// This file is part of the Jlisp implementation of Standard Lisp
// Copyright \u00a9 (C) Codemist Ltd, 1998-2000.
import java.io.*;
class PDSInputStream extends InputStream
PDS pds;
long savedPosition;
int left;
PDSInputStream(PDS pds, String member) throws IOException
this.pds = pds;
if (pds == null || (pds.f == null && pds.data == null))
throw new IOException("PDS member " + member + " not found");
Object on = pds.directory.get(member);
if (on == null)
throw new IOException("PDS member " + member + " not found");
left = ((PDSEntry)on).len;
savedPosition = pds.getFilePointer();
public int available()
return left;
public void close() throws IOException
public boolean markSupported()
return false;
public int read() throws IOException
if (left <= 0) return -1;
{ left--;
return pds.read();
public int read(byte [] b) throws IOException
return read(b, 0, b.length);
public int read(byte [] b, int off, int len) throws IOException
if (left <= 0) return -1;
if (left < len) len = left;
int n = pds.read(b, off, len);
left -= n;
return n;
// end of PDSInputStream.java