% Move-Commands.SL - NMODE Move commands
% Author: Alan Snyder
% Hewlett-Packard/CRC
% Date: 23 August 1982
% Revised: 17 February 1983
% 17-Feb-83 Alan Snyder
% Bug fix: permanent goal column wasn't permanent.
% 18-Nov-82 Alan Snyder
% Added move-up-list, move-over-list, and move-over-defun commands.
% Changed skip-forward-blanks and skip-backward-blanks.
(CompileTime (load objects fast-int))
(fluid '(nmode-current-buffer
% Internal static variables:
(fluid '(nmode-goal-column % permanent goal (set by user)
nmode-temporary-goal-column % temporary goal within cmd sequence
nmode-goal-column-functions % cmds that don't reset temp goal
(setf nmode-goal-column nil)
(setf nmode-temporary-goal-column nil)
(setf nmode-goal-column-functions
(function move-down-command)
(function move-down-extending-command)
(function move-up-command)
(function set-goal-column-command)
(de move-to-buffer-start-command ()
(de move-to-buffer-end-command ()
(de move-to-start-of-line-command ()
(current-buffer-goto (+ (current-line-pos) (- nmode-command-argument 1)) 0)
(de move-to-end-of-line-command ()
(de set-goal-column-command ()
(cond ((= nmode-command-argument 1)
(setf nmode-goal-column (current-display-column))
(write-prompt (BldMsg "Goal Column = %p" nmode-goal-column))
(setf nmode-goal-column NIL)
(write-prompt "No Goal Column")
(de setup-goal-column ()
% If this is the first in a new (potential) sequence of up/down commands,
% then set the temporary goal column for that sequence of commands.
(if (not (memq nmode-previous-command-function nmode-goal-column-functions))
(setf nmode-temporary-goal-column (current-display-column)))
(de goto-goal-column ()
% Move the cursor to the current goal column, which is the permanent goal
% column (if set by the user) or the temporary goal column (otherwise).
(cond (nmode-goal-column
(set-display-column nmode-goal-column))
(set-display-column nmode-temporary-goal-column))
(de move-up-command ()
(set-line-pos (- (current-line-pos) nmode-command-argument))
(de move-down-extending-command ()
(when (and (not nmode-command-argument-given) (current-line-is-last?))
(let ((old-pos (buffer-get-position)))
(buffer-set-position old-pos)
(de move-down-command ()
(set-line-pos (+ (current-line-pos) nmode-command-argument))
(de exchange-point-and-mark ()
(let ((old-mark (current-mark)))
(previous-mark) % pop off the old mark
(set-mark-from-point) % push the new one
(buffer-set-position old-mark)
% Skipping Blanks
(de char-blank-or-newline? (ch)
(or (char-blank? ch) (= ch #\LF)))
(de skip-forward-blanks ()
% Skip over "blanks", return the first non-blank character seen.
% Cursor is positioned to the left of that character.
(while (and (not (at-buffer-end?))
(char-blank-or-newline? (next-character))
(de skip-backward-blanks ()
% Skip backwards over "blanks", return the first non-blank character seen.
% Cursor is positioned to the right of that character.
(while (and (not (at-buffer-start?))
(char-blank-or-newline? (previous-character))
% Move-Over-Characters commands
(de move-forward-character-command ()
(if (not (move-over-characters nmode-command-argument))
(de move-backward-character-command ()
(if (not (move-over-characters (- nmode-command-argument)))
% Move-Over-Word commands
(de move-forward-word-command ()
(if (not (move-over-words nmode-command-argument))
(de move-backward-word-command ()
(if (not (move-over-words (- nmode-command-argument)))
(de move-over-words (n)
% Move forward (n>0) or backwards (n<0) over |n| words. Return T if the
% specified number of words were found, NIL otherwise. The cursor remains at
% the last word found.
(let ((flag T))
(while (and (> n 0) (setf flag (move-forward-word)))
(setf n (- n 1)))
(while (and (< n 0) (setf flag (move-backward-word)))
(setf n (+ n 1)))
% Move-Over-Form commands
(de move-forward-form-command ()
(if (not (move-over-forms nmode-command-argument))
(de move-backward-form-command ()
(if (not (move-over-forms (- nmode-command-argument)))
(de move-over-forms (n)
% Move forward (n>0) or backwards (n<0) over |n| forms. Return T if the
% specified number of forms were found, NIL otherwise. The cursor remains at
% the last form found.
(let ((flag T))
(while (and (> n 0) (setf flag (move-forward-form)))
(setf n (- n 1)))
(while (and (< n 0) (setf flag (move-backward-form)))
(setf n (+ n 1)))
% Move-Up-List commands
(de forward-up-list-command ()
(if (not (move-up-lists nmode-command-argument))
(de backward-up-list-command ()
(if (not (move-up-lists (- nmode-command-argument)))
(de move-up-lists (n)
% Move forward (n>0) or backwards (n<0) out of |n| lists (structures).
% Return T if the specified number of brackets were found, NIL otherwise.
% The cursor remains at the last bracket found.
(let ((flag T))
(while (and (> n 0) (setf flag (move-forward-up-list)))
(setf n (- n 1)))
(while (and (< n 0) (setf flag (move-backward-up-list)))
(setf n (+ n 1)))
% Move-Over-List commands
% Note: In EMACS, these commands were motivated by the fact that EMACS did
% not understand Lisp comments. Thus, in EMACS, move-forward-list could be
% used as a move-forward-form that ignored comments. Since NMODE does
% understand comments, it is not clear that these commands have any use.
(de move-forward-list-command ()
(if (not (move-over-lists nmode-command-argument))
(de move-backward-list-command ()
(if (not (move-over-lists (- nmode-command-argument)))
(de move-over-lists (n)
% Move forward (n>0) or backwards (n<0) over |n| lists (structures).
% Return T if the specified number of lists were found, NIL otherwise.
% The cursor remains at the last list found.
(let ((flag T))
(while (and (> n 0) (setf flag (move-forward-list)))
(setf n (- n 1)))
(while (and (< n 0) (setf flag (move-backward-list)))
(setf n (+ n 1)))
% Move-Over-Defun commands
(de move-forward-defun-command ()
(if (not (move-over-defuns nmode-command-argument))
(de move-backward-defun-command ()
(if (not (move-over-defuns (- nmode-command-argument)))
(de move-over-defuns (n)
% Move forward (n>0) or backwards (n<0) over |n| defuns.
% Return T if the specified number of defuns were found, NIL otherwise.
% The cursor remains at the last defun found.
(let ((flag T))
(while (and (> n 0) (setf flag (move-forward-defun)))
(setf n (- n 1)))
(while (and (< n 0) (setf flag (move-backward-defun)))
(setf n (+ n 1)))
% Basic Character Movement Primitives
(de move-over-characters (n)
% Move forward (n>0) or backwards (n<0) over |n| characters. Return T if the
% specified number of characters were found, NIL otherwise. The cursor
% remains at the last character found.
(let ((flag T))
(while (and (> n 0) (setf flag (move-forward-character)))
(setf n (- n 1)))
(while (and (< n 0) (setf flag (move-backward-character)))
(setf n (+ n 1)))
(de move-forward-character ()
% Move forward one character. If there is no next character, leave cursor
% unchanged and return NIL; otherwise, return T.
(if (at-buffer-end?)
(de move-backward-character ()
% Move backward one character. If there is no previous character, leave
% cursor unchanged and return NIL; otherwise, return T.
(if (at-buffer-start?)
% Basic Character Movement Primitives (Hacking Tabs Version)
(de move-over-characters-hacking-tabs (n)
% Move forward (n>0) or backwards (n<0) over |n| characters. Return T if the
% specified number of characters were found, NIL otherwise. The cursor
% remains at the last character found.
(let ((flag T))
(while (and (> n 0) (setf flag (move-forward-character-hacking-tabs)))
(setf n (- n 1)))
(while (and (< n 0) (setf flag (move-backward-character-hacking-tabs)))
(setf n (+ n 1)))
(de move-forward-character-hacking-tabs ()
% Move forward one character. If the next character is a tab, first
% replace it with the appropriate number of spaces. If there is no next
% character, leave cursor unchanged and return NIL; otherwise, return T.
(if (at-buffer-end?)
(cond ((= (next-character) (char TAB))
(let ((n (- 8 (& (current-display-column) 7))))
(insert-string (substring " " 0 n))
(set-char-pos (- (current-char-pos) n))
(de move-backward-character-hacking-tabs ()
% Move backward one character. If the previous character is a tab, first
% replace it with the appropriate number of spaces. If there is no previous
% character, leave cursor unchanged and return NIL; otherwise, return T.
(if (at-buffer-start?)
(cond ((= (previous-character) (char TAB))
(let ((n (- 8 (& (current-display-column) 7))))
(insert-string (substring " " 0 n))
% Basic Word Movement Primitives
(de word-char? (ch)
(or (AlphanumericP ch) (= ch (char -))))
(de move-forward-word ()
% Move forward one "word", starting from point. Leave cursor to the
% right of the "word". If there is no next word, leave cursor unchanged
% and return NIL; otherwise, return T.
(let ((old-pos (buffer-get-position)))
(while (and (not (at-buffer-end?)) % scan for start of word
(not (word-char? (next-character)))
(cond ((at-buffer-end?)
(buffer-set-position old-pos)
(while (and (not (at-buffer-end?)) % scan for end of word
(word-char? (next-character))
(de move-backward-word ()
% Move backward one "word", starting from point. Leave cursor to the left of
% the "word". If there is no previous word, leave cursor unchanged and
% return NIL; otherwise, return T.
(let ((old-pos (buffer-get-position)))
(while (and (not (at-buffer-start?)) % scan for end of word
(not (word-char? (previous-character)))
(cond ((at-buffer-start?)
(buffer-set-position old-pos)
(while (and (not (at-buffer-start?)) % scan for start of word
(word-char? (previous-character))