpl2 . groebcplistmerge(pl1,cdr pl2) )
module groebspa;
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %
% manipulation of subspaces.
% A subspace among the variables is described by an exponent vector
% with only zeroes and ones. It terminates with the last
% one. It may be null (nil);
expr procedure vevunion(e1,e2);
begin scalar x,y;
y := vevunion1(e1,e2);
x := reverse y;
if car x = 1 then return y;
while x and car x = 0 do x := cdr x;
return reversip x;
expr procedure vevunion1(e1,e2);
if vdpsubspacep(e1,e2) then e2
if vdpsubspacep(e2,e1) then e1
if car e1 neq 0 or car e2 neq 0 then 1 . vevunion1(cdr e1,cdr e2)
0 . vevunion1(cdr e1,cdr e2);
expr procedure vdpsubspacep(e1,e2);
% test if e1 describes a subspace from e2
if null e1 then t
if null e2 then vdpspacenullp(e1)
if car e1 > car e2 then nil
if e1 = e2 then t
vdpsubspacep(cdr e1,cdr e2);
expr procedure vdporthspacep(e1,e2);
% test if e1 and e2 describe orthogonal spaces(no intersection);
if null e1 or null e2 then t
if car e2 = 0 or car e1 = 0
then vdporthspacep(cdr e1,cdr e2)
else nil;
expr procedure vdpspacenullp(e1);
% test if e1 describes an null space
if null e1 then t
if car e1 = 0 then vdpspacenullp(cdr e1)
else nil;
expr procedure vdpspace(p);
% determine the variables of the polynomial.
begin scalar x,y;
if vdpzero!? p then return nil;
x := vdpgetprop(p,'subroom);
if x then return x;
x := vevunion(nil,vdpevlmon p);
y := vdpred p;
while not vdpzero!? y do
<<x := vevunion(x,vdpevlmon y);
y := vdpred y>>;
vdpputprop (p,'subroom,x);
return x;
symbolic procedure vdpunivariate!?(p);
if vdpgetprop(p,'univariate) then t
else begin scalar ev; integer n;
ev := vdpevlmon p;
for each x in ev do
if not(x=0) then n := n#+1;
if not(n=1) then return nil;
ev := vdpspace(p);
for each x in ev do
if not(x=0) then n := n#+1;
if not(n=1) then return nil;
return t;
module groebfac; % Factorization of polynomials during Groebner calc'n.
% create!-package('(groebfac),'(contrib groebner));
% Other packages needed.
% load!-package 'vdp2dip;
imports groebner,vdp2dip,factor;
fluid '(groebactualg99!* groebactualg!* factortime!* !*vdpmodular
vdpone!* groebfabort!* !*factor !*groebrm current!-modulus
symbolic procedure groebfactorize (h,abort1,g,g99);
begin scalar r,tim,gctim,h1,groebactualg99!*,groebfabort!*,test;
groebactualg99!* := g99; groebactualg!* := g;
groebfabort!* := abort1;
if vdpgetprop(h,'irreducible) then
<<groebfactorize3 h; return nil>>;
tim := time();
gctim := gctime();
!*trgroeb and groebmess7 h;
r := if r := vdpgetprop(h,'factors) then r
else if !*groebrm then groebfactorize1 h
else if not !*vdpmodular then groebfactorize2 h
else nil;
factortime!* := factortime!* + time() - tim -(gctime()-gctim);
if null r then <<vdpputprop(h,'irreducible,t);
groebfactorize3 h;
return nil>>;
if cdr r then !*trgroeb and groebmess14 (h,r);
for each p in r do
if vdpmember(car p,g) then test:= car p;
if test then
<<!*trgroeb and groebmess27a(h,test); return 'zero>>;
h1 := car r;
for each p in r do
if vdpmember(car p,abort1) then
<<r := delete(p,r); !*trgroeb and groebmess27 car p >>
else vdpputprop(car p,'irreducible,t);
if null r then r := list h1; % at least one
if null cdr r then groebfactorize3 caar r;
return 'factor . r;
symbolic procedure groebfactorize1 h;
% factorize: separate monomial factors which were detected already;
begin scalar monf,vp,n,e,h1,h2,vp2;
monf := vdpgetprop(h,'monfac);
if null monf then
return if not !*vdpmodular then groebfactorize2 h
else nil; % no factor
h2 := vdpdivmon (h,vbcfi 1,monf);
if groebmonfac neq 0 then
<< % now build a polynomial from
n := 0; % each variable in MONFAC
for each x in monf do
<<n := n#+1;
if x neq 0 then
<<e := list x;
for i:=2:n do e := 0 . e; % prefix with n-1 zeros.
vp := vdpfmon(a2vbc 1,e) . vp;
!*trgroeb and groebmess15 monf;
% append body of orig. poly, factorized
if not vdpzero!? h2 and
not vevzero!? vdpevlmon h2 then
<<if not !*vdpmodular then vp2 := groebfactorize2 h2;
vp2 := if not vp2 then list h2
else for each v in vp2 collect car v;
vp := nconc(vp,vp2)>>;
% ascending sorting
% if length vp = 1 then return nil;
h1 := vp;
reverse for each x in h1 collect list vdpenumerate x;
symbolic procedure groebfactorize2 h;
% tries to factorize a h-polynomial via REDUCE factorizer
begin scalar h1,h2,!*factor; !*factor := t;
% h1 := vdp2a vdprectoint (h,vdplcm h);
% h1 := fctrf !*q2f simp h1; % factorf
h1 := groefctrf vdp2f h;
if null cddr h1 % only one element in factorization list
and cdr cadr h1 = 1 % and multiplicity = 1
then return nil;
h2 := for each l in cdr h1 join
for i:=1:cdr l collect car l;
h2 := vdplsort for each p in h2 collect vdpsimpcont f2vdp p;
return for each x in h2 collect list vdpenumerate x;
symbolic procedure groefctrf p;
(fctrf p) where !*factor=t,current!-modulus = current!-modulus;
symbolic procedure groebfactorize3 h;
% additional efforts to factor something.
module groebidq;
% calculation of ideal quotient using a modified Buchberger algorithm.
% Authors: H. Melenk, H.M. Moeller, W. Neun
% July 1988
fluid '( % switches from the user interface
!*groebopt !*groebfac !*groebres !*trgroeb !*trgroebs !*groebrm
!*trgroeb1 !*trgroebr !*groebprereduce groebrestriction!*
!*onlyheadtermreduction !*groebstat !*groebdivide !*groebprot
vdpvars!* % external names of the variables
!*vdpinteger !*vdpmodular % indicating type of algorithm
vdpsortmode!* % term ordering mode
secondvalue!* thirdvalue!* % auxiliary: multiple return values
factortime!* % computing time spent in factoring
factorlvevel!* % bookkeeping of factor tree
pairsdone!* % list of pairs already calculated
probcount!* % counting subproblems
vbccurrentmode!* % current domain for base coeffs.
switch groebopt,groebfac,groebrm,groebres,trgroeb,trgroebs,trgroeb1,
!*groebidqbasis := t; %default: basis from idq
% variables for counting and numbering
fluid '(hcount!* pcount!* mcount!* fcount!* bcount!* b4count!*
basecount!* hzerocount!*);
% some macros for local usage only
smacro procedure tt(s1,s2);
% lcm of leading terms of s1 and s2
vevlcm(vdpevlmon s1,vdpevlmon s2);
symbolic procedure groebidq2 (p,f);
% setup all global variables for the Buchberger algorithm
% printing of statistics
begin scalar groetime!*,tim1,spac,spac1,p1,factortime!*,
pairsdone!*, factorlvevel!*;
factortime!* := 0;
groetime!* := time();
vdponepol(); % we construct dynamically
hcount!* := 0;
pcount!* := 0;
mcount!* := 0;
fcount!* := 0;
bcount!* := 0;
b4count!* := 0;
hzerocount!* := 0;
basecount!* := 0;
if !*trgroeb then
prin2 "IDQ Calculation starting ";
terprit 2;
spac := gctime();
p1:= groebidq3 (p, f);
if !*trgroeb or !*trgroebr or !*groebstat then
spac1 := gctime() - spac;
prin2t "statistics for IDQ calculation";
prin2t "==============================";
prin2 " total computing time (including gc): ";
prin2((tim1 := time()) - groetime!*);
prin2t " milliseconds ";
prin2 " (time spent for garbage collection: ";
prin2 spac1;
prin2t " milliseconds)";
terprit 1;
prin2 "H-polynomials total: "; prin2t hcount!*;
prin2 "H-polynomials zero : "; prin2t hzerocount!*;
prin2 "Crit M hits: "; prin2t mcount!*;
prin2 "Crit F hits: "; prin2t fcount!*;
prin2 "Crit B hits: "; prin2t bcount!*;
prin2 "Crit B4 hits: "; prin2t b4count!*;
return if !*groebidqbasis then car groebner2(p1,nil) else p1;
symbolic procedure groebidq3 (g0,fff);
begin scalar result,x,g,d,d1,d2,p,p1,s,h,g99,one;
fff := vdpsimpcont fff;
vdpputprop(fff,'number,0); % assign number 0
vdpputprop(fff,'cofact,a2vdp 1); % assign cofactor 1
x := for each fj in g0 collect
<< fj:=vdpenumerate vdpsimpcont fj;
vdpputprop(fj,'cofact,a2vdp 0); % assign cofactor 0
g0 := list fff;
for each fj in x do g0 := vdplsortin(fj,g0);
while (d or g0) and not one do
if g0 then
<< % take next poly from input
h := car g0;
g0 := cdr g0;
p := list(nil,h,h);
<< % take next poly from pairs
p := car d;
d := delete (p,d);
s := idqspolynom (cadr p, caddr p);
h := idqsimpcont idqnormalform(s,g99,'tree);
if vdpzero!? h then
<< !*trgroeb and groebmess4(p,d);
x := vdpgetprop(h,'cofact);
if not vdpzero!? x then
if vevzero!? vdpevlmon x then one:= t else
<< result := idqtoresult(x , result);
idqmess0 x>>;
if vdpzero!? h then goto bott;
if vevzero!? vdpevlmon h then % base 1 found
<< idqmess5(p,h);
"Unexpected base {1} found during IDEALQUOTIENT")>>;
s:= nil;
% h polynomial is accepted now
h := vdpenumerate h;
% construct new critical pairs
d1 := nil;
for each f in g do
<<d1 := groebcplistsortin( list(tt(f,h),f,h) , d1);
if tt(f,h) = vdpevlmon(f) then
<<g := delete (f,g);
!*trgroeb and groebmess2 f>>;
!*trgroeb and groebmess51(d1);
d2 := nil;
while d1 do
<<d1 := groebinvokecritf d1;
p1 := car d1;
d1 := cdr d1;
if groebbuchcrit4t(cadr p1,caddr p1)
then d2 := append (d2, list p1)
<<x := idqdirectelement(cadr p1,caddr p1);
if not vdpzero!? x then
if vevzero!? vdpevlmon x then one:= t else
<<idqmess1 (x,cadr p1,caddr p1);
result := idqtoresult(x,result);
>> >>;
d1 := groebinvokecritm (p1,d1);
% D := groebInvokeCritB (h,D);
d := groebcplistmerge(d,d2);
g := h . g;
g99 := groebstreeadd(h, g99);
!*trgroeb and groebmess8(g,d);
% now calculate groebner base from quotient base
if one then result := list vdpfmon(a2vbc 1,vevzero());
idqmess2 result;
return result;
symbolic procedure idqtoresult(x,r);
% x is a new element for the quotient r;
% is is reduced by r and then added.
<<x := groebsimpcontnormalform groebnormalform(x,r,'sort);
if vdpzero!? x then r else vdplsortin(x,r)>>;
% Reduction of polynomials
symbolic procedure idqnormalform(f,g,type);
% general procedure for reduction of one polynomial from a set
% f is a polynomial, G is a Set of polynomials either in
% a search tree or in a sorted list
% type describes the ordering of the set G:
% 'TREE G is a search tree
% 'SORT G is a sorted list
% 'LIST G is a list, but not sorted
% f has to be reduced modulo G
% version for idealQuotient: doing side effect calculations for
% the cofactors; only headterm reduction
begin scalar c,vev,divisor,done,fold;
fold := f;
while not vdpzero!? f and g do
vev:=vdpevlmon f; c:=vdplbc f;
if type = 'sort then
while g
and vevcompless!? (vev,vdpevlmon (car g))
do g := cdr g;
divisor :=
if type = 'tree then groebsearchinstree (vev,g)
else groebsearchinlist (vev,g);
if divisor then done := t; % true action indicator
if divisor and !*trgroebs then
<< prin2 "//-";
prin2 vdpnumber divisor;
if divisor then
if !*vdpinteger then
f := idqreduceonestepint(f,nil,c,vev,divisor)
f := idqreduceonesteprat(f,nil,c,vev,divisor)
g := nil;
return if done then f else fold; %in order to preserve history
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %
% special reduction procedures
symbolic procedure idqreduceonestepint(f,dummy,c,vev,g1);
% reduction step for integer case:
% calculate f= a*f - b*g a,b such that leading term vanishes
% (vev of lvbc g divides vev of lvbc f)
% and calculate f1 = a*f1
% return value=f, secondvalue=f1
begin scalar vevlcm,a,b,cg,x,fcofa,gcofa;
fcofa := vdpgetprop(f,'cofact);
gcofa := vdpgetprop(g1,'cofact);
vevlcm := vevdif(vev,vdpevlmon g1);
cg := vdplbc g1;
% calculate coefficient factors
x := vbcgcd(c,cg);
a := vbcquot(cg,x);
b := vbcquot(c,x);
f:= vdpilcomb1 (vdpred f, a, vevzero(),
vdpred g1,vbcneg b, vevlcm);
x := vdpilcomb1 (fcofa, a, vevzero(),
gcofa ,vbcneg b, vevlcm);
return f;
symbolic procedure idqreduceonesteprat(f,dummy,c,vev,g1);
% reduction step for rational case:
% calculate f= f - g/vdpLbc(f)
begin scalar x,fcofa,gcofa,vev;
fcofa := vdpgetprop(f,'cofact);
gcofa := vdpgetprop(g1,'cofact);
vev := vevdif(vev,vdpevlmon g1);
x := vbcneg vbcquot(c,vdplbc g1);
f := vdpilcomb1(vdpred f,a2vbc 1,vevzero(),
vdpred g1,x,vev);
x := vdpilcomb1 (fcofa,a2vbc 1 , vevzero(),
return f;
% calculation of an S-polynomial and related things
symbolic procedure idqspolynom (p1,p2);
begin scalar s,ep1,ep2,ep,rp1,rp2,db1,db2,x,cofac1,cofac2;
if vdpzero!? p1 then return p1; if vdpzero!? p1 then return p2;
cofac1 := vdpgetprop(p1,'cofact); cofac2 := vdpgetprop(p2,'cofact);
ep1 := vdpevlmon p1; ep2 := vdpevlmon p2;
ep := vevlcm(ep1, ep2);
rp1 := vdpred p1; rp2 := vdpred p2;
db1 := vdplbc p1; db2 := vdplbc p2;
if !*vdpinteger then
<<x:=vbcgcd(db1,db2); db1:=vbcquot(db1,x); db2:=vbcquot(db2,x)>>;
ep1 := vevdif(ep,ep1); ep2 := vevdif(ep,ep2); db2 := vbcneg db2;
s := vdpilcomb1 (rp2,db1,ep2,rp1,db2,ep1);
x := vdpilcomb1 (cofac2,db1,ep2,cofac1,db2,ep1);
return s;
symbolic procedure idqdirectelement(p1,p2);
% the s-Polynomial is reducable to zero because of
% buchcrit 4. So we can calculate the corresponing cofactor
% directly
(if vdpzero!? c1 and vdpzero!? c2 then c1
else vdpdif(vdpprod(p1,c2),vdpprod(p2,c1))
) where c1 = vdpgetprop(p1,'cofact),
c2 = vdpgetprop(p2,'cofact);
% Normailsation with cofactors taken into account
symbolic procedure idqsimpcont(p);
if !*vdpinteger then idqsimpconti p else idqsimpcontr p;
% routines for integer coefficient case:
% calculation of contents and dividing all coefficients by it
symbolic procedure idqsimpconti (p);
% calculate the contents of p and divide all coefficients by it
begin scalar res,num,cofac;
if vdpzero!? p then return p;
cofac := vdpgetprop(p,'cofact);
num := car vdpcontenti p;
if not vdpzero!? cofac then num:=vbcgcd(num,car vdpcontenti cofac);
if not vbcplus!? num then num := vbcneg num;
if not vbcplus!? vdplbc p then num:=vbcneg num;
if vbcone!? num then return p;
res := vdpreduceconti (p,num,nil);
if not vdpzero!? cofac then cofac:=vdpreduceconti(cofac,num,nil);
res := vdpputprop(res,'cofact,cofac);
return res;
% routines for rational coefficient case:
% calculation of contents and dividing all coefficients by it
symbolic procedure idqsimpcontr (p);
% calculate the contents of p and divide all coefficients by it
begin scalar res,cofac;
cofac := vdpgetprop(p,'cofact);
if vdpzero!? p then return p;
if vbcone!? vdplbc p then return p;
res := vdpreduceconti (p,vdplbc p,nil);
if not vdpzero!? cofac then
cofac:=vdpreduceconti(cofac,vdplbc p,nil);
res := vdpputprop(res,'cofact,cofac);
return res;
% trace messages
symbolic procedure idqmess0 x;
if !*trgroeb then
<<prin2t "adding member to intermediate quotient basis:";
vdpprint x;
symbolic procedure idqmess1 (x,p1,p2);
if !*trgroeb then
<<prin2 "pair ("; prin2 vdpnumber p1; prin2 ",";
prin2 vdpnumber p2;
prin2t ") adding member to intermediate quotient basis:";
vdpprint x;
symbolic procedure idqmess2 b;
if !*trgroeb then
<<prin2t "---------------------------------------------------";
prin2 "the full intermediate base of the ideal quotient is:";
for each x in b do vdpprin3t x;
prin2t "---------------------------------------------------";
symbolic procedure idqmess5(p,h);
if car p then % print for true h-Polys
<< hcount!* := hcount!* + 1;
if !*trgroeb then <<
prin2 "H-polynomial ";
prin2 pcount!*;
groebmessff(" from pair (",cadr p,nil);
groebmessff(",", caddr p,")");
vdpprint h;
prin2t "with cofactor";
vdpprint vdpgetprop(h,'cofact);
groetimeprint() >> >>
if !*trgroeb then << % print for input polys
prin2t "candidate from input:";
vdpprint h;
groetimeprint() >>;
symbolic procedure idqmess3(p,s);
if !*trgroebs then <<
prin2 "S-polynomial ";
prin2 " from ";
groebpairprint p;
vdpprint s;
prin2t "with cofactor";
vdpprint vdpgetprop(s,'cofact);
terprit 3 >>;