% Parse-Command-String.SL - Parse Program Command String
% Author: Alan Snyder
% Hewlett-Packard/CRC
% Date: 10 August 1982
(BothTimes (load common fast-vector))
(de parse-command-string (s)
% This procedure accepts a string and parses it into a sequence
% of substrings separated by spaces. It is used to parse the
% "command string" given to the PSL program when it is invoked.
(let (s-list j
(high (size s))
(i 0))
(while T
% Scan for the beginning of an argument.
(while (<= i high)
(cond ((= (igets s i) (char space))
(setq i (+ i 1))
(t (exit)))
(if (> i high) (exit))
% Scan for the end of the argument.
(setq j i)
(while (<= j high)
(cond ((= (igets s j) (char space))
(t (setf j (+ j 1))))
(setq s-list (aconc s-list (substring s i j)))
(setq i (+ j 1))