File r38/packages/groebner/ artifact 694ff7029b part of check-in a7bd34d54c

module greduo;
% Compute 'greduce' with several orders for the minimal polynomial.

global'(gorder gorders greduce_result);

share gorder;

share gorders;

share greduce_result;

if null gorders then gorders:='(list revgradlex gradlex lex);

symbolic procedure greduce!-orders!-eval u;
% 'Greduce_orders(p,g)'; the result is the (minimal) reduction of 'p'
% corresponding to the global variable '*orders', eventually '0'.
begin scalar b,g,l,o,p,r,rr,s,ss,v,x;
 l:=length u;
 if 2>l or 3<l then
  rederr('groe4,1,"groe4 must have 2 or 3 parameters.");
 p:=reval car u;u:=cdr u;
 if eqexpr p then p:=!*eqn2a p;
 g:=reval car u;u:=cdr u;
 if not eqcar(g,'list) then
  rederr('groe4,2,"groe4: 2nd parameter must be a list.");
 for each gg in cdr g do
  if null x and eqexpr gg then x:=t;
 if x then
  g:='list.for each gg in cdr g collect
   if eqexpr gg then !*eqn2a gg else gg;
 if u then<<v:=reval car u;
  if not eqcar(v,'list) then
  rederr('groe4,3,"groe4: 3rd par. must be a list (or it must be omitted).")>>;
 v:='list.groebnervars(cdr g,v);
 for each oo in cdr gorders do
  if null b then
  <<o:=oo;oo:=if eqcar(oo,'list)then cdr oo else oo.nil;torder(v.oo);
    rr:=greduceeval{p,g};ss:=greduce!-orders!-size rr;
    if null r or ss<s then <<gorder:=o;r:=rr;s:=ss;greduce_result:=rr>>;
    if rr=0 then b:=t>>;return r end;


symbolic procedure greduce!-orders!-size p;
% Compute the size of the polynomial 'p'.
if atom p then 1 else
if eqcar(p,'expt)then(1+greduce!-orders!-size cadr p+2*x
  where x=if fixp caddr p and caddr p>1 and caddr p<30 then caddr p
          else 5*greduce!-orders!-size caddr p)else
 for each x in p sum greduce!-orders!-size x;


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