<b><a href=r37_idx.html>INDEX</a></b><p><p>
<B>ECHO</B> _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ <B>switch</B><P>
The <em>echo</em> switch is normally off for top-level entry, and on when files
are brought in. If <em>echo</em> is turned on at the top level, your input
statements are echoed to the screen (thus appearing twice). Default
<em>off</em> (but note default <em>on</em> for files).
If you want to display certain portions of a file and not others, use the
commands <em>off echo</em> and <em>on echo</em> inside the file. If you want
no display of the file, use the input command
<em>in</em> filename<em>$</em>
rather than using the semicolon delimiter.
Be careful when you use commands within a file to generate another file.
Since <em>echo</em> is on for files, the output file echoes input statements
(unlike its behavior from the top level). You should explicitly turn off
<em>echo</em> when writing output, and turn it back on when you're done.