File r37/lisp/csl/jlisp/ artifact 93441d9435 part of check-in a7bd34d54c

// This file is part of the Jlisp implementation of Standard Lisp
// Copyright \u00a9 (C) Codemist Ltd, 1998-2000.


// Each built-in function is created wrapped in a class
// that is derived from BuiltinFunction.

import java.util.*;
import java.text.*;
import java.math.*;

class Fns3
    Object [][] builtins = 
        {"liter",                       new LiterFn()},
        {"load-module",                 new Load_moduleFn()},
        {"lposn",                       new LposnFn()},
        {"macro-function",              new Macro_functionFn()},
        {"macroexpand",                 new MacroexpandFn()},
        {"macroexpand-1",               new Macroexpand_1Fn()},
        {"make-bps",                    new Make_bpsFn()},
        {"make-function-stream",        new Make_function_streamFn()},
        {"make-global",                 new Make_globalFn()},
        {"make-native",                 new Make_nativeFn()},
        {"make-random-state",           new Make_random_stateFn()},
        {"make-simple-string",          new Make_simple_stringFn()},
        {"make-special",                new Make_specialFn()},
        {"map",                         new MapFn()},
        {"mapc",                        new MapcFn()},
        {"mapcan",                      new MapcanFn()},
        {"mapcar",                      new MapcarFn()},
        {"mapcon",                      new MapconFn()},
        {"maphash",                     new MaphashFn()},
        {"maplist",                     new MaplistFn()},
        {"mapstore",                    new MapstoreFn()},
        {"md5",                         new Md5Fn()},
	      {"md60",                        new Md60Fn()},
        {"member",                      new MemberFn()},
        {"member**",                    new MemberStarStarFn()},
        {"memq",                        new MemqFn()},
        {"mkevect",                     new MkevectFn()},
        {"mkfvect32",                   new Mkfvect32Fn()},
        {"mkfvect64",                   new Mkfvect64Fn()},
        {"mkhash",                      new MkhashFn()},
        {"mkquote",                     new MkquoteFn()},
        {"mkvect",                      new MkvectFn()},
        {"mkvect16",                    new Mkvect16Fn()},
        {"mkvect32",                    new Mkvect32Fn()},
        {"mkvect8",                     new Mkvect8Fn()},
        {"mkxvect",                     new MkxvectFn()},
        {"modulep",                     new ModulepFn()},
        {"native-address",              new Native_addressFn()},
        {"native-getv",                 new Native_getvFn()},
        {"native-putv",                 new Native_putvFn()},
        {"native-type",                 new Native_typeFn()},
        {"nconc",                       new NconcFn()},
        {"ncons",                       new NconsFn()},
        {"neq",                         new NeqFn()},
        {"noisy-setq",                  new Noisy_setqFn()},
        {"not",                         new NotFn()},
        {"null",                        new NullFn()},
        {"oblist",                      new OblistFn()},
        {"oem-supervisor",              new Oem_supervisorFn()},
        {"open",                        new OpenFn()},
        {"~open",                       new InternalOpenFn()},
        {"open-library",                new Open_libraryFn()},
        {"open-url",                    new Open_urlFn()},
        {"orderp",                      new OrderpFn()},
        {"ordp",                        new OrderpFn()}, // synonym
        {"output-library",              new Output_libraryFn()},
        {"pagelength",                  new PagelengthFn()},
        {"pair",                        new PairFn()},
        {"pairp",                       new PairpFn()},
        {"peekch",                      new PeekchFn()},
        {"pipe-open",                   new Pipe_openFn()},
        {"plist",                       new PlistFn()},
        {"posn",                        new PosnFn()},
        {"preserve",                    new PreserveFn()},
	      {"restart-csl",                 new RestartFn()},
	      {"saveobject",                  new SaveObjectFn()},
	      {"restoreobject",               new RestoreObjectFn()},
        {"prin",                        new PrinFn()},
        {"prin1",                       new Prin1Fn()},
        {"prin2",                       new Prin2Fn()},
        {"prin2a",                      new Prin2aFn()},
        {"prinbinary",                  new PrinbinaryFn()},
        {"princ",                       new PrincFn()},
        {"princ-downcase",              new Princ_downcaseFn()},
        {"princ-upcase",                new Princ_upcaseFn()},
        {"prinhex",                     new PrinhexFn()},
        {"prinoctal",                   new PrinoctalFn()},
        {"print",                       new PrintFn()},
        {"printc",                      new PrintcFn()},
        {"printprompt",                 new PrintpromptFn()},
        {"prog1",                       new Prog1Fn()},
        {"prog2",                       new Prog2Fn()},
        {"progn",                       new PrognFn()},
        {"put",                         new PutFn()},
        {"puthash",                     new PuthashFn()},
        {"putv",                        new PutvFn()},
        {"putv-char",                   new Putv_charFn()},
        {"putv16",                      new Putv16Fn()},
        {"putv32",                      new Putv32Fn()},
        {"putv8",                       new Putv8Fn()},
        {"qcaar",                       new QcaarFn()},
        {"qcadr",                       new QcadrFn()},
        {"qcar",                        new QcarFn()},
        {"qcdar",                       new QcdarFn()},
        {"qcddr",                       new QcddrFn()},
        {"qcdr",                        new QcdrFn()},
        {"qgetv",                       new QgetvFn()},
        {"qputv",                       new QputvFn()},
        {"rassoc",                      new RassocFn()},
        {"rdf",                         new RdfFn()},
        {"rds",                         new RdsFn()},
        {"read",                        new ReadFn()},
        {"readch",                      new ReadchFn()},
        {"readline",                    new ReadlineFn()},
        {"reclaim",                     new ReclaimFn()},
        {"remd",                        new RemdFn()},
        {"remflag",                     new RemflagFn()},
        {"remhash",                     new RemhashFn()},
        {"remob",                       new RemobFn()},
        {"remprop",                     new RempropFn()},
        {"rename-file",                 new Rename_fileFn()},
        {"representation",              new RepresentationFn()},
        {"return",                      new ReturnFn()},
        {"reverse",                     new ReverseFn()},
        {"reversip",                    new ReversipFn()},
        {"rplaca",                      new RplacaFn()},
        {"rplacd",                      new RplacdFn()},
        {"rplacw",                      new RplacwFn()},
        {"rseek",                       new RseekFn()},
        {"rtell",                       new RtellFn()},
        {"sample",                      new SampleFn()},
        {"sassoc",                      new SassocFn()},
        {"schar",                       new ScharFn()},
        {"seprp",                       new SeprpFn()},
        {"set",                         new SetFn()},
        {"set-autoload",                new Set_autoloadFn()},
        {"set-help-file",               new Set_help_fileFn()},
        {"set-print-precision",         new Set_print_precisionFn()},
        {"setpchar",                    new SetpcharFn()},
        {"simple-string-p",             new Simple_string_pFn()},
        {"simple-vector-p",             new Simple_vector_pFn()},
        {"smemq",                       new SmemqFn()},
        {"spaces",                      new SpacesFn()},
        {"special-char",                new Special_charFn()},
        {"special-form-p",              new Special_form_pFn()},
        {"spool",                       new SpoolFn()},
        {"start-module",                new Start_moduleFn()},
        {"stop",                        new StopFn()},
        {"streamp",                     new StreampFn()},
        {"stringp",                     new StringpFn()},
	      {"stub1",                       new Stub1Fn()},
	      {"stub2",                       new Stub2Fn()},
        {"subla",                       new SublaFn()},
        {"sublis",                      new SublisFn()},
        {"subst",                       new SubstFn()},
        {"sxhash",                      new SxhashFn()},
        {"symbol-argcount",             new Symbol_argcountFn()},
        {"symbol-env",                  new Symbol_envFn()},
        {"symbol-fastgets",             new Symbol_fastgetsFn()},
        {"symbol-fn-cell",              new Symbol_fn_cellFn()},
        {"symbol-function",             new Symbol_functionFn()},
        {"symbol-make-fastget",         new Symbol_make_fastgetFn()},
        {"symbol-name",                 new Symbol_nameFn()},
        {"symbol-protect",              new Symbol_protectFn()},
        {"symbol-set-definition",       new Symbol_set_definitionFn()},
        {"symbol-set-env",              new Symbol_set_envFn()},
        {"symbol-set-native",           new Symbol_set_nativeFn()},
        {"symbol-value",                new Symbol_valueFn()},
        {"symbolp",                     new SymbolpFn()},
        {"symerr",                      new SymerrFn()},
        {"system",                      new SystemFn()},
        {"tagbody",                     new TagbodyFn()},
        {"terpri",                      new TerpriFn()},
        {"threevectorp",                new ThreevectorpFn()},
        {"throw",                       new ThrowFn()},
        {"time",                        new TimeFn()},
        {"tmpnam",                      new TmpnamFn()},
        {"trace",                       new TraceFn()},
        {"traceset",                    new TracesetFn()},
        {"traceset1",                   new Traceset1Fn()},
        {"ttab",                        new TtabFn()},
        {"tyo",                         new TyoFn()},
        {"undouble-execute",            new Undouble_executeFn()},
        {"unfluid",                     new UnfluidFn()},
        {"unglobal",                    new UnglobalFn()},
        {"union",                       new UnionFn()},
        {"unmake-global",               new Unmake_globalFn()},
        {"unmake-special",              new Unmake_specialFn()},
        {"unreadch",                    new UnreadchFn()},
        {"untrace",                     new UntraceFn()},
        {"untraceset",                  new UntracesetFn()},
        {"untraceset1",                 new Untraceset1Fn()},
        {"unwind-protect",              new Unwind_protectFn()},
        {"upbv",                        new UpbvFn()},
        {"user-homedir-pathname",       new User_homedir_pathnameFn()},
        {"vectorp",                     new VectorpFn()},
        {"verbos",                      new VerbosFn()},
        {"where-was-that",              new Where_was_thatFn()},
        {"window-heading",              new Window_headingFn()},
        {"startup-banner",              new Startup_bannerFn()},
        {"writable-libraryp",           new Writable_librarypFn()},
        {"write-help-module",           new Write_help_moduleFn()},
        {"write-module",                new Write_moduleFn()},
        {"wrs",                         new WrsFn()},
        {"xassoc",                      new XassocFn()},
        {"xcons",                       new XconsFn()},
        {"xdifference",                 new XdifferenceFn()},
        {"xtab",                        new XtabFn()},
        {"~tyi",                        new TyiFn()}

class LiterFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        if (!(arg1 instanceof Symbol)) return Jlisp.nil;
        Symbol s = (Symbol)arg1;
        char ch = s.pname.charAt(0);
        if (Character.isLetter(ch)) return Jlisp.lispTrue;
        else return Jlisp.nil;

class Load_moduleFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        return Fasl.loadModule(arg1);

class LposnFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        return error(name + " not yet implemented");

class Macro_functionFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        if (!(arg1 instanceof Symbol)) return Jlisp.nil;
        LispFunction fn = ((Symbol)arg1).fn;
        if (fn instanceof Macro)
	{   return ((Macro)fn).body;
        else return Jlisp.nil;

class MacroexpandFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        return op2(arg1, null);
    public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2) throws Exception
        for (;;)
        {   if (arg1.atom) return arg1;
            if (!( instanceof Symbol)) return arg1;
            Symbol f = (Symbol);
            LispFunction fn = f.fn;
            if (!(fn instanceof Macro)) return arg1;
// At last - here I have a macro that I can expand
            arg1 = fn.op1(arg1);

class Macroexpand_1Fn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        return op2(arg1, null);
    public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2) throws Exception
        if (arg1.atom) return arg1;
        if (!( instanceof Symbol)) return arg1;
        Symbol f = (Symbol);
        LispFunction fn = f.fn;
        if (!(fn instanceof Macro)) return arg1;
// At last - here I have a macro that I can expand
        return fn.op1(arg1);

class Make_bpsFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        int n = ((LispSmallInteger)arg1).value;
        return new Bytecode(n);

class Make_function_streamFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        return error(name + " not yet implemented");

class Make_globalFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1)
        Symbol s = (Symbol)arg1;
        Fns.put(s, Jlisp.lit[], Jlisp.lispTrue);
        if (*value*/ == Jlisp.lit[Lit.undefined])*value*/ = Jlisp.nil;
        return Jlisp.nil; 

class Make_nativeFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        return error(name + " not yet implemented");

class Make_random_stateFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        return error(name + " not yet implemented");

class Make_simple_stringFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        int n = ((LispSmallInteger)arg1).value;
        char [] c = new char[n];
	for (int i=0; i<n; i++) c[i] = (char)0;
	return new LispString(new String(c));

class Make_specialFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1)
        Symbol s = (Symbol)arg1;
        Fns.put(s, Jlisp.lit[Lit.special], Jlisp.lispTrue);
        if (*value*/ == Jlisp.lit[Lit.undefined])*value*/ = Jlisp.nil;
        return Jlisp.nil; 

class MapFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        return error(name + " not yet implemented");

class MapcFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        return error(name + " not yet implemented");

class MapcanFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        return error(name + " not yet implemented");

class MapcarFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        return error(name + " not yet implemented");

class MapconFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        return error(name + " not yet implemented");

class MaphashFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        return error(name + " not yet implemented");

class MaplistFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        return error(name + " not yet implemented");

class MapstoreFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        Jlisp.println("*** MAPSTORE ***");
        return Jlisp.nil;

class Md5Fn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        LispStream f = new LispDigester();
        LispObject save = Jlisp.lit[Lit.std_output].car/*value*/;
	{   Jlisp.lit[Lit.std_output].car/*value*/ = f;
	{   Jlisp.lit[Lit.std_output].car/*value*/ = save;
	byte [] res =;
        return LispInteger.valueOf(new BigInteger(res));

class Md60Fn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        LispStream f = new LispDigester();
        LispObject save = Jlisp.lit[Lit.std_output].car/*value*/;
	{   Jlisp.lit[Lit.std_output].car/*value*/ = f;
	{   Jlisp.lit[Lit.std_output].car/*value*/ = save;
	byte [] res =;
        return LispInteger.valueOf(new BigInteger(res).shiftRight(68));

class MemberFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2)
        while (!arg2.atom)
	{   if (arg1.lispequals( return arg2;
            arg2 = arg2.cdr;
        return Jlisp.nil;

class MemberStarStarFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2)
        while (!arg2.atom)
	{   if (arg1.lispequals( return arg2;
            arg2 = arg2.cdr;
        return Jlisp.nil;

class MemqFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2) throws Exception
        while (!arg2.atom)
	{   if (arg1 instanceof LispNumber)                 // @@@
            {   if (arg1.lispequals( return arg2; // @@@
            }                                               // @@@
            else if (arg1 == return arg2;
            arg2 = arg2.cdr;
        return Jlisp.nil;

class MkevectFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        return error(name + " not yet implemented");

class Mkfvect32Fn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        return error(name + " not yet implemented");

class Mkfvect64Fn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        return error(name + " not yet implemented");

class MkhashFn extends BuiltinFunction
  // (MKHASH size flavour growth-ratio)
  //    size is initial table size
  //    flavour: 0  EQ
  //             1  EQL
  //             2  EQUAL
  //             3  EQUALS
  //             4  EQUALP
  //    ratio:   amount to expand by as table gets full
  // In this Java version I will ignore the first and third args,
  // and only support EQ and EQUAL tables!  Note that an EQ table
  // will generally re-hash itself if serialized...

    public LispObject opn(LispObject [] args) throws Exception
        if (args.length != 3)
            return error("mkhash called with " + args.length +
                "args when 3 expected");
        int n = ((LispSmallInteger)args[1]).value;
        HashMap h;
        if (n == 0) h = new HashMap();
        else h = new LispEqualHash();
        return new LispHash(h, n);

class MkquoteFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        return new Cons(Jlisp.lit[Lit.quote],
	    new Cons(arg1, Jlisp.nil));

class MkvectFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1)
        int n = ((LispSmallInteger)arg1).value;
        return new LispVector(n+1); // Hah - index values from 0 to n

class Mkvect16Fn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        return error(name + " not yet implemented");

class Mkvect32Fn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        return error(name + " not yet implemented");

class Mkvect8Fn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        return error(name + " not yet implemented");

class MkxvectFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        return error(name + " not yet implemented");

class ModulepFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        String s;
        if (arg1 instanceof Symbol) s = ((Symbol)arg1).pname;
        else if (arg1 instanceof LispString) s = ((LispString)arg1).string;
        else return error("illegal arg to modulep", arg1);
        s = s + ".fasl";
        for (int i=0; i<Jlisp.imageCount; i++)
        {   arg1 = Jlisp.images[i].modulep(s);
            if (arg1 != Jlisp.nil) return arg1;
        return Jlisp.nil;

class Native_addressFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        return error(name + " not yet implemented");

class Native_getvFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        return error(name + " not yet implemented");

class Native_putvFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        return error(name + " not yet implemented");

class Native_typeFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        return error(name + " not yet implemented");

class NconcFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2) throws Exception
        if (arg1.atom) return arg2;
        LispObject r = arg1;
        LispObject prev = null;
        while (!arg1.atom)
	{   prev = arg1;
            arg1 = prev.cdr;
        prev.cdr = arg2;
        return r;

class NconsFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1)
        return new Cons(arg1, Jlisp.nil);

class NeqFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2)
        if (arg1 == arg2) return Jlisp.nil;
        return arg1.lispequals(arg2) ? Jlisp.nil :

class Noisy_setqFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        return error(name + " not yet implemented");

class NotFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1)
        return arg1 == Jlisp.nil ?
               Jlisp.lispTrue :

class NullFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1)
        return arg1 == Jlisp.nil ?
               Jlisp.lispTrue :

class OblistFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op0()
// Note that this implementation pushes out the object list with
// items in a randomish order. CSL sorted it which was nice - to do that
// here I would have to implement a sorting function, and as present that
// does not seem my highest priority.
        LispObject r = Jlisp.nil;
        for (int i=0; i<Jlisp.oblistSize; i++)
	{   Symbol w = Jlisp.oblist[i];
            if (w != null)
	    {   if (*value*/ != Jlisp.lit[Lit.undefined] ||
                    w.cdr/*plist*/ != Jlisp.nil ||
                    w.special != null ||
                    !(w.fn instanceof Undefined))
                    r = new Cons(w, r);
        return r;

class Oem_supervisorFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        return error(name + " not yet implemented");

class OpenFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2) throws Exception
        if (!(arg1 instanceof LispString)) 
            return error("argument 1 to open must be a string");
        String name = ((LispString)arg1).string;
        if (arg2 == Jlisp.lit[Lit.input])
        {   LispObject r = Jlisp.nil;
            {   r = new LispStream(
                    new BufferedReader(
                        new FileReader(LispStream.nameConvert(name))),
                    false, true);
            catch (FileNotFoundException e)
            {   return error("File " + name + " not found");
            return r;
        else if (arg2 == Jlisp.lit[Lit.output]) 
        {   LispObject r = Jlisp.nil;
            {   r = new LispOutputStream(name);
            catch (IOException e)
	    {   return error("File " + name + " can not be opened for output");
            return r;
        else if (arg2 == Jlisp.lit[Lit.append]) 
        {   LispObject r = Jlisp.nil;
            {   r = new LispOutputStream(name, true);
            catch (IOException e)
	    {   return error("File " + name + " can not be opened for output");
            return r;
        else return error(
            "argument 2 to open should be input, output or append");

// The system-coded primitive function ~OPEN opens a file, and takes a second
// argument that shows what options are wanted. See extracts from the CSL
// file "print.c" (included just below this comment) for an explanation 
// of the bits.
// This stuff is here so I can be almost ridiculously compatible with CSL
// since that makes it easier to share files with that world...
//(de open (a b)
//   (cond
//     ((eq b 'input) (!~open a (plus 1 64)))     % if-does-not-exist error
//     ((eq b 'output) (!~open a (plus 2 20 32))) % if-does-not-exist create,
//                                                % if-exists new-version
//     ((eq b 'append) (!~open a (plus 2 8 32)))  % if-exists append
//     (t (error "bad direction ~A in open" b))))
//(de binopen (a b)
//   (cond
//     ((eq b 'input) (!~open a (plus 1 64 128)))
//     ((eq b 'output) (!~open a (plus 2 20 32 128)))
//     ((eq b 'append) (!~open a (plus 2 8 32 128)))
//     (t (error "bad direction ~A in binopen" b))))
//(de pipe!-open (c d)
//   (cond
//     ((eq d 'input) (!~open c (plus 1 256)))
//     ((eq d 'output) (!~open c (plus 2 256)))
//     (t (error "bad direction ~A in pipe-open" d))))

// * The Common Lisp keywords for OPEN are a horrid mess. I arrange to decode
// * the syntax of the keywords in a Lisp-coded wrapper function, and in that
// * code I will also fill in default values for any that needs same. I then
// * pack all the information into a single integer, which has several
// * sub-fields
// *
// * x x xx xxx 00   direction PROBE
// * x x xx xxx 01             INPUT
// * x x xx xxx 10             OUTPUT
// * x x xx xxx 11             IO
// *
// * x x xx 000 xx   if-exists NIL
// * x x xx 001 xx             overwrite
// * x x xx 010 xx             append
// * x x xx 011 xx             rename
// * x x xx 100 xx             error
// * x x xx 101 xx             (new-version)
// * x x xx 110 xx             (supersede)
// * x x xx 111 xx             (rename-and-delete)
// *
// * x x 00 xxx xx   if-does-not-exist NIL
// * x x 01 xxx xx                     create
// * x x 10 xxx xx                     error
// *
// * x 0 xx xxx xx   regular text file
// * x 1 xx xxx xx   open for binary access
// *
// * 0 x xx xxx xx   regular file
// * 1 x xx xxx xx   open as a pipe
// */
//#define DIRECTION_MASK               0x3
//#define DIRECTION_PROBE              0x0
//#define DIRECTION_INPUT              0x1
//#define DIRECTION_OUTPUT             0x2
//#define DIRECTION_IO                 0x3
//#define IF_EXISTS_MASK               0x1c
//#define IF_EXISTS_NIL                0x00
//#define IF_EXISTS_OVERWRITE          0x04
//#define IF_EXISTS_APPEND             0x08
//#define IF_EXISTS_RENAME             0x0c
//#define IF_EXISTS_ERROR              0x10
//#define IF_EXISTS_NEW_VERSION        0x14
//#define IF_EXISTS_SUPERSEDE          0x18
//#define IF_MISSING_MASK              0x60
//#define IF_MISSING_NIL               0x00
//#define IF_MISSING_CREATE            0x20
//#define IF_MISSING_ERROR             0x40
//#define OPEN_BINARY                  0x80
//#define OPEN_PIPE                    0x100

class InternalOpenFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2) throws Exception
        if (!(arg1 instanceof LispString)) 
            return error("argument 1 to ~open must be a string");
        String name = ((LispString)arg1).string;
        int bits = ((LispSmallInteger)arg2).value;
        if ((bits & 0x100) != 0) return openPipe(name, bits);
        String localName = LispStream.nameConvert(name);
        File f = new File(localName);
        boolean x = f.exists();
        LispObject r;
        switch (bits & 3)
    case 0: // probe
            if (x) return Jlisp.lispTrue;
            else return Jlisp.nil;
    case 1: // read
            if (!x)
            {   switch (bits & 0x60)
            case 0x00: return Jlisp.nil;
            case 0x40: return Jlisp.error("File does not exist: " + name);
            default:   return Jlisp.error("File open mode unknown " +
            r = Jlisp.nil;
            {   r = new LispStream(
                    new BufferedReader(
                        new FileReader(f)),
                    false, true);
            catch (FileNotFoundException e) // should not happen!
            {   return error("File " + name + " not found");
            return r;
    case 2: // write
            r = Jlisp.nil;
            {   if (x)
                {   switch (bits & 0x1c)
                case 0x00: return Jlisp.nil;
                case 0x14: // new version: treat as overwrite...
                case 0x04: return new LispOutputStream(f);
// the "append" option seems to have to be opened based on a String not a File
                case 0x08: return new LispOutputStream(localName, true);
                case 0x10: return error("File already exists: " + name);
                default:   return error("Unsupported file open mode: " +
                else r = new LispOutputStream(f);
            catch (IOException e)
            {   return Jlisp.nil;
            return r;
    case 3: // input and output
            return error("simultaneous input+output mode files not supported");
        return Jlisp.nil;

    public LispObject openPipe(String name, int bits) throws Exception
        return error("pipes not supported by Java, it seems?");


class Open_libraryFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        return error(name + " not yet implemented");

class Open_urlFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        return error(name + " not yet implemented");

class OrderpFn extends BuiltinFunction
//  symbolic procedure ordp(u,v);
//     if null u then null v
//      else if null v then t
//      else if vectorp u then if vectorp v then ordpv(u,v) else atom v
//      else if atom u
//       then if atom v
//              then if numberp u then numberp v and not u<v
//                    else if idp v then orderp(u,v)
//                    else numberp v
//             else nil
//      else if atom v then t
//      else if car u=car v then ordp(cdr u,cdr v)
//      else if flagp(car u,'noncom)
//       then if flagp(car v,'noncom) then ordp(car u,car v) else t
//      else if flagp(car v,'noncom) then nil
//      else ordp(car u,car v);

    public LispObject op2(LispObject u, LispObject v) throws Exception
    {   if (ordp(u,v)) return Jlisp.lispTrue;
        else return Jlisp.nil;

    boolean ordp(LispObject u, LispObject v) throws Exception
        if (u == Jlisp.nil) return (v == Jlisp.nil);
        else if (v == Jlisp.nil) return true;
        else if (u instanceof LispVector)
	{  if (v instanceof LispVector) 
               return ordv((LispVector)u, (LispVector)v);
           else return v.atom;
        else if (u.atom)
	{   if (v.atom)
	    {   if (u instanceof LispNumber)
	        {   if (!(v instanceof LispNumber)) return false;
                    return (Fns.lessp(u, v) == Jlisp.nil);
                else if (v instanceof Symbol)
		{   if (!(u instanceof Symbol)) return false;
                    return ((Symbol)u).pname.compareTo(
                        ((Symbol)v).pname) <= 0;
                else return (v instanceof LispNumber);
            else return false;
        else if (v.atom) return true;
        LispObject cu = u, cv = v;
	LispObject caru =, carv =;
        if (caru.lispequals(carv))
	    return ordp(cu.cdr, cv.cdr);
        else if (Fns.get(caru, Jlisp.lit[Lit.noncom]) !=
	{   if (Fns.get(carv, Jlisp.lit[Lit.noncom]) !=
                return ordp(caru, carv);
            else return true;
        else if (Fns.get(carv, Jlisp.lit[Lit.noncom]) !=
            return false;
        else return ordp(caru, carv);

    boolean ordv(LispVector u, LispVector v)
        return false;

class Output_libraryFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        return error(name + " not yet implemented");

class PagelengthFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        return error(name + " not yet implemented");

class PairFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2) throws Exception
        if (!arg1.atom)
        {   if (!arg2.atom)
	    {    return new Cons(
                     new Cons(,,
                     op2(arg1.cdr, arg2.cdr));
            else return error("arg2 to pair is too short");
        else if (!arg2.atom)
            return error("arg2 to pair is too long");
        else return Jlisp.nil;

class PairpFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
    {   return arg1.atom ? Jlisp.nil :

class PeekchFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        return error(name + " not yet implemented");

class Pipe_openFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        return error(name + " not yet implemented");

class PlistFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1)
        return ((Symbol)arg1).cdr/*plist*/;

class PosnFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op0() throws Exception
        int n = ((LispStream)
        return LispInteger.valueOf(n);

class RestartFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        Jlisp.backtrace = false;
        throw new ProgEvent(ProgEvent.RESTART, arg1, "restart");
    public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2) throws Exception
        Jlisp.backtrace = false;
        throw new ProgEvent(ProgEvent.RESTART, arg1, arg2, "restart");

// (preserve [restartfn [initmsg]])
//                 dumps all state to a file specifed
//                 as "-o xxx.img" on the initial command-line.

class PreserveFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op0() throws Exception
        return op2(Jlisp.nil, Jlisp.nil); 

    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        return op2(arg1, Jlisp.nil);

    public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2) throws Exception
// Following the tradition from CSL when the user calls PRESERVE the
// system stops. This makes more sense than one might have thought since
// in the process of unwinding (via the ProgEvent you see here) all fluid
// variables are put back to their top level values. If I checkpointed
// the system more directly various local bindings might be captured, and
// I think that would be undesirable.
        if (Jlisp.outputImagePos < 0)
	    return Jlisp.error("No output image available");
        Jlisp.backtrace = false;
        throw new ProgEvent(ProgEvent.PRESERVE,
	    new Cons(arg1, arg2),

class SaveObjectFn extends BuiltinFunction

    public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2) throws Exception
	String name = ((LispString)arg1).string;
	GZIPOutputStream dump = null;
        {   dump = new GZIPOutputStream(
	               new BufferedOutputStream(
	                   new FileOutputStream(name),
	    Jlisp.dumpTree(arg2, dump);
        catch (IOException e)
        {   Jlisp.errprintln("IO error on dump file: " + e.getMessage());
	{   if (dump != null) dump.close();
        return Jlisp.nil;

class RestoreObjectFn extends BuiltinFunction

    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        return op2(arg1, LispInteger.valueOf(1));
    public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2) throws Exception
	String name = ((LispString)arg1).string;
// read item number n from the file concerned. Used to debug!
	int n = ((LispSmallInteger)arg2).value;
	LispObject r = Jlisp.nil;
	Jlisp.idump = null;
        {   GZIPInputStream dump = 
	        new GZIPInputStream(
		    new BufferedInputStream(
	                new FileInputStream(name),
	    Jlisp.idump = dump;
	    Jlisp.descendSymbols = false;
	    for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
	        r = Jlisp.readObject();
        catch (IOException e)
        {   Jlisp.errprintln("IO error on dump file: " + e.getMessage());
	{   if (Jlisp.idump != null) Jlisp.idump.close();
	if (r == null) return new LispString("<null>");
        else return r;

class PrinFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1)
        return arg1;

class Prin1Fn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1)
        return arg1;

class Prin2Fn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1)
        return arg1;

class Prin2aFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1)
        return arg1;

class PrinbinaryFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1)
        return arg1;

class PrincFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1)
        return arg1;

class Princ_downcaseFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1)
        return arg1;

class Princ_upcaseFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1)
        return arg1;

class PrinhexFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1)
        return arg1;

class PrinoctalFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1)
        return arg1;

class PrintFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1)
        return arg1;

class PrintcFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1)
        return arg1;

class PrintpromptFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        return error(name + " not yet implemented");

class Prog1Fn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op0()
        return Jlisp.nil;
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1)
        return arg1;
    public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2)
        return arg1;
    public LispObject opn(LispObject [] args)
        return args[0];

class Prog2Fn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op0()
         return Jlisp.nil;
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1)
         return Jlisp.nil;
    public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2)
        return arg2;
    public LispObject opn(LispObject [] args)
        return args[1];

class PrognFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op0()
         return Jlisp.nil;

    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1)
        return arg1;
    public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2)
        return arg2;
    public LispObject opn(LispObject [] args)
        return args[args.length-1];


class PutFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject opn(LispObject [] args) throws Exception
        if (args.length != 3)
            return error("put called with " + args.length +
                "args when 3 expected");
        return Fns.put((Symbol)args[0], args[1], args[2]);

class PuthashFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op2(LispObject key, LispObject value)
        ((LispHash)Jlisp.lit[Lit.hashtab]).hash.put(key, value);
        return value;
    public LispObject opn(LispObject [] args) throws Exception
        if (args.length != 3)
            return error("puthash called with " + args.length +
                "args when 2 or 3 expected");
        LispObject key = args[0];
        LispHash h = (LispHash)args[1];
        LispObject value = args[2];
        h.hash.put(key, value);
        return value;

class PutvFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject opn(LispObject [] args) throws Exception
        if (args.length != 3)
            return error("putv called with " + args.length +
                "args when 3 expected");
        LispVector v = (LispVector)args[0];
        LispSmallInteger n = (LispSmallInteger)args[1];
        int i = n.value;
        v.vec[i] = args[2];
        return args[2];


class Putv_charFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject opn(LispObject [] args) throws Exception
        if (args.length != 3)
            return error("putv-char called with " + args.length +
                "args when 3 expected");
        String v = ((LispString)args[0]).string;
        LispSmallInteger n = (LispSmallInteger)args[1];
        int i = n.value;
	char [] v1 = v.toCharArray();
	v1[i] = (char)(((LispSmallInteger)args[2]).value);
        ((LispString)args[0]).string = new String(v1);
        return args[2];

class Putv16Fn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        return error(name + " not yet implemented");

class Putv32Fn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        return error(name + " not yet implemented");

class Putv8Fn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        return error(name + " not yet implemented");

class QcaarFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1)

class QcadrFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception

class QcarFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception

class QcdarFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception

class QcddrFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        return arg1.cdr.cdr;

class QcdrFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        return arg1.cdr;

class QgetvFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2)
        LispVector v = (LispVector)arg1;
        return v.vec[((LispSmallInteger)arg2).value];

class QputvFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        return error(name + " not yet implemented");

class RassocFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        return error(name + " not yet implemented");

class RdfFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        if (!(arg1 instanceof LispString))
            return error("argument for rdf should be a string");
        String name = ((LispString)arg1).string;
        LispObject save = Jlisp.lit[Lit.std_input].car/*value*/;
	{   Jlisp.lit[Lit.std_input].car/*value*/ =
                new LispStream(
                    new BufferedReader(
                        new FileReader(LispStream.nameConvert(name))),
                    false, true);
            {   Jlisp.println();
	        // here I really want the simple READ-EVAL-PRINT
		// without any messing with any restart function.
                Jlisp.restarting = false; // just to be ultra-careful!
	    {   ((LispStream)Jlisp.lit[Lit.std_input].car/*value*/).close();
        catch (FileNotFoundException e)
	{   return error("Unable to read from \"" +
                         name + "\"");
	{   Jlisp.lit[Lit.std_input].car/*value*/ = save;
            Jlisp.println("+++ end of reading " + name);
        return Jlisp.nil;

class RdsFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1)
// The issue of what to select if the user says (rds nil) is a bit horrid
// here in terms of how it should react with the user also re-setting
// or re-binding !*std-input!* and the other related variables. Here I
// do something that probably works well enough for REDUCE...
        if (arg1 == Jlisp.nil) arg1 = Jlisp.lit[Lit.terminal_io].car/*value*/;
        LispObject prev = Jlisp.lit[Lit.std_input].car/*value*/;
        Jlisp.lit[Lit.std_input].car/*value*/ = (LispStream)arg1;
        return prev;

class ReadFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op0() throws Exception
        LispObject w = Jlisp.lit[Lit.eof];
	{   w =;
        catch (EOFException e)
        {   return Jlisp.lit[Lit.eof];
	catch (IOException e)
	{   Jlisp.errprintln("Reader error: " + e.getMessage());
	return w;

class ReadchFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op0() throws Exception
	{   int ch;
            {   ch = ((LispStream)Jlisp.lit[Lit.std_input].car/*value*/
            } while (ch == '\r');          // wary of Windows (& DOS)
            if (ch < 0) return Jlisp.lit[Lit.eof];
            else if (ch < 128) return Jlisp.chars[ch];
            else return Symbol.intern(String.valueOf((char)ch));
        catch (IOException e)
        {   return error("IO error detected in readch");

class ReadlineFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op0() throws Exception
        StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer();
        LispObject sr = Jlisp.lit[Lit.raise].car/*value*/;
        LispObject sl = Jlisp.lit[Lit.lower].car/*value*/;
        Jlisp.lit[Lit.raise].car/*value*/ = Jlisp.nil;
        Jlisp.lit[Lit.lower].car/*value*/ = Jlisp.nil;
	{   int c;
            boolean any = false;
            LispStream r = (LispStream)Jlisp.lit[Lit.std_input].car/*value*/;
	    while ((c = r.readChar()) != '\n' &&
	           c != -1)
	    {   if (c != '\r') 
                {   s.append((char)c);
                    any = true;
            if (c == -1 && !any) return Jlisp.lit[Lit.eof];
	    else return new LispString(new String(s));
	catch (IOException e)
        {   return error("IO error detected in readline");
        {   Jlisp.lit[Lit.raise].car/*value*/ = sr;
            Jlisp.lit[Lit.lower].car/*value*/ = sl;
    public LispObject op1(LispObject a1) throws Exception
        StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer();
        LispObject sr = Jlisp.lit[Lit.raise].car/*value*/;
        LispObject sl = Jlisp.lit[Lit.lower].car/*value*/;
        Jlisp.lit[Lit.raise].car/*value*/ = Jlisp.nil;
        Jlisp.lit[Lit.lower].car/*value*/ = Jlisp.nil;
	{   int c;
            boolean any = false;
            LispStream r = (LispStream)a1;
	    while ((c = r.readChar()) != '\n' &&
	           c != -1)
	    {   if (c != '\r')
                {   s.append((char)c);
                    any = true;
	    if (c == -1 && !any) return Jlisp.lit[Lit.eof];
	    else return new LispString(new String(s));
	catch (IOException e)
        {   return error("IO error detected in readline");
        {   Jlisp.lit[Lit.raise].car/*value*/ = sr;
            Jlisp.lit[Lit.lower].car/*value*/ = sl;

class ReclaimFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        return error(name + " not yet implemented");

class RemdFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        Symbol a = (Symbol)arg1;
	a.fn = new Undefined(a.pname);
	return a;

class RemflagFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2)
        while (!arg1.atom)
	{   LispObject p = arg1;
            Symbol s = (Symbol);
            arg1 = p.cdr;
            Fns.remprop(s, arg2);
        return Jlisp.nil;

class RemhashFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject key)
        LispObject r = (LispObject)
        if (r == null) r = Jlisp.nil;
        return r;
    public LispObject op2(LispObject key, LispObject table)
        LispHash h = (LispHash)table;
        LispObject r = (LispObject)h.hash.remove(key);
        if (r == null) r = Jlisp.nil;
        return r;
    public LispObject opn(LispObject [] args) throws Exception
        if (args.length != 3)
            return error("remhash called with " + args.length +
                "args when 1 to 3 expected");
        LispObject key = args[0];
        LispHash h = (LispHash)args[1];
        LispObject defaultValue = args[2];
        LispObject r = (LispObject)h.hash.remove(key);
        if (r == null) r = defaultValue;
        return r;

class RemobFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        return error(name + " not yet implemented");

class RempropFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2) throws Exception
        if (!(arg1 instanceof Symbol)) return Jlisp.nil;
        else return Fns.remprop((Symbol)arg1, arg2);

class Rename_fileFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2) throws Exception
        String s;
        if (arg1 instanceof Symbol) s = ((Symbol)arg1).pname;
        else if (arg1 instanceof LispString) s = ((LispString)arg1).string;
        else return Jlisp.nil;
        String s1;
        if (arg2 instanceof Symbol) s1 = ((Symbol)arg2).pname;
        else if (arg2 instanceof LispString) s1 = ((LispString)arg2).string;
        else return Jlisp.nil;
        return LispStream.fileRename(s, s1);

class RepresentationFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        return error(name + " not yet implemented");

class ReturnFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws ProgEvent
        Specfn.progEvent = Specfn.RETURN;
        Specfn.progData = arg1;
        return arg1;

class ReverseFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1)
        LispObject r = Jlisp.nil;
        while (!arg1.atom)
	{   LispObject a = arg1;
            r = new Cons(, r);
            arg1 = a.cdr;
        return r;

class ReversipFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1)
        LispObject r = Jlisp.nil;
        while (!arg1.atom)
	{   LispObject a = arg1;
            arg1 = a.cdr;
            a.cdr = r;
            r = a;
        return r;

class RplacaFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2) throws Exception
        if (arg1.atom) return error("bad arg to rplaca"); = arg2;
        return arg1;

class RplacdFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2) throws Exception
        if (arg1.atom) return error("bad arg to rplacd");
        arg1.cdr = arg2;
        return arg1;

class RplacwFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2) throws Exception
        if (arg1.atom || arg2.atom) return error("bad arg to rplacw"); =;
        arg1.cdr = arg2.cdr;
        return arg1;

class RseekFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        return error(name + " not yet implemented");

class RtellFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        return error(name + " not yet implemented");

class SampleFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        return error(name + " not yet implemented");

class SassocFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        return error(name + " not yet implemented");

class ScharFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2)
        int n = ((LispSmallInteger)arg2).value;
        String s = ((LispString)arg1).string;
        char ch = s.charAt(n);
        if (ch < 128) return Jlisp.chars[ch];
        else return Symbol.intern(String.valueOf((char)ch));

class SeprpFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        // blank end-of-line tab form-fee carriage-return
        if (arg1 == Jlisp.lit[] ||
	    arg1 == Jlisp.lit[Lit.newline] ||
	    arg1 == Jlisp.lit[] ||
	    arg1 == Jlisp.lit[Lit.formFeed] ||
	    arg1 == Jlisp.lit[])
	    return Jlisp.lispTrue;
	else return Jlisp.nil;

class SetFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2)
        ((Symbol)arg1).car/*value*/ = arg2;
        return arg2;

class Set_autoloadFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op2(LispObject name, LispObject data) throws Exception
	Symbol f = (Symbol)name;
	if (data.atom)
	    data = new Cons(data, Jlisp.nil);
	f.fn = new AutoLoad(f, data);
	return name;

class Set_help_fileFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        return error(name + " not yet implemented");

class Set_print_precisionFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        int n = Jlisp.printprec;
        Jlisp.printprec = ((LispSmallInteger)arg1).value;
        return LispInteger.valueOf(n);

class SetpcharFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        String old = Fns.prompt;
        if (old == null) old = "";     // just in case!
        if (arg1 instanceof LispString)
            Fns.prompt = ((LispString)arg1).string;
        else if (arg1 instanceof Symbol)
            Fns.prompt = ((Symbol)arg1).pname;
        else Fns.prompt = null;  // use system default
        return new LispString(old);

class Simple_string_pFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1)
        if (arg1 instanceof LispString) return Jlisp.lispTrue;
        else return Jlisp.nil;

class Simple_vector_pFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1)
        if (arg1 instanceof LispVector) return Jlisp.lispTrue;
        else return Jlisp.nil;

class SmemqFn extends BuiltinFunction

    public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2) throws Exception
        while (!arg2.atom)
	{   LispObject a = arg2;
            if ( == Jlisp.lit[Lit.quote]) return Jlisp.nil;
            else if (op2(arg1, != Jlisp.nil)
                return Jlisp.lispTrue;
            else arg2 = a.cdr;
        if (arg1 == arg2) return Jlisp.lispTrue;
        else return Jlisp.nil;

class SpacesFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1)
        int n = ((LispSmallInteger)arg1).value;
        for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
            Jlisp.print(" ");
        return Jlisp.nil;

class Special_charFn extends BuiltinFunction

    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        LispSmallInteger a = (LispSmallInteger)arg1;
        int n = a.value;
	LispObject [] t = Jlisp.lit;
	switch (n)
    case 0:  return t[];
    case 1:  return t[Lit.newline];
    case 2:  return t[Lit.backspace];
    case 3:  return t[];
    // case 4: vertical tab
    case 5:  return t[Lit.formFeed];
    case 6:  return t[];
    case 7:  return t[Lit.rubout];
    case 8:  return t[Lit.eof];
    // case 9: attention (^G ??)
    case 10: return t[Lit.escape];
    default: return Jlisp.nil;

class Special_form_pFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
    {   return (arg1 instanceof Symbol &&
                ((Symbol)arg1).special != null) ? 
               Jlisp.lispTrue :

class SpoolFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        return error(name + " not yet implemented");

class Start_moduleFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        return Fasl.startModule(arg1);

// (stop) exist from this Lisp.

class StopFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        Jlisp.backtrace = false;
        throw new ProgEvent(ProgEvent.STOP, arg1, "STOP function called");

class StreampFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1)
        return arg1 instanceof LispStream ?
               Jlisp.lispTrue : 

class StringpFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1)
        return arg1 instanceof LispString ? Jlisp.lispTrue :

class Stub1Fn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1)
        return Jlisp.nil;

class Stub2Fn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2)
	return Jlisp.nil;

class SublaFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op2(LispObject u, LispObject v) throws Exception
        if (u == Jlisp.nil ||
            v == Jlisp.nil) return v;
        else if (v.atom)
	{   while (!u.atom)
	    {   LispObject cu = u;
                u = cu.cdr;
                if ( continue;
                LispObject ccu =;
                if (v instanceof LispNumber)                   // @@@
                {   if (v.lispequals( return; // @@@
                }                                              // @@@
                else if ( == v) return ccu.cdr;
            return v;
        LispObject cv = v;
        LispObject y = new Cons(
            op2(u, cv.cdr));
        if (y.lispequals(v)) return v;
        else return y; 

class SublisFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op2(LispObject al, LispObject x) throws Exception
        LispObject a = al;
        while (!a.atom)
	{   LispObject c = a;
            a = c.cdr;
            if ( continue;
            LispObject cc =;
            if ( return cc.cdr;
        if (x.atom) return x;
        LispObject cx = x;
        LispObject aa = op2(al,;
        LispObject bb = op2(al, cx.cdr);
        if (aa == && bb == cx.cdr) return x;
        else return new Cons(aa, bb);

class SubstFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject opn(LispObject [] args) throws Exception
        if (args.length != 3)
            return error("subst called with " + args.length +
                "args when 1 to 3 expected");
        return subst(args[0], args[1], args[2]);

    LispObject subst(LispObject a, LispObject b, LispObject c)
        if (b.lispequals(c)) return a;
        if (c.atom) return c;
        LispObject cc = c;
        LispObject aa = subst(a, b,;
        LispObject bb = subst(a, b, cc.cdr);
        if (aa == && bb == cc.cdr) return c;
        else return new Cons(aa, bb);

class SxhashFn extends BuiltinFunction
{ // use md60 here...
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        LispStream f = new LispDigester();
        LispObject save = Jlisp.lit[Lit.std_output].car/*value*/;
        {   Jlisp.lit[Lit.std_output].car/*value*/ = f;
        {   Jlisp.lit[Lit.std_output].car/*value*/ = save;
        byte [] res =;
        return LispInteger.valueOf(new BigInteger(res).shiftRight(68));

class Symbol_argcountFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        return error(name + " not yet implemented");

class Symbol_envFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1)
        if (!(arg1 instanceof Symbol)) return Jlisp.nil;
        LispFunction f = ((Symbol)arg1).fn;
        if (f instanceof FnWithEnv)
            return new LispVector(((FnWithEnv)f).env);
        else return Jlisp.nil;

class Symbol_fastgetsFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        return error(name + " not yet implemented");

class Symbol_fn_cellFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        LispFunction f = ((Symbol)arg1).fn;
        if (f instanceof Undefined) return Jlisp.nil;
        else return f;

class Symbol_functionFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        return ((Symbol)arg1).fn;

class Symbol_make_fastgetFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1)
        return Jlisp.nil;
    public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2)
        return Jlisp.nil;

class Symbol_nameFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        return new LispString(((Symbol)arg1).pname);

class Symbol_protectFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        return error(name + " not yet implemented");

class Symbol_set_definitionFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2) throws Exception
        Symbol a1 = (Symbol)arg1;
        if (!arg2.atom)
	{   LispObject a2 = arg2;
	    if ( == Jlisp.lit[Lit.lambda])
	    {   a1.fn = new Interpreted(a2.cdr);
		return arg1;
	    else if ( instanceof LispInteger)
	    {   int nargs =;
                int nopts = nargs >> 8;
                int flagbits = nopts >> 8;
                int ntail = flagbits >> 2;
                nargs &= 0xff;
                nopts &= 0xff;
                flagbits &= 0x03;
// The next few cases are where a function is defined as a direct call
// to another, possibly discarding a few final args. Eg
//                          (de f (a b) (g a))
                if (ntail != 0)
                {   a1.fn = new CallAs(nargs, a2.cdr.cdr, ntail-1);
                    return arg1;
                a2 = a2.cdr;
                if (a2.atom) return Jlisp.nil;
                Bytecode b = (Bytecode);
                LispVector v = (LispVector)a2.cdr;
                if (flagbits != 0 || nopts != 0)
// What is happening here is a MESS inherited from CSL.
//   nopts = number of optional args wanted
//   flagbits & 1   "hard case": pass Spid.noarg not nil for missing opts
//   flagbits & 2    &rest arg present
                    b = new ByteOpt(b.bytecodes, v.vec, 
                                    nargs, nopts, flagbits);
                {   b.env = v.vec;
                    b.nargs = nargs;
                a1.fn = b;
		return arg1;
	    // Otherwise drop through and moan
	else if (arg2 instanceof Symbol)
	{   Symbol a2 = (Symbol)arg2;
	    a1.fn = a2.fn;
	    return arg1;
	else if (arg2 instanceof LispFunction)
	{   a1.fn = (LispFunction)arg2;
	    return arg1;
	// Unrecognised cases follow - just print a message
        Jlisp.print(" => ");
        return Jlisp.nil;

class Symbol_set_envFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2) throws Exception
        if (!(arg1 instanceof Symbol)) return Jlisp.nil;
        LispFunction f = ((Symbol)arg1).fn;
        if (f instanceof FnWithEnv) 
            ((FnWithEnv)f).env = ((LispVector)arg2).vec;
        else return Jlisp.nil; // quiet in case it fails?
        return arg2;

class Symbol_set_nativeFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        return error(name + " not yet implemented");

class Symbol_valueFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1)
        return ((Symbol)arg1).car/*value*/;

class SymbolpFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
    {   return arg1 instanceof Symbol ? Jlisp.lispTrue :

class SymerrFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        return error(name + " not yet implemented");

class SystemFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        {   Runtime r = Runtime.getRuntime();
        catch (IOException e)
        {   return Jlisp.nil;
        catch (SecurityException e)
        {   return Jlisp.nil;
	return Jlisp.lispTrue;

class TagbodyFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        return error(name + " not yet implemented");

class TerpriFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op0()
        return Jlisp.nil;

class ThreevectorpFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        if (arg1 instanceof LispVector &&
	    ((LispVector)arg1).vec.length == 3) return Jlisp.lispTrue;
	else return Jlisp.nil;

class ThrowFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        return error(name + " not yet implemented");

class TimeFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op0() throws Exception
        return LispInteger.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis());

class TmpnamFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        return error(name + " not yet implemented");

class TraceFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        while (!arg1.atom)
	{   Symbol n = (Symbol);
	    if (!(n.fn instanceof TracedFunction))
	        n.fn = new TracedFunction(n, n.fn);
	    arg1 = arg1.cdr;
        return Jlisp.nil;

class TracesetFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        return error(name + " not yet implemented");

class Traceset1Fn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        return error(name + " not yet implemented");

class TtabFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1)
        int n = ((LispSmallInteger)arg1).value;
        LispStream f = (LispStream)Jlisp.lit[Lit.std_output].car/*value*/;
        while (f.column < n) f.print(" ");
        return Jlisp.nil;

class TyoFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        return error(name + " not yet implemented");

class Undouble_executeFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        return error(name + " not yet implemented");

class UnfluidFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        return error(name + " not yet implemented");

class UnglobalFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        return error(name + " not yet implemented");

class UnionFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2) throws Exception
	while (!arg1.atom)
	{   LispObject a2 = arg2;
	    while (!a2.atom)
	    {   if ( break;
	        a2 = a2.cdr;
	    if (a2.atom)
	        arg2 = new Cons(, arg2);
	    arg1 = arg1.cdr;
	return arg2; 

class Unmake_globalFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        Fns.remprop((Symbol)arg1, Jlisp.lit[]);
        return Jlisp.nil;

class Unmake_specialFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        Fns.remprop((Symbol)arg1, Jlisp.lit[Lit.special]);
        return Jlisp.nil;

class UnreadchFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        return error(name + " not yet implemented");

class UntraceFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        while (!arg1.atom)
	{   Symbol n = (Symbol);
	    if (n.fn instanceof TracedFunction)
	        n.fn = ((TracedFunction)n.fn).fn;
	    arg1 = arg1.cdr;
        return Jlisp.nil;

class UntracesetFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        return error(name + " not yet implemented");

class Untraceset1Fn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        return error(name + " not yet implemented");

class Unwind_protectFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        return error(name + " not yet implemented");

class UpbvFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        int n;
        if (arg1 instanceof LispString)
	    n = ((LispString)arg1).string.length();
        else if (arg1 instanceof LispVector)
            n = ((LispVector)arg1).vec.length;
        else return Jlisp.nil;
        return LispInteger.valueOf(n-1);

class User_homedir_pathnameFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        return error(name + " not yet implemented");

class VectorpFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        if (arg1 instanceof LispVector) return Jlisp.lispTrue;
        else return Jlisp.nil;

class VerbosFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        int old = Jlisp.verbosFlag;
        if (arg1 instanceof LispInteger)
            Jlisp.verbosFlag = arg1.intValue();
        else if (arg1 == Jlisp.nil) Jlisp.verbosFlag = 0;
        else Jlisp.verbosFlag = 3;
        return LispInteger.valueOf(old);

class Where_was_thatFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op0() throws Exception
        return new Cons(
	    new LispString("Unknown file"),
	    new Cons(LispInteger.valueOf(-1), Jlisp.nil));

class Window_headingFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject a) throws Exception
        String s;
        if (a instanceof Symbol) s = ((Symbol)a).pname;
        else if (a instanceof LispString) s = ((LispString)a).string;
        else return Jlisp.nil;
// Note that I just dump this to output with no regard for Lisp output
// streams, buffering etc!
        if (Jlisp.standAlone) System.out.println(s);
            // in CWin case put string arg on window title-bar @@@@
        return Jlisp.nil;

class Startup_bannerFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject a) throws Exception
        // reset message displayed when Jlisp starts up @@@@
        // compressed heap images make this harder. I need to worry!
        return Jlisp.nil;

class Writable_librarypFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        return error(name + " not yet implemented");

class Write_help_moduleFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        return error(name + " not yet implemented");

class Write_moduleFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        if (Fasl.writer == null)
	    return error("no FASL file active in write-module");
	return Jlisp.nil;

class WrsFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1)
// see comments for Rds.
        if (arg1 == Jlisp.nil) arg1 = Jlisp.lit[Lit.terminal_io].car/*value*/;
        LispObject prev = Jlisp.lit[Lit.std_output].car/*value*/;
        Jlisp.lit[Lit.std_output].car/*value*/ = (LispStream)arg1;
        return prev;

class XassocFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        return error(name + " not yet implemented");

class XconsFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op2(LispObject arg1, LispObject arg2)
        return new Cons(arg2, arg1);

class XdifferenceFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        return error(name + " not yet implemented");

class XtabFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1)
        int n = ((LispSmallInteger)arg1).value;
        LispStream f = (LispStream)Jlisp.lit[Lit.std_output].car/*value*/;
        for (int i=0; i<n; i++) f.print(" ");
        return Jlisp.nil;

class TyiFn extends BuiltinFunction
    public LispObject op1(LispObject arg1) throws Exception
        return error(name + " not yet implemented");


// end of

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