File r38/packages/crack/ artifact 394145908d part of check-in a7bd34d54c

% - new name crsubsys, evtl. die crmain-subsystem procedure mit reinnehmen
% - Massnahmen fuer den Fall 1 ohne flin_ Funktionen anweisen
module linalgsys$
%  Routines for the memory efficient solution of linear algebraic systems
%  Author: Thomas Wolf
%  December 1998 - ..

symbolic fluid '(count_tries tr_subsys max_losof matrix_849)$

symbolic procedure add_equ_to_fl(p,fl)$
% add all functions of equation p to the list of functions fl
begin scalar h,cp;
 while h do << % update the eqn-list in fl for each function in h
  while cp and (car h neq cadar cp) do cp:=cdr cp;
  if null cp then fl:=cons({1,car h,p},fl) % add car h to fl
             else rplaca(cp,cons(1+caar cp,cons(cadar cp,cons(p,cddar cp))));
  h:=cdr h
 return fl

symbolic procedure del_equ_from_fl(p,fl)$
% delete all functions of equation p from fl. This is done by dropping
% those functions where p occurs in the equation list of that function
begin scalar cp;
 while cp do <<
  if not freeof(cddar cp,p) then 
  rplaca(cp,cons(caar cp - 1,cons(cadar cp,delete(p,cddar cp))));
  cp:=cdr cp
 return fl

symbolic procedure all_equ_with_any_fl(rsoe,sf)$
% Add all equations from rsoe to nsoe which contain any of the functions sf
begin scalar n,newrsoe,newnsoe;
 while rsoe do <<
  if freeoflist(get(car rsoe,'allvarfcts),sf) 
  then newrsoe:=cons(car rsoe,newrsoe)
  else <<n:=add1 n;newnsoe:=cons(car rsoe,newnsoe)>>;
  rsoe:=cdr rsoe

symbolic procedure err_catch_subsys(pdes)$
begin scalar h,bak,kernlist!*bak,kord!*bak,bakup_bak;
 bak:=max_gc_counter$ max_gc_counter:=my_gc_counter+max_gc_ss;
 h:=errorset({'show_sub_systems,mkquote pdes},nil,nil)
    where !*protfg=t;
 return if errorp h then nil
                    else car h   

symbolic procedure find_and_use_sub_systems12(arglist)$
fauss1(car arglist,cadr arglist,2)$

symbolic procedure find_and_use_sub_systems13(arglist)$
fauss1(car arglist,cadr arglist,3)$

symbolic procedure find_and_use_sub_systems14(arglist)$
fauss1(car arglist,cadr arglist,4)$

symbolic procedure find_and_use_sub_systems15(arglist)$
fauss1(car arglist,cadr arglist,5)$

symbolic procedure find_and_use_sub_systems22(arglist)$
fauss2(car arglist,cadr arglist,2)$

symbolic procedure find_and_use_sub_systems23(arglist)$
fauss2(car arglist,cadr arglist,3)$

symbolic procedure find_and_use_sub_systems24(arglist)$
fauss2(car arglist,cadr arglist,4)$

symbolic procedure find_and_use_sub_systems25(arglist)$
fauss2(car arglist,cadr arglist,5)$

symbolic procedure determinante(matr)$
  aeval list('det, matr)$

symbolic procedure setzewert(matr,ii,jj,val)$
  setk(list(matr, ii,jj),val)$

symbolic procedure machematrix(matr,idim,jdim)$
  setk(matr,aeval ('mat .(for i:=1:idim collect
             ( for j:=1:jdim collect nil))))$

symbolic procedure fauss1(pdes,forg,ml)$
% find subsystems that do not include any flin_ functions
begin scalar de,odet,n$ 

 if null odet then return nil;
 write"The following is a list of not underdetermined sub-systems"$
 for each de in odet do <<
  n:=add1 n;
  write"Sub-system ",n,":"$terpri()$
  de:=car odet;odet:=cdr odet$   % de = (osoe . osof)
  plot_dep_matrix(car de,cdr de)$ 

 % call Groebner Package

 return {pdes,forg} % to be modified

symbolic procedure fauss2(pdes,forg,ml)$
% find subsystems using only flin_ functions, one of them non-zero
if flin_ then
begin scalar osof,nsof,odet,h,n0flin_,n0flin_cp,ncondi,de,u,v,sysli,sy,

% OLD:
% % at first all flin_ members which must not vanish individually
% for each h in flin_ do
% if member(h,ineq_) then n0flin_:=cons(list h,n0flin_);

 % fl1 is the intersection of ftem_ and flin_

 for m:=1:max_losof do       % m is the number of functions for which
                             % the coeff-determinant is to be computed
 for each h in ineq_ do <<   % look for an inequality h
  fl2:=smemberl(fl1,h)$      % fl2 are all fl1-fcts occuring in h
  if length fl2 = m then <<  % if there are m of them in fl2
   while n0flin_cp and 
         not_included(car n0flin_cp,fl2) do n0flin_cp:=cdr n0flin_cp$
   if null n0flin_cp then << % fl2 does not have a subset of fcts 
                             % already identified
    for each f in fl2 do h:=subst(0,f,h);
    if zerop reval aeval h then << % setting all fl2-fcts to zero 
                                   % violates the identity

 % Now start of the search of subsystems with all functions from osof
 % and without functions from nsof
 n0flin_cp:=reverse n0flin_; 
 while n0flin_cp do <<
  osof:=car n0flin_cp;
  while odet do <<                % for each over-determined system de
   de:=car odet;odet:=cdr odet$   % de = (osoe . osof)
   %plot_dep_matrix(car de,ftem_)$ 
   u:=length car de;              % list of equations in overdet system
   v:=length cdr de;              % list of functions in u
   sysli:=out_off(v,u,car de)$    % a list of all subsets of u with
                                  % length(v) many equations
   for each sy in sysli do <<     % sy is one of the systems
    if tr_subsys then <<write"sy=",sy$terpri()>>$
    for r:=1:v do 
    for s:=1:v do
    setzewert('matrix_849,r,s,coeffn(get(nth(sy,r),'val),nth(cdr de,s),1));
  nsof:=append(car n0flin_cp,nsof);
  n0flin_cp:=cdr n0flin_cp
 if tr_subsys then <<write"ncondi=",ncondi$ terpri()>>$

 no_of_pdes:=length pdes;
 for each h in ncondi do <<
  if member(r,pdes) then some_new:=cons(r,some_new)
 if print_ and some_new then <<
  write"New equations due to vanishing coeff. determinants: ",car some_new$
  for each h in cdr some_new do write", ",h

 return if some_new or (no_of_pdes neq length pdes) then 
 if in_cycle(<<m:=0;for each r in some_new do m:=m+get(r,'printlength);
               r:=length some_new;
	       while (s<3) and some_new do <<
		s:=add1 s; 
		h:=cons(get(car some_new,'terms),h);
		some_new:=cdr some_new
	     >>) then nil
                 else {pdes,forg} 
                                                    else nil

symbolic procedure show_sub_systems(pdes)$
begin scalar ps,fl,osof,nsof,odet$

  ps:=promptstring!*$ promptstring!*:=""$ 

  if flin_ and yesp 
  "Shall only functions from the list flin_ be considered?"
  then fl:=flin_$  % assuming they depend on all variables

  if yesp "Are there functions which should appear in the sub-system? "
  then osof:=select_from_list(ftem_,nil)$

  if yesp "Are there functions which should NOT appear in the sub-system? "
  then nsof:=select_from_list(ftem_,nil)$

  if yesp "Is there a maximum of the number of functions in the sub-system? "
  then <<write"What is the maximum? "$max_losof:=termread()>>
  else max_losof:=100000$


  while odet do <<
   plot_dep_matrix(caar odet,ftem_)$ 
   odet:=cdr odet

symbolic procedure out_off(m,n,l)$
% returns a list of all sublists of l with m elements
% n is the number of elements of l
% m is the number of elements in the return list, m<=n
if m=0 then list nil else
if m=n then list l else 
nconc(for each h in out_off(m-1,n-1,cdr l) collect cons(car l,h),
       out_off(m,n-1,cdr l))$

symbolic procedure spot_over_det(pdes,allf,osof,nsof)$
% find whether there is a subset of pdes which contains in total less
% or equally many allvar-functions than equations
% allf are all the functions to be considered, mostly flin_
% osof are all functions that must appear, like non-zero functions
%     (although only one non-zero function of a linear homogeneous
%      system would be anough to require the coefficient determinant 
%      to vanish)
% nsof (Functions which must not occur, like flin_ if one wants
%       conclusions for the fewer `more valuable' non-flin_ functions
begin scalar p,h,osoe,losoe,nsoe,lnsoe,rsoe,lrsoe,

 if null allf then
 % If not given as parameter then
 % list all functions in all pdes, assumes all functions depend on same var.
 for each p in pdes do allf:=union(get(p,'allvarfcts),allf)$

 % test whether the whole system is not underdetermined
 % if length pdes geq length allf then sysli:=cons({length pdes,pdes},sysli);
 lrsoe:=length pdes;
 lrsof:=length allf;

 % assigning osoe, losoe, rsoe, lrsoe, losof, rsof, lrsof
 if osof then <<
  losoe:=car h;
  osoe :=cadr h;
  rsoe:=caddr h;
  % osof is already known (given)
  losof:=length osof;
 >>        else <<losoe:=0;osoe:=nil;rsoe:=pdes;losof:=0;rsof:=allf>>$
 % assigning nsoe, lnsoe, lnsof, updating the others
 if nsof then <<
  lnsoe:=car h;
  nsoe :=cadr h;
  rsoe :=caddr h;
  % nsof is already known
  lnsof:=length nsof;
 >>         else <<lnsoe:=0;nsoe:=nil;lnsof:=0>>$

 try(losoe, osoe,     
     lnsoe, nsoe,    
     lrsoe, rsoe,    
     losof, osof,     
     lnsof, nsof,    
     lrsof, rsof,    

symbolic procedure addsoe(rsoe,sf,allf)$
% find all equations from the list rsoe which do not involve other
% allvar-functions than listed in sf
begin scalar n,newsoe,newrsoe$
 while rsoe do <<
  if not_included(intersection(allf,get(car rsoe,'allvarfcts)),sf) 
  then   newrsoe:=cons(car rsoe,newrsoe)
  else << newsoe:=cons(car rsoe, newsoe); n:=add1 n>>;
  rsoe:=cdr rsoe
 return {n,newsoe,newrsoe}

symbolic procedure addnsoe(rsoe,sf)$
% Add all equations from rsoe to nsoe which contain all of the functions sf
begin scalar n,newrsoe,newnsoe$
 while rsoe do <<
  if not_included(sf,get(car rsoe,'allvarfcts)) 
  then   newrsoe:=cons(car rsoe,newrsoe)
  else <<newnsoe:=cons(car rsoe,newnsoe); n:=add1 n>>;
  rsoe:=cdr rsoe
 return {n,newnsoe,newrsoe}

symbolic procedure addsof(rsof,sf)$
% determines the new osof from rsof which are in sf
% returns {number of new osof, new osof, remaining rsof}
begin scalar n,newsof,newrsof;
 while rsof do <<
  if freeof(sf,car rsof) then newrsof:=cons(car rsof,newrsof)
                         else <<n:=add1 n;newsof:=cons(car rsof,newsof)>>;
  rsof:=cdr rsof
 return {n,newsof,newrsof}

symbolic procedure try(losoe,osoe,lnsoe,nsoe,lrsoe,rsoe,
% osoe, losoe: set of equations to occur, its length
% nsoe, lnsoe: set of equations not to occur, its length
% rsoe, lrsoe: set of equations undecided,its length
% osof, losof: set of functions to occur, its length
% nsof, lnsof: set of functions not to occur,its length
% rsof, lrsof: set of functions undecided, its length

% returns a list of all subsets of equations which are not under-determined

% Principle: It is useful to know about functions which definitly turn
% up which makes losof bigger and equations which do definitely not
% turn up, this makes lnsoe bigger and losoe+lrsoe smaller.

% Failure:
if losof > max_losof then nil else % one could do this line after
                                   % the next one and drop the
                                   % (losof = max_losof) test and get a few more
                                   % free successes but with more functions
% Success:
if osoe and (losoe geq losof) then list(osoe . osof) else
% Failure:
if zerop lrsoe or 
   zerop lrsof or
   (losof = max_losof) or          % because losof>max_losof necessarily later
   (losoe + lrsoe < losof) then nil else

% Undecided:     a choice between two different case distinctions A) and B):

if (lrsof<lrsoe) or
   ((max_losof-losof)<lrsoe) then begin 
 %========== A) decide where the next function car(rsof) is to go
 scalar li,sf,ne;

 if losoe + lrsoe > losof then <<      % A.1): case: car(rsof) goes into osof 
                                       % losoe + lrsoe stays const, losof incr. 
                                       % ==> `>' needed
  if tr_subsys then <<write car(rsof)," goes into osof"$terpri()>>$
  sf:=cons(car rsof,osof);              % the new osof

  %--- Consequence for other equations:
  % All so far undecided equations that contain only sf functions
  % go into osoe as well

  %--- Consequence for other functions: ?

  li:=try(losoe+car ne,append(osoe,cadr ne),lnsoe,nsoe,lrsoe-car ne,caddr ne,
          losof+     1,                  sf,lnsof,nsof,lrsof-     1,cdr rsof,
 >>;                                   % A.2): case: car(rsof) goes into nsof
				       % not occur in osoe, rsoe may shrink
 if tr_subsys then <<write car(rsof)," goes into nsof"$terpri()>>$

 %--- Consequence for other equations:
 % Add all equations from rsoe to nsoe which contain the function car(rsof)
 ne:=addnsoe(rsoe,list car rsof);     

 %--- Consequence for other functions: ?

 return append(li,
 try(losoe,osoe,lnsoe+car ne,append(nsoe,cadr ne),lrsoe-car ne,caddr ne,
     losof,osof,lnsof+1,cons(car rsof,nsof),lrsof-1,cdr rsof,allf))

end else begin scalar li,sf,ne,nf;
 %========== B) decide where the next equation car(rsoe) is to go

 sf:=setdiff(intersection(allf,get(car rsoe,'allvarfcts)),osof); 
 % all new functions
 if losoe + lrsoe > losof then <<      % B.1): car(rsoe) goes into nsoe
                                       % losoe, losof stay const, lrsoe shrinks
                                       % ==> `>' needed
  if tr_subsys then <<write car(rsoe)," goes into nsoe:"$terpri()>>$
  %--- Consequence for other equations:
  % All the equations which contain all the functions of car(rsoe) 
  % which are not in osof go into nsoe as well. 
  % Reason: one of the functions of car(rsoe)-sof is
  % the reason for entering nsoe, therefore all equations which have
  % all the functions of car(rsoe)-sof must also enter nsoe.
  ne:=addnsoe(rsoe,sf);   %########################

  %--- Consequence for other functions:
  % At least one of the functions in rsoe is responsible for car(rsoe)
  % going into nsoe and should therefore go itself into nsof. 
  % If there is just one such function then this must be it, otherwise how??
  if (length sf = 1) and freeof(nsof,car sf) then 
  li:=try(losoe,osoe,lnsoe+car ne,append(nsoe,cadr ne),lrsoe-car ne,caddr ne,
          losof,osof,add1 lnsof,cons(car sf,nsof),
          sub1 lrsof,setdiff(rsof,sf),allf)  else
  li:=try(losoe,osoe,lnsoe+car ne,append(nsoe,cadr ne),lrsoe-car ne,caddr ne,
 if tr_subsys then <<write car(rsoe)," goes into osoe:"$terpri()>>$
                                       % B.2): case: car(rsoe) goes into osoe 
 %--- Consequence for other equations:
 % All equations that do not have other functions than car(rsoe)+sof enter
 % osoe as well
 ne:=addsoe(rsoe,append(sf,osof),allf);   %########################

 %--- Consequence for other functions:
 % All functions which are in rsof that occur in car(rsoe) enter osof

 return append(li,
 try(losoe+car ne,append(osoe,cadr ne),lnsoe,nsoe,lrsoe-car ne,caddr ne,
     losof+car nf,append(osof,cadr nf),lnsof,nsof,lrsof-car nf,caddr nf,allf ))




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